17 year old Dindu burgler shot dead by homeowner

Do you understand what "confrontation" means?


It's ambiguous any details come from your imagination.
Doesn't change the fact she wasn't there.

Explain how she can shoot someone while they are there is she wasn't there.
The 54-year-old woman told police her surveillance system alerted her to the break-in of her home. She said she rushed home and found the teen climbing out of a window.
any more willfully ignorant questions,?

Since she found him in her home, she had to be there. I don't care whether a surveillance system alerted her or a neighbor called. She was there when he was there. End of story. The result is that a piece of shit can no longer steal and that's a good thing.

Any more stupidity from you, you dumb son of a bitch?
she was not home at the time of the break in ,she shot him as he was leaving ,
we don't even know if she was inside or outside the house .
the report again is ambiguous about it.

as to this "The result is that a piece of shit can no longer steal and that's a good thing." conservative 65

If he was out of the house, but moved toward her in a threatening way, she was entitled to protect herself. As she has not be charged yet, there must have been evidence that he behaved that way.
Indeed we do.
She shot him coming out of her house after tripping the alarm
End of story, Justifiable Homicide.
She shot a burglar, if this happened more often the burglars would think twice
before committing their crime
Shoot speeders, they are breaking the law, and people will slow down...
Speeding is not breaking into one's private domain. God only knows what he did in there or what he stole. Criminals have to realize that their actions have consequences.
Speeding is a crime...

Not a felony idiot! Comparing a robbery to speeding, what a joke!
Bullshit it's called felony evading.

Speeding is not a felony. Evading is a felony. Learn to comprehend what you read.
It's ambiguous any details come from your imagination.
Doesn't change the fact she wasn't there.

Explain how she can shoot someone while they are there is she wasn't there.
The 54-year-old woman told police her surveillance system alerted her to the break-in of her home. She said she rushed home and found the teen climbing out of a window.
any more willfully ignorant questions,?

Since she found him in her home, she had to be there. I don't care whether a surveillance system alerted her or a neighbor called. She was there when he was there. End of story. The result is that a piece of shit can no longer steal and that's a good thing.

Any more stupidity from you, you dumb son of a bitch?
she was not home at the time of the break in ,she shot him as he was leaving ,
we don't even know if she was inside or outside the house .
the report again is ambiguous about it.

as to this "The result is that a piece of shit can no longer steal and that's a good thing." conservative 65

If he was out of the house, but moved toward her in a threatening way, she was entitled to protect herself. As she has not be charged yet, there must have been evidence that he behaved that way.

That's what the laws of my state say and indicate that the one choosing to sue deadly force is the one that makes the determination of whether or not they were threatened. That decision isn't left up to someone else.
To whom, you? A housebreaker has already proven he can't be trusted.

As far as the doing something stupid claim you made, you still haven't proven it. You call that I disagree with your claim as proof of your claim. Not how it works.
St. Con. Lol

As kids we went into neighbors garage refrigerators and took beers. ....

Figures you were a scumbag even then.
Like you never did anything wrong or stupid either.

breaking into neighbor's homes and stealing from them? No.

The only one doing that is you. Your entire mindset can be summed up this way:

1) You admitted to doing something stupid
2) You claimed that I, someone you don't know nor have ever met, has done something equally stupid
3) Despite being asked multiple times to provide one example as proof, you cannot do so
4) You call my DISAGREEMENT with you proof of your claim.
If you claim that I am, you must prove it for the claim to be valid. You've provided no proof, therefore, your claim is dismissed for lack of evidence.
No need to prove the obvious

It's selfevident.
For someone who claims never to have done nothing stupid or wrong you have the criminal dodge wired

To whom, you? A housebreaker has already proven he can't be trusted.

As far as the doing something stupid claim you made, you still haven't proven it. You call that I disagree with your claim as proof of your claim. Not how it works.
St. Con. Lol

As kids we went into neighbors garage refrigerators and took beers. ....

Figures you were a scumbag even then.
Like you never did anything wrong or stupid either.

I'm still waiting on you to provide just one example to support your claim that I did something stupid.
Are you saying that's proof for the entire state and everyone in it? That would be false.
No but that's what you want to be said .
If you claim not to be one . You're lying

If you claim that I am, you must prove it for the claim to be valid. You've provided no proof, therefore, your claim is dismissed for lack of evidence.
No need to prove the obvious

It's selfevident.
For someone who claims never to have done nothing stupid or wrong you have the criminal dodge wired

To whom, you? A housebreaker has already proven he can't be trusted.

As far as the doing something stupid claim you made, you still haven't proven it. You call that I disagree with your claim as proof of your claim. Not how it works.
St. Con. Lol

As kids we went into neighbors garage refrigerators and took beers. A crime punishable by death in your neighborhood.

You a horrible person

You seem to think that what you took matters when THAT you took it is the important factor.

A thief is a horrible person. Someone that tries to justify thievery is a horrible person.
If you claim that I am, you must prove it for the claim to be valid. You've provided no proof, therefore, your claim is dismissed for lack of evidence.
No need to prove the obvious

It's selfevident.
For someone who claims never to have done nothing stupid or wrong you have the criminal dodge wired

To whom, you? A housebreaker has already proven he can't be trusted.

As far as the doing something stupid claim you made, you still haven't proven it. You call that I disagree with your claim as proof of your claim. Not how it works.
Subjective and evading.

You admitted to breaking into a house. That's proof you can't be trusted. Objective proof.

Still no objective evidence to support your claim I've done something stupid? Just one?
False! it's proof of my honesty.it's also not objective proof .
Your claim of not to be trusted is about as subjective as is possible.

I've already provided objective proof of your stupidity, you are alive (technically anyway)

Objective proof would be an example. You have provided absolutely no proof.

What do you expect a bunch of people whose automatic assumption anytime a white person in authority says something to them is to claim "the only reason you (fill in the blank) to me is because I'm black"?
It's based on real life experiences .
I've seen it first hand .
If you claim race doesn't count , then why would the race of the person or persons matter?

Do you have video of your claimed experiences?

Request for proof of yet another claim you can't support with evidence. You have a rough time understanding that if you make a claim, you must prove it and you saying so isn't proof.
You seem to think that what you took matters when THAT you took it is the important factor.

A thief is a horrible person. Someone that tries to justify thievery is a horrible person.
God you think like a child, a very stupid one.

Kid took gum, my gum, so I killed him...

TOOK is the key word. I have a simple solution if you don't like the potential results. Don't steal and you have nothing to worry about.

Like I told you before retard, EVERYTHING I own has more value than you.
You seem to think that what you took matters when THAT you took it is the important factor.

A thief is a horrible person. Someone that tries to justify thievery is a horrible person.
God you think like a child, a very stupid one.

Kid took gum, my gum, so I killed him...

TOOK is the key word. I have a simple solution if you don't like the potential results. Don't steal and you have nothing to worry about.
Case in point. What a total moron.

And give us your mommy's phone number. I'll have a phone book of stupid things you did noted here for you in five minutes...
You seem to think that what you took matters when THAT you took it is the important factor.

A thief is a horrible person. Someone that tries to justify thievery is a horrible person.
God you think like a child, a very stupid one.

Kid took gum, my gum, so I killed him...

TOOK is the key word. I have a simple solution if you don't like the potential results. Don't steal and you have nothing to worry about.
Case in point. What a total moron.

And give us your mommy's phone number. I'll have a phone book of stupid things you did noted here for you in five minutes...

I already have yours. She gave it to me.
You seem to think that what you took matters when THAT you took it is the important factor.

A thief is a horrible person. Someone that tries to justify thievery is a horrible person.
God you think like a child, a very stupid one.

Kid took gum, my gum, so I killed him...

TOOK is the key word. I have a simple solution if you don't like the potential results. Don't steal and you have nothing to worry about.
Case in point. What a total moron.

And give us your mommy's phone number. I'll have a phone book of stupid things you did noted here for you in five minutes...

I already have yours. She gave it to me.
That must have been tricky, from the grave. Say hello for me...
You seem to think that what you took matters when THAT you took it is the important factor.

A thief is a horrible person. Someone that tries to justify thievery is a horrible person.
God you think like a child, a very stupid one.

Kid took gum, my gum, so I killed him...

TOOK is the key word. I have a simple solution if you don't like the potential results. Don't steal and you have nothing to worry about.
Case in point. What a total moron.

And give us your mommy's phone number. I'll have a phone book of stupid things you did noted here for you in five minutes...

I already have yours. She gave it to me.
That must have been tricky, from the grave. Say hello for me...

Never said it was recent. Had it for years.
God you think like a child, a very stupid one.

Kid took gum, my gum, so I killed him...

TOOK is the key word. I have a simple solution if you don't like the potential results. Don't steal and you have nothing to worry about.
Case in point. What a total moron.

And give us your mommy's phone number. I'll have a phone book of stupid things you did noted here for you in five minutes...

I already have yours. She gave it to me.
That must have been tricky, from the grave. Say hello for me...

Never said it was recent. Had it for years.
Yeah, like 30...
She's allowed to defend her home.

But there will be a civil suit and I don't like her chances. Can't say she was fearful for herself when she rushed to danger.
Question....Why are you so sympathetic to a criminal scum bag?
Why is life to you so cheap?
People who break into homes hold human life cheap. They know they are putting people's lives at risk and they don't care.
Nope. They are looking for shit to steal. Nothing at all to do with human life.

It's those who will kill for "material goods" who don't value life.
hey genius....It is HER STUFF....she paid for it. She has the right to defend life and property in her home as she sees fit. What's best is the fact that the law supports such defense. Case closed.
Question....Why are you so sympathetic to a criminal scum bag?
Why is life to you so cheap?
People who break into homes hold human life cheap. They know they are putting people's lives at risk and they don't care.
Nope. They are looking for shit to steal. Nothing at all to do with human life.

It's those who will kill for "material goods" who don't value life.
Since you're an idiot, let me explain the felony murder rule to you. When one of you Leftists commits a felony and anyone dies as a result, it's automatically 1st degree murder. This is because the law recognizes that those who commit crimes have the capacity to understand crime is dangerous and people can get killed as a result. Any decision to commit the crime anyway entails the deliberate acceptance of criminal responsibility for whatever lives are taken as a result.

This means that the top legal minds agree with me and think you're an ass.
Dumbass, a guy breaks into my car, and I catch him and he runs away. I am under no threat but I shoot him anyway, and he dies. Even if that is not a crime, I can be sued. Why?
The car is in the driveway or on the public right of way....mmmm You MAY have a point.....If the perpetrator is armed, all bets are off. BOOM! problem solved
TOOK is the key word. I have a simple solution if you don't like the potential results. Don't steal and you have nothing to worry about.
Case in point. What a total moron.

And give us your mommy's phone number. I'll have a phone book of stupid things you did noted here for you in five minutes...

I already have yours. She gave it to me.
That must have been tricky, from the grave. Say hello for me...

Never said it was recent. Had it for years.
Yeah, like 30...

At least.
But there will be a civil suit and I don't like her chances. Can't say she was fearful for herself when she rushed to danger.
Question....Why are you so sympathetic to a criminal scum bag?
Why is life to you so cheap?
People who break into homes hold human life cheap. They know they are putting people's lives at risk and they don't care.
Nope. They are looking for shit to steal. Nothing at all to do with human life.

It's those who will kill for "material goods" who don't value life.
hey genius....It is HER STUFF....she paid for it. She has the right to defend life and property in her home as she sees fit. What's best is the fact that the law supports such defense. Case closed.
She wasn't in her home, she raced home, and didn't let the cops do their job. There is not a reason in the world she needed to kill him, she just did.
No but that's what you want to be said .
If you claim not to be one . You're lying

If you claim that I am, you must prove it for the claim to be valid. You've provided no proof, therefore, your claim is dismissed for lack of evidence.
No need to prove the obvious

It's selfevident.
For someone who claims never to have done nothing stupid or wrong you have the criminal dodge wired

To whom, you? A housebreaker has already proven he can't be trusted.

As far as the doing something stupid claim you made, you still haven't proven it. You call that I disagree with your claim as proof of your claim. Not how it works.
St. Con. Lol

As kids we went into neighbors garage refrigerators and took beers. A crime punishable by death in your neighborhood.

You a horrible person

You seem to think that what you took matters when THAT you took it is the important factor.

A thief is a horrible person. Someone that tries to justify thievery is a horrible person.

You're a hard line asshole. I'm sure you or someone you love has been stupid. You want proof? The proof is that you are stupid. So therefore you must have done something stupid.

You are not better than those of us who have admitted doing wrong. You only act like you are. And we are all certain you will never be honest.

You're like trump. He never asks God for forgiveness. Like him I'm sure you are a saint. Maybe you've never been in a position to have to steal. Or like Jesus maybe you are perfect? LOL

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