14M lose coverage under GOP health bill: Congress’ analyst

Need we say any more?

Yes you do you need cite why they are losing it..

It is another far left drone failed thread!

The CBO says that many people will not have insurance as they will not be mandated by law to have it!

Silly far left drone!
Who pays the medical costs of those who choose not to have insurance?

And the far left drones religious dogma continues..

Many people are paying out pocket already along with a $1000 premium..

However if you want to pay for all the illegals, you can do so on your own!
The government should never be in the business of making people buy health insurance, mandating health insurance requirements, taxing it or giving subsidies for it.

Obamacare sucks. Ryancare sucks a little less.
See above

My contention is that we don't need the the filthy ass government involved at all in healthcare. That should be between an individual and their doctor and the insurance company if the individual chose to have insurance.

All government interference is bad. We know how bad Obamacare was. It drove up the cost of premiums, co payments and deductibles to the paying customers while at the same time provided another freebee for the welfare queens and illegal aliens. It even increased taxes. How stupid was that? Pretty bad, huh? We know how it failed.

I suspect Ryancare will also not be very good either but we need to see the results of the three phases before we come to that conclusion. Anything except full blown socialized medicine would be better than Obamacare. Obamacare set such a low bar that it will be easy to improve on it.

You want healthcare to be like buying a car. If you're rich, you can drive a Mercedes. If you're well off in the middle class you buy a new mid priced car. If you're middle class, you buy a good used car.

Etc....and if you're low income or outright poor, you walk.

how about quit being a lazy fat ass and eat heathly?

Again for the millionth time why are liberals so damn sick?

Civilization has left you behind.
Yeah, 14 million young healthy people will no longer carry health insurance because they wont be under threat of imprisonment and fines for not carrying excessive amounts of insurance that they do not need.
You tards should have read up before making this bullshit claim that those who will lose their insurance will do so voluntarily.,

Affordable Care Act revision would reduce insured numbers by 24 million, CBO projects

The analysis predicts that the number of people without health coverage would rise to 52 million by 2026, compared with 28 million if the Affordable Care Act remains intact. That erosion would mean that about 1 in 5 U.S. residents would be uninsured by 2026 — compared to 1 in 10 uninsured now and 1 in 6 who were uninsured before the Affordable Care Act was enacted.

Keep reading until you get it, tard. MORE people will be uninsured than were BEFORE THE MANDATE.

What's worse, tens of millions of people losing their health care, or a nation buying a health care system that will bankrupt it and turn it into a banana republic?

Sure, we would all love to give the poor everything they desire, free health care, free college educations, a guaranteed living stipend, a place to live and clothing, etc. But who pays?

Don't you know that would destroy whatever is left of the value of the currency? Are you really so ignorant that you don't understand how economics work?

This isn't about whether or not we, as a society desire to give everyone everything for free. It would be terrific if we could afford to give all the poor in the nation free health care. As it is, considering the state of the art and technology of America's health care system? That is not a realistic goal. You are living in a fantasy land. All government meddling in the health care industry needs to be ended, or it will end the economic viability of the government.
Does that mean the government should get out of VA, and Medicare?

That's not for me to decide, that is for society to decide.

However, if you try to cover the poor that ARE healthy, than you will not have the means to cover the needy that do, those that are elderly and infirm, who are unable to take care of themselves.

The first victims of Obamacare were actually the poorest elderly and the poor disabled.

This became a defacto institutional death panels and rationing of care, and kicked many people who already had Primary Care Providers off of their regular maintenance into emergency room's. IOW, it made the healthcare situation in the nation worse.

Poor and elderly that had chronic conditions are no longer being seen, since doctors are required by law to see a certain number of medicaid patients. Well, now that there are healthy people on Medicaid, who are these doctors going to choose to see? The poor disabled and elderly, or perfectly healthy folks with no conditions?

You do know that Medicaid patients don't pay the doctors as much as private insurers, right? So obviously the doctors are going to only see those patients they think who will have less appointments.

The end result of the ACA, is it has thrown all of these poor, disabled, elderly folks into the emergency rooms, where once they had managed care for their conditions. Meanwhile, the regular healthy poor, now take up their enrollments with the doctors.

Government actions have consequences.
Need we say any more?

Yes you do you need cite why they are losing it..

It is another far left drone failed thread!

The CBO says that many people will not have insurance as they will not be mandated by law to have it!

Silly far left drone!
Who pays the medical costs of those who choose not to have insurance?

And the far left drones religious dogma continues..

Many people are paying out pocket already along with a $1000 premium..

However if you want to pay for all the illegals, you can do so on your own!
Need we say any more?

Yes you do you need cite why they are losing it..

It is another far left drone failed thread!

The CBO says that many people will not have insurance as they will not be mandated by law to have it!

Silly far left drone!
Who pays the medical costs of those who choose not to have insurance?

And the far left drones religious dogma continues..

Many people are paying out pocket already along with a $1000 premium..

However if you want to pay for all the illegals, you can do so on your own!
You pay the medical costs for anyone without insurance
But didn't Trump promise 'Insurance for everybody, even if you can't pay'?

This doesn't seem like insurance for everyone.
He promised health care.

Not Health Insurance.

No one is denied medical care in The US.

Never have been, and never will be.

Really? What about the person in Arizona who died because he couldn't afford a heart transplant and the state wouldn't cover it?
If the government doesn't get out of the healthcare business, the healthcare business will bankrupt the government, that is all there is to this discussion. The folks on the left want to frame this as a narrative about throwing folks off of insurance.

Oh well.

Either folks get thrown off of insurance because the government can't afford the rising rates it has caused because of it's interference in the market as healthcare is an unlimited want, or else the nation does not have enough for other expenses, like food and housing for the poor, education, infrastructure, national defense, etc.

Do other industrialized nations have nationalized health care? Sure. But let's look at their military spending, shall we?


Socialized health care, or hegemonic power. Choose, you can't have both.
You do not get your own set of facts, but you can disagree over what are the consequences of facts. The fact is the US gnp is currently around 19 trillion. The cost of Obamacare over ten years was around 1.8 trillion.

However, if you try to cover the poor that ARE healthy, than you will not have the means to cover the needy that do, those that are elderly and infirm, who are unable to take care of themselves.

Medicaid covering the healthy does not cost anything if they don't go to the doctor or hospital. Private insurance on the other hand,

costs you whether you go or not.
If the government doesn't get out of the healthcare business, the healthcare business will bankrupt the government, that is all there is to this discussion. The folks on the left want to frame this as a narrative about throwing folks off of insurance.

Oh well.

Either folks get thrown off of insurance because the government can't afford the rising rates it has caused because of it's interference in the market as healthcare is an unlimited want, or else the nation does not have enough for other expenses, like food and housing for the poor, education, infrastructure, national defense, etc.

Do other industrialized nations have nationalized health care? Sure. But let's look at their military spending, shall we?


Socialized health care, or hegemonic power. Choose, you can't have both.
You do not get your own set of facts, but you can disagree over what are the consequences of facts. The fact is the US gnp is currently around 19 trillion. The cost of Obamacare over ten years was around 1.8 trillion.

US GNP is 16.9 trillion. Just sayin.

United States Gross National Product | 1950-2017 | Data | Chart | Calendar
But didn't Trump promise 'Insurance for everybody, even if you can't pay'?

This doesn't seem like insurance for everyone.
He promised health care.

Not Health Insurance.

No one is denied medical care in The US.

Never have been, and never will be.
Who pays for medical care for those without insurance?
Nobody obviously.
If that was the case, a hospital would go broke. You and I pay for everyone that doesn't have insurance through higher and higher premiums
Need we say any more?

Yes you do fucko. Read between the lines.
1. The majority of those will be young and healthy people who got insurance to avoid the mandate. Heck even Nancy "I am a dishonest Twat" Pelosi stated that all the healthy people who opt out and not front the bill for the sick people.

2. The vast vast vast majority of Obaminationcare enrollees were in the Bronze program! This was simply getting insurance without having insurance.

For individuals the premiums AFTER THE SUBSIDY was between $300-$800, again for just one person! Family premiums are much worse. Then you have $6000 deductible, meaning you have to pay $6000, not including copay and premium payments before the insurer pays a thing. Co-pays are $50 for normal doctor, $80 for specialist as $200 for ER. After you meet your deductible then you have a 30/70 co-insurance. Meaning you are still on the hook for 30%. This is all granted the hospital or doctor takes your insurance, which many have found that very few place take the bronze or silver plan since so little is paid for it is hard to get compensated for.

Note for families it is $12k for deductible ($6k per individual).

It is not insurance coverage.

Oh and guess what the silver plan is not much better!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Need we say any more?

Yes you do fucko. Read between the lines.
1. The majority of those will be young and healthy people who got insurance to avoid the mandate. Heck even Nancy "I am a dishonest Twat" Pelosi stated that all the healthy people who opt out and not front the bill for the sick people.

2. The vast vast vast majority of Obaminationcare enrollees were in the Bronze program! This was simply getting insurance without having insurance.

For individuals the premiums AFTER THE SUBSIDY was between $300-$800, again for just one person! Family premiums are much worse. Then you have $6000 deductible, meaning you have to pay $6000, not including copay and premium payments before the insurer pays a thing. Co-pays are $50 for normal doctor, $80 for specialist as $200 for ER. After you meet your deductible then you have a 30/70 co-insurance. Meaning you are still on the hook for 30%. This is all granted the hospital or doctor takes your insurance, which many have found that very few place take the bronze or silver plan since so little is paid for it is hard to get compensated for.

Note for families it is $12k for deductible ($6k per individual).

It is not insurance coverage.

Oh and guess what the silver plan is not much better!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Another pathetic "expert" on Obamacare. Why not admit you aint got a clue to what you are talking about

However, if you try to cover the poor that ARE healthy, than you will not have the means to cover the needy that do, those that are elderly and infirm, who are unable to take care of themselves.

Medicaid covering the healthy does not cost anything if they don't go to the doctor or hospital. Private insurance on the other hand,

costs you whether you go or not.

Wow, you are so full of shit, you don't know how the system works. :badgrin:

You DO know that medicaid, in almost all instances is privatized and works the same way as private insurance. It just operates under the cartel rules of government, right?

Medicaid COSTS EVERYONE. When they put a healthy person on medicaid, it costs all of society, all year long. Not just when they go to the doctor.

Molina is the only one of these big ones I know of that operates in my state, but here are the biggest ones;
Need we say any more?

Yes you do you need cite why they are losing it..

It is another far left drone failed thread!

The CBO says that many people will not have insurance as they will not be mandated by law to have it!

Silly far left drone!
Who pays the medical costs of those who choose not to have insurance?

And the far left drones religious dogma continues..

Many people are paying out pocket already along with a $1000 premium..

However if you want to pay for all the illegals, you can do so on your own!
Need we say any more?

Yes you do you need cite why they are losing it..

It is another far left drone failed thread!

The CBO says that many people will not have insurance as they will not be mandated by law to have it!

Silly far left drone!
Who pays the medical costs of those who choose not to have insurance?

And the far left drones religious dogma continues..

Many people are paying out pocket already along with a $1000 premium..

However if you want to pay for all the illegals, you can do so on your own!
You pay the medical costs for anyone without insurance

How many government/tax payer run hospitals are there in the US?
Need we say any more?

Yes you do fucko. Read between the lines.
1. The majority of those will be young and healthy people who got insurance to avoid the mandate. Heck even Nancy "I am a dishonest Twat" Pelosi stated that all the healthy people who opt out and not front the bill for the sick people.

2. The vast vast vast majority of Obaminationcare enrollees were in the Bronze program! This was simply getting insurance without having insurance.

For individuals the premiums AFTER THE SUBSIDY was between $300-$800, again for just one person! Family premiums are much worse. Then you have $6000 deductible, meaning you have to pay $6000, not including copay and premium payments before the insurer pays a thing. Co-pays are $50 for normal doctor, $80 for specialist as $200 for ER. After you meet your deductible then you have a 30/70 co-insurance. Meaning you are still on the hook for 30%. This is all granted the hospital or doctor takes your insurance, which many have found that very few place take the bronze or silver plan since so little is paid for it is hard to get compensated for.

Note for families it is $12k for deductible ($6k per individual).

It is not insurance coverage.

Oh and guess what the silver plan is not much better!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Another pathetic "expert" on Obamacare. Why not admit you aint got a clue to what you are talking about

The irony of those comments from a far left drone!
Need we say any more?

Yes you do fucko. Read between the lines.
1. The majority of those will be young and healthy people who got insurance to avoid the mandate. Heck even Nancy "I am a dishonest Twat" Pelosi stated that all the healthy people who opt out and not front the bill for the sick people.

2. The vast vast vast majority of Obaminationcare enrollees were in the Bronze program! This was simply getting insurance without having insurance.

For individuals the premiums AFTER THE SUBSIDY was between $300-$800, again for just one person! Family premiums are much worse. Then you have $6000 deductible, meaning you have to pay $6000, not including copay and premium payments before the insurer pays a thing. Co-pays are $50 for normal doctor, $80 for specialist as $200 for ER. After you meet your deductible then you have a 30/70 co-insurance. Meaning you are still on the hook for 30%. This is all granted the hospital or doctor takes your insurance, which many have found that very few place take the bronze or silver plan since so little is paid for it is hard to get compensated for.

Note for families it is $12k for deductible ($6k per individual).

It is not insurance coverage.

Oh and guess what the silver plan is not much better!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Another pathetic "expert" on Obamacare. Why not admit you aint got a clue to what you are talking about

so you think $6,000 to $12,000 a year dedutibles is fucking health insurance ?
In fact there is no functional healthcare system on the planet which operates on a free market model. What is so fucked up about the US healthcare system is how little regulation exists regarding costs - wild variation from system to system and hospital to hospital and provider to provider; antitrust exemption for healthcare conglomerates (outrageous!); no ability for the government to negotiate drug prices with Big Pharma, as occurs in all the nations with universal nationalized healthcare.

This is one model where capitalism fails and will ALWAYS fail.

Single payer NOW.

Your statement is a non sequitur, implying that there is no free market system because it doesn't work. Despite there being many other variables, one of them being the simple fact that some people want to surrender their choice to people who want to control. This is a common theme in human nature, and usually leads to bad things.

Those calling for single payer want to leave the healthcare needs of the minority in the healthcare system in the dust, whether they realize it or not. Most don't, because they're too busy wanting to surrender choice to those they've accepted (wrongfully) know better. Some (e.g. Rahm Emanuel) does realize this, and is one of those who think they know better, and he is one who talks about those of non productive ages should not expect as much healthcare, since they haven't yet, or are no longer putting value back into society. Therefore they should expect less back.
There is much that is nonsensical in your post, and clearly you've done zero research into how universal healthcare functions in the many countries where it functions very well.

No system ever created or utilized by human beings works perfectly, but national healthcare systems long established in dozens of ally countries function very well for the citizens of those countries. Open your mind, look beyond your partisan talking points, talk to some people who live in the U.K., Canada, Australia, Germany, Denmark, etc.

I suppose it does sound nonsensical when you clearly did not understand the point.

I have opened my mind and done my research, it works well for Joe Shmoe with a head cold, but look at the survival rates for cancer vs the US and our ally countries, look at the percentages of grandma or grandpa receiving a new hip or knee, and how much more quickly grandpa gets a new knee in the US. Those are the folks that represent the minority in healthcare (I'm not using the word minority in reference to skin color genius). And those are the people getting the short end of the stick in those countries. 70% of the elderly in England report being discriminated against based on their age when it comes to healthcare, and that's with 60% of the workforce of England being in the healthcare field. Does that sound like an efficient system to you??

Really you're the one with a closed mind since you've never considered any of these other factors, and if you are advocating for single payer, the people with the not so common needs are the ones loosing in that system. The only "universal" systems working (they really shouldn't be called universal) are the ones that still heavily promote competition among insurance providers, but require citizens to still have insurance.
If the government doesn't get out of the healthcare business, the healthcare business will bankrupt the government, that is all there is to this discussion. The folks on the left want to frame this as a narrative about throwing folks off of insurance.

Oh well.

Either folks get thrown off of insurance because the government can't afford the rising rates it has caused because of it's interference in the market as healthcare is an unlimited want, or else the nation does not have enough for other expenses, like food and housing for the poor, education, infrastructure, national defense, etc.

Do other industrialized nations have nationalized health care? Sure. But let's look at their military spending, shall we?


Socialized health care, or hegemonic power. Choose, you can't have both.
You do not get your own set of facts, but you can disagree over what are the consequences of facts. The fact is the US gnp is currently around 19 trillion. The cost of Obamacare over ten years was around 1.8 trillion.

I'm not sure I would agree entirely with those numbers, however, let's just for a moment say they are around the ballpark.

When figuring a budget, we must also consider liabilities. You must add in the MBS on the balance sheet at the Federal Reserve, and the National debt. This is a significant instability to the world economy and devalues currency daily. Thus, in order to fund the health care system, it become necessary to resort to finance it through more deficit spending, and more devaluation. This isn't doing the target population of the ACA any favors in the long run.
But didn't Trump promise 'Insurance for everybody, even if you can't pay'?

This doesn't seem like insurance for everyone.
He promised health care.

Not Health Insurance.

No one is denied medical care in The US.

Never have been, and never will be.
Who pays for medical care for those without insurance?
Nobody obviously.
If that was the case, a hospital would go broke. You and I pay for everyone that doesn't have insurance through higher and higher premiums

You have no idea how a hospital's finances are run, that is clear.

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