19 year old who was raped at 15 ordered to pay child support

Tough situation but just because a 15 year old is unable to give legal consent to sexual intercourse it seems that a 15 year old boy's three year affair with an older woman hardly rises to the level of rape that we are used to.
Tough situation but just because a 15 year old is unable to give legal consent to sexual intercourse it seems that a 15 year old boy's three year affair with an older woman hardly rises to the level of rape that we are used to.

She was an adult and he was a child, she took advantage of him.

Yeah, and I have a feeling he was loving every minute of it. Let's get real, folks.
She deserved a much harsher jail sentence. How the system can allow her to raise a child after she took advantage of that boy is disgusting.

Interesting how times change. Used to be way back when that 13 was the age some girls got married now the average is what 30?
Imagine being a 15y old boy and getting to have all the sex you want with a hot woman without having any future repercussions.
Imagine being a 12 year old boy whose being sexually molested by your 31 year old babysitter.
Hmm... let's see 31year old woman:

Yeah it would be horrible.
It doesn't matter what she looks like(though i doubt its anything like Beyonce)No one would suggest that a 12 year old girl wanted to be raped because the rapist was attractive.
It doesn't matter what she looks like(though i doubt its anything like Beyonce)No one would suggest that a 12 year old girl wanted to be raped because the rapist was attractive.
Who said anyone wanted to get raped? I used to be a 12 year old boy, go figure. I can tell you that if the woman was nice and attractive, and if I really liked her, that I would not have considered it being raped.
? Ropes, weapons, accomplices, .. many women can overpower many men by many means. Yeah men can be raped by women, it's very possible.

Unless he has a boner none of that matters. That's my point.
Some women have orgasms from forcible rape. Is that consent in your eyes?

Male and female parts don't work the same way. A woman can be forced into sex without being sexually aroused. A man can't unless he is being ass raped, which is not what happened here.
Unless he has a boner none of that matters. That's my point.
Some women have orgasms from forcible rape. Is that consent in your eyes?

A woman can be forced into sex without being sexually aroused. A man can't unless he is being ass raped, which is not what happened here.

I'm gonna take a wild guess that you are not a medical professional, nor an expert on male or female sex organs.

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