19 Huge Broken Campaign Promises of President Obama


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
This isn't a complete list. It doesn't even mention his promise of no new taxes for those making under $250,000 or the many absurd promises about Obamacare. 12 new taxes in Obamacare affect everyone, much like the increase in social security withholdings. You probably won't get to keep your current doctor and insurance and costs will not go down. Too many more broken promises to mention.

In 2008, Obama was against spying on citizens for no reason. Now, it's the specialty of his administration. He was totally against tracking citizens, too.

He promised to close GITMO.

He also promised to revise the Patriot Act and overturn all the unconstitutional executive decisions made by Bush. Instead he using everything allowed by the act, and not in the way it was intended.

Oversight on surveillance programs. He actually said he supported our constitutional rights and protections. Okay, anyone still believe that? There is less oversight and surveillance is rampant, our rights be damned.

Transparency and openness. Yet, they changed the FOIA and allow themselves to withhold information from the press and public.

According to Obama before he became pres, whistleblowers should be encouraged, not stifled, to keep government honest. Now we know he meant whistleblowers against Republican administrations.

17. On Presidential War Powers (See Libya)
“The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation. In instances of self-defense, the President would be within his constitutional authority to act before advising Congress or seeking its consent. History has shown us time and again, however, that military action is most successful when it is authorized and supported by the Legislative branch. It is always preferable to have the informed consent of Congress prior to any military action.” (2007)
19. Don't Mock the Constitution
"Don’t mock the Constitution. Don’t make fun of it. Don’t suggest that it’s un-American to abide by what the Founding Fathers set up. It’s worked pretty well for over two-hundred years." (2008)

19 Huge Broken Campaign Promises of President Obama
19 Huge Broken Campaign Promises of President Obama | Independent Journal Review
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Passed Healthcare
Killed bin Laden
Got us out of he wars

Works for me
Passed Healthcare
Killed bin Laden
Got us out of he wars

Works for me

Low information voter, buy a clue. We are still in the Afghanistan war. Obama had his surge and the surge was a great increase in deaths and then Obama admits failure. Just because the hypocrite left shows they could care less about our men doesn't mean they still ain't fighting and dying. Three died just the other day.

Show me the proof he killed OBL.

Pentagon admits it has no photo evidence of Bin Laden's death

Read more: http://digitaljournal.com/article/323364#ixzz2Vrn9vDRn
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Passed Healthcare
Killed bin Laden
Got us out of he wars

Works for me

Low information voter, buy a clue. We are still in the Afghanistan war. Obama had his surge and the surge was a great increase in deaths and then Obama admits failure. Just because the hypocrite left shows they could care less about our men doesn't mean they still ain't fighting and dying. Three died just the other day.

Show me the proof he killed OBL.

When our SEALS say they killed Bin Laden, they fucking killed Bin Laden, jackoff.
Passed Healthcare
Killed bin Laden
Got us out of he wars

Works for me

Low information voter, buy a clue. We are still in the Afghanistan war. Obama had his surge and the surge was a great increase in deaths and then Obama admits failure. Just because the hypocrite left shows they could care less about our men doesn't mean they still ain't fighting and dying. Three died just the other day.

Show me the proof he killed OBL.

When our SEALS say they killed Bin Laden, they fucking killed Bin Laden, jackoff.

The SEALS are not saying anything asshole.
Low information voter, buy a clue. We are still in the Afghanistan war. Obama had his surge and the surge was a great increase in deaths and then Obama admits failure. Just because the hypocrite left shows they could care less about our men doesn't mean they still ain't fighting and dying. Three died just the other day.

Show me the proof he killed OBL.

When our SEALS say they killed Bin Laden, they fucking killed Bin Laden, jackoff.

The SEALS are not saying anything asshole.

Yes they did, you stupid fuck. They confirmed it with their superiors after they did it.

Where's the deficit now? Just over $600 billion yearly and falling.

I remember it was almost three times as much yearly 5 years ago. So, actually, it's a promise kept. The deficits are actually way less than half of what they were 4-5 years ago.

Are you people all stupid? You call Obama a dictator, but then you blame him for not closing Gitmo. But he can't close Gitmo because he's NOT A DICTATOR and needs the Congress to actually authorize the funding of it closing.

Which President put people in Gitmo and which President has been taking them out?

The game we really need to play is, "List the achievements of George W. Bush".
well he is from Chicago. there u go. its a lawless town. they all lie to get into office, then the residents flee further south when they soon realize that Chicago is being run by 12 or so Hitler wanna-bees.
Where's the deficit now? Just over $600 billion yearly and falling.

I remember it was almost three times as much yearly 5 years ago. So, actually, it's a promise kept. The deficits are actually way less than half of what they were 4-5 years ago.

Are you people all stupid? You call Obama a dictator, but then you blame him for not closing Gitmo. But he can't close Gitmo because he's NOT A DICTATOR and needs the Congress to actually authorize the funding of it closing.

Which President put people in Gitmo and which President has been taking them out?

The game we really need to play is, "List the achievements of George W. Bush".

Obama's deficits are still twice what Bush's were.

Quit whining. When will Obama ever take responsibility for his own failures?
big deal. so what if deficits are down, what about the debt? and he is still going on a multi-million dollar vacation to cape cod? why there? what ever happened to taking vacations,,,IN THE MAINLAND?
you know, we could be 30 trillion in debt, and he would still spend millions of dollars of borrowed tax dollars to go to some prestige island.
Passed Healthcare
Killed bin Laden
Got us out of he wars

Works for me

Low information voter, buy a clue. We are still in the Afghanistan war. Obama had his surge and the surge was a great increase in deaths and then Obama admits failure. Just because the hypocrite left shows they could care less about our men doesn't mean they still ain't fighting and dying. Three died just the other day.

Show me the proof he killed OBL.

Pentagon admits it has no photo evidence of Bin Laden's death

Read more: Pentagon admits it has no photo evidence of Bin Laden's death (Includes interview)

bin Laden sleeps with the fishes..........Obama sent him there

why would the Pentagon have evidence? It was a CIA operation you asshole
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big deal. so what if deficits are down, what about the debt? and he is still going on a multi-million dollar vacation to cape cod? why there? what ever happened to taking vacations,,,IN THE MAINLAND?

Cape Cod?

Oh my....what is he thinking?

Cant he vacation in America?
Where's the deficit now? Just over $600 billion yearly and falling.

I remember it was almost three times as much yearly 5 years ago. So, actually, it's a promise kept. The deficits are actually way less than half of what they were 4-5 years ago.

Are you people all stupid? You call Obama a dictator, but then you blame him for not closing Gitmo. But he can't close Gitmo because he's NOT A DICTATOR and needs the Congress to actually authorize the funding of it closing.

Which President put people in Gitmo and which President has been taking them out?

The game we really need to play is, "List the achievements of George W. Bush".

So WHERE did you get this"Just over $600 billion yearly and falling. " Certainly not from the Whitehouse.gov web site as I did!!!

Historical Tables | The White House
  • Year Receipts Outlays Surplus or Deficit (–)
  • 2000 2,025,191 1,788,950 236,241
  • 2001 1,991,082 1,862,846 128,236 Dot.com Bust, 9/11, Recession
  • 2002 1,853,136 2,010,894 -157,758
  • 2003 1,782,314 2,159,899 -377,585 tax cuts took affect worst hurricanes SEASONS in history
  • 2004 1,880,114 2,292,841 -412,727 biggest deficit..,, worst hurricanes SEASONS in history
  • 2005 2,153,611 2,471,957 -318,346 deficit decline,,worst hurricanes SEASONS in history
  • 2006 2,406,869 2,655,050 -248,181 deficit decline,,worst hurricanes SEASONS in history
  • 2007 2,567,985 2,728,686 -160,701 deficit decline
  • 2008 2,523,991 2,982,544 -458,553 housing bubble
  • 2009 2,104,989 3,517,677 -1,412,688 TARP,Stimulus
  • 2010 2,162,706 3,457,079 -1,294,373 This doesn't look like $600 billion deficit???
  • 2011 2,303,466 3,603,059 -1,299,593 This doesn't look like $600 billion deficit???
  • 2012 2,450,164 3,537,127 -1,086,963 This doesn't look like $600 billion deficit???
  • 2013 2,712,045 3,684,947 -972,902 estimate
  • 2014 3,033,618 3,777,807 -744,189 estimate
  • 2015 3,331,685 3,908,157 -576,472 estimate
  • 2016 3,561,451 4,089,836 -528,385 estimate
  • 2017 3,760,542 4,247,448 -486,906 estimate
  • 2018 3,973,974 4,449,240 -475,266 estimate

Where is your source for a $600 billion Obama deficit???
All 19 blocked by Pubs, but progress made on all of them...that's not broken promises, dumbazz dupe.
Where's the deficit now? Just over $600 billion yearly and falling.

I remember it was almost three times as much yearly 5 years ago. So, actually, it's a promise kept. The deficits are actually way less than half of what they were 4-5 years ago.

Are you people all stupid? You call Obama a dictator, but then you blame him for not closing Gitmo. But he can't close Gitmo because he's NOT A DICTATOR and needs the Congress to actually authorize the funding of it closing.

Which President put people in Gitmo and which President has been taking them out?

The game we really need to play is, "List the achievements of George W. Bush".

I am waiting for you to tell me where there ever was a $600 billion deficit under Obama.

What was your source because here are the facts again... until you refute these facts from the White House!
So WHERE did you get this"Just over $600 billion yearly and falling. " Certainly not from the Whitehouse.gov web site as I did!!!

Historical Tables | The White House
  • Year Receipts Outlays Surplus or Deficit (–)
  • 2000 2,025,191 1,788,950 236,241
  • 2001 1,991,082 1,862,846 128,236 Dot.com Bust, 9/11, Recession
  • 2002 1,853,136 2,010,894 -157,758
  • 2003 1,782,314 2,159,899 -377,585 tax cuts took affect worst hurricanes SEASONS in history
  • 2004 1,880,114 2,292,841 -412,727 biggest deficit..,, worst hurricanes SEASONS in history
  • 2005 2,153,611 2,471,957 -318,346 deficit decline,,worst hurricanes SEASONS in history
  • 2006 2,406,869 2,655,050 -248,181 deficit decline,,worst hurricanes SEASONS in history
  • 2007 2,567,985 2,728,686 -160,701 deficit decline
  • 2008 2,523,991 2,982,544 -458,553 housing bubble
  • 2009 2,104,989 3,517,677 -1,412,688 TARP,Stimulus
  • 2010 2,162,706 3,457,079 -1,294,373 This doesn't look like $600 billion deficit???
  • 2011 2,303,466 3,603,059 -1,299,593 This doesn't look like $600 billion deficit???
  • 2012 2,450,164 3,537,127 -1,086,963 This doesn't look like $600 billion deficit???
  • 2013 2,712,045 3,684,947 -972,902 estimate
  • 2014 3,033,618 3,777,807 -744,189 estimate
  • 2015 3,331,685 3,908,157 -576,472 estimate
  • 2016 3,561,451 4,089,836 -528,385 estimate
  • 2017 3,760,542 4,247,448 -486,906 estimate
  • 2018 3,973,974 4,449,240 -475,266 estimate

Where is your source for a $600 billion Obama deficit???

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