14M lose coverage under GOP health bill: Congress’ analyst

I don't think that's what the CBO found. Those young folks didn't buy insurance, unless they were fools.
The question is whether those people who lose coverage, working families, will see increased ability to access healthcare because they keep their subsidy and can buy HC directly w/o insurance. And that we cannot know, because we don't know what the bill will eventually be that is sent to Trump.
So to argue based on the CBO's nefarious predictions is pretty much a waste of time, is it not?

Until this thing crosses Trumps desk with his signature, we probably wont know all the lurid details. But Trump fully intends to have a second round of legislation to correct any shortfall later.
whats nefarious about the CBO?
The Dems deliver a pig of a law that falls apart under its own fat. The Republicans somehow finds a way to make it worse. Neither party should be criticizing the other for this fucking travesty..
The democratic plan insured 20 million people, 70% of those will not have coverage. This is a republican travesty
It's a crap law, a Frankenstein's monster, that is falling apart as you read these words.

You may feel an obligation to deflect because it's a Dem law, but that doesn't make it any good.
Why is it falling apart? Is that what Rush told you this morning?
Need we say any more?
WASHINGTON — Nonpartisan analysts project that 14 million people would lose coverage next year under the House bill dismantling former President Barack Obama’s health care law. The estimate is a blow to Republicans.

Monday’s estimate by the Congressional Budget Office says the number of uninsured would grow to 24 million by 2026.

The projections give fuel to opponents who warn the measure would toss millions of voters off insurance plans. Criticism has come from Democrats, Republicans from states that benefit from Obama’s law and many corners of the health-care industry.

President Donald Trump backs the GOP plan.

Yeah, 14 million young healthy people will no longer carry health insurance because they wont be under threat of imprisonment and fines for not carrying excessive amounts of insurance that they do not need.

In other news, millions of Americans who had to pay excessive taxes for 'cadelac insurance plans' will be no longer targeted for that special tax. Dimmocrats call it a "windfall for the most wealthy of Americans" in news at 11.
I don't think that's what the CBO found. Those young folks didn't buy insurance, unless they were fools.
The question is whether those people who lose coverage, working families, will see increased ability to access healthcare because they keep their subsidy and can buy HC directly w/o insurance. And that we cannot know, because we don't know what the bill will eventually be that is sent to Trump.
How can you buy health care without insurance?
Well, at least in theory, if you get a tax credit of Xamount of dollars, you could pay the doc out of pocket, and get the money back when you don't have to pay Uncle Sam as much come tax time. But I have no idea if the gop will go that route. We'd still have the problem if some guy catches cancer or something that no one outside the top .1% can pay out of pocket for.
Forget cancer, just break an arm and need surgery
The Dems deliver a pig of a law that falls apart under its own fat.

The Republicans somehow finds a way to make it worse.

Neither party should be criticizing the other for this fucking travesty.
This is an improvement thus far, IMO, over what we had since the mandates on companies and individuals are removed, state limits on insurance markets are removed and we still have a system of tax credits and some sort of Medicaid state grants to help the poor receive coverage.

But there is not any logic in evaluating the sausage before it is out of the butchers shop. This bill has a long way to go before it gets signed into law.

I just wish that the Democrats would play the game and counterbalance the conservative extremists like Rand Paul who want all entitlements removed, which will in fact leave millions without health insurance coverage.

We should not repeat the mistake of 2009 and make this a one-party piece of legislation.
The Dems deliver a pig of a law that falls apart under its own fat.

The Republicans somehow finds a way to make it worse.

Neither party should be criticizing the other for this fucking travesty.
This is an improvement thus far, IMO, over what we had since the mandates on companies and individuals are removed, state limits on insurance markets are removed and we still have a system of tax credits and some sort of Medicaid state grants to help the poor receive coverage.

But there is not any logic in evaluating the sausage before it is out of the butchers shop. This bill has a long way to go before it gets signed into law.

I just wish that the Democrats would play the game and counterbalance the conservative extremists like Rand Paul who want all entitlements removed, which will in fact leave millions without health insurance coverage.

We should not repeat the mistake of 2009 and make this a one-party piece of legislation.
It is a one part piece of legislation, and a piece of garbage. Within 10 years 26 million people will be uninsured
The Dems deliver a pig of a law that falls apart under its own fat. The Republicans somehow finds a way to make it worse. Neither party should be criticizing the other for this fucking travesty..
The democratic plan insured 20 million people, 70% of those will not have coverage. This is a republican travesty
It's a crap law, a Frankenstein's monster, that is falling apart as you read these words.

You may feel an obligation to deflect because it's a Dem law, but that doesn't make it any good.
Why is it falling apart? Is that what Rush told you this morning?
Are you not paying attention? The largest companies are getting out, as predicted. Costs are increasing, not decreasing, as predicted. People who have the plan can't afford the deductibles, as predicted.

You're blinded by your partisanship, so much so that you completely missed where I said the GOP plan is even worse.

Gawd, I could never be a partisan ideologue and look at myself in the mirror. I don't know how you folks do it.
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The real question is "How many poor people will no longer be able to get health insurance under the Trumpcare proposals?"

That is entirely different from "14 million wont be carrying health insurance".
Most likely the majority of those 14 million will be low income, and over 50
Seems like a mixed bag. I really am surprised that the CBO found it would actually reduce the deficits.

The report finds that the 24 million people would become uninsured by 2026 largely due to the proposed changes in Medicaid. The bill both ends the extra federal funds for the expansion of Medicaid and caps overall federal spending for the program, both of which CBO says would lead to people losing coverage.

Premiums in the individual market for health insurance would increase before 2020 and decrease after that, according to the CBO report.

On the positive side for Republicans, the CBO finds the legislation would decrease the federal deficit by $337 billion over the 2017-2026 period, mostly through the elimination of ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion and the law’s subsidies to help people buy insurance.

The savings could help House Republicans leaders sell the legislation to skeptical conservatives.
CBO: 24 million more uninsured under GOP bill over a decade
I don't think that's what the CBO found. Those young folks didn't buy insurance, unless they were fools.
The question is whether those people who lose coverage, working families, will see increased ability to access healthcare because they keep their subsidy and can buy HC directly w/o insurance. And that we cannot know, because we don't know what the bill will eventually be that is sent to Trump.
So to argue based on the CBO's nefarious predictions is pretty much a waste of time, is it not?

Until this thing crosses Trumps desk with his signature, we probably wont know all the lurid details. But Trump fully intends to have a second round of legislation to correct any shortfall later.
It should have been done in the beginning and not rushed through. Another republican disaster
It hasn't been voted on yet. We voted in the Republicans in 2010, 2014, and 2016. We voted in Trump too. Elections have consequences. Republicans don't like taking care of poor people. This is what the majority wanted, to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a dream insurance that would not cost anything and would cover everything with no deductibles. We might as well go back to the free market system, if we still can, and let people go to the ER for their healthcare again.
I wanted universal healthcare and until that's on the table, I vote FORGET IT.
The real question is "How many poor people will no longer be able to get health insurance under the Trumpcare proposals?"

That is entirely different from "14 million wont be carrying health insurance".
Most likely the majority of those 14 million will be low income, and over 50
Seems like a mixed bag. I really am surprised that the CBO found it would actually reduce the deficits.

The report finds that the 24 million people would become uninsured by 2026 largely due to the proposed changes in Medicaid. The bill both ends the extra federal funds for the expansion of Medicaid and caps overall federal spending for the program, both of which CBO says would lead to people losing coverage.

Premiums in the individual market for health insurance would increase before 2020 and decrease after that, according to the CBO report.

On the positive side for Republicans, the CBO finds the legislation would decrease the federal deficit by $337 billion over the 2017-2026 period, mostly through the elimination of ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion and the law’s subsidies to help people buy insurance.

The savings could help House Republicans leaders sell the legislation to skeptical conservatives.
CBO: 24 million more uninsured under GOP bill over a decade
Take away everyone's insurance and the GOP will save even more money
American Health Care Act

Effects on Health Insurance Coverage

To estimate the budgetary effects, CBO and JCT projected how the legislation would change the number of people who obtain federally subsidized health insurance through Medicaid, the nongroup market, and the employment-based market, as well as many other factors.

CBO and JCT estimate that, in 2018, 14 million more people would be uninsured under the legislation than under current law. Most of that increase would stem from repealing the penalties associated with the individual mandate. Some of those people would choose not to have insurance because they chose to be covered by insurance under current law only to avoid paying the penalties, and some people would forgo insurance in response to higher premiums.
It hasn't been voted on yet. We voted in the Republicans in 2010, 2014, and 2016. We voted in Trump too. Elections have consequences. Republicans don't like taking care of poor people.
Some dont, but then they are the crazy ideologues that plague every party.
I don't think that's what the CBO found. Those young folks didn't buy insurance, unless they were fools.
The question is whether those people who lose coverage, working families, will see increased ability to access healthcare because they keep their subsidy and can buy HC directly w/o insurance. And that we cannot know, because we don't know what the bill will eventually be that is sent to Trump.
So to argue based on the CBO's nefarious predictions is pretty much a waste of time, is it not?

Until this thing crosses Trumps desk with his signature, we probably wont know all the lurid details. But Trump fully intends to have a second round of legislation to correct any shortfall later.
It should have been done in the beginning and not rushed through. Another republican disaster
It hasn't been voted on yet. We voted in the Republicans in 2010, 2014, and 2016. We voted in Trump too. Elections have consequences. Republicans don't like taking care of poor people. This is what the majority wanted, to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a dream insurance that would not cost anything and would cover everything with no deductibles. We might as well go back to the free market system, if we still can, and let people go to the ER for their healthcare again.
I wanted universal healthcare and until that's on the table, I vote FORGET IT.
The mystery to me is the Democrats' behavior when they put this together. They were going to have to cram it through anyway - they didn't have to go Single Payer, they could have just expanded the Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage system to all, and shove THAT through.

Now we have Frankenstein's Monster 1.0 being replaced by Frankenstein's Monster 2.0. This is absolute madness.
The real question is "How many poor people will no longer be able to get health insurance under the Trumpcare proposals?"

That is entirely different from "14 million wont be carrying health insurance".
Most likely the majority of those 14 million will be low income, and over 50
Seems like a mixed bag. I really am surprised that the CBO found it would actually reduce the deficits.

The report finds that the 24 million people would become uninsured by 2026 largely due to the proposed changes in Medicaid. The bill both ends the extra federal funds for the expansion of Medicaid and caps overall federal spending for the program, both of which CBO says would lead to people losing coverage.

Premiums in the individual market for health insurance would increase before 2020 and decrease after that, according to the CBO report.

On the positive side for Republicans, the CBO finds the legislation would decrease the federal deficit by $337 billion over the 2017-2026 period, mostly through the elimination of ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion and the law’s subsidies to help people buy insurance.

The savings could help House Republicans leaders sell the legislation to skeptical conservatives.
CBO: 24 million more uninsured under GOP bill over a decade
See post #31.
I don't think that's what the CBO found. Those young folks didn't buy insurance, unless they were fools.
The question is whether those people who lose coverage, working families, will see increased ability to access healthcare because they keep their subsidy and can buy HC directly w/o insurance. And that we cannot know, because we don't know what the bill will eventually be that is sent to Trump.
So to argue based on the CBO's nefarious predictions is pretty much a waste of time, is it not?

Until this thing crosses Trumps desk with his signature, we probably wont know all the lurid details. But Trump fully intends to have a second round of legislation to correct any shortfall later.
whats nefarious about the CBO?
How bot the lie of Ocare paying for itself and then after the fact oh BTW we dont know

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