16 reasons why Covid/Fauci/Democrat narrative is crumbling

They don't give two shits about people dying.

They die denying they have it.

Group pathology times ten.
and the only thing you care about, is spreading the propaganda of the LYING, anti-AMERICA, SCUM demonRATS
fake-i is a lying quack, and you are a retarded, gullible, SCUM demonRAT sheep
btw---hurry up and keel over---do AMERICA a favor
The flu is playing second fiddle to COVID

With so many people taking COVID precautions, the flu has not had a chance
more bullshit, from the biggest retard on this board
the only people taking precautions, are gullible, retards, that spew the lies of the SCUM demonRATS
the rest of AMERICA, is living their lives---IN PUBLIC---shit stain
They don't give two shits about people dying.

They die denying they have it.

Group pathology times ten.


So WE are the ones posting ghoulishly, gleefully about the unvaxxed dying?

Hey--do you realize just who you have aligned yourself with?

You realize that HALF of Democrats want the unvaxxed put in camps, right? That's your people, Ol' Mac. One third of them want the unvaxxed to have their children removed.

Your people. Yours.
COVID continues to kill hundreds of thousands

The RW misinformation campaign is working

It's over for you. Over.

Now come the years of repercussions and recriminations. It will be worse for you than the pandemic. In fact it will be so bad it will be an Iraq War situation. By the end, all you cretins here will deny you were ever for any of it--vaccines, lockdowns, school closures, masks.


But we have the receipts.
The flu is playing second fiddle to COVID

With so many people taking COVID precautions, the flu has not had a chance

Pertinent to what I said before: we shall see if any of you live long enough to see the recriminations. Or if your hearts explode first. I do not say this with any amount of joy, seriously, because I am not a ghoul.

Bad, bad, very bad news on these vaccines and heart issues.

We have done a terrible thing.
Pertinent to what I said before: we shall see if any of you live long enough to see the recriminations. Or if your hearts explode first. I do not say this with any amount of joy, seriously, because I am not a ghoul.

Bad, bad, very bad news on these vaccines and heart issues.

We have done a terrible thing.
I am fully vaccinated

You may not be so lucky

So WE are the ones posting ghoulishly, gleefully about the unvaxxed dying?

Hey--do you realize just who you have aligned yourself with?

You realize that HALF of Democrats want the unvaxxed put in camps, right? That's your people, Ol' Mac. One third of them want the unvaxxed to have their children removed.

Your people. Yours.
"My people" are trying very hard to start a third party.

It's most likely a Quixotic effort, to be sure, but I swear I will never be like people like you, on either end of the political spectrum.

You will not understand what I just wrote.
"My people" are trying very hard to start a third party.

It's most likely a Quixotic effort, to be sure, but I swear I will never be like people like you, on either end of the political spectrum.

You will not understand what I just wrote.

The preemptive dismissal doesn't help you. Trump still broke your brain. Broke YOU. Can you ever come back? Looks doubtful. Ol' Mac
I have two jabs and it didn’t prevent me from contracting the Omicron virus or getting sick.

Yes, it did prevent the symptoms from being as severe as the first variant but I still had a headache and fatigue as usual, so as you mock people tell me how having the vaccine will prevent the contraction and spreading of the Omicron variant?
There ya go. My point exactly. Fauci has purposely made it so that vaccines don't work on trumptards.

In fact, it's been so formulated that it will turn all trumptards to Chinese-loving vegan mooslim communists. You have been warned!
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Bad, bad, very bad news on these vaccines and heart issues.
I know you guys keep saying this, but in healthcare we are seeing a lot of unvaccinated people dying of COVID and basically no one dying because of vaccine complications.

I mean, how do you guys think we are hiding the supposed scores of people who die from vaccines?
I know you guys keep saying this, but in healthcare we are seeing a lot of unvaccinated people dying of COVID and basically no one dying because of vaccine complications.

I mean, how do you guys think we are hiding the supposed scores of people who die from vaccines?

20 years from now, when people die
Sue will claim it was because of the vaccine (That is if Sue s still alive)
I know you guys keep saying this, but in healthcare we are seeing a lot of unvaccinated people dying of COVID and basically no one dying because of vaccine complications.

I mean, how do you guys think we are hiding the supposed scores of people who die from vaccines?

Strokes, cardiac arrests in YOUNG people. Heart attacks. Like these things can't be hidden.
Strokes, cardiac arrests in YOUNG people. Heart attacks. Like these things can't be hidden.
And yet, the data doesn’t show any significant increase in this.

This may shock you, but rarely, ever so rarely, young otherwise healthy people have cardiac arrests. This has always been true. It’s just that now you guys think everything is because of a vaccine because you said so.

About 6 years ago, a colleague of mine was in her late 20s. Very fit, very healthy. She was found dead in her apartment after suffering a hemorrhagic stroke. She had a cerebral aneurysm no one would have ever known about and as aneurysms sometimes do, it bled and she died.

It was 6 years ago. It was a tragedy but one of those things that could befall anyone. If it had happened today, some nutter like yourself would be telling us she died from the COVID vaccine.

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