14M lose coverage under GOP health bill: Congress’ analyst

The government should never be in the business of making people buy health insurance, mandating health insurance requirements, taxing it or giving subsidies for it.

Obamacare sucks. Ryancare sucks a little less.
See above

My contention is that we don't need the the filthy ass government involved at all in healthcare. That should be between an individual and their doctor and the insurance company if the individual chose to have insurance.

All government interference is bad. We know how bad Obamacare was. It drove up the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles to the paying customers while at the same time provided another freebee for the welfare queens and illegal aliens. It even increased taxes. How stupid was that? Pretty bad, huh? We know how it failed.

I suspect Ryancare will also not be very good either but we need to see the results of the three phases before we come to that conclusion. Anything except full blown socialized medicine would be better than Obamacare. Obamacare set such a low bar that it will be easy to improve on it.
The free market works out great when you are well. Not so much when you are sick
14 million voters won't be happy

Which is why Hillary won!
Actually by receiving 3 million more votes, Hillary did win. At least we know who the voters wanted

No, voter turnout in heavily populated areas that usually vote blue, in a very divided election accounts for the extra 3 million. Despite that extra 3 million, Hillary still EPICALLY lost, and lost states that haven't been red for a long long time...to the MOST unpopular candidate since that sort of stat has been measured. It's honestly embarrassing, and instead of having some self awareness to why a clown like trump would ever be elected, the left finds it appropriate to double down, and completely dismiss an entire half of the country as racist bigots.

I know the left was secretly rooting for trump in the primary, but it should have been a wake up call when he won. Left should have said wow, people are actually really fed up, maybe we shouldn't be acting like the new age puritans (obviously with a different bible shoved down people's throats). But I know a lot of republicans who hated trump, and still held their nose to vote for him because they could not allow another 4-8 years of the same intolerance for any idea or person we declare intolerant.

Anyway, what I'm getting at, is the left really shouldn't be touting around this 3 million votes thing anymore, since they so epically dropped the ball, and that just adds insult to injury...and further alienates the people based on reality who saw that election for what it was, an epic loss on the lefts part. I mean you guys have actually managed to turn my girlfriend, who hates and wants nothing to do with politics, into a republican. News flash, bible bashing (whatever your "bible" may be) from a high horse is not a good look, no matter how trendy it seems at the time.
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No one has ever been denied medical care in America.

That is a FACT.

If you want to talk about insurance policies which is what Health Insurance is, then The Market should actually dictate that, and it should be a choice to buy that product, or not to buy that product.
Sure they have been. Insurance companies refuse to pay for services constantly. And without the money, the hospitals won't perform those services.

Are we going back to the 'fuck em', they can go to the emergency room' school of GOP healthcare reform again?

That's Health Insurance.

And Health Insurance is not a right.

People still get medical care.

And Health Insurance is still available under the plan for Everyone who wants to buy it, but they won't be forced to.

There is no "phuck em" that is what a Mandate did to people and their premiums, and deductibles.

Now you will have a choice to join a group if you want to keep costs low, or not buy insurance.

But no one is ever denied basic health care in The United States.

You *just* said that Trump didn't promise insurance, he promised healthcare. And when presented with direct and explicit contradiction....

.......you started ignoring YOURSELF. And started trying to justify WHY Trump lied. WHY he promised one thing yet is trying to deliver something utterly different.

Trump promised 'insurance for everyone, even if you can't pay'. Trumpcare in Congress, which Trump openly supports, isn't 'insurance for everyone'. It actually results in 14 million FEWER people covered.

Are you starting to get how badly you've been conned?

Please list the 14 million who lost their insurance.

Here's the evidence that Trumpcare results in 14 million fewer people covered:

CBO report: 14 million lose coverage under GOP health bill in 2018

CBO report: 14 million lose coverage under GOP health bill in 2018

How is that 'insurance for everybody, even if you can't pay'?

And contrary to your nonsense claims, Trump did indeed promise insurance for everybody.

So was Trump lying when he promised 'Insurance for Everyone"?

Admit it......you've been conned.
Brilliant! Just freakin brilliant!!

I've always said the Mandate was Un-American. If removed, there will be less insured. But it'll be a choice. The CBO number is a bit misleading on that issue.

Should buying car insurance also be optional?

Apples & Oranges.

Risk pools.

End the Mandate. Period, end of story.
End insurance for profit. Single payer. Period , end of story

Anyone who does not want to buy insurance should be allowed not to... as long as they sign an agreement that if they get sick, they won't go to the ER at the taxpayers expense, and they won't file for disability when they cant work because they did not get preventive care.

And if they pay out of pocket to stay alive after a catastrophic injury or illness they must agree not to file for bankruptcy and screw the creditors


Sure, PROVIDED we return to the system where low cost catastrophic coverage is available. My 27 year old son bitterly opposes being forced to have prenatal coverage and yearly mammograms for some reason.

The biggest problem with Fascistcare is that it's fucking stupid, it doesn't scale to the needs of the consumer. A young, healthy adult doesn't need much more than catastrophic coverage.
Do you mean those low cost, bare bones policies that insurers would offer as bait that gave people a false sense of security, that the insurers were allowed to cancel , when someone actually got sick before the ACA??
what happened if one of the people who paid fines instead of getting insurance got sick in obummer care? what difference does it actually make?

He won in part because he lied about so many things including that everyone would have great health care coverage. His supports were stupid enough to believe him. Think about that and get back to me.

However, there are one or two of his supports who know better

Top Trump backer: It’s time to throw Paul Ryan and his health care ‘death wish’ under the bus

You do know that Obamacare has been a lie from the very beginning, don't you? Are you in denial about that?

The stupid Democrats didn't even read the bill before voting for it and then the filthy ass Obama administration had to lie about what was in it.

Remember "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor"? How about "it will save everybody $2500 a year in health care cost". Remember those lies?

Johnathan Gruber got it right. Obama lied about Obamacare and you stupid Moon Bats fell for it hook, line and sinker.

Trump ran on a platform to repeal Obamacare and if there is any lie then it is it looks like it won't be repealed, only repaired.

I don't know why you Moon Bats are so much against Ryancare. If gives you the filthy subsidies and government control you want and is the bill that should have been passed in 2009 if the idiot Democrats would have had actually paid attention to what they were doing.

You know that Gruber was talking about stupid Americans like yourself, don't you?


He won in part because he lied about so many things including that everyone would have great health care coverage. His supports were stupid enough to believe him. Think about that and get back to me.

However, there are one or two of his supports who know better

Top Trump backer: It’s time to throw Paul Ryan and his health care ‘death wish’ under the bus

You do know that Obamacare has been a lie from the very beginning, don't you? Are you in denial about that?

The stupid Democrats didn't even read the bill before voting for it and then the filthy ass Obama administration had to lie about what was in it.

Remember "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor"? How about "it will save everybody $2500 a year in health care cost". Remember those lies?

Johnathan Gruber got it right. Obama lied about Obamacare and you stupid Moon Bats fell for it hook, line and sinker.

Trump ran on a platform to repeal Obamacare and if there is any lie then it is it looks like it won't be repealed, only repaired.

I don't know why you Moon Bats are so much against Ryancare. If gives you the filthy subsidies and government control you want and is the bill that should have been passed in 2009 if the idiot Democrats would have had actually paid attention to what they were doing.

You know that Gruber was talking about stupid Americans like yourself, don't you?

24 million people to lose health care and its no big deal to you, hand Jo. Massive tax breaks for the rich and the poor and elderly pay much more. Wow I didn't realize how great it is
14 million voters won't be happy

Which is why Hillary won!
Actually by receiving 3 million more votes, Hillary did win. At least we know who the voters wanted

No, voter turnout in heavily populated areas that usually vote blue, in a very decided election accounts for the extra 3 million. Despite that extra 3 million, Hillary still EPICALLY lost, and lost states that haven't been red for a long long time...to the MOST unpopular candidate since that sort of stat has been measured. It's honestly embarrassing, and instead of having some self awareness to why a clown like trump would ever be elected, the left finds it appropriate to double down, and completely dismiss an entire half of the country as racist bigots.

I know the left was secretly rooting for trump in the primary, but it should have been a wake up call when he won. Left should have said wow, people are actually really fed up, maybe we shouldn't be acting like the new age puritans (obviously with a different bible shoved down people's throats). But I know a lot of republicans who hated trump, and still held their nose to vote for him because they could not allow another 4-8 years of the same intolerance for any idea or person we declare intolerant.

Anyway, what I'm getting at, is the left really shouldn't be touting around this 3 million votes thing anymore, since they so epically dropped the ball, and that just adds insult to injury...and further alienates the people based on reality who saw that election for what it was, an epic loss on the lefts part. I mean you guys have actually managed to turn my girlfriend, who hates and wants nothing to do with politics, into a republican. News flash, bible bashing (whatever your "bible" may be) from a high horse is not a good look, no matter how trendy it seems at the time.
The Donald sure thought the 3 million vote loss was a big deal. he still whines about the non existent 3-5 million illegal votes that cost him the popular vote

It's all horseshit and I have documented why. The free market/ health care for profit does not work except for those making the profit. And any one who claims to actually believes Ryan's 3 phases will become reality is either a sucker or a liar

How in the hell do we know if the free market won't work? We haven't had that in a long time. For decades the government has been imposing stupid regulations that have screwed up the free market so we have no idea how good health care can be without government interference, do we?

A stupid bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups, will not provide good health care for you. If you think so then you are very naive. The best hope you have for good health care is for the frigging government to let free enterprise provide the best product for you at the lowest possible price. It works for everything else and it will work for health care. We don't need the stupid government telling us how to run our lives. Helath Cate is too important to have the inefficient and corrupt government involved, don't you think?

I can fire a doctor that doesn't do a good job. I can change insurance companies if my provider doesn't provide a good product. However, with government interference my choices evaporate pretty damn quickly, doesn't it?

Both Obamacare and Ryancare keeps the government from you having access to the best health that would be available. When the three Rayancare phases are completed we will see if it is better than Obamacare. I suspect it will be. Anything will be better than Obamacare.

Yes, but you have no right to go see someone to cure you that claims to be a doctor that hasn't gotten a degree from an "accredited licensed medical school."

We don't have, nor will we have a free market as long as there is licensing of doctors, as long as the FDA can put it's seal of approval on what is a cure and what isn't a cure, and as long as "accredited" medical schools are the ones that are given government approval.
What we have now is cronyism.

Folks get arrested and thrown in jail for selling cancer "cures" w/o FDA approval. It is insane the shit the allopathic chemical industry will go through to maintain it's monopoly on health care.

Western Medicine is Rockefeller Medicine – All The Way

We need an end to the AMA!

And apparently the AARP.

Though Trumpcare seems an excellent attempt to get rid of the AARP's members.

Obamacare favored the poor and low income workers. Trumpcare favors the the wealthy and higher income workers.
Only when the nation agrees that access to healthcare should not be determined by one's wealth will the fight end. It's going to happen eventually. It's just a question of when.

Anyone who does not want to buy insurance should be allowed not to... as long as they sign an agreement that if they get sick, they won't go to the ER at the taxpayers expense, and they won't file for disability when they cant work because they did not get preventive care.

And if they pay out of pocket to stay alive after a catastrophic injury or illness they must agree not to file for bankruptcy and screw the creditors


Sure, PROVIDED we return to the system where low cost catastrophic coverage is available. My 27 year old son bitterly opposes being forced to have prenatal coverage and yearly mammograms for some reason.

The biggest problem with Fascistcare is that it's fucking stupid, it doesn't scale to the needs of the consumer. A young, healthy adult doesn't need much more than catastrophic coverage.
Do you mean those low cost, bare bones policies that insurers would offer as bait that gave people a false sense of security, that the insurers were allowed to cancel , when someone actually got sick before the ACA??
so who do you supposed pays for the subsidies the poor get? just curious if you're an honest hack or not.

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