20 states sue the fed gov because ACA is now unconstitutional

"This is not a tax"
Twenty U.S. states sue federal government seeking end to Obamacare
A coalition of 20 U.S. states sued the federal government on Monday over Obamacare, claiming the law was no longer constitutional after the repeal last year of its requirement that people have health insurance or pay a fine.

Led by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel, the lawsuit said that without the individual mandate, which was eliminated as part of the Republican tax law signed by President Donald Trump in December, Obamacare was unlawful.

"The U.S. Supreme Court already admitted that an individual mandate without a tax penalty is unconstitutional," Paxton said in a statement. "With no remaining legitimate basis for the law, it is time that Americans are finally free from the stranglehold of Obamacare, once and for all," he said.

Awesome. GFY you damn fascists

Ah, the stranglehold. Yes, what they need to be is fucked, so fucked that they don't have insurance. Why do they need insurance? They're not rich, no one gives a fuck if they die.

Welcome to America. Christian country. What would Jesus do? He'd tell you to get a better job and fuck off asking him for healthcare in the meantime, and then kick you in the balls.

Jesus would say trust God and stop making the state your god.

He has also has already said work six days and rest on the seventh
He also said that you need to take care of those less fortunate in society...

Yes He did.

That’s why He organized a Church to help individuals take care of one another rather than petitioning Rome to do it for them

Too bad the church has abdicated that role to "Rome"
I thought Obamacare was going to collapse on its own. Trump said that it’s dead and gone. So why is the GOP stacking on even more increasingly drastic strategies to kill it?

Breaking: Idaho governor/Lt. governor sign executive order that ignores Obamacare, direct state insurance agency to offer less costly less comprehensive plans that Obamacare forbids. Taking a page from the Democrats ignoring our immigration laws, Idaho is ignoring Obamacare.
"This is not a tax"
Twenty U.S. states sue federal government seeking end to Obamacare
A coalition of 20 U.S. states sued the federal government on Monday over Obamacare, claiming the law was no longer constitutional after the repeal last year of its requirement that people have health insurance or pay a fine.

Led by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel, the lawsuit said that without the individual mandate, which was eliminated as part of the Republican tax law signed by President Donald Trump in December, Obamacare was unlawful.

"The U.S. Supreme Court already admitted that an individual mandate without a tax penalty is unconstitutional," Paxton said in a statement. "With no remaining legitimate basis for the law, it is time that Americans are finally free from the stranglehold of Obamacare, once and for all," he said.

Awesome. GFY you damn fascists

It was unconstitutional WITH the tax penalty!

What does this mean, it was unconstitutional either way?
With or without the penalty?

I guess that's like saying state marriage laws are unconstitutional
if they require same sex only. And unconstitutional if they require
states to recognize and endorse same sex marriages.
Because, guess what, marriage laws through the state
are already unconstitutional (unless people consent to that being law).

Laws either prohibiting or establishing Christian prayer would be unconstitutional.
Why? Because they involve a BELIEF.

Same with right to health care which is a political BELIEF.
So either way, if the govt is abused to establish a belief and penalize
people for their beliefs, that law is going to be unconstitutional.

The ACA mandates violated equal rights of people of Constitutional beliefs
and discriminated in favor of those who believes in either health care as
a right or believed that federal govt had the right to establish such a law
without first passing a Constitutional Amendment specifying this new authority.

It either violated the Constitution DIRECTLY by bypassing legislative process,
or it violated Constitutional BELIEFS of citizens, or BOTH.

So that's why it was unconstitutional on one or both counts.
And any other argument made about it falls under unconstitutionality.

As in Logic: once you make a false statement, anything you append to that
false statement or premise becomes false. Because there was already
a conflict or flaw in the original statement. Big fat duh!!!

I agree that the law was never constitutional. But the Supreme Court said it as because it’s a tax. Well the tax portion has been removed so the rest of it in theory should be shot down

That's their argument.

That's how Roberts cast the deciding vote. It was unconstitutional as
a fine but would be constitutional as a tax.

The Obama lawyers agreed with that, and agreed that it was a tax.

It was widely accepted that Roberts was punting back to Congress.
You created this, you fix it. Congress has. The Mandate, which everyone
agreed on was the only thing that could make it work has been repealed.

Obamacare must end.

It will run its course thru the lower courts and when it gets to SCOTUS,
Roberts will vote the opposite way because Congress acted.
"This is not a tax"
Twenty U.S. states sue federal government seeking end to Obamacare
A coalition of 20 U.S. states sued the federal government on Monday over Obamacare, claiming the law was no longer constitutional after the repeal last year of its requirement that people have health insurance or pay a fine.

Led by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel, the lawsuit said that without the individual mandate, which was eliminated as part of the Republican tax law signed by President Donald Trump in December, Obamacare was unlawful.

"The U.S. Supreme Court already admitted that an individual mandate without a tax penalty is unconstitutional," Paxton said in a statement. "With no remaining legitimate basis for the law, it is time that Americans are finally free from the stranglehold of Obamacare, once and for all," he said.

Awesome. GFY you damn fascists

Ah, the stranglehold. Yes, what they need to be is fucked, so fucked that they don't have insurance. Why do they need insurance? They're not rich, no one gives a fuck if they die.

Welcome to America. Christian country. What would Jesus do? He'd tell you to get a better job and fuck off asking him for healthcare in the meantime, and then kick you in the balls.

Jesus would say trust God and stop making the state your god.

He has also has already said work six days and rest on the seventh
He also said that you need to take care of those less fortunate in society...

Dear Moonglow as a CHEERFUL GIVER.
The spirit of Christianity is CHARITY, which is based on giving FREELY.
Not forced through govt.

Jesus said to render under Caesar's that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is God's.
The Civil/Constitutional laws recognize that govt can neither prohibit nor establish religion.
Well health care involves beliefs and free choice,
right to health care is a political belief (for individuals) or religion (for a whole group that believes
in this as the Democratic party has declared in their platform).

So the secular laws forbid Constitutional Govt from establishing religion,
but require Govt to protect the free exercise of religion.

Thus people retain FREE CHOICE whether to follow and fund the religion
that health care is a right, or the beliefs in free market health care by free choice.

Govt cannot be abused to MANDATE or PENALIZE the free choice of beliefs.

By "consent of the governed" and "no taxation without representation"
the laws that touch on BELIEFS depend on CONSENT and free will of the citizens affected by such policy.

That is the law of the land, Moonglow
So any believer in Jesus as Lord of All ie, or Equal Justice Under Law,
would respect the law of the land and the free exercise and equal
protection of people of ALL beliefs.
Then why do you condemn gay marriage if you believe in freedom and free exercise and equal protection of people of "all" beliefs?
I thought Obamacare was going to collapse on its own. Trump said that it’s dead and gone. So why is the GOP stacking on even more increasingly drastic strategies to kill it?

Breaking: Idaho governor/Lt. governor sign executive order that ignores Obamacare, direct state insurance agency to offer less costly less comprehensive plans that Obamacare forbids. Taking a page from the Democrats ignoring our immigration laws, Idaho is ignoring Obamacare.
Democrats didn't ignore immigration laws any less than Ronald Reagan when he gave amnesty or George Bush sr who instituted chain migration...Or refugee amnesty programs during the war with Panama and the list goes on and on....Both the GOP and the Dems have made it possible for this alien invasion you only try to stick on the dems, myopic much?
I thought Obamacare was going to collapse on its own. Trump said that it’s dead and gone. So why is the GOP stacking on even more increasingly drastic strategies to kill it?

Breaking: Idaho governor/Lt. governor sign executive order that ignores Obamacare, direct state insurance agency to offer less costly less comprehensive plans that Obamacare forbids. Taking a page from the Democrats ignoring our immigration laws, Idaho is ignoring Obamacare.
Yeah that’s a big gift to the insurance companies. It’s been a while since they were allowed to fleece suckers.
"This is not a tax"
Twenty U.S. states sue federal government seeking end to Obamacare
A coalition of 20 U.S. states sued the federal government on Monday over Obamacare, claiming the law was no longer constitutional after the repeal last year of its requirement that people have health insurance or pay a fine.

Led by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel, the lawsuit said that without the individual mandate, which was eliminated as part of the Republican tax law signed by President Donald Trump in December, Obamacare was unlawful.

"The U.S. Supreme Court already admitted that an individual mandate without a tax penalty is unconstitutional," Paxton said in a statement. "With no remaining legitimate basis for the law, it is time that Americans are finally free from the stranglehold of Obamacare, once and for all," he said.

Awesome. GFY you damn fascists

It was unconstitutional WITH the tax penalty!

What does this mean, it was unconstitutional either way?
With or without the penalty?

I guess that's like saying state marriage laws are unconstitutional
if they require same sex only. And unconstitutional if they require
states to recognize and endorse same sex marriages.
Because, guess what, marriage laws through the state
are already unconstitutional (unless people consent to that being law).

Laws either prohibiting or establishing Christian prayer would be unconstitutional.
Why? Because they involve a BELIEF.

Same with right to health care which is a political BELIEF.
So either way, if the govt is abused to establish a belief and penalize
people for their beliefs, that law is going to be unconstitutional.

The ACA mandates violated equal rights of people of Constitutional beliefs
and discriminated in favor of those who believes in either health care as
a right or believed that federal govt had the right to establish such a law
without first passing a Constitutional Amendment specifying this new authority.

It either violated the Constitution DIRECTLY by bypassing legislative process,
or it violated Constitutional BELIEFS of citizens, or BOTH.

So that's why it was unconstitutional on one or both counts.
And any other argument made about it falls under unconstitutionality.

As in Logic: once you make a false statement, anything you append to that
false statement or premise becomes false. Because there was already
a conflict or flaw in the original statement. Big fat duh!!!

I agree that the law was never constitutional. But the Supreme Court said it as because it’s a tax. Well the tax portion has been removed so the rest of it in theory should be shot down

Well, so should the rest of that inconsistent ruling be shot down.
But hey, if you have to ax a bad infected tree by chopping off a dangerous branch of it
to kill the rest of it, because the trunk was too thick to cut through, I guess you take the fastest shortcut...

I'd rather teach what was wrong with this whole tree grown on a false premise to begin with.
But I guess you get rid of the bad tree first, then you can analyze it
when it isn't threatening to fall over and crush everyone below.

We aren't done with this process of teaching from what went wrong.
Also with the DOMA and marriage laws either, and the mess with
immigration laws that has so many complications and consequences,
you can't fix things if it's going to create unconstitutional consequences that get contested as well!

So this is going to take a while.
Maybe the first step is to get people out of danger,
get people out from under the threat of violations.
Then when the ground is level and the air is clear,
we can go back and sort out the rest. But not while
dangerous threats are hanging over our heads,
causing people to yell and blame each other.

We can't host civil and constructive discourse under those circumstances.
And that's what we need, if we are going to study and teach from,
correct and prevent these problems in the future.

Such is the human learning curve!
Thanks Avatar4321 for being here
and making it that much more bearable.
Wisdom and understanding will win out
if we can survive the head butting and bashing against the wall
that occurs in the meantime. Ouch!
I thought Obamacare was going to collapse on its own. Trump said that it’s dead and gone. So why is the GOP stacking on even more increasingly drastic strategies to kill it?

Breaking: Idaho governor/Lt. governor sign executive order that ignores Obamacare, direct state insurance agency to offer less costly less comprehensive plans that Obamacare forbids. Taking a page from the Democrats ignoring our immigration laws, Idaho is ignoring Obamacare.
Democrats didn't ignore immigration laws any less than Ronald Reagan when he gave amnesty or George Bush sr who instituted chain migration...Or refugee amnesty programs during the war with Panama and the list goes on and on....Both the GOP and the Dems have made it possible for this alien invasion you only try to stick on the dems, myopic much?

Two wrongs don't make either side right Moonglow
Who's going to fix these problems?
Isn't it going to take ALL the people working together?

Whether church or state, nonprofit or business.

How else are we going to build viable developments along the border.
By fighting? No, by collaborating on community based solutions.

The sooner we focus on that, we can fix the problems
instead of blaming one party or the other as an excuse not to take action.
I thought Obamacare was going to collapse on its own. Trump said that it’s dead and gone. So why is the GOP stacking on even more increasingly drastic strategies to kill it?

Breaking: Idaho governor/Lt. governor sign executive order that ignores Obamacare, direct state insurance agency to offer less costly less comprehensive plans that Obamacare forbids. Taking a page from the Democrats ignoring our immigration laws, Idaho is ignoring Obamacare.
Yeah that’s a big gift to the insurance companies. It’s been a while since they were allowed to fleece suckers.

Can you back up your claim? How is health insurance that cost people 30% to 50% less a gift to insurance companies? Not everyone needs the bloated pie in the sky comprehensive Obamacare plan. I think you people just have sour grapes because if you can't force people to purchase bloated costly Obamacare plans you can't take the money and dole it out to your welfare pals to by their votes.
Where is this healthcare that the christians will give all those that can't afford it? Or shall we go back to the old axiom of christian generosity when Shakespeare noted that The miserable have no other medicine. But only hope:.. Something in short supply in the wealthiest so called Christian nation in the world......yeah charity from church will help any that ask...
"This is not a tax"
Twenty U.S. states sue federal government seeking end to Obamacare
A coalition of 20 U.S. states sued the federal government on Monday over Obamacare, claiming the law was no longer constitutional after the repeal last year of its requirement that people have health insurance or pay a fine.

Led by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel, the lawsuit said that without the individual mandate, which was eliminated as part of the Republican tax law signed by President Donald Trump in December, Obamacare was unlawful.

"The U.S. Supreme Court already admitted that an individual mandate without a tax penalty is unconstitutional," Paxton said in a statement. "With no remaining legitimate basis for the law, it is time that Americans are finally free from the stranglehold of Obamacare, once and for all," he said.

Awesome. GFY you damn fascists

Ah, the stranglehold. Yes, what they need to be is fucked, so fucked that they don't have insurance. Why do they need insurance? They're not rich, no one gives a fuck if they die.

Welcome to America. Christian country. What would Jesus do? He'd tell you to get a better job and fuck off asking him for healthcare in the meantime, and then kick you in the balls.

Jesus would say Christians will continue to cover medical costs for the poor at every hospital in America...just as they always have.

The lie that Americans will die if they don't allow government control of medical care is, and always has been, a bald faced lie.
"This is not a tax"
Twenty U.S. states sue federal government seeking end to Obamacare
A coalition of 20 U.S. states sued the federal government on Monday over Obamacare, claiming the law was no longer constitutional after the repeal last year of its requirement that people have health insurance or pay a fine.

Led by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel, the lawsuit said that without the individual mandate, which was eliminated as part of the Republican tax law signed by President Donald Trump in December, Obamacare was unlawful.

"The U.S. Supreme Court already admitted that an individual mandate without a tax penalty is unconstitutional," Paxton said in a statement. "With no remaining legitimate basis for the law, it is time that Americans are finally free from the stranglehold of Obamacare, once and for all," he said.

Awesome. GFY you damn fascists

Ah, the stranglehold. Yes, what they need to be is fucked, so fucked that they don't have insurance. Why do they need insurance? They're not rich, no one gives a fuck if they die.

Welcome to America. Christian country. What would Jesus do? He'd tell you to get a better job and fuck off asking him for healthcare in the meantime, and then kick you in the balls.

Jesus would say trust God and stop making the state your god.

He has also has already said work six days and rest on the seventh
He also said that you need to take care of those less fortunate in society...

Yes He did.

That’s why He organized a Church to help individuals take care of one another rather than petitioning Rome to do it for them
He also lived on other people's money..

He was the creator of the universe. Everything belongs to Him
Can you back up your claim? How is health insurance that cost people 30% to 50% less a gift to insurance companies?
It’s a gift if it doesn’t cover anyhing. You said “not everyone needs.” Well not everyone needs coverage, until they do.

Well now you are just being stupid. Right, people will buy an insurance plan that doesn't cover anything my mistake for even speaking to you bunch of dimwits. ^^^:290968001256257790-final: alert.
Can you back up your claim? How is health insurance that cost people 30% to 50% less a gift to insurance companies?
It’s a gift if it doesn’t cover anyhing. You said “not everyone needs.” Well not everyone needs coverage, until they do.

Well now you are just being stupid. Right, people will buy an insurance plan that doesn't cover anything my mistake for even speaking to you bunch of dimwits. ^^^:290968001256257790-final: alert.
Of course they’ll buy it. Why fhe hell do you think healthcare was such a big issue in 2008?
Can you back up your claim? How is health insurance that cost people 30% to 50% less a gift to insurance companies?
It’s a gift if it doesn’t cover anyhing. You said “not everyone needs.” Well not everyone needs coverage, until they do.

Well now you are just being stupid. Right, people will buy an insurance plan that doesn't cover anything my mistake for even speaking to you bunch of dimwits. ^^^:290968001256257790-final: alert.
Of course they’ll buy it. Why fhe hell do you think healthcare was such a big issue in 2008?

Because Democrats couldn’t help grabbing more power over our lives
Ah, the stranglehold. Yes, what they need to be is fucked, so fucked that they don't have insurance. Why do they need insurance?

We don't, actually, at least not what we refer to insurance. What we all have are health care plans and they are the biggest factor in the constant increase in health care costs. We need less coverage, not more. Insurance should be only for actual emergencies, not every sniffle and sneeze. The only way you are going to bring down the cost of health care without sacrificing the quality is to pay more out of pocket and reintroduce the free market into the health care sector because right now it's nonexistent.
"This is not a tax"
Twenty U.S. states sue federal government seeking end to Obamacare
A coalition of 20 U.S. states sued the federal government on Monday over Obamacare, claiming the law was no longer constitutional after the repeal last year of its requirement that people have health insurance or pay a fine.

Led by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel, the lawsuit said that without the individual mandate, which was eliminated as part of the Republican tax law signed by President Donald Trump in December, Obamacare was unlawful.

"The U.S. Supreme Court already admitted that an individual mandate without a tax penalty is unconstitutional," Paxton said in a statement. "With no remaining legitimate basis for the law, it is time that Americans are finally free from the stranglehold of Obamacare, once and for all," he said.

Awesome. GFY you damn fascists

Ah, the stranglehold. Yes, what they need to be is fucked, so fucked that they don't have insurance. Why do they need insurance? They're not rich, no one gives a fuck if they die.

Welcome to America. Christian country. What would Jesus do? He'd tell you to get a better job and fuck off asking him for healthcare in the meantime, and then kick you in the balls.

Dear frigidweirdo
And anti-christians on the left reject Christian healing prayer
that cures CAUSES of disease for FREE to make sustainable health care affordable and accessible to all,
then yell at govt to pay for medical procedures and drugs that only treat the SYMPTOMS.

And wonder why we can't afford medical care.

Sadly, Christian healing prayer not only cures the cause of physical diseases,
such as cancer (better than marijuana that only alleviates certain symptoms)
and diabetes (that liberals blame on sugars they lobby to regulate)
but also mental and criminal disorders. So these methods cure both the cause
AND the symptoms of abuse, addictions and crime,
including mass shootings that liberals want to blame on guns.

In short, frigidweirdo, liberals yell at govt about gun violence and health care.

But the left have been lobbying to REJECT and CENSOR the very
solutions because of discrimination and demonization against CHRISTIAN beliefs and practices.

How can you have it both ways frigidweirdo
If you want health care to be free, then let's research and develop
these methods of spiritual healing that have reduced the cost and incidents of disease and crime.

You can't reject free solutions
then complain the problems are costing too much!

That's right! That's why Christians have been advocating to share the knowledge
of spiritual health and healing. It saves lives, and also money.

If you reject the cure, of course you get stuck with the ills.
And the bills!

Wow, just wow. What have you been smoking here.

Religion cures cancer better than marijuana.

I really can't believe that people in the 21st century are saying such fucking bullshit.
"This is not a tax"
Twenty U.S. states sue federal government seeking end to Obamacare
A coalition of 20 U.S. states sued the federal government on Monday over Obamacare, claiming the law was no longer constitutional after the repeal last year of its requirement that people have health insurance or pay a fine.

Led by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel, the lawsuit said that without the individual mandate, which was eliminated as part of the Republican tax law signed by President Donald Trump in December, Obamacare was unlawful.

"The U.S. Supreme Court already admitted that an individual mandate without a tax penalty is unconstitutional," Paxton said in a statement. "With no remaining legitimate basis for the law, it is time that Americans are finally free from the stranglehold of Obamacare, once and for all," he said.

Awesome. GFY you damn fascists

Ah, the stranglehold. Yes, what they need to be is fucked, so fucked that they don't have insurance. Why do they need insurance? They're not rich, no one gives a fuck if they die.

Welcome to America. Christian country. What would Jesus do? He'd tell you to get a better job and fuck off asking him for healthcare in the meantime, and then kick you in the balls.

Jesus would say trust God and stop making the state your god.

He has also has already said work six days and rest on the seventh

Oh would he now? How convenient.

He'd go and say work 6 days a week..... right......
"This is not a tax"
Twenty U.S. states sue federal government seeking end to Obamacare
A coalition of 20 U.S. states sued the federal government on Monday over Obamacare, claiming the law was no longer constitutional after the repeal last year of its requirement that people have health insurance or pay a fine.

Led by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel, the lawsuit said that without the individual mandate, which was eliminated as part of the Republican tax law signed by President Donald Trump in December, Obamacare was unlawful.

"The U.S. Supreme Court already admitted that an individual mandate without a tax penalty is unconstitutional," Paxton said in a statement. "With no remaining legitimate basis for the law, it is time that Americans are finally free from the stranglehold of Obamacare, once and for all," he said.

Awesome. GFY you damn fascists

Ah, the stranglehold. Yes, what they need to be is fucked, so fucked that they don't have insurance. Why do they need insurance? They're not rich, no one gives a fuck if they die.

Welcome to America. Christian country. What would Jesus do? He'd tell you to get a better job and fuck off asking him for healthcare in the meantime, and then kick you in the balls.

Would Jesus approve of the 63 million aborted or of the US leading the world in pornography exports?

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