19 year old who was raped at 15 ordered to pay child support

Here is the full story.

A 15-year-old boy who was raped by a 34-year-old woman now faces child support in Nebraska.

This is the case for now 19-year-old Jeremy Steen, of Lincoln, Nebraska. In 2008, Steen was seduced and raped repeatedly by his 34-year-old baby sitter Linda Kazinsky. Sources testified that the sexual abuse took place weekly for nearly 3 years. After police were alerted, Ms. Kazinsky was arrested and charged with statutory rape and false imprisonment.

Kazinsky was employed as a babysitter for the Steens for nearly 3 years.

Child Support EbookAfter Kazinsky’s release from Nebraska’s state prison system in 2012 she was able to regain custody of her child. The child had been a ward of the state for the first 13 months until Debra Kazinsky, Linda’s sister, was able to gain custody. After being reunited with her child, Kazinsky promptly filed for Aid and Government assistance which in turn landed Jeremy with a subpena for child support.

Jeremy had his day in court and was ordered to pay $475 a month in child support to Linda Kazinsky as well as a whopping $23,000 in back Child Support payments.

How does someone force a 15 year old boy to have sex?
From the article it appears that the boy was under the age of consent at the time of the sexual encounters. Sex with underage partners is considered rape by the law. Force or the lack of is irrelevant.

I think it's very relevant. If he voluntarily engaged in the relationship, he should pay for the child. The fact that he was statutorily raped would be irrelevant.

Now, if he was forced, then would argue she has unclean hands in attempting to get this money.

I don't care how old you are. If you are voluntarily engaging in action that creates a child, you should take care of that child.
How does someone force a 15 year old boy to have sex?

She was an adult and he was a child, she took advantage of him.

a 15 year old is not a child. He's not an adult but he isn't a child. he is a teenager.

If he was voluntarily engaging in activity with her, than he is responsible for any child produced, regardless if the law doesnt recognize his ability to consent.
There is a lot left out of this story. First of all, why is a 15 year old kid having a babysitter? Second, was he raped in the true sense or raped in the statutory sense? If it's statutory, which I suspect is the case, then I have no problem with him paying child support because there was consent on his part. I fail to see how a man can be raped by a woman in the true sense of rape.

I do find it appalling, however, that this woman would even be given custody of this child given that under the eyes of the law she should be a sex offender.

According to the article it started when he was 12 and continued until he was 15.

I'm appalled she got the baby back and that she didn't face harsher sentencing.

12 would be a child. Good to know that info.
Some women have orgasms from forcible rape. Is that consent in your eyes?

A woman can be forced into sex without being sexually aroused. A man can't unless he is being ass raped, which is not what happened here.

I'm gonna take a wild guess that you are not a medical professional, nor an expert on male or female sex organs.

I would think decades of personal experience would be sufficient.
I fail to see how a man can be raped by a woman in the true sense of rape.

? Ropes, weapons, accomplices, .. many women can overpower many men by many means. Yeah men can be raped by women, it's very possible.

So she forced him to become arroused?

I have no idea. At any rate how hard do you think it would be to force a boy to become aroused? I find it highly likely that most women could force most teen age boys to become aroused with about 5sec of effort. I would not blame the boy either. It's just one of those things that are not entirely in our control.
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How does someone force a 15 year old boy to have sex?

She was an adult and he was a child, she took advantage of him.

a 15 year old is not a child. He's not an adult but he isn't a child. he is a teenager.

If he was voluntarily engaging in activity with her, than he is responsible for any child produced, regardless if the law doesnt recognize his ability to consent.
I have mentioned nothing about child support.

Frankly I don't understand how she was able to gain custody on the child. My opinion is he should sue for full custody and she should be allowed supervised visits only.
A woman can be forced into sex without being sexually aroused. A man can't unless he is being ass raped, which is not what happened here.

I'm gonna take a wild guess that you are not a medical professional, nor an expert on male or female sex organs.

I would think decades of personal experience would be sufficient.

Sexual arousal can be the result of physical stimulation, or romance, or both.
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How does someone force a 15 year old boy to have sex?

She was an adult and he was a child, she took advantage of him.

a 15 year old is not a child. He's not an adult but he isn't a child. he is a teenager.

If he was voluntarily engaging in activity with her, than he is responsible for any child produced, regardless if the law doesnt recognize his ability to consent.

Biologically, he is an adult, actually. Adolescence is something a bunch of shrinks made up a hundred years ago.
Some women have orgasms from forcible rape. Is that consent in your eyes?

A woman can be forced into sex without being sexually aroused. A man can't unless he is being ass raped, which is not what happened here.

I'm gonna take a wild guess that you are not a medical professional, nor an expert on male or female sex organs.

I've had plenty of sexual encounters in my time. Feel free to explain how a woman rapes a flaccid man.
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She was an adult and he was a child, she took advantage of him.

a 15 year old is not a child. He's not an adult but he isn't a child. he is a teenager.

If he was voluntarily engaging in activity with her, than he is responsible for any child produced, regardless if the law doesnt recognize his ability to consent.
I have mentioned nothing about child support.

Frankly I don't understand how she was able to gain custody on the child. My opinion is he should sue for full custody and she should be allowed supervised visits only.

He may not want the child. I'm curious as to why he did not already have the kid while she was in jail because according to the article it said her sister had the baby. Why wouldn't the father automatically have custody? That's why I think maybe he or his family don't want any involvement?
a 15 year old is not a child. He's not an adult but he isn't a child. he is a teenager.

If he was voluntarily engaging in activity with her, than he is responsible for any child produced, regardless if the law doesnt recognize his ability to consent.
I have mentioned nothing about child support.

Frankly I don't understand how she was able to gain custody on the child. My opinion is he should sue for full custody and she should be allowed supervised visits only.

He may not want the child. I'm curious as to why he did not already have the kid while she was in jail because according to the article it said her sister had the baby. Why wouldn't the father automatically have custody? That's why I think maybe he or his family don't want any involvement?

Im assuming they wanted to put the whole thing behind them. Few 15 year olds want to raise a baby, let alone one created in these type of circumstances.
It's the judge who should be horsewhipped.

A person who could't legally sign a contract at the time he was persuaded to slop the cock to some idiot bimbo now has a debt load few nineteen year-olds can pay. One wonders whether that will help him bond with the kid.
It's the judge who should be horsewhipped.

A person who could't legally sign a contract at the time he was persuaded to slop the cock to some idiot bimbo now has a debt load few nineteen year-olds can pay. One wonders whether that will help him bond with the kid.

When it comes to child support the family courts really don't care about the circumstances; they just want the kid cared for, fair or not. I've read numerous stories of men who have discovered that a child isn't actually there's and despite that the courts still ordered them to continue paying support.

Don't put yourself in this kind of position in the first place and you won't have to worry about it.
Just to be clear, a person who can't sign a contract being held liable for some fucking bimbo's licentiousness is abuse of the law.

We all have our opinions. The scum of the fucking earth would have this kid, who again, could not sign a contract, be liable for more money than he likely can pay. If there is someone like me on any jury he ever faces, he won't be convicted in that trial.
Poor finding by the judge.

Should be appealed with the father given the right to terminate parental rights without any financial penalty.

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