19 year old who was raped at 15 ordered to pay child support

Not an argument, son, at all. If you are for states rights, this is not issue. I can think of no other reason you are concerned about age of consent and getting it lowered.

Interesting point...

I'm for states rights, but that would only apply to areas of concern of the state, and / or if harm is done to another life or property for example. I find it odd that we choose to treat a 15year old in this case and a baby in the womb in the case of abortion as property. We act like the 15year old can't even talk or think.

Should state rights extend to a right to take away rights protected by the first amendment? Nah, certainly not life and liberty. You'd have a hard time explaining to me how the right of a 15year old to have sex is not a part of his right to life. Did the 15year old say he was harmed? Does he say he was harmed now? Or is the harm merely our view that we desire to foist on him? Is this one of those, negative life rights like the right to kill babies in the womb? Are we not punishing this boy and the woman for doing what a hundred years ago would have been perfectly legal? Until the 1930s the age of consent was 10 to 12 years of age. Barbaric huh?
RMKBrown, do you endorse lowering the age of consent for sexual relations, and if so, to what age?
RMKBrown, do you endorse lowering the age of consent for sexual relations, and if so, to what age?

Good question.. that was mean. Now I have to think about it and provide a target :)

First thought, as I'd like to fix our abortion problem as well (another sex issue), why not kill two birds with one stone.

I'd replace the current laws on consent and abortion with representation by proxy. Upon contest of a minor's right life, the court should appoint said minor with an adult who speaks for and faithfully represents the needs and desires of the minor. In this circumstance I say a minor is any child with a heart beat and / or brainwave activity.

Thus, if a 15year old has sex with his 22 year old teacher the court appointed representative would investigate the situation within reason, establish mental and physical state, romance state, intent etc. Then make recommendations to the court to either throw out the case or prosecute. But basis for the decision should be based on things like whether the 15year old has sufficient mental capacity etc., not just his age. There needs to be an investigation of the mitigating circumstances. The child needs an advocate. If they really do love each other.. throwing the woman in jail for getting caught and making the child a ward of the state may not be the best thing for anyone involved. More to the point, the parent of the child is not always the best person to decide what to do with the child. We should not treat children as property to be destroyed and ignored.
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You wish to replace parents with advocates.

Interesting but will not happen in the general population as a whole.
You wish to replace parents with advocates.

Interesting but will not happen in the general population as a whole.

With respect to actions taken against the child.. we already have advocates. I'm just re-using the pattern in cases where the parents are possibly harming their children by aborting them or arresting people they may have a desired romantic relationship with. The best wishes of the child are assumed to be the parents, but clearly this is not always the case.
But it will not be across the population effect.

I know why you wish to replace parents.
But it will not be across the population effect.

I know why you wish to replace parents.

Are they still parents when they have decided to abort? Are they still parents/grandparents when they decide to put the relationship their 15year old had on trial?

The support case was all about the child. The mother paid her dues by spending time in jail for her crime.

Even so, that child is entitled to being supported in accordance with state law, which was obviously consulted.

There's a little lesson in there somewhere about the costs of pleasure, but it's not a lesson outsiders to a romance can learn much from.


The dancers have to pay the piper, not the people in the next county.

A child is a precious being. It deserves the support of both its parents.
Not when the parent is raped. Children can't consent, freedombecki, and rape victims can't consent.

No such restrictive law will be upheld by the court.
Is does bring up an interesting point...

Are rapists entitled to the same rights ( ie custody/visitation, child support) granted to other parents when the offspring are the result of rape? Is it fair to the victim? What about the child?
The death cultists maintain that humanity is defined by parents, and if they reject a child, not only may they kill it, if they like...but they may be absolved of all financial responsibility for it.
Not when the parent is raped. Children can't consent, freedombecki, and rape victims can't consent.

No such restrictive law will be upheld by the court.
The child exists. You can't murder an alive child because a rape victim has suffered intolerable indignities in bringing the baby to life.

I personally think he may have enjoyed the sexual encounter with the older woman before he was told how victimized he had been by his lawyer.

There is a lot left out of this story. First of all, why is a 15 year old kid having a babysitter? Second, was he raped in the true sense or raped in the statutory sense? If it's statutory, which I suspect is the case, then I have no problem with him paying child support because there was consent on his part. I fail to see how a man can be raped by a woman in the true sense of rape.

I do find it appalling, however, that this woman would even be given custody of this child given that under the eyes of the law she should be a sex offender.

According to the article it started when he was 12 and continued until he was 15.

I'm appalled she got the baby back and that she didn't face harsher sentencing.

12....well, that is very young...not sure i approve of that, though, when i was 12 i would have approved

one of the reasons our legal system is flawed is:

1. illegal to have sex with a 15 year old

2. consequence equals prison time, more for men, less for women

3. the "victim" of a the crime must pay child support

what if the victim was a woman who gave the child up and the "rapist" got custody, would you still support the claim of the rapist to get child support?

FN: rapist means stat rape with consent
Not when the parent is raped. Children can't consent, freedombecki, and rape victims can't consent.

No such restrictive law will be upheld by the court.
The child exists. You can't murder an alive child because a rape victim has suffered intolerable indignities in bringing the baby to life.

I personally think he may have enjoyed the sexual encounter with the older woman before he was told how victimized he had been by his lawyer.


This is interesting.

As KG pointed out there was a different thread about age of consent involving a 18 and 14 year old. The outrage was thick in that thread with KG leading the charge and the 18 year old was deemed a pedophile who deserved to be locked up.

Here you have a 31 year old and a 12 year old and most of the comments are "I bet he liked it".

Not when the parent is raped. Children can't consent, freedombecki, and rape victims can't consent.

No such restrictive law will be upheld by the court.
The child exists. You can't murder an alive child because a rape victim has suffered intolerable indignities in bringing the baby to life.

I personally think he may have enjoyed the sexual encounter with the older woman before he was told how victimized he had been by his lawyer.


This is interesting.

As KG pointed out there was a different thread about age of consent involving a 18 and 14 year old. The outrage was thick in that thread with KG leading the charge and the 18 year old was deemed a pedophile who deserved to be locked up.

Here you have a 31 year old and a 12 year old and most of the comments are "I bet he liked it".

I agree with you completely Amy. There is a double standard with probably two reasons. One reason is because the victim is a boy. The other reason, a completely separate reason, is that the other relationship was lesbian. In the first instance, they think boys cannot be raped or molested by a woman (if it had been a priest or any other man, they'd be outraged). The other reason is homophobia.

To me, both instances are clearly inappropriate. I don't care what the laws are: IMO a child of 12-15 having sex with someone who is older is vulnerable and being exploited. Even though the lesbian relationship was between teens a few years apart, I know enough about teens to know those few years are extremely important and the older girl seduced and exploited the younger one. In the other relationship, it is absolutely unacceptable for a 31 year old woman to seduce and exploit a 12 year old boy. Both older people are at fault. In both instances the younger people were too young to make aware and knowledgeable decisions about their own sexual activity and will most likely be emotionally affected by this behavior either now or in the future.
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