14M lose coverage under GOP health bill: Congress’ analyst

Actually by receiving 3 million more votes, Hillary did win. At least we know who the voters wanted

Ah, another snowflake who flunked out of school before civics was introduced.

This is why you're a Communist.
Did the voters want Trump?

In 38 states out of 50, they did. That's why he won 306 to 224

Take a civics class, snowflake.
How about 3 million votes? Thats what Rump lost by.
The legal citizen voters, yes, sure did.
Once again we have the same Trump narrative without a single ounce of proof
Anyone with a lick of sense knows that the Dimmocrats are stone walling Voter ID laws so that illegals can continue to vote for them, not to mention the motor voter laws and laas allowing illegals to get drivers licenses.
Illegals dont vote, NO one has proven that they do. Now as to drivers licenses, they merely allow illegals, require illegals to obtain auto insurance and nothing more
Need we say any more?
WASHINGTON — Nonpartisan analysts project that 14 million people would lose coverage next year under the House bill dismantling former President Barack Obama’s health care law. The estimate is a blow to Republicans.

Monday’s estimate by the Congressional Budget Office says the number of uninsured would grow to 24 million by 2026.

The projections give fuel to opponents who warn the measure would toss millions of voters off insurance plans. Criticism has come from Democrats, Republicans from states that benefit from Obama’s law and many corners of the health-care industry.

President Donald Trump backs the GOP plan.
probably will be more, cause that says absolutely nothing. LOL. What it actually says is those who paid in to be compliant may opt out if they want without a penalty like obummercare had. Funny eh? people who don't want insurance won't have to buy it. That's the number they're referencing. learn something.
Comical shit....

How many lost insurance , their plans, doctors , and had to pay massive increases in premiums for substandard plans under obamas imploding commicare ponzi scheme ???
The legal citizen voters, yes, sure did.
Once again we have the same Trump narrative without a single ounce of proof
Anyone with a lick of sense knows that the Dimmocrats are stone walling Voter ID laws so that illegals can continue to vote for them, not to mention the motor voter laws and laas allowing illegals to get drivers licenses.
Illegals dont vote, NO one has proven that they do. Now as to drivers licenses, they merely allow illegals, require illegals to obtain auto insurance and nothing more
sure illegals vote, wow, how can you be so wrong? it's off topic as well.
The legal citizen voters, yes, sure did.
Once again we have the same Trump narrative without a single ounce of proof
Anyone with a lick of sense knows that the Dimmocrats are stone walling Voter ID laws so that illegals can continue to vote for them, not to mention the motor voter laws and laas allowing illegals to get drivers licenses.
Illegals dont vote, NO one has proven that they do. Now as to drivers licenses, they merely allow illegals, require illegals to obtain auto insurance and nothing more
sure illegals vote, wow, how can you be so wrong? it's off topic as well.
Sadly for you, you lack a single ounce of proof. All you got is hate. Remember when your leader told us that 3-5 million illegals voted? He never came up with a single ounce of proof.
This is why you're a Communist.
Did the voters want Trump?
The legal citizen voters, yes, sure did.
Once again we have the same Trump narrative without a single ounce of proof

Poor snowflake, refuses to accept the results of the election. Say, didn't Hillary call people like you a "threat to democracy?"

Yep, she sure did.

You lost, spend your effort on understanding why America rejected your message.
Need we say any more?
WASHINGTON — Nonpartisan analysts project that 14 million people would lose coverage next year under the House bill dismantling former President Barack Obama’s health care law. The estimate is a blow to Republicans.

Monday’s estimate by the Congressional Budget Office says the number of uninsured would grow to 24 million by 2026.

The projections give fuel to opponents who warn the measure would toss millions of voters off insurance plans. Criticism has come from Democrats, Republicans from states that benefit from Obama’s law and many corners of the health-care industry.

President Donald Trump backs the GOP plan.

Yeah, 14 million young healthy people will no longer carry health insurance because they wont be under threat of imprisonment and fines for not carrying excessive amounts of insurance that they do not need.

In other news, millions of Americans who had to pay excessive taxes for 'cadelac insurance plans' will be no longer targeted for that special tax. Dimmocrats call it a "windfall for the most wealthy of Americans" in news at 11.
I don't think that's what the CBO found. Those young folks didn't buy insurance, unless they were fools.
The question is whether those people who lose coverage, working families, will see increased ability to access healthcare because they keep their subsidy and can buy HC directly w/o insurance. And that we cannot know, because we don't know what the bill will eventually be that is sent to Trump.
you must have missed the tax credit that was introduced that replaced the subsidy. And that is also explained how they came up with that element of the plan.

Illegals dont vote, NO one has proven that they do. Now as to drivers licenses, they merely allow illegals, require illegals to obtain auto insurance and nothing more

Well, that's a lie snowflake. Regardless, California does not dictate who will be president.

Find your safe place and go cry.
This is why you're a Communist.
Did the voters want Trump?
The legal citizen voters, yes, sure did.
Once again we have the same Trump narrative without a single ounce of proof

Poor snowflake, refuses to accept the results of the election. Say, didn't Hillary call people like you a "threat to democracy?"

Yep, she sure did.

You lost, spend your effort on understanding why America rejected your message.
How does AMERICA reject a 3 million vote winner?
14,000,000? 20,000,000? 24,000,000?

Doesn't matter. Those of us who ARE covered will pay for their doctor, hospital and emergency room visits with higher premiums, costs and taxes.

No problem! We'll take care of it!


Illegals dont vote, NO one has proven that they do. Now as to drivers licenses, they merely allow illegals, require illegals to obtain auto insurance and nothing more

Well, that's a lie snowflake. Regardless, California does not dictate who will be president.

Find your safe place and go cry.
Whats a lie- be specific
14,000,000? 20,000,000? 24,000,000?

Doesn't matter. Those of us who ARE covered will pay for their doctor, hospital and emergency room visits with higher premiums, costs and taxes.

No problem! We'll take care of it!

Everyone enjoys paying higher, and needless, premiums.
This is why you're a Communist.
Did the voters want Trump?
The legal citizen voters, yes, sure did.
Once again we have the same Trump narrative without a single ounce of proof

Poor snowflake, refuses to accept the results of the election. Say, didn't Hillary call people like you a "threat to democracy?"

Yep, she sure did.

You lost, spend your effort on understanding why America rejected your message.
How does AMERICA reject a 3 million vote winner?

Because AMERICA is 50 states, you drooling retard.

3 Million in California does not negate the will of those in Florida or Texas.

Find a safe space and go cry.
Did the voters want Trump?
The legal citizen voters, yes, sure did.
Once again we have the same Trump narrative without a single ounce of proof

Poor snowflake, refuses to accept the results of the election. Say, didn't Hillary call people like you a "threat to democracy?"

Yep, she sure did.

You lost, spend your effort on understanding why America rejected your message.
How does AMERICA reject a 3 million vote winner?

Because AMERICA is 50 states, you drooling retard.

3 Million in California does not negate the will of those in Florida or Texas.

Find a safe space and go cry.
Millions another states as well

Illegals dont vote, NO one has proven that they do. Now as to drivers licenses, they merely allow illegals, require illegals to obtain auto insurance and nothing more

Well, that's a lie snowflake. Regardless, California does not dictate who will be president.

Find your safe place and go cry.
Whats a lie- be specific
14,000,000? 20,000,000? 24,000,000?

Doesn't matter. Those of us who ARE covered will pay for their doctor, hospital and emergency room visits with higher premiums, costs and taxes.

No problem! We'll take care of it!

Everyone enjoys paying higher, and needless, premiums.

You lied that no one has proven illegals voting.

Since I've been in threads WITH you reciting your hating points from the Soros sites, where such proof was shown, you are directly lying.

You're not mistaken, you're outright lying - which is a common theme among you Stalinists.

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