2012 Presidential Debate - Townhall

Who Will Win Tonight's Debate

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He lied. He claimed he denounced it as a terrorist attack the next day. He didn't. He was on the view the following week and at the UN blaming a spontaneous riot that occured because of a youtube video no one has seen. He was asked on the view about whether it was a terror attack and he refused to say one way or another because "we didn't have enough information yet"

funny...they just showed the video from the rose garden the day after...

his words, exactly "no act of terror" will go unpunished and "we will get to the bottom of this".

sorry charlie...

Obama wasn't referring to Benghazi when he said that. That was during his part of the speech where he was talking about 9/11.


He said it in the first sentence.

you need a nap and a cookie.

Be careful, sherlock shithead conservative thinks he knows who I am and is spamming my inbox with accusations about my 'ebay rating'.

Fucking loser.

I sent no such PM.

I posted it in your Profile, which I see you've deleted.

If you don't want people to know who you are, perhaps you shouldn't post dumb ass pics from your 'private' PhotoBucket account, when the name is so easy to find with GOOGLE.

Dumb ass.

Please tough guy, post the name here in the thread. So I can get you kicked off the board.

I don't have a PhotoBucket account, you dumb motherfucker.

So, if I post a photo from, let's say hypothetically, your facebook page... Then I'm you?

funny...they just showed the video from the rose garden the day after...

his words, exactly "no act of terror" will go unpunished and "we will get to the bottom of this".

sorry charlie...

Obama wasn't referring to Benghazi when he said that. That was during his part of the speech where he was talking about 9/11.


He said it in the first sentence.


no he didn't. In fact, the white house transcript of Obama's response to Benghazai doesn't mention terror at all.

He does mention terror breifly in regards to the anniversary of 9/11, which the White House, interestingly had never considered part of the response to Benghazai until tonight.

There is a reason he wasnt able to say it was a terror attack a week later on the view.
Crowley admits Romney was right about Benghazi. Video at link.

Candy Crowley: He Was Right | Washington Free Beacon

Did you actually watch the clip?

Because now you look very, very stupid.

I watched it and stand by my opinion. Did you?

All night I've simply posted facts and my opinions. You have been talking smack. You are misinformed, Crowley says Romney was right. The Obama officials spent weeks blaming some video and calling the attack "spontaneous."

Maddow's crowing aside, your side loses this one when the facts are examined.
The biggest things I saw from this debate were, Obama did a much better job, but as Joe Trippi, advisor to the Howard Dean Campaign(when Dean ran for prez), said, Obama was strong, but it wasn't enough to sway the direction of voters.

The biggest thing going in Romney's favor was, Obama tried to be aggressive, hoping the previous debate by Romney was a big bluff. Romney stood very strong and in the heat of battle, just refused to back down. What you saw from Romney in debate #1 was no act, that is just who Romney is.

Obama will not be able to live down that first debate. Why? Because they both showed who they really were when dealing with another powerful person, and upon first meeting, Obama will cower away, as where Romney will be poweful, in control and commanding. The fact remains, Obama needed a 2nd chance to come off as tough. In a crucial situation, a second chance may not be an option.

In debate #2, Obama did very good, but he needed a massive win over Romney, and that clearly did not happen. In fact, Obama needed the moderator to fabricate statemetns in order to save his butt.

I also watched Frank Luntz do a survey of undecided voters in Las Vegas, NV who watched the debate, they overwhelmingly are now in favor or Romney.

Perhaps the defining moments that edged out a win for Romney in this 2nd debate was, when that one voter asked Obama, why should he vote for him in 2012? Romney did a great job of establishing Obama's record, a record he can't run from.

Second, the debate over oil where Romney and Obama really got into it, Romney took control and made Obama look real bad, you could tell Obama was intimidated and felt uncomfortable with Romney grilling him and getting in his space.

The biggest thing overall, Romney showed how he debated in the first debate was no act, it was no bluff, that is the man who we need in office.
I think if they're pushing Obama into being very aggressive, it might be a mistake. He has to talk about Libya, what he's accomplished in the past four years and what he intends to do in the next four years. Why should we vote for him again.

He also has to remind Romney of his inconsistencies and especially pandering to the wealthiest among us. He can bring up the tax shelters, women's issues and make him be specific about his policies.

He also needs to talk about what kind of judges someone being advised by Robert Bork would put on the bench and why that matters.

Well.... we've seen first hand what kind of brain dead, affirmative action zeroes Osama appointed.
Watching MSNBC's coverage.

You mean the five monkey's in the cage......?

I've never seen Rachael Maddow more jacked up in all the time I stomached watching her sorry ass.

It's gonna be so fun to see her cry, Ed Shultz have a stroke, and Chris Matthews hang himself come election night.
Let's see..

Current reasons for Romney losing

1. Moderator was against him
2 Audience was against him
3 Obama was mean to him

Save it for election night...you are going to need it

silly, he won DESPITE all that

You guys said the same thing with the VP debate. AND the last prez debate.

It seems to be all you have.

Well no, I clearly stated that Romney won the last debate on style and presentation. He lost this debate on those same points. And Biden won resoundingly againat Ryan.

We should see the results of this debate by Monday in the polls.

You mean like you didn't see the results after Biden didn't win...right....Romney kept rolling and will keep rolling.

Obama showed one thing very clearly in debate 2...he has no f**king plan.
I feel that both party's base's were pumped up. This one was nothing more then an opportunity for Obama to show up, and he did. I dont think it will help him to much though.
He didn't lie, you pathetic douche. He passed on the best intelligence he had at the time. He left open the fact that right wing theocrats used a terrorist attack. He didn't give a rat fuck. He said the scumbags would be pwned. Die motherfuckers.

Why was the Republicans and Bush such fags about this?
Funny how that "best intelligence available" meme doesn't play when fuckchop hacks like you are talking about WMDs in Iraq. :lol:

A meme? You bedwetting little whore. The scumbag you want to ass suck is the fuck juice you want to hear. OUR PRESIDENT spoon fed your petrid skank ass. Our President made it pretty clear on giving us the best information at the time. Twat scabs like you seems to have a problem with the reality of the contemporaneous.

Gee Suck. This rates as one of your more intelligent posts.

OUR PRESIDENT is an affirmative action failure and his administration is a pack of liars. It's gonna be fun to see the press roll out the timeline (again) and show people how Obozo got four people killed and I don't give a f**k if he's offended.
Romney said he was for the 100%, opening the door for Obama to finish the debate with Romney's 47% speech. What a dumb move by Willard.
The local newspaper poll here in Virginia has it 60% to 40% for Obama.

And this is a Republican area.

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