14M lose coverage under GOP health bill: Congress’ analyst

I don't think that's what the CBO found. Those young folks didn't buy insurance, unless they were fools.
The question is whether those people who lose coverage, working families, will see increased ability to access healthcare because they keep their subsidy and can buy HC directly w/o insurance. And that we cannot know, because we don't know what the bill will eventually be that is sent to Trump.
So to argue based on the CBO's nefarious predictions is pretty much a waste of time, is it not?

Until this thing crosses Trumps desk with his signature, we probably wont know all the lurid details. But Trump fully intends to have a second round of legislation to correct any shortfall later.
whats nefarious about the CBO?
How bot the lie of Ocare paying for itself and then after the fact oh BTW we dont know
No one ever said that the ACA would pay for itself. You must be thing of Bush and Iraq

That is a projection over the next ten years , which has no more validity to it than predicting who will win each Super Bowl for the next ten years.

This CBO report is little more than more fodder to use in the Deep States war on the Electorate that put Trump in the White House.

Funny. And Adolf Trump used to tout it as sooo credible - when Obama was president.

Trump Loved To Cite The Nonpartisan Agency His Aides Are Now Discrediting
I don't think that's what the CBO found. Those young folks didn't buy insurance, unless they were fools.
The question is whether those people who lose coverage, working families, will see increased ability to access healthcare because they keep their subsidy and can buy HC directly w/o insurance. And that we cannot know, because we don't know what the bill will eventually be that is sent to Trump.
So to argue based on the CBO's nefarious predictions is pretty much a waste of time, is it not?

Until this thing crosses Trumps desk with his signature, we probably wont know all the lurid details. But Trump fully intends to have a second round of legislation to correct any shortfall later.
whats nefarious about the CBO?
How bot the lie of Ocare paying for itself and then after the fact oh BTW we dont know
No one ever said that the ACA would pay for itself. You must be thing of Bush and Iraq
Oh please.....stop the lies alrdy
The real question is "How many poor people will no longer be able to get health insurance under the Trumpcare proposals?"

That is entirely different from "14 million wont be carrying health insurance".
Most likely the majority of those 14 million will be low income, and over 50
Seems like a mixed bag. I really am surprised that the CBO found it would actually reduce the deficits.

The report finds that the 24 million people would become uninsured by 2026 largely due to the proposed changes in Medicaid. The bill both ends the extra federal funds for the expansion of Medicaid and caps overall federal spending for the program, both of which CBO says would lead to people losing coverage.

Premiums in the individual market for health insurance would increase before 2020 and decrease after that, according to the CBO report.

On the positive side for Republicans, the CBO finds the legislation would decrease the federal deficit by $337 billion over the 2017-2026 period, mostly through the elimination of ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion and the law’s subsidies to help people buy insurance.

The savings could help House Republicans leaders sell the legislation to skeptical conservatives.
CBO: 24 million more uninsured under GOP bill over a decade
Take away everyone's insurance and the GOP will save even more money
Yeah, that's the flip side. More uninsured people = higher premiums for insured people. Somebody has to pay and nothing is really free.
The best hope for Democrats is that this Trumpcare clusterfuck passes both the House and Senate - and Trump signs it. Maybe that would be enough to bring Trump's "poorly educated" to their senses.
The best hope for Democrats is that this Trumpcare clusterfuck passes both the House and Senate - and Trump signs it. Maybe that would be enough to bring Trump's "poorly educated" to their senses.
There was just a story in this mornings Chicago Tribune, discussing how many counties in Appalachia voted for Trump and how they were going to be hurt the most by his policies
I don't think that's what the CBO found. Those young folks didn't buy insurance, unless they were fools.
The question is whether those people who lose coverage, working families, will see increased ability to access healthcare because they keep their subsidy and can buy HC directly w/o insurance. And that we cannot know, because we don't know what the bill will eventually be that is sent to Trump.
So to argue based on the CBO's nefarious predictions is pretty much a waste of time, is it not?

Until this thing crosses Trumps desk with his signature, we probably wont know all the lurid details. But Trump fully intends to have a second round of legislation to correct any shortfall later.
whats nefarious about the CBO?
How bot the lie of Ocare paying for itself and then after the fact oh BTW we dont know
No one ever said that the ACA would pay for itself. You must be thing of Bush and Iraq
Oh please.....stop the lies alrdy
Prove me wrong, that should be easy for you
So to argue based on the CBO's nefarious predictions is pretty much a waste of time, is it not?

Until this thing crosses Trumps desk with his signature, we probably wont know all the lurid details. But Trump fully intends to have a second round of legislation to correct any shortfall later.
whats nefarious about the CBO?
How bot the lie of Ocare paying for itself and then after the fact oh BTW we dont know
No one ever said that the ACA would pay for itself. You must be thing of Bush and Iraq
Oh please.....stop the lies alrdy
Prove me wrong, that should be easy for you
LMMAAOOO....nothing is ever Proven to a lib...always a new talking point to "explain" their lie
The best hope for Democrats is that this Trumpcare clusterfuck passes both the House and Senate - and Trump signs it. Maybe that would be enough to bring Trump's "poorly educated" to their senses.
Read the words of Paul Ryan
whats nefarious about the CBO?
How bot the lie of Ocare paying for itself and then after the fact oh BTW we dont know
No one ever said that the ACA would pay for itself. You must be thing of Bush and Iraq
Oh please.....stop the lies alrdy
Prove me wrong, that should be easy for you
LMMAAOOO....nothing is ever Proven to a lib...always a new talking point to "explain" their lie
The little lady is FOS
whats nefarious about the CBO?
How bot the lie of Ocare paying for itself and then after the fact oh BTW we dont know
No one ever said that the ACA would pay for itself. You must be thing of Bush and Iraq
Oh please.....stop the lies alrdy
Prove me wrong, that should be easy for you
LMMAAOOO....nothing is ever Proven to a lib...always a new talking point to "explain" their lie
Read post #31.
Despite the botched rollout and administrative tweaks, the ACA’s bottom line is largely unchanged: it’s still expected to reduce the deficit—and costs are lower than we initially thought. Chart of the day: CBO’s Obamacare projections, then and now
Congressional budget scorekeepers said they can no longer measure the fiscal impact of many provisions of ObamaCare because the task is impossible. CBO throws in the towel on scoring ObamaCare
Here you go morons

Most of the initial increase in uninsured people in 2018 would come from consumers deciding not to buy insurance because they would no longer have to pay a penalty for failing to do so, the CBO said. However, others would stop buying insurance because premiums will go up over the next two years, the analysis said.

The number of uninsured Americans would rise dramatically during that same period as states phase out Obamacare's Medicaid expansion, the CBO said.

CBO: Obamacare repeal will increase uninsured by 24 million by 2026
Despite the botched rollout and administrative tweaks, the ACA’s bottom line is largely unchanged: it’s still expected to reduce the deficit—and costs are lower than we initially thought. Chart of the day: CBO’s Obamacare projections, then and now
Congressional budget scorekeepers said they can no longer measure the fiscal impact of many provisions of ObamaCare because the task is impossible. CBO throws in the towel on scoring ObamaCare
your point is?

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