14M lose coverage under GOP health bill: Congress’ analyst


I don't agree. The main purpose of Obama's fascistcare was to provide a guaranteed income stream to well connected looters. Why do you think Blue Cross and Kaiser pushed so hard to get it through?

To me the Obamacare subsidies were a backdoor way for slave reparations. A way to give Blacks the same entitlement to health insurance as the mostly more White paying customers earned and the Whites paid for it.
28 Million have refused to sign up for Obamacare.

"While millions of people have gained coverage through the Affordable Care Act, an estimated 28 million Americans remain uninsured. And preliminary data shows that about 5.6 million paid a tax penalty rather than buy health insurance in 2015, according to The New York Times. Now the future of Obamacare is uncertain.Nov 28, 2016"

These people are opting out of Obamacare - Nov. 28, 2016


The 5.6 Million are part of the 14 Million figure. The additional 8 Million are people that were mandated to buy Government Run Health Insurance and who will drop out of it , the second they are allowed to.

Deal With It Lefty.

Your own lies and misinformation will always bite you in THE ASS!

Liberals are sick ? Really? Where are you getting that load of ignorant equine excrement from? This 69 year old liberal works out for 2.5 hours 5 days a week, 1 hr on my two "rest days" , eats a vegetarian diet and has a body mass index of 22. So shut up.

This 69 year old Conservative says that Moon Bats are sick in the mind.

If you are a Moon Bat that believes in taking money away from the people that earn it to pay the health care bills of the fat ass welfare queens sitting around all day long drinking Colt Malt Liquor and smoking joints then you are sick in the mind, wouldn't you agree?
What the hell does all of this have to do with welfare queens dip shit ?. You have proven time and again that you are unable to have a reasonable and intelligent conversation on this topic

Because the whole purpose of Obamacare was to provide insurance subsides to the welfare queens.

You know who they are don't you? They are the greedy assholes that want somebody else to pay their bills. The diphits that are the core of the Democrat voting block. The ones that use the government to steal on their behalf.

Before Obamacare the welfare queens could get health care but they had to go through free clinics and apply for welfare etc. That stigma of being on welfare pissed off the stupid Moon Bats. They wanted to put the welfare queens in the same doctor office as responsible people.

Obamacare established a filthy ass entitlement to the same insurance that the paying customers got. That is despicable because of course it came at a great cost of increased premiums, increased co payments and increased deductibles to the people that earned the money to pay for the insurance. You know, the ones that are not part of that filthy ass Democrat core voting block.

Ryancare is not going to fix any of the structural problems with the entitlement. There will still be subsidies to the welfare queens and that is morally wrong. It will just have another name. Thievery is always wrong no matter if you label it as a subsidy or a tax credit.
I can't even take you seriously anymore. You're not worth my time.

I can't even take you seriously anymore. You're not worth my time.

You can't take criticism of your Libtard welfare state., can you?

You Moon Bats think anybody take your welfare subsidy rantings seriously?

Why do you think Trump won? He won in part because he promised to repeal Obamacare.

Think about that a little bit and then get back to me.

I can't even take you seriously anymore. You're not worth my time.

You can't take criticism of your Libtard welfare state., can you?

You Moon Bats think anybody take your welfare subsidy rantings seriously?

Why do you think Trump won? He won in part because he promised to repeal Obamacare.

Think about that a little bit and then get back to me.
He won in part because he lied about so many things including that everyone would have great health care coverage. His supports were stupid enough to believe him. Think about that and get back to me.

However, there are one or two of his supports who know better

Top Trump backer: It’s time to throw Paul Ryan and his health care ‘death wish’ under the bus

I can't even take you seriously anymore. You're not worth my time.

You can't take criticism of your Libtard welfare state., can you?

You Moon Bats think anybody take your welfare subsidy rantings seriously?

Why do you think Trump won? He won in part because he promised to repeal Obamacare.

Think about that a little bit and then get back to me.
He won in part because he lied about so many things including that everyone would have great health care coverage. His supports were stupid enough to believe him. Think about that and get back to me.

However, there are one or two of his supports who know better

Top Trump backer: It’s time to throw Paul Ryan and his health care ‘death wish’ under the bus
Here is more for you to chew on

White House analysis of Obamacare repeal sees even deeper insurance losses than CBO
End the Mandate. If that happens, there will be less Americans insured. But it'll be by choice. If the Mandate isn't removed, i'll consider this replacement a huge Republican failure.
More bad news....

CBO: Defunding Planned Parenthood will lead to unplanned parenthood for thousands

Republicans are planning to use Trumpcare to defund Planned Parenthood, which currently receives Medicaid funding to provide birth control, cancer screenings, and other care to low-income people. What could possibly go wrong? Well, according to the Congressional Budget Office, this:

The analysts estimated that excluding the women’s health organization from the Medicaid program for one year, as congressional Republicans have proposed, would particularly affect low-income areas and communities without many health care options, leaving 15 percent of those people “without services that help women avert pregnancy.”


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Dims want you to believe that 14 million will lose their healthcare, when the truth is millions will drop out by choice since they no longer will be forced to pay.

You....you do realize that the republican plan cuts medicaid, cuts subsidies and lifts certain limits on how much an insurance company can charge for the elderly.....right?

For example (bold added for emphasis):

"If Obamacare were still in place in its current form a decade from now, a 64-year-old earning $26,500, or just less than twice the federal poverty level, would pay $1,700 for premiums in a year after accounting for federal assistance. Under the GOP plan, a 64-year-old at the same income level would pay $14,600 in premiums for coverage that would also have higher out-of-pocket costs."

5 takeaways from the CBO's report on Obamacare repeal

And 820% increase in premiums along with higher out of pocket costs......and your narrative is that people would only lose coverage because they're 'no longer forced to pay for coverage'?


.......good luck with that.
End the Mandate. If that happens, there will be less Americans insured. But it'll be by choice. If the Mandate isn't removed, i'll consider this replacement a huge Republican failure.
Brilliant! Just freakin brilliant!!

I've always said the Mandate was Un-American. If removed, there will be less insured. But it'll be a choice. The CBO number is a bit misleading on that issue.
End the Mandate. If that happens, there will be less Americans insured. But it'll be by choice. If the Mandate isn't removed, i'll consider this replacement a huge Republican failure.
Brilliant! Just freakin brilliant!!

I've always said the Mandate was Un-American. If removed, there will be less insured. But it'll be a choice. The CBO number is a bit misleading on that issue.

Should buying car insurance also be optional?
End the Mandate. If that happens, there will be less Americans insured. But it'll be by choice. If the Mandate isn't removed, i'll consider this replacement a huge Republican failure.
Brilliant! Just freakin brilliant!!

I've always said the Mandate was Un-American. If removed, there will be less insured. But it'll be a choice. The CBO number is a bit misleading on that issue.

Should buying car insurance also be optional?

Apples & Oranges.
End the Mandate. If that happens, there will be less Americans insured. But it'll be by choice. If the Mandate isn't removed, i'll consider this replacement a huge Republican failure.
Brilliant! Just freakin brilliant!!

I've always said the Mandate was Un-American. If removed, there will be less insured. But it'll be a choice. The CBO number is a bit misleading on that issue.

Should buying car insurance also be optional?

Apples & Oranges.

Risk pools.
End the Mandate. If that happens, there will be less Americans insured. But it'll be by choice. If the Mandate isn't removed, i'll consider this replacement a huge Republican failure.
Brilliant! Just freakin brilliant!!

I've always said the Mandate was Un-American. If removed, there will be less insured. But it'll be a choice. The CBO number is a bit misleading on that issue.

Should buying car insurance also be optional?

Apples & Oranges.

Risk pools.

End the Mandate. Period, end of story.
End the Mandate. If that happens, there will be less Americans insured. But it'll be by choice. If the Mandate isn't removed, i'll consider this replacement a huge Republican failure.
Brilliant! Just freakin brilliant!!

I've always said the Mandate was Un-American. If removed, there will be less insured. But it'll be a choice. The CBO number is a bit misleading on that issue.
It won't be a choice for the ones who can't afford insurance when rates skyrocket because then, the insures will only be carrying the sick. It won't be voluntary for those who are turned away for pre existing conditions, and make know mistake about it- the system will not allow for such coverage without a mandate-despite what the lying sack of shits are saying. What is un-American is turning your back on the most vulnerable among us.
This is why you're a Communist.
Did the voters want Trump?
The legal citizen voters, yes, sure did.
Once again we have the same Trump narrative without a single ounce of proof

Poor snowflake, refuses to accept the results of the election. Say, didn't Hillary call people like you a "threat to democracy?"

Yep, she sure did.

You lost, spend your effort on understanding why America rejected your message.
How does AMERICA reject a 3 million vote winner?
winner of what? where and what did she win? how big was that landslide victory by trump? Who occupies the White House? Who is setting policy, who is nominating Supreme Court Justice? hmm winner/ excuse me, cough, cough while I laugh....

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