15 degrees in Alaska tonight!!! In August!!!

When you ask the astronomer to look through is telescope, you're taking up his valuable viewing time.

And yet almost every research telescope allocates time for public viewings. Why is that do you suppose?

Is that how you think science actually works? Don't save the data because it's inconvenient?

True. I don't expect every demand to be answered, just the basic ones. Like where is the data used for your claim?

Apparently I did, unless you're talking about the "daily_format.txt" file which was only minimums and maximums.
When you ask the astronomer to look through is telescope, you're taking up his valuable viewing time. When you demand that climate scientists save every bit of data, uncompressed, just so you can demand to see it as a spot check on their integrity and - more likely - harassment, you take up their time and resources. If denialists had their way, no climate scientist could get ANY work done as they'd spend 12 hours a day answering bullshit FOIA requests.

Just because a man is being paid with taxpayer dollars doesn't mean he has an obligation to satisfy the demands of every single taxpayer. Your taxes pay a tiny, completely insignificant portion of his pay. He has a responsibility to do the job for which he was hired on behalf of ALL the taxpayers, not just you.

BTW, I found the daily, unaveraged records. Did you miss that?

You're actually trying to justify scientists on the public dime refusing to make their data available to other scientists.

Truly amazing.

You're asking scientists on the public dime to provide their data to people who have neither the training nor resources to evaluate it.

You should be working on getting the training and resources to meaningfully interpret the data. Why aren't you?

What training and resources do you think is required to process a few million temperature readings?
The solution is to do what we have to do anyway. Get off of obsolete fuels and stop dumping consequential waste into the atmosphere of the only home that we have. We don't need to anymore. We've learned the consequences. We're starting to see the cost implications of rapidly rising international demand against failing supply. We have the technology to move on.

LOL......who cant love the most naïve of the naïve?

There are tens of thousands of these across the United States, an investment by railroads in the HUNDREDS of billions.

Without them, the east coast starves pretty much overnight. Only the real bonafide nutters think you throw a switch and put these babbies on solar power next year!!! Most have a 30 year career and there is no replacement. 2.5 million / unit. It is one of dozens and dozens of examples of how deep into a fantasy world the green k00ks are.:2up:

They think we can move freight ( OVER 10 million freight car units) using these guys >>>>>

And forget electricification........far too costly, although, that is NEVER a consideration to any good progressive!!!

Reason & Rail: Why Freight Will Never Electrify

While you are telling us that you are unable to even imagine any solution, we'll go ahead and get it done. Your limitations are not ours. If we were all as limited as conservative imaginations are, we'd still be in the caves.

What's this "we'll go ahead and get it done?" What do you do?
You're not fooling anyone with this attempt to weasel out of providing the raw data. Only a scientific ignoramus or a fraud would dispute the importance of having the raw data available.

I think it's starting to bother him that he didn't understand the difference between temperature readings and monthly averages of temperature anomalies.

Imagine if an astronomer told an amateur that he couldn't look through his telescope because he wouldn't how to use it. Imagine if a lawyer refused to cite a statute or case law when talking to his client because he wouldn't know how to read it. Imagine if a physician refused to show a patient the MRI because he wouldn't know what he's looking at.

It appears climatology is a special science, one that only insiders can understand, and one only becomes an insider if they agree with AGW. :lol:

Absolutely. Because AGW has been established by science as the current reality. You will not be accepted as a climate science expert if you don't know climate science which says that AGW is current reality.

Somehow the world’s Dittoheads think that there is a place at some table for them when they continuously demonstrate that current climate science is beyond them. Why would you think that?

Would you go to a witch doctor for a cancer cure?

Current climate science? As opposed to past climate science, or future climate science? You're probably too young and are definitely too close-minded and ignorant to remember when we were told to prepare for another ice age. Your "science" has failed miserably to explain previous periods of global warming or cooling. Fact is, climate change is cyclic and has little relation to human activities.
Most people can distinguish between science and politics, but not all. That fact should amaze everyone here. The explanation for that are the entertainers whose business plans are based on victimization of DKs (Dunning-Kruger). They work their plan and the DKs line up and do what they're told blindly. Reliably. Unquestionably.

What a business.

You would know.
More conservative crap. Avoid solutions. Hide from problems. Dis the educated, worship ignorance. Science is evil. Politics is religion. Political entertainers rule. Government is just the never poor enough poor robbing the never rich enough rich. Wealth, not work, creates wealth. America is a cess pool. Democracy is evil.

Incessant winning.

While that's going on the educated, the visionary, the innovative, the leaders, the progressives, the responsible move forward and tomorrows are better than todays.
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Cold in Northern Alaska and hot in Southern California.

What are the chances of that happening?
More conservative crap. Avoid solutions. Hide from problems. Dis the educated, worship ignorance. Science is evil. Politics is religion. Political entertainers rule. Government is just the never poor enough poor robbing the never rich enough rich. Wealth, not work, creates wealth. America is a cess pool. Democracy is evil.

Incessant winning.

While that's going on the educated, the visionary, the innovative, the leaders, the progressives, the responsible move forward and tomorrows are better than todays.

I haven't noticed you posting your proposed solutions yet. Lots of blah, blah, blah, but no solutions.
I'll be waiting.
I have largely stayed out of such debate, and once claimed a "fence-sitter" attitude with regards to "climate change", AGW, Global Warming, etc.

My entire life has been financed by the production of liquid hydrocarbons. As was my father's life, and his father's life. My children's births, diapers, food, clothing, schooling... all paid for by receipts of sale from liquid hydrocarbons.

I've personally witnessed every Democrat President after Eisenhower (AND Nixon) attempt to dismantle my family's way of life. We fought through repression and suppression, "Windfall Profit" taxes, $8 oil, public resentment, ridicule, contempt, and outright vilification.

I am well versed in the science, technology, methodology, practices, and usage of hydrocarbons.

And I am sick and fucking tired of being the whipping boy.

Yet here I sit. On the fence.

Am I contributing to the destruction and degradation of earth's natural balance? Has my father done so? Did his father?

I think, no more so than anyone else on this planet who has ever lived and consumed.

And so I am committed to the continual production of a much needed and vital commodity that all of humanity so dearly needs to simply exist in today's world.

And for that I am proud. Of myself, my father, and his father.

Do you feel as sorry for the folks who lost their careers when the IC engine replaced the horse as you do your family? How about when Walmart replaced Sears? When digital photography replaced film. When plumes and beaver fur on hats went out of fashion and hunters had to find other work? When airplanes displaced passenger trains? When computers replaced clerks?

The past is gone forever for everyone. Do a 180 and face the future. How much human trauma do you think should be endured by others in service of your family memories?
More conservative crap. Avoid solutions. Hide from problems. Dis the educated, worship ignorance. Science is evil. Politics is religion. Political entertainers rule. Government is just the never poor enough poor robbing the never rich enough rich. Wealth, not work, creates wealth. America is a cess pool. Democracy is evil.

Incessant winning.

While that's going on the educated, the visionary, the innovative, the leaders, the progressives, the responsible move forward and tomorrows are better than todays.

I haven't noticed you posting your proposed solutions yet. Lots of blah, blah, blah, but no solutions.
I'll be waiting.

As far as you and I are concerned? Stay out of the way. There are millions of IPCC staff, engineers, scientists, investors, builders of things, regulators, politicians, etc who will make a good living building the future for upcoming generations. Now that we understand the consequences of doing nothing, and how unaffordable that is, we have armies of well prepared workers in the businesses that will provide solutions. More than enough jobs to provide those who will lose their jobs in the transition who choose to learn new skills.

Opportunity abounds as well as a viable future.

What hampers everything are the naysayers. The nattering nabobs of negativity.

Don't be one.
I think it's starting to bother him that he didn't understand the difference between temperature readings and monthly averages of temperature anomalies.

Imagine if an astronomer told an amateur that he couldn't look through his telescope because he wouldn't how to use it. Imagine if a lawyer refused to cite a statute or case law when talking to his client because he wouldn't know how to read it. Imagine if a physician refused to show a patient the MRI because he wouldn't know what he's looking at.

It appears climatology is a special science, one that only insiders can understand, and one only becomes an insider if they agree with AGW. :lol:

Absolutely. Because AGW has been established by science as the current reality. You will not be accepted as a climate science expert if you don't know climate science which says that AGW is current reality.

Somehow the world’s Dittoheads think that there is a place at some table for them when they continuously demonstrate that current climate science is beyond them. Why would you think that?

Would you go to a witch doctor for a cancer cure?

Current climate science? As opposed to past climate science, or future climate science? You're probably too young and are definitely too close-minded and ignorant to remember when we were told to prepare for another ice age. Your "science" has failed miserably to explain previous periods of global warming or cooling. Fact is, climate change is cyclic and has little relation to human activities.

What's failed miserably is your choice of who to get educated by and what to get educated in. What you do know is wrong. What you don't know is legion.
More conservative crap. Avoid solutions. Hide from problems. Dis the educated, worship ignorance. Science is evil. Politics is religion. Political entertainers rule. Government is just the never poor enough poor robbing the never rich enough rich. Wealth, not work, creates wealth. America is a cess pool. Democracy is evil.

Incessant winning.

While that's going on the educated, the visionary, the innovative, the leaders, the progressives, the responsible move forward and tomorrows are better than todays.

I haven't noticed you posting your proposed solutions yet. Lots of blah, blah, blah, but no solutions.
I'll be waiting.

As far as you and I are concerned? Stay out of the way. There are millions of IPCC staff, engineers, scientists, investors, builders of things, regulators, politicians, etc who will make a good living building the future for upcoming generations. Now that we understand the consequences of doing nothing, and how unaffordable that is, we have armies of well prepared workers in the businesses that will provide solutions. More than enough jobs to provide those who will lose their jobs in the transition who choose to learn new skills.

Opportunity abounds as well as a viable future.

What hampers everything are the naysayers. The nattering nabobs of negativity.

Don't be one.

By "naysayers" you mean the intended victims who people like you intend to loot for trillions of dollars. Sorry, turd, but if you think we're going to lay down and allow ourselves to be robbed, you are in for a rude shock.

I'm doing everything in my power to "hamper" idiots like you.

Tough shit if you don't like it.
I have largely stayed out of such debate, and once claimed a "fence-sitter" attitude with regards to "climate change", AGW, Global Warming, etc.

My entire life has been financed by the production of liquid hydrocarbons. As was my father's life, and his father's life. My children's births, diapers, food, clothing, schooling... all paid for by receipts of sale from liquid hydrocarbons.

I've personally witnessed every Democrat President after Eisenhower (AND Nixon) attempt to dismantle my family's way of life. We fought through repression and suppression, "Windfall Profit" taxes, $8 oil, public resentment, ridicule, contempt, and outright vilification.

I am well versed in the science, technology, methodology, practices, and usage of hydrocarbons.

And I am sick and fucking tired of being the whipping boy.

Yet here I sit. On the fence.

Am I contributing to the destruction and degradation of earth's natural balance? Has my father done so? Did his father?

I think, no more so than anyone else on this planet who has ever lived and consumed.

And so I am committed to the continual production of a much needed and vital commodity that all of humanity so dearly needs to simply exist in today's world.

And for that I am proud. Of myself, my father, and his father.

Do you feel as sorry for the folks who lost their careers when the IC engine replaced the horse as you do your family? How about when Walmart replaced Sears? When digital photography replaced film. When plumes and beaver fur on hats went out of fashion and hunters had to find other work? When airplanes displaced passenger trains? When computers replaced clerks?

The difference is that the successors were all big improvements over what they replace. People adopted the new technology voluntarily. They didn't need some bureaucrat pointing a gun at them and shaking them down for the cash to pay for the "new and improved" technology.

The past is gone forever for everyone. Do a 180 and face the future.

That's what the Communists told the Kulaks in 1917.

How much human trauma do you think should be endured by others in service of your family memories?

You're the imbecile causing the trauma. If your "solutions" are so great, then whey do they need to be imposed on us at gunpoint?
I haven't noticed you posting your proposed solutions yet. Lots of blah, blah, blah, but no solutions.
I'll be waiting.

As far as you and I are concerned? Stay out of the way. There are millions of IPCC staff, engineers, scientists, investors, builders of things, regulators, politicians, etc who will make a good living building the future for upcoming generations. Now that we understand the consequences of doing nothing, and how unaffordable that is, we have armies of well prepared workers in the businesses that will provide solutions. More than enough jobs to provide those who will lose their jobs in the transition who choose to learn new skills.

Opportunity abounds as well as a viable future.

What hampers everything are the naysayers. The nattering nabobs of negativity.

Don't be one.

By "naysayers" you mean the intended victims who people like you intend to loot for trillions of dollars. Sorry, turd, but if you think we're going to lay down and allow ourselves to be robbed, you are in for a rude shock.

I'm doing everything in my power to "hamper" idiots like you.

Tough shit if you don't like it.

You've already lost that war. The future is going to come no matter what you want, and we're going to be prepared for it.

We are not going to let it have its way with us because we followed the ignorant.

You have one choice left. The degree to which ignorance excludes you from participating in our preparation for the inevitable future.

Choose ignorance if you want. It simply is of no concern for me. You are irrelevant now and we'll just keep you on that list.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

Number of repeatable lab experiments showing how a 200PPM increase in CO2 raises temperature is still 0

Sent from my Encryption defeating NSA Supercomputer made of Xbox and Nintendo parts sold to the Chinese using Tapatalk 2
Last edited:

Number of repeatable lab experiments showing how a 200PPM increase in CO2 raises temperature is still 0

Sent from my Encryption defeating NSA Supercomputer made of Xbox and Nintendo parts sold to the Chinese using Tapatalk 2

What's at zero is your understanding of all of the theories, models and data that taken together, are the body of scientific knowledge that the IPCC has assembled and published in accordance to what they were given the international responsibility for.

You won't get any of that from the school of conservative bullshit that you've chosen to invest your time in.

No matter. Nobody expects anything from you. And you have delivered magnificently against that expectation.

If you set the bar low enough, even conservatives will be successful.
As an Alaskan farmer, I would welcome "global warming". But it ain't happening as advertised...DAMN!~

My California garden didn't fare too well over the 'hot' summer. :evil:

My Oklahoma garden did great this year with the mild winter and summer we've had and above normal rainfall. I love this "climate change"!!!
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More conservative crap. Avoid solutions. Hide from problems. Dis the educated, worship ignorance. Science is evil. Politics is religion. Political entertainers rule. Government is just the never poor enough poor robbing the never rich enough rich. Wealth, not work, creates wealth. America is a cess pool. Democracy is evil.

Incessant winning.

While that's going on the educated, the visionary, the innovative, the leaders, the progressives, the responsible move forward and tomorrows are better than todays.

I haven't noticed you posting your proposed solutions yet. Lots of blah, blah, blah, but no solutions.
I'll be waiting.

As far as you and I are concerned? Stay out of the way. There are millions of IPCC staff, engineers, scientists, investors, builders of things, regulators, politicians, etc who will make a good living building the future for upcoming generations. Now that we understand the consequences of doing nothing, and how unaffordable that is, we have armies of well prepared workers in the businesses that will provide solutions. More than enough jobs to provide those who will lose their jobs in the transition who choose to learn new skills.

Opportunity abounds as well as a viable future.

What hampers everything are the naysayers. The nattering nabobs of negativity.

Don't be one.

Still just platitudes and mumbo-jumbo talking points. No concrete proposals. You know, something like...limit births? Or force everybody to spend a certain amount of time daily on a treadmill, generating power to feed back into an electric grid? Or, how about rationing food? Ya got anything other than sit on your ass and wait for someone else to come up with something better?
I have largely stayed out of such debate, and once claimed a "fence-sitter" attitude with regards to "climate change", AGW, Global Warming, etc.

My entire life has been financed by the production of liquid hydrocarbons. As was my father's life, and his father's life. My children's births, diapers, food, clothing, schooling... all paid for by receipts of sale from liquid hydrocarbons.

I've personally witnessed every Democrat President after Eisenhower (AND Nixon) attempt to dismantle my family's way of life. We fought through repression and suppression, "Windfall Profit" taxes, $8 oil, public resentment, ridicule, contempt, and outright vilification.

I am well versed in the science, technology, methodology, practices, and usage of hydrocarbons.

And I am sick and fucking tired of being the whipping boy.

Yet here I sit. On the fence.

Am I contributing to the destruction and degradation of earth's natural balance? Has my father done so? Did his father?

I think, no more so than anyone else on this planet who has ever lived and consumed.

And so I am committed to the continual production of a much needed and vital commodity that all of humanity so dearly needs to simply exist in today's world.

And for that I am proud. Of myself, my father, and his father.

Do you feel as sorry for the folks who lost their careers when the IC engine replaced the horse as you do your family? How about when Walmart replaced Sears? When digital photography replaced film. When plumes and beaver fur on hats went out of fashion and hunters had to find other work? When airplanes displaced passenger trains? When computers replaced clerks?

The difference is that the successors were all big improvements over what they replace. People adopted the new technology voluntarily. They didn't need some bureaucrat pointing a gun at them and shaking them down for the cash to pay for the "new and improved" technology.
The past is gone forever for everyone. Do a 180 and face the future.

That's what the Communists told the Kulaks in 1917.

How much human trauma do you think should be endured by others in service of your family memories?

You're the imbecile causing the trauma. If your "solutions" are so great, then whey do they need to be imposed on us at gunpoint?[/QUOTE]

Those are both excellent points. I wonder whether we will receive an answer.

Number of repeatable lab experiments showing how a 200PPM increase in CO2 raises temperature is still 0

Sent from my Encryption defeating NSA Supercomputer made of Xbox and Nintendo parts sold to the Chinese using Tapatalk 2

What's at zero is your understanding of all of the theories, models and data that taken together, are the body of scientific knowledge that the IPCC has assembled and published in accordance to what they were given the international responsibility for.

You won't get any of that from the school of conservative bullshit that you've chosen to invest your time in.

No matter. Nobody expects anything from you. And you have delivered magnificently against that expectation.

If you set the bar low enough, even conservatives will be successful.

Theories and models are a start

Don't fuck with the data

Do some experiments

Then we'll talk

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