14M lose coverage under GOP health bill: Congress’ analyst

I don't think the cbo has apologies to make about Obamacare

What CBO got right - and wrong - on Obamacare

The CBO is fairly accurate in short term 5 year or less projections, and things like overall economic performance in economy makes longterm accuracy difficult.

The gop should be able to live with this. It cuts the overall deficit. It repeals the mandate. Most of the initial 14 million people without insurance come from there. The longer term problems come from lack of funding for Medicaid.

It's political. In 2008, the gop rallying cry was "gummit should be out of healthcare," despite tax expenditures to employers go back to 1950, and medicare to 1965.

And the "deep state " Bannon paranoia shit makes you seem a tool
CBO: 24 Million Would Lose Health Insurance Under GOP Bill By 2026

by Tyler Durden
Mar 13, 2017 4:41 PM

The much anticipated CBO scoring of the American Health Care Act, aka "Trumpcare" is out, and it has concluded that millions of Americans would lose medical insurance under the republican proposal to dismantle Obamacare, dealing a potential setback to President Donald Trump's first major legislative initiative. In total, the CBO found that 52 million people would be uninsured by 2026 if the bill became law, compared to 28 million who would not have coverage that year if Obamacare remained unchanged.

Among the key highlights are the following:
Need we say any more?

They couldn't meet the high deductible of their ACA plans, so it wasn't serving them to begin with beyond just being able to say you have insurance. They left out the affordable part of the affordable care act.
do you know that to be a fact? it seems like a convenient right wing talking point

So let's see if I understand you right.....your point is that people that need a Govt subsidy to even GET insurance can afford to pay a $7150 out of pocket expense should they have to go to the Hospital?
Need we say any more?
That you're a fuckimg clueless fascist,democrat? No....

People have not lost shit....your bullshit number is between those getting out of your fascist Obamacare and ending medicate expansion yet to come....
14 million CHOOSE not to buy a product they don't want.

Oh my!! We can't let the plebes decide for themselves...they're simply too stupid!
People have to choose between the rent and paying health insurance and take a chance on not getting sick

Republicans say....let em die
I don't think the cbo has apologies to make about Obamacare

What CBO got right - and wrong - on Obamacare

The CBO is fairly accurate in short term 5 year or less projections, and things like overall economic performance in economy makes longterm accuracy difficult.

The gop should be able to live with this. It cuts the overall deficit. It repeals the mandate. Most of the initial 14 million people without insurance come from there. The longer term problems come from lack of funding for Medicaid.

It's political. In 2008, the gop rallying cry was "gummit should be out of healthcare," despite tax expenditures to employers go back to 1950, and medicare to 1965.

And the "deep state " Bannon paranoia shit makes you seem a tool
CBO: 24 Million Would Lose Health Insurance Under GOP Bill By 2026

by Tyler Durden
Mar 13, 2017 4:41 PM

The much anticipated CBO scoring of the American Health Care Act, aka "Trumpcare" is out, and it has concluded that millions of Americans would lose medical insurance under the republican proposal to dismantle Obamacare, dealing a potential setback to President Donald Trump's first major legislative initiative. In total, the CBO found that 52 million people would be uninsured by 2026 if the bill became law, compared to 28 million who would not have coverage that year if Obamacare remained unchanged.

Among the key highlights are the following:
Yeah, think the gop should just say this is step one. The bill kills the mandate and reduces the deficit. There is a problem with long term funding. "Let's give this a shot, and if it adversely affects a lot of people, we'll amend it."

It's not nearly the killer I expected.
Need we say any more?
Actually I have no sympathy for the stupid white people that voted to cut their own throats and kill their children.
Some idiot in this thread claimed that the only people to lose coverage will be young healthy people; that's the stupidity that conservatives will cling to in order to avoid the truth.
They were stupid to vote for trump and he told them that he would fuck them over...
Bye bye you black lung folks...
HaHa!!!! Forget ridiculous campaign promises to the dupes. Go after ridiculous hospital and doctor costs, tort reform, make the exchanges nationwide and the competition more healthy, and stop the GOP from sabotaging ACA. FIX IT. We'll be doing that forever. It was never O-Care anyway. HE wasn't for the mandate...
Republicans intend to pass the bill without calculating how many people will lose coverage or what the plan will cost. Paul Ryan is often described, including by himself, as a policy wonk. But after a previous draft of the House bill reportedly received a disastrous preliminary rating from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which reportedly suggested that the G.O.P. proposal would cause 10-20 million people to lose employer-sponsored coverage alone and a spike in the uninsured ranks of at least 15 million, Republicans are moving to “mark up” and vote on the bill before the C.B.O. completes its analysis of the new bill. That means that the House proposal could technically pass before there is any estimate of how many Americans will be covered by the new law. It’s price tag, too, is a mystery: while the A.H.C.A. would likely achieve some savings by gutting Medicaid spending over time, the bill also abandons the primary cost-control measure included in its predecessor, a cap on the tax break for employer-sponsored insurance.

While the formal analysis isn’t completed, it doesn’t mean that we don’t have any concept of what is likely to happen under the American Health Care Act. The G.O.P. plan offers tax credits ranging from $2,000, for individuals under the age of 30, up to $4,000 for people over 60. For individuals making more that $75,000 per year—and married couples who file jointly and make more than $150,000 per year—the tax credit would decrease by $100 for every $1,000 increase in salary.

2. There is no constituency for Ryan’s bill, besides the rich. While the A.H.C.A. would repeal a number of Obamacare-related taxes—saving the average 0.1 percenter $195,000 annually—just about everyone else loses. About 70 million Medicaid beneficiaries would be impacted by cuts, as would millions more who currently receive subsidies to purchase coverage on state Obamacare exchanges. A provision of the House bill that drops the requirement for large employers to provide coverage to workers could force millions more to fend for themselves. While young, healthy people could choose to forgo insurance until they need it, if they are willing to incur the penalty, the elderly would see much higher premiums without Obamacare’s subsidies—especially if they end up shunted into higher risk pools.

In short, Trumpcare helps nobody who needs coverage, and hurts those who need help most. The biggest problem with the bill, as Ezra Klein notes, is that “it’s not clear why it exists. What does it make better? What is it even trying to achieve? Democrats wanted to cover more people and reduce long-term costs, and they had an argument for how their bill did both. As far as I can tell, Republicans have neither. At best, you can say this bill makes every obvious health care metric a bit worse, but at least it cuts taxes on rich people? Is that really a winning argument in American politics?”

3. Trumpcare may be dead on arrival, anyway. With Democrats diametrically opposed to nearly every aspect of the G.O.P. plan, it will take three Republican defections in the Senate to kill the bill. That shouldn’t be hard: at least four Republicans say the current bill goes too far in its cuts to Medicaid, which has proven overwhelmingly popular in a number of red states. At the same time, a number of more hard-line senators (and many more congresspeople) say the G.O.P. plan isn’t conservative enough. Minutes after the House released the proposal, Rep. Justin Amash lambasted it on Twitter as “Obamacare 2.0”—a sentiment echoed by many of his peers. Others have taken to characterizing the House bill as “Obamacare Lite” and have accused House leadership of creating a “new entitlement” with the tax credits under the plan.

“Keep the ‘Cadillac’ tax in place? Keep Medicaid in place until 2020?” Rep. Jim Jordan, a co-founder of the House Freedom Caucus, said in an interview with The Washington Post. “We didn’t have Medicaid expansion in the bill we sent to President Obama, but we have it in the one we send to President Trump? That makes no sense to me,” Jordan added in reference to a 2015 Obamacare repeal bill that passed the House and Senate but was ultimately vetoed by President Obama.

A memo penned by the Republican Study Committee and obtained by Politico derided the tax credits, as “a Republican welfare entitlement” and argued, “Writing checks to individuals to purchase insurance is, in principle, Obamacare. It does allow more choices for individuals, and is more patient-centered, but is fundamentally grounded on the idea that the federal government should fund insurance purchases.” Dave Brat, who is also a member of the House Freedom Caucus, told Politico that “the bill maintains many of the federal features including a new entitlement program as well as most of the insurance regulations,” and added to the outlet that he would vote against the bill as it currently stands. Several conservative advocacy groups, including Heritage Action and Americans for Prosperity have come out in opposition to the plan on that basis.

While is too early to tell how many Republicans might break party ranks and veto the bill, Brat’s disclosure portends a contentious debate over the House bill. Not counting on any Democratic votes, Ryan can’t lose more than 21 Republican votes for the bill to survive. Mark Meadows, the chairman of the Freedom Caucus, and Mark Walker, the chairman of the R.S.C., have yet to indicate how they plan to vote on the bill, but between the two command more than enough conservative votes to sink the bill in the House.
HaHa!!!! Forget ridiculous campaign promises to the dupes. Go after ridiculous hospital and doctor costs, tort reform, make the exchanges nationwide and the competition more healthy, and stop the GOP from sabotaging ACA. FIX IT. We'll be doing that forever. It was never O-Care anyway. HE wasn't for the mandate...

"Go after ridiculous hospital and doctor costs, tort reform"

Both PPO's and HMO's will ONLY pay the rates negotiated by their respective lawyers. Lawyers and their Lobbyists make up too much of the Dem constituencies, they will not allow "meaningful" tort reform.

" make the exchanges nationwide and the competition more healthy"

LOL, many States are down to one provider and each year more companies drop out. For someone who claims to be so educated you sure don't know much.
Need we say any more?
Actually I have no sympathy for the stupid white people that voted to cut their own throats and kill their children.
Some idiot in this thread claimed that the only people to lose coverage will be young healthy people; that's the stupidity that conservatives will cling to in order to avoid the truth.
They were stupid to vote for trump and he told them that he would fuck them over...
Bye bye you black lung folks...
You mean your death panel? Yeah....we're freeing from that too.....
Need we say any more?
Actually I have no sympathy for the stupid white people that voted to cut their own throats and kill their children.
Some idiot in this thread claimed that the only people to lose coverage will be young healthy people; that's the stupidity that conservatives will cling to in order to avoid the truth.
They were stupid to vote for trump and he told them that he would fuck them over...
Bye bye you black lung folks...
You mean your death panel? Yeah....we're freeing from that too.....

When did you read the bill?
Need we say any more?
Actually I have no sympathy for the stupid white people that voted to cut their own throats and kill their children.
Some idiot in this thread claimed that the only people to lose coverage will be young healthy people; that's the stupidity that conservatives will cling to in order to avoid the truth.
They were stupid to vote for trump and he told them that he would fuck them over...
Bye bye you black lung folks...
You mean your death panel? Yeah....we're freeing from that too.....
Please continue to spout easily disproved lies...trump would be proud.

PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'Death panels'
"The term I used to describe the panel making these decisions should not be taken literally," said Palin.
Need we say any more?
Actually I have no sympathy for the stupid white people that voted to cut their own throats and kill their children.
Some idiot in this thread claimed that the only people to lose coverage will be young healthy people; that's the stupidity that conservatives will cling to in order to avoid the truth.
They were stupid to vote for trump and he told them that he would fuck them over...
Bye bye you black lung folks...
I hope and pray that the sassys weathers and mikes who post here get just what they voted for
Need we say any more?
Actually I have no sympathy for the stupid white people that voted to cut their own throats and kill their children.
Some idiot in this thread claimed that the only people to lose coverage will be young healthy people; that's the stupidity that conservatives will cling to in order to avoid the truth.
They were stupid to vote for trump and he told them that he would fuck them over...
Bye bye you black lung folks...
You mean your death panel? Yeah....we're freeing from that too.....

When did you read the bill?
We had to wait until you fascist democrats unilaterally passed it....
Need we say any more?
Actually I have no sympathy for the stupid white people that voted to cut their own throats and kill their children.
Some idiot in this thread claimed that the only people to lose coverage will be young healthy people; that's the stupidity that conservatives will cling to in order to avoid the truth.
They were stupid to vote for trump and he told them that he would fuck them over...
Bye bye you black lung folks...
You mean your death panel? Yeah....we're freeing from that too.....
Please continue to spout easily disproved lies...trump would be proud.

PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'Death panels'
"The term I used to describe the panel making these decisions should not be taken literally," said Palin.
What a good little democrat fascist you are....
What an uneducated, ignorant rube you are...
Want to double down on the "death panel" stupidity...even Palin isn't that stupid.

PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'Death panels'
"The term I used to describe the panel making these decisions should not be taken literally," said Palin.

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