14M lose coverage under GOP health bill: Congress’ analyst

All Donaldcare is just tax cuts for the rich.

Word to all the righties at this website...

...he's fucking you too! You're in our boat now.
Trump supporters may have the most to lose from the GOP plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Those who stand to lose more than:
  • $7,500 in subsidies voted for Trump 58-39.
  • $5,000 and $7,500 voted for Trump by 60-35.
  • $2,500 and $5,000 voted for Trump by 49-45.
  • $1,000 and $2,500 voted for Trump by 46-46.
Opinion | Yes, Trump scammed many of his working-class supporters. This new analysis leaves little doubt.

Liberals are sick ? Really? Where are you getting that load of ignorant equine excrement from? This 69 year old liberal works out for 2.5 hours 5 days a week, 1 hr on my two "rest days" , eats a vegetarian diet and has a body mass index of 22. So shut up.

This 69 year old Conservative says that Moon Bats are sick in the mind.

If you are a Moon Bat that believes in taking money away from the people that earn it to pay the health care bills of the fat ass welfare queens sitting around all day long drinking Colt Malt Liquor and smoking joints then you are sick in the mind, wouldn't you agree?
What the hell does all of this have to do with welfare queens dip shit ?. You have proven time and again that you are unable to have a reasonable and intelligent conversation on this topic
The legal citizen voters, yes, sure did.
Once again we have the same Trump narrative without a single ounce of proof

Poor snowflake, refuses to accept the results of the election. Say, didn't Hillary call people like you a "threat to democracy?"

Yep, she sure did.

You lost, spend your effort on understanding why America rejected your message.
How does AMERICA reject a 3 million vote winner?

Because AMERICA is 50 states, you drooling retard.

3 Million in California does not negate the will of those in Florida or Texas.

Find a safe space and go cry.
Millions another states as well


No sparky, California represents the large popular win for Hillary. This is what led to the charge that these were illegals, since California encourages and protects illegal aliens voting, as you know since I've shoved the facts down your throat, 23. 30, or 40 times.

No go ahead and lie again, you're a Communist, you have not even a shred of integrity.
Need we say any more?

Would that be the 14 million who are being forced to buy coverage against their will by the Fascistcare mandate? :dunno:
Anyone who does not want to buy insurance should be allowed not to... as long as they sign an agreement that if they get sick, they won't go to the ER at the taxpayers expense, and they won't file for disability when they cant work because they did not get preventive care.

And if they pay out of pocket to stay alive after a catastrophic injury or illness they must agree not to file for bankruptcy and screw the creditors

No one has ever been denied medical care in America.

That is a FACT.

If you want to talk about insurance policies which is what Health Insurance is, then The Market should actually dictate that, and it should be a choice to buy that product, or not to buy that product.
Sure they have been. Insurance companies refuse to pay for services constantly. And without the money, the hospitals won't perform those services.

Are we going back to the 'fuck em', they can go to the emergency room' school of GOP healthcare reform again?

That's Health Insurance.

And Health Insurance is not a right.

People still get medical care.

And Health Insurance is still available under the plan for Everyone who wants to buy it, but they won't be forced to.

There is no "phuck em" that is what a Mandate did to people and their premiums, and deductibles.

Now you will have a choice to join a group if you want to keep costs low, or not buy insurance.

But no one is ever denied basic health care in The United States.

You *just* said that Trump didn't promise insurance, he promised healthcare. And when presented with direct and explicit contradiction....

.......you started ignoring YOURSELF. And started trying to justify WHY Trump lied. WHY he promised one thing yet is trying to deliver something utterly different.

Trump promised 'insurance for everyone, even if you can't pay'. Trumpcare in Congress, which Trump openly supports, isn't 'insurance for everyone'. It actually results in 14 million FEWER people covered.

Are you starting to get how badly you've been conned?

It's all horseshit and I have documented why. The free market/ health care for profit does not work except for those making the profit. And any one who claims to actually believes Ryan's 3 phases will become reality is either a sucker or a liar

How in the hell do we know if the free market won't work? We haven't had that in a long time. For decades the government has been imposing stupid regulations that have screwed up the free market so we have no idea how good health care can be without government interference, do we?

A stupid bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups, will not provide good health care for you. If you think so then you are very naive. The best hope you have for good health care is for the frigging government to let free enterprise provide the best product for you at the lowest possible price. It works for everything else and it will work for health care. We don't need the stupid government telling us how to run our lives. Helath Cate is too important to have the inefficient and corrupt government involved, don't you think?

I can fire a doctor that doesn't do a good job. I can change insurance companies if my provider doesn't provide a good product. However, with government interference my choices evaporate pretty damn quickly, doesn't it?

Both Obamacare and Ryancare keeps the government from you having access to the best health that would be available. When the three Rayancare phases are completed we will see if it is better than Obamacare. I suspect it will be. Anything will be better than Obamacare.

Yes, but you have no right to go see someone to cure you that claims to be a doctor that hasn't gotten a degree from an "accredited licensed medical school."

We don't have, nor will we have a free market as long as there is licensing of doctors, as long as the FDA can put it's seal of approval on what is a cure and what isn't a cure, and as long as "accredited" medical schools are the ones that are given government approval.
What we have now is cronyism.

Folks get arrested and thrown in jail for selling cancer "cures" w/o FDA approval. It is insane the shit the allopathic chemical industry will go through to maintain it's monopoly on health care.

Western Medicine is Rockefeller Medicine – All The Way

We need an end to the AMA!

And apparently the AARP.

Though Trumpcare seems an excellent attempt to get rid of the AARP's members.
No one has ever been denied medical care in America.

That is a FACT.

If you want to talk about insurance policies which is what Health Insurance is, then The Market should actually dictate that, and it should be a choice to buy that product, or not to buy that product.
Sure they have been. Insurance companies refuse to pay for services constantly. And without the money, the hospitals won't perform those services.

Are we going back to the 'fuck em', they can go to the emergency room' school of GOP healthcare reform again?

That's Health Insurance.

And Health Insurance is not a right.

People still get medical care.

And Health Insurance is still available under the plan for Everyone who wants to buy it, but they won't be forced to.

There is no "phuck em" that is what a Mandate did to people and their premiums, and deductibles.

Now you will have a choice to join a group if you want to keep costs low, or not buy insurance.

But no one is ever denied basic health care in The United States.

You *just* said that Trump didn't promise insurance, he promised healthcare. And when presented with direct and explicit contradiction....

.......you started ignoring YOURSELF. And started trying to justify WHY Trump lied. WHY he promised one thing yet is trying to deliver something utterly different.

Trump promised 'insurance for everyone, even if you can't pay'. Trumpcare in Congress, which Trump openly supports, isn't 'insurance for everyone'. It actually results in 14 million FEWER people covered.

Are you starting to get how badly you've been conned?

Please list the 14 million who lost their insurance.

What, you don't have that list?

You mean everyone who had insurance yesterday, has it today?

This is just lefty hateful hysterics.

There were millions of people refusing to sign up for Obamacare and were paying the fines. They are part of that 14 million as are the people who don't want insurance and will drop out of the mandate the second they are allowed to. Young people don't want and don't need health insurance and don't want to pay for it. And that is their right not to participate.
The problem is those too lazy and inept that avoid insurance do get catastrophic illnesses. Then we pay for it. They have to file bankruptcy. No other option.

Anyone who does not want to buy insurance should be allowed not to... as long as they sign an agreement that if they get sick, they won't go to the ER at the taxpayers expense, and they won't file for disability when they cant work because they did not get preventive care.

And if they pay out of pocket to stay alive after a catastrophic injury or illness they must agree not to file for bankruptcy and screw the creditors


Sure, PROVIDED we return to the system where low cost catastrophic coverage is available. My 27 year old son bitterly opposes being forced to have prenatal coverage and yearly mammograms for some reason.

The biggest problem with Fascistcare is that it's fucking stupid, it doesn't scale to the needs of the consumer. A young, healthy adult doesn't need much more than catastrophic coverage.
No one has ever been denied medical care in America.

That is a FACT.

If you want to talk about insurance policies which is what Health Insurance is, then The Market should actually dictate that, and it should be a choice to buy that product, or not to buy that product.
Sure they have been. Insurance companies refuse to pay for services constantly. And without the money, the hospitals won't perform those services.

Are we going back to the 'fuck em', they can go to the emergency room' school of GOP healthcare reform again?

That's Health Insurance.

And Health Insurance is not a right.

People still get medical care.

And Health Insurance is still available under the plan for Everyone who wants to buy it, but they won't be forced to.

There is no "phuck em" that is what a Mandate did to people and their premiums, and deductibles.

Now you will have a choice to join a group if you want to keep costs low, or not buy insurance.

But no one is ever denied basic health care in The United States.

You *just* said that Trump didn't promise insurance, he promised healthcare. And when presented with direct and explicit contradiction....

.......you started ignoring YOURSELF. And started trying to justify WHY Trump lied. WHY he promised one thing yet is trying to deliver something utterly different.

Trump promised 'insurance for everyone, even if you can't pay'. Trumpcare in Congress, which Trump openly supports, isn't 'insurance for everyone'. It actually results in 14 million FEWER people covered.

Are you starting to get how badly you've been conned?

Please list the 14 million who lost their insurance.

Here's the evidence that Trumpcare results in 14 million fewer people covered:

CBO report: 14 million lose coverage under GOP health bill in 2018

CBO report: 14 million lose coverage under GOP health bill in 2018

How is that 'insurance for everybody, even if you can't pay'?

And contrary to your nonsense claims, Trump did indeed promise insurance for everybody.

So was Trump lying when he promised 'Insurance for Everyone"?

Admit it......you've been conned.
The problem is those too lazy and inept that avoid insurance do get catastrophic illnesses. Then we pay for it. They have to file bankruptcy. No other option.

Or end up in the emergency room, one of the most wildly expensive methods of providing healthcare imaginable.

There's a reason why Americans pay more for healthcare per capita than virtually anyone on earth.
Not to mention big pharma being obscene with their prices. But in america we are told falsely of course, that taking on big business is a bad thing. The people who believe that are not my fellow americans
The legal citizen voters, yes, sure did.
Once again we have the same Trump narrative without a single ounce of proof
Anyone with a lick of sense knows that the Dimmocrats are stone walling Voter ID laws so that illegals can continue to vote for them, not to mention the motor voter laws and laas allowing illegals to get drivers licenses.
Illegals dont vote, NO one has proven that they do. Now as to drivers licenses, they merely allow illegals, require illegals to obtain auto insurance and nothing more
sure illegals vote, wow, how can you be so wrong? it's off topic as well.
Sadly for you, you lack a single ounce of proof. All you got is hate. Remember when your leader told us that 3-5 million illegals voted? He never came up with a single ounce of proof.
sure I do, they just spoke about a case in Texas who committed voter fraud and was a legal resident, but not a citizen. She voted:

Non-US citizen gets eight years for voter fraud in Texas

"A Texas woman was sentenced Thursday to eight years in prison and slapped with thousands of dollars in fines for committing voter fraud.

Rosa Maria Ortega of Grand Prairie, Texas, is a Mexican citizen, but a legal U.S. resident, KDFW-TV reported. She is not a U.S. citizen, thus making her ineligible to vote. Ortega, now 37, came to the U.S. with her mother when she was a child, according to KXAS-TV."

Anyone who does not want to buy insurance should be allowed not to... as long as they sign an agreement that if they get sick, they won't go to the ER at the taxpayers expense, and they won't file for disability when they cant work because they did not get preventive care.

And if they pay out of pocket to stay alive after a catastrophic injury or illness they must agree not to file for bankruptcy and screw the creditors


Sure, PROVIDED we return to the system where low cost catastrophic coverage is available. My 27 year old son bitterly opposes being forced to have prenatal coverage and yearly mammograms for some reason.

The biggest problem with Fascistcare is that it's fucking stupid, it doesn't scale to the needs of the consumer. A young, healthy adult doesn't need much more than catastrophic coverage.
Do you mean those low cost, bare bones policies that insurers would offer as bait that gave people a false sense of security, that the insurers were allowed to cancel , when someone actually got sick before the ACA??
Universal , "Single Payer" , health coverage for all !!!!!!

Its a human right, no matter the costs !!!!!


Liberals are sick ? Really? Where are you getting that load of ignorant equine excrement from? This 69 year old liberal works out for 2.5 hours 5 days a week, 1 hr on my two "rest days" , eats a vegetarian diet and has a body mass index of 22. So shut up.

This 69 year old Conservative says that Moon Bats are sick in the mind.

If you are a Moon Bat that believes in taking money away from the people that earn it to pay the health care bills of the fat ass welfare queens sitting around all day long drinking Colt Malt Liquor and smoking joints then you are sick in the mind, wouldn't you agree?
What the hell does all of this have to do with welfare queens dip shit ?. You have proven time and again that you are unable to have a reasonable and intelligent conversation on this topic

Because the whole purpose of Obamacare was to provide insurance subsides to the welfare queens.

You know who they are don't you? They are the greedy assholes that want somebody else to pay their bills. The diphits that are the core of the Democrat voting block. The ones that use the government to steal on their behalf.

Before Obamacare the welfare queens could get health care but they had to go through free clinics and apply for welfare etc. That stigma of being on welfare pissed off the stupid Moon Bats. They wanted to put the welfare queens in the same doctor office as responsible people.

Obamacare established a filthy ass entitlement to the same insurance that the paying customers got. That is despicable because of course it came at a great cost of increased premiums, increased co payments and increased deductibles to the people that earned the money to pay for the insurance. You know, the ones that are not part of that filthy ass Democrat core voting block.

Ryancare is not going to fix any of the structural problems with the entitlement. There will still be subsidies to the welfare queens and that is morally wrong. It will just have another name. Thievery is always wrong no matter if you label it as a subsidy or a tax credit.

Do you mean those low cost, bare bones policies that insurers would offer as bait that gave people a false sense of security, that the insurers were allowed to cancel , when someone actually got sick before the ACA??

Let's stick to reality, okay?

An "under 30" policy is going to be cancelled when you turn 30. Most catastrophic had a $30,000 deductible, which is a lot, but guarded against a life time of debt for a car accident or other injury. These kinds of policies were the most useful to young, single people.

Liberals are sick ? Really? Where are you getting that load of ignorant equine excrement from? This 69 year old liberal works out for 2.5 hours 5 days a week, 1 hr on my two "rest days" , eats a vegetarian diet and has a body mass index of 22. So shut up.

This 69 year old Conservative says that Moon Bats are sick in the mind.

If you are a Moon Bat that believes in taking money away from the people that earn it to pay the health care bills of the fat ass welfare queens sitting around all day long drinking Colt Malt Liquor and smoking joints then you are sick in the mind, wouldn't you agree?
What the hell does all of this have to do with welfare queens dip shit ?. You have proven time and again that you are unable to have a reasonable and intelligent conversation on this topic

Because the whole purpose of Obamacare was to provide insurance subsides to the welfare queens.

You know who they are don't you? They are the greedy assholes that want somebody else to pay their bills. The diphits that are the core of the Democrat voting block. The ones that use the government to steal on their behalf.

Before Obamacare the welfare queens could get health care but they had to go through free clinics and apply for welfare etc. That stigma of being on welfare pissed off the stupid Moon Bats. They wanted to put the welfare queens in the same doctor office as responsible people.

Obamacare established a filthy ass entitlement to the same insurance that the paying customers got. That is despicable because of course it came at a great cost of increased premiums, increased co payments and increased deductibles to the people that earned the money to pay for the insurance. You know, the ones that are not part of that filthy ass Democrat core voting block.

Ryancare is not going to fix any of the structural problems with the entitlement. There will still be subsidies to the welfare queens and that is morally wrong. It will just have another name. Thievery is always wrong no matter if you label it as a subsidy or a tax credit.

I don't agree. The main purpose of Obama's fascistcare was to provide a guaranteed income stream to well connected looters. Why do you think Blue Cross and Kaiser pushed so hard to get it through?
Dims want you to believe that 14 million will lose their healthcare, when the truth is millions will drop out by choice since they no longer will be forced to pay.

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