16 reasons why Covid/Fauci/Democrat narrative is crumbling

And yet, the data doesn’t show any significant increase in this.

This may shock you, but rarely, ever so rarely, young otherwise healthy people have cardiac arrests. This has always been true. It’s just that now you guys think everything is because of a vaccine because you said so.

About 6 years ago, a colleague of mine was in her late 20s. Very fit, very healthy. She was found dead in her apartment after suffering a hemorrhagic stroke. She had a cerebral aneurysm no one would have ever known about and as aneurysms sometimes do, it bled and she died.

It was 6 years ago. It was a tragedy but one of those things that could befall anyone. If it had happened today, some nutter like yourself would be telling us she died from the COVID vaccine.

Doesn't shock me. My little brother's classmate died this way playing basketball way back in the early 90s.


Just one little bread crumb clue: myocarditis. Oh we know, we know. Covid can cause it; it heals. Sure, sure. People do not expect to get myocarditis from vaccines.


Blood clots.

This will age very poorly. Deep down, you know this.
Doesn't shock me. My little brother's classmate died this way playing basketball way back in the early 90s.


Just one little bread crumb clue: myocarditis. Oh we know, we know. Covid can cause it; it heals. Sure, sure. People do not expect to get myocarditis from vaccines.


Blood clots.

This will age very poorly. Deep down, you know this.
Myocarditis has been well publicized as a risk of COVID vaccination. What you said about COVID causing it is true. It appears that myocarditis from vaccination is probably even less common than with COVID infection. Cases of myocarditis are rare and mild. There have been many papers exploring the frequency of myocarditis and some focusing on severity.

We aren’t hiding it.

I’m not sure what’s going to “age very poorly”. If vaccination were really that dangerous, we’d know by now.
My 46 year old niece has covid. In hospital. Drs say it's not looking good. Shine hearing that as her mom. 3 kids. What a mess. And there are those crazies that say the virus is a hoax. Unreal.
There ya go. My point exactly. Fauci has purposely made it so that vaccines don't work on trumptards.

In fact, it's been so formulated that it will turn all trumptards to Chinese-loving vegan mooslim communists. You have been warned!
Seeing I voted for Biden and the CDC has made it clear the vaccine does not stop the contraction or spreading of the virus will tell you that you are full of shit as usual!

They don't give two shits about people dying.

They die denying they have it.

Group pathology times ten.

That sword has two sides. Tell us about the people who deny that a fetus is life. 70 million dead babies and counting. Your words ring hollow Mac. I thought you were a deep thinker.
COVID continues to kill hundreds of thousands

The RW misinformation campaign is working

How is covid killing anyone?
The covid virus can't survive for a second inside the human body.
Just contact with blood destroys it instantly from the ph factor.
It can not travel to any organs or go beyond a very superficial layer in airways.
The truth is covid has never killed a single person.

People have died, but not from covid.
Instead it has been from an over reaction by their immune system, very much an allergic reaction.
Which is easily prevented by immuno suppressants.
And yes, ivermectin, quinine, Remdesivir, and many other drugs do work, depending on the individual.
The flu is playing second fiddle to COVID

With so many people taking COVID precautions, the flu has not had a chance

No possible because flu is more transmissible than covid.
Since flu has been around humans so long, it has evolved to be the least lethal and most transmissible of corona viruses.
More likely that since the flu is also a corona virus, that they simply are calling flu victims, covid victims.

Here is a rendition of a flu virus. Notice the corona spike proteins.

After reading all the replies I am wondering how many people are actually watching the video in the OP lol.
That sword has two sides. Tell us about the people who deny that a fetus is life. 70 million dead babies and counting. Your words ring hollow Mac. I thought you were a deep thinker.

As far as I am concerned, I do not think a fetus cares if it lives or dies yet, because it is not yet sentient.
And if it does not care, then neither should we.
The world population is about 4 times what is sustainable, and the entire human species will go extinct once fossil fuels run out, unless we cut back on the population.
That sword has two sides. Tell us about the people who deny that a fetus is life. 70 million dead babies and counting. Your words ring hollow Mac. I thought you were a deep thinker.
I'm happy to discuss that issue on a different thread.

Otherwise, deflection does not work on me. Sorry.
Doesn't shock me. My little brother's classmate died this way playing basketball way back in the early 90s.


Just one little bread crumb clue: myocarditis. Oh we know, we know. Covid can cause it; it heals. Sure, sure. People do not expect to get myocarditis from vaccines.


Blood clots.

This will age very poorly. Deep down, you know this.

The mRNA injections are NOT at all vaccines.
You know that because you know how they work.
They provide mRNA instruction to your one cellular ribosomes, in order to get them to start growing spike proteins on our own cells.
And there is NO WAY for our immune system to store information about spike proteins or put that information into long term T-cell memory.
That is because our own body produces the same spike proteins all the time, so our immune system gives spike proteins an automatic pass.

Covid can NOT at all cause myocarditis.
That is caused by inflammation when the immune system attacks some human cells.
And the mRNA injections cause this because they are so small that they do not remain in site of injection in the arm muscle.
And where ever they move to get attacked by the immune system.
That could be the brain, heart, extremities, etc.
It's fascinating to watch the cultism at work.
The cultists seek each other out, already under the premise that they share the same bag of lies and paranoid fantasy.
Then, they repeat he lies and fantasies back and forth to each other.
Then they walk away, thinking it was just proven to them that they are correct and that most people think that way.
Then they vote democrat.

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