200 million dead and Obama sez there's no difference between capitalism and communism

Red herrings and right wing blogs.....How would you ever find a way to post without them?

Don't worry your pretty little, very little head....This country is as far from communistic as it can possibly get. Plutocracy, yes, because Obama is a lousy dictator.

Red herrings and right wing blogs.....How would you ever find a way to post without them?

Don't worry your pretty little, very little head....This country is as far from communistic as it can possibly get. Plutocracy, yes, because Obama is a lousy dictator.

I like to quote different off shoot sources as a source of info of other sources than the main stream
Here. The Washington Times is not a blog
Obama on capitalism vs. communism: ‘Just choose from what works’
As I posted last week, with link (want it? Go look it up...), Obama - the leader of the greatest country in the free world - declared 'Communism, Socialism....just pick one that works'.

Yeah, Communism, Socialism, Sharia Law....it's all good, man. Just pick one.

This moron can NOT leave office soon enough!

Can you edit it down any MORE to suit your bias?

"'"So often in the past there has been a division between left and right, between capitalists and communists or socialists, and especially in the Americas, that’s been a big debate," Obama said. "Oh, you know, you're a capitalist Yankee dog, and oh, you know, you're some crazy communist that's going to take away everybody's property."

"Those are interesting intellectual arguments, but I think for your generation, you should be practical and just choose from what works. You don’t have to worry about whether it really fits into socialist theory or capitalist theory. You should just decide what works," he continued. "And I said this to President Castro in Cuba."

And unlike your lazy ass, I provide a link:
Obama Says No Real Difference Between Capitalism and Communism


Red herrings and right wing blogs.....How would you ever find a way to post without them?

Don't worry your pretty little, very little head....This country is as far from communistic as it can possibly get. Plutocracy, yes, because Obama is a lousy dictator.

Red herrings and right wing blogs.....How would you ever find a way to post without them?

Don't worry your pretty little, very little head....This country is as far from communistic as it can possibly get. Plutocracy, yes, because Obama is a lousy dictator.

I like to quote different off shoot sources as a source of info of other sources than the main stream
Here. The Washington Times is not a blog
Obama on capitalism vs. communism: ‘Just choose from what works’

Different offshoot sources : low information voter.

Seven and a half years later and there's still no FEMA camps where I am supposed to enslaved. No wonder the GOP is falling the fuck apart.

Be practical....choose what works? Great defense of the man who is supposed to represent freedom and democracy.....

Spoken still like a man tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis and who studied Socialist Saul Alynski....
Be practical....choose what works? Great defense of the man who is supposed to represent freedom and democracy.....

Spoken still like a man tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis and who studied Socialist Saul Alynski....

Yes, idiot, he is telling people to choose. Do you even comprehend what you write?

There;s plenty of sources out there But you have a to silly of little brain to look them up

You're trying to make a case. People are telling you that your source is rubbish. Your response is to tell others to do you work for you.

If you don't like the source, produce something that counters the source. Yeah, you're going to have to do that yourself.

See, those of us with functioning neocortexes check our facts in order to keep from making fools of ourselves. All it shows when you rely on an unsupported source, is that you are not able to think for yourself--that you are able to be spoon-fed nonsense, so that your amygdala responds.

Then go check your facts. You attacking the source do3ant equate to fact.

Source does not cite facts, either, if you care to read it.

That cancells out 99% of the sources posted on this forum.
You do understand he is supposed to be representing freedom, democracy, the Constitution, etc....he is not supposed to be an advocate for Communism, Socialism, Sharia Law, etc. he is, however, because he has never bought into freedom, democracy, the Constitution, or rule of law. hew demonstrated this to be fact as soon as he took over as President. He immediately violated his oath of office, the Constitution, the Rule of law by treating the law as an 'a la carte' menu, declaring he would NOT enforce the existing DOM law because HE - like some dictator - did not agree with it. Obama immediately exposed who he was and what he stood for, and it certainly what this nation stood for, which is why before he ever took office he swore to 'fundamentally change' it.
Obama is a Marxist, pure and simple, that modern Marxism realizes they must take money from the Capitalists is not proof their ideology is not Marxism. If you read what the modern Marxist states, they believe they need a World wide revolution to bring Marxism into full main stream power.

Name anything that is uniquely Marxist that Obama supports.

So you can't name anything. Why call him a Marxist then? We already know you're mentally retarded, you need not continue to try and convince us.

Red herrings and right wing blogs.....How would you ever find a way to post without them?

Don't worry your pretty little, very little head....This country is as far from communistic as it can possibly get. Plutocracy, yes, because Obama is a lousy dictator.

Did anyone else notice the comment section to the OP's link story?

ONE comment, some guy calling for the assassination of the president.

Say no more...
Be practical....choose what works? Great defense of the man who is supposed to represent freedom and democracy.....

Spoken still like a man tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis and who studied Socialist Saul Alynski....

A moron who rejects choosing what works. We like having you here as the best example of modern American conservatism.
We need to quit fighting the philosophies of the KKK and accept the good ideas that they have.

I will never join the party of the KKK, the Democrats.

You already agree with most of the KKK agenda. Democrats don't.
WTF are you talking about?

Democrats started the KKK.
Liberals in sheets have been showing up at Trump rallies protesting him and at Hillary rallies supporting her.

You are one mixed up, cat, NYC. :p
A moron who rejects choosing what works. We like having you here as the best example of modern American conservatism.
Only a moron...or a man tutored by a communist and who has studied Socialism...completely ignores the lessons of history and tries to imply Communism or Socialism 'works'.
We need to quit fighting the philosophies of the KKK and accept the good ideas that they have.

I will never join the party of the KKK, the Democrats.

You already agree with most of the KKK agenda. Democrats don't.
WTF are you talking about?

Democrats started the KKK.
Liberals in sheets have been showing up at Trump rallies protesting him and at Hillary rallies supporting her.

You are one mixed up, cat, NYC. :p

Robert E. Lee was a Democrat. Are you saying he was a liberal?
We need to quit fighting the philosophies of the KKK and accept the good ideas that they have.

I will never join the party of the KKK, the Democrats.

You already agree with most of the KKK agenda. Democrats don't.
WTF are you talking about?

Democrats started the KKK.
Liberals in sheets have been showing up at Trump rallies protesting him and at Hillary rallies supporting her.

You are one mixed up, cat, NYC. :p

Do you believe the U.S. was founded as a Christian Nation?
Rape also works as a way of procreation... got to choose what works.
"....Only a moron...or a man tutored by a communist and who has studied Socialism...completely ignores the lessons of history and tries to imply Communism or Socialism 'works'.
Do you support abolishing all public education? Do you believe the U.S. was founded as a Christian Nation? Robert E. Lee was a Democrat. Are you saying he was a liberal?[/

This 'I'm getting my ass kicked and need to completely hijack and spin this conversation' moment has been brought to you by author Saul Alynski and his 'Rules For Radicals'.....

We now return to the topic of this thread about Obama's Communist / Socialist rhetoric and propaganda....

"....Only a moron...or a man tutored by a communist and who has studied Socialism...completely ignores the lessons of history and tries to imply Communism or Socialism 'works'.
Do you support abolishing all public education? Do you believe the U.S. was founded as a Christian Nation? Robert E. Lee was a Democrat. Are you saying he was a liberal?[/

This 'I'm getting my ass kicked and need to completely hijack and spin this conversation' moment has been brought to you by author Saul Alynski and his 'Rules For Radicals'.....

We now return to the topic of this thread about Obama's Communist / Socialist rhetoric and propaganda....


We're waiting for your proof Obama is a Marxist.

You can start by proving that he wants to abolish all ownership of property and business.

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