19 year old who was raped at 15 ordered to pay child support

How does someone force a 15 year old boy to have sex?

Raped, my foot. He had an erection or he could not have gotten her preggers. So he was hardly raped!! Women can't rape men.

This is a ridiculous claim.

Pay up to the mom, loser horndog.
How does someone force a 15 year old boy to have sex?

Raped, my foot. He had an erection or he could not have gotten her preggers. So he was hardly raped!! Women can't rape men.

This is a ridiculous claim.

Pay up to the mom, loser horndog.

This isn't a man v woman thing. This is an adult preying on a child thing.

Because the child in question is male, there are a lot of folks making the assumption it's ok to take advantage of them. I disagree.
Are you going to explain or not? You seem to think you know so much more about sex than me so let's hear it.

Dude stop humping my leg. If you have a problem with your tool you need to see a professional.

Cant answer, so you resort to insults.

Isnt it easier just to admit you dont know?

Is this a pron site? Do I really need to explain how a woman can perform a particular sex act on a particular sex organ that almost without fail will bring to erection all but he most flacid of male penises, let alone a young teen ager's? Most young men can get a hard on just by the smell of a woman and a nibble on his ear, let alone physical touching on his privates.
all of which means what?

the boy was 15, could not consent by law, and that is the end of it.
This isn't new. I've heard of hundreds of cases just like this. The law needs to be changed. While everyone sympathizes with a female rape victim and will rush to help her get an abortion. Nothing is done for male victims of rape who don't have that option.

That woman took advantage of him, she alone should pay for the upbringing of the child. He shouldn't have to pay her a cent.
How does someone force a 15 year old boy to have sex?

Raped, my foot. He had an erection or he could not have gotten her preggers. So he was hardly raped!! Women can't rape men.

This is a ridiculous claim.

Pay up to the mom, loser horndog.

I agree that women cannot rape men - the laws are they are written make it physically impossible for a woman to commit rape - but the kid was young, and maybe he had some disability that meant he wasn't aware of the consequences?

Also, would your opinion be the same if this was a 34 year old man and a 15 year old girl?
Some people need to understand that just because the boy got an erection, doesn't mean he 'enjoyed' it. The body reacts in ways we find odd and uncomfortable at times.

Female rape victims may actually experience an orgasm - does this mean they enjoyed it? No, but their body responded in a way they had no control over.
The kid was raped!!! Haven't they paid enough???!!!

God bless you and them and the child that was conceived always!!!


P.S. I hope that the boy is able to sue because whoever raped him should not be able to get away with it!!! The boy should get the child if they want it and the rapist should be kicked where it hurts for sexually feasting on a minor!!!
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When this boy was 12 he may have been a victim, but this went on for three years until he was 15 years old. He ceased being a victim and became a willing consensual partner and he needs to pay for his kid so the public doesn't get stuck with the bill.
Taz and Noomi: the child was, is, and always will be the victim here, not the least because he could not consent. That is why, in part, we have statutory rape laws: stupid little boys and stupid little girls don't know better.

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