200 million dead and Obama sez there's no difference between capitalism and communism

Did I say Obama is a 'Marxist'?

Swing and a miss.....

Back to the program already in progress.....
The RWnuts have been saying this sort of shit for about 9 years now and still,

Obama is a two term president.

You'd think you people would get the message. Your hysterical propaganda doesn't work.
Did I say Obama is a 'Marxist'?

Swing and a miss.....

Back to the program already in progress.....

So now that I've gotten you to agree with me that all your conservative pals who call Obama a Marxist are full of shit,

what would you like to be schooled on next?
Did I say Obama is a 'Marxist'?

Swing and a miss.....

Back to the program already in progress.....

So now that I've gotten you to agree with me that all your conservative pals who call Obama a Marxist are full of shit,

what would you like to be schooled on next?

A leftist that doesn't understand the difference between group preference and an individual preference...

Where have I seen this one before?
Also doesn't understand humor, Obama is not marxist, but he certainly says some marxist things often.
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So now that I've gotten you to agree with me that all your conservative pals who call Obama a Marxist are full of shit,
YOU are the one who claims others believe Obama is Marxist. What have I told you about trying to speak for others, as you TRIED - and failed - to do again with me, NYC?! you suck at it and should stick to trying to speak for yourself.

Do you often claim to 'win' arguments by spreading BS and attempting to speak for others, just to make yourself feel good? Poor dear...
You got a legitimate source for your silly little story?
There;s plenty of sources out there But you have a to silly of little brain to look them up

You're trying to make a case. People are telling you that your source is rubbish. Your response is to tell others to do you work for you.

If you don't like the source, produce something that counters the source. Yeah, you're going to have to do that yourself.

See, those of us with functioning neocortexes check our facts in order to keep from making fools of ourselves. All it shows when you rely on an unsupported source, is that you are not able to think for yourself--that you are able to be spoon-fed nonsense, so that your amygdala responds.

Then go check your facts. You attacking the source do3ant equate to fact.

The fact of the matter is that it doesn't matter what you call a system. If all the economic power, and all the political power is held in the same few hands, the result is always the same; absolute tyranny over the individual. Body counts are a distraction from that indisputable fact.

Now, what is worth discussing is what present-day ideology narrows political and economic power into the same few hands. That is unquestionably what passes for "conservatism" nowadays.
There;s plenty of sources out there But you have a to silly of little brain to look them up

You're trying to make a case. People are telling you that your source is rubbish. Your response is to tell others to do you work for you.

If you don't like the source, produce something that counters the source. Yeah, you're going to have to do that yourself.

See, those of us with functioning neocortexes check our facts in order to keep from making fools of ourselves. All it shows when you rely on an unsupported source, is that you are not able to think for yourself--that you are able to be spoon-fed nonsense, so that your amygdala responds.

Then go check your facts. You attacking the source do3ant equate to fact.

The fact of the matter is that it doesn't matter what you call a system. If all the economic power, and all the political power is held in the same few hands, the result is always the same; absolute tyranny over the individual. Body counts are a distraction from that indisputable fact.

Now, what is worth discussing is what present-day ideology narrows political and economic power into the same few hands. That is unquestionably what passes for "conservatism" nowadays.

If all the wealth and power is held by a few it's no longer capitalism. At that point, is communism.
You're trying to make a case. People are telling you that your source is rubbish. Your response is to tell others to do you work for you.

If you don't like the source, produce something that counters the source. Yeah, you're going to have to do that yourself.

See, those of us with functioning neocortexes check our facts in order to keep from making fools of ourselves. All it shows when you rely on an unsupported source, is that you are not able to think for yourself--that you are able to be spoon-fed nonsense, so that your amygdala responds.

Then go check your facts. You attacking the source do3ant equate to fact.

The fact of the matter is that it doesn't matter what you call a system. If all the economic power, and all the political power is held in the same few hands, the result is always the same; absolute tyranny over the individual. Body counts are a distraction from that indisputable fact.

Now, what is worth discussing is what present-day ideology narrows political and economic power into the same few hands. That is unquestionably what passes for "conservatism" nowadays.

If all the wealth and power is held by a few it's no longer capitalism. At that point, is communism.

I hope you'll vote accordingly.
If you don't like the source, produce something that counters the source. Yeah, you're going to have to do that yourself.

See, those of us with functioning neocortexes check our facts in order to keep from making fools of ourselves. All it shows when you rely on an unsupported source, is that you are not able to think for yourself--that you are able to be spoon-fed nonsense, so that your amygdala responds.

Then go check your facts. You attacking the source do3ant equate to fact.

The fact of the matter is that it doesn't matter what you call a system. If all the economic power, and all the political power is held in the same few hands, the result is always the same; absolute tyranny over the individual. Body counts are a distraction from that indisputable fact.

Now, what is worth discussing is what present-day ideology narrows political and economic power into the same few hands. That is unquestionably what passes for "conservatism" nowadays.

If all the wealth and power is held by a few it's no longer capitalism. At that point, is communism.

I hope you'll vote accordingly.

I'm not voting Democrat, so I sure will ;)
See, those of us with functioning neocortexes check our facts in order to keep from making fools of ourselves. All it shows when you rely on an unsupported source, is that you are not able to think for yourself--that you are able to be spoon-fed nonsense, so that your amygdala responds.

Then go check your facts. You attacking the source do3ant equate to fact.

The fact of the matter is that it doesn't matter what you call a system. If all the economic power, and all the political power is held in the same few hands, the result is always the same; absolute tyranny over the individual. Body counts are a distraction from that indisputable fact.

Now, what is worth discussing is what present-day ideology narrows political and economic power into the same few hands. That is unquestionably what passes for "conservatism" nowadays.

If all the wealth and power is held by a few it's no longer capitalism. At that point, is communism.

I hope you'll vote accordingly.

I'm not voting Democrat, so I sure will ;)

Cognitive dissonance at its finest :rolleyes:
Then go check your facts. You attacking the source do3ant equate to fact.

The fact of the matter is that it doesn't matter what you call a system. If all the economic power, and all the political power is held in the same few hands, the result is always the same; absolute tyranny over the individual. Body counts are a distraction from that indisputable fact.

Now, what is worth discussing is what present-day ideology narrows political and economic power into the same few hands. That is unquestionably what passes for "conservatism" nowadays.

If all the wealth and power is held by a few it's no longer capitalism. At that point, is communism.

I hope you'll vote accordingly.

I'm not voting Democrat, so I sure will ;)

Cognitive dissonance at its finest :rolleyes:

Word of the day, instead of an argument.
People forget he did take over GM. The backlash was so strong on that one Dem's realized, for their futures, not to let him try that again and had the shares returned as soon as possible. It was a very costly lapse in judgement of the how the American people would feel.
Obama is a Marxist, pure and simple, that modern Marxism realizes they must take money from the Capitalists is not proof their ideology is not Marxism. If you read what the modern Marxist states, they believe they need a World wide revolution to bring Marxism into full main stream power.
That is nothing new as it has been a goal of the Marxist crowd for over 100 years...

What Marxist programs has Oblama implemented?
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Colonial capitalism and communism both killed tens of millions of people. The precise numbers are a source of considerable dispute.
Horseshit. You're blaming all deaths from disease on capitalism. Furthermore, England in 1620 didn't have capitalism. It had a mixture of Feudalism/mercantilism. Spain also suffered under Feudalism when Columbus discovered America.

You got a legitimate source for your silly little story?
There;s plenty of sources out there But you have a to silly of little brain to look them up

Quit whining and post the source.

(He didn't say that. Being s christian and all, facts aren't important to you but don't expect intelligent adults to be as gullible as you RWNJ bobble heads)

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