2012 Presidential Debate - Townhall

Who Will Win Tonight's Debate

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I think they both did really well compared to Obama's last performance.

The rose garden speech he lied.

He blatantly lied. He was still blaming the video the following week at the UN and on the view. In fact, if i remember correctly, the girls on the view asked him whether it was a terror attack and he wouldnt say that.

He didn't lie, you pathetic douche. He passed on the best intelligence he had at the time. He left open the fact that right wing theocrats used a terrorist attack. He didn't give a rat fuck. He said the scumbags would be pwned. XXXXXXX

Why was the Republicans and Bush such fags about this?
Funny how that "best intelligence available" meme doesn't play when fuckchop hacks like you are talking about WMDs in Iraq. :lol:
Obama's rose garden speech the day after the terrorist attack in Benghazi.

Obama did not say it was a terrorist act the day after. He barely utter the word terror when he said "no act of terror will go unpunished." Obama did not say he knew the reason for the attack. Also Obama's press secretary said it was a protest in reaction to a anti-muslim video & not a terrorist attack. He said we have no information to suggest it was a pre-planned terrorist attack.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Nds0u7WVoE"]President Obama's Press Secretary Lying About Benghazi[/ame]
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that fat liberal whore let obama talk 4 minutes longer than Gov. Romney.
<you must spread some reputation around before giving some to WillowTree again>

She gave him an extra 4 minutes to do a character assassination number on Governor Romney. The only trouble is, it was all skillful misrepresentation, but it was still four minutes of scorched earth.

President Obama would have gotten himself kicked out of the Clean Debate Zone at USMB for that.

He had a scowl on his face 90% of the time. He knows he's toast.

Yep Obama was pissed....Like "I'll dare you question me"... Obama's a real dick... "nice man" I think not. He'll lose points off of this debate:cool:
I think they both did really well compared to Obama's last performance.

The rose garden speech he lied.

He blatantly lied. He was still blaming the video the following week at the UN and on the view. In fact, if i remember correctly, the girls on the view asked him whether it was a terror attack and he wouldnt say that.

He didn't lie, you pathetic douche. He passed on the best intelligence he had at the time. He left open the fact that right wing theocrats used a terrorist attack. He didn't give a rat fuck. He said the scumbags would be pwned. XXXXXXX

Why was the Republicans and Bush such fags about this?
That's not what a retired General who instigated intelligence in the Middle East had to say on television today. He said they had impeccable intelligence and well knew it was an orchestrated attack by terrorists.

I'm tired of trying to get the administration to own stuff like the topic of not having bullets in the weapons of two of the people assassinated by the terrorists. What in the hell was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton thinking when she issued orders of no bullets in the embassies in a terrorist country in which the very ambassador who was assassinated requested backup several times before the actual assassination.

They're a bunch of bumbling idiots and need to be put out to pasture.

Romney will be a breath of fresh air after 4 years of engaging Republicans in Congress in a war for all the money in the Treasury and more downgrades that at least Republicans trying to repair the break in the money dam prevented. Obama earned those two downgrades, and he pisses all over Congress for not allowing him to spend America into more than we're already in.

I think Romney will make the government back in to the business it has always been--the business of helping the people of the United States be the best people they can be.
Candy was just on CNN, and flat out said Obama did not 'call' the specific attack an act of terror in the Rose Garden speech.

She just fucking contradicted her defense of Obama during the debate!
that fat liberal whore let obama talk 4 minutes longer than Gov. Romney.
<you must spread some reputation around before giving some to WillowTree again>

She gave him an extra 4 minutes to do a character assassination number on Governor Romney. The only trouble is, it was all skillful misrepresentation, but it was still four minutes of scorched earth.

President Obama would have gotten himself kicked out of the Clean Debate Zone at USMB for that.

He had a scowl on his face 90% of the time. He knows he's toast.

Yep Obama was pissed....Like "I'll dare you question me"... Obama's a real dick... "nice man" I think not. He'll lose points off of this debate:cool:

Yeah, his hatefulness showed thru clearly.
He didn't lie, you pathetic douche. He passed on the best intelligence he had at the time. He left open the fact that right wing theocrats used a terrorist attack. He didn't give a rat fuck. He said the scumbags would be pwned. Die motherfuckers.

Why was the Republicans and Bush such fags about this?

He lied. He claimed he denounced it as a terrorist attack the next day. He didn't. He was on the view the following week and at the UN blaming a spontaneous riot that occured because of a youtube video no one has seen. He was asked on the view about whether it was a terror attack and he refused to say one way or another because "we didn't have enough information yet"

funny...they just showed the video from the rose garden the day after...

his words, exactly "no act of terror" will go unpunished and "we will get to the bottom of this".

sorry charlie...

Boy this is fun...It's going to be more fun when Romney wins. Obama is sinking fast can you feel it? I think you can:cool:
<you must spread some reputation around before giving some to WillowTree again>

She gave him an extra 4 minutes to do a character assassination number on Governor Romney. The only trouble is, it was all skillful misrepresentation, but it was still four minutes of scorched earth.

President Obama would have gotten himself kicked out of the Clean Debate Zone at USMB for that.

He had a scowl on his face 90% of the time. He knows he's toast.

Yep Obama was pissed....Like "I'll dare you question me"... Obama's a real dick... "nice man" I think not. He'll lose points off of this debate:cool:

Yeah, his hatefulness showed thru clearly.

Let's see..

Current reasons for Romney losing

1. Moderator was against him
2 Audience was against him
3 Obama was mean to him

Save it for election night...you are going to need it
He didn't lie, you pathetic douche. He passed on the best intelligence he had at the time. He left open the fact that right wing theocrats used a terrorist attack. He didn't give a rat fuck. He said the scumbags would be pwned. Die motherfuckers.

Why was the Republicans and Bush such fags about this?

He lied. He claimed he denounced it as a terrorist attack the next day. He didn't. He was on the view the following week and at the UN blaming a spontaneous riot that occured because of a youtube video no one has seen. He was asked on the view about whether it was a terror attack and he refused to say one way or another because "we didn't have enough information yet"

funny...they just showed the video from the rose garden the day after...

his words, exactly "no act of terror" will go unpunished and "we will get to the bottom of this".

sorry charlie...

Obama wasn't referring to Benghazi when he said that. That was during his part of the speech where he was talking about 9/11.
I think they both did really well compared to Obama's last performance.

The rose garden speech he lied.

He blatantly lied. He was still blaming the video the following week at the UN and on the view. In fact, if i remember correctly, the girls on the view asked him whether it was a terror attack and he wouldnt say that.

He didn't lie, you pathetic douche. He passed on the best intelligence he had at the time. He left open the fact that right wing theocrats used a terrorist attack. He didn't give a rat fuck. He said the scumbags would be pwned. XXXXXXXX

Why was the Republicans and Bush such fags about this?
Please retract that statement, Dick Tuck. This is America, not Saddam Hussein's kingdom in which he said the same thing and gassed 30 Kurdish villages back in the 80s. Our soldiers uncovered mass graves there.

We're not going to allow you income redistrubutors to turn America into a place where you can privilege yourself like Saddam Hussein did, and kill his politically inconvenient enemies.

We've had four solid years of Obama thinking of his political adversaries as enemies, and we were tired of it after his exceedingly negative campaign.

We're not taking that die crap any more.
All the people who didn't watch the debate will hear about for the next two days is Obama and Libya...that's what will dominate the news cycle.

"Mr president, if you KNEW it was a terrorist attack, why was ambassador Rice on the Sunday talk shows blaming a you tube video? Why were you at the UN blaming a youtube video? Why were you on Letterman blaming a you tube video?"

That's the top story for the next week.

Any ground he made up tonight will be lost double by Friday.
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He blatantly lied. He was still blaming the video the following week at the UN and on the view. In fact, if i remember correctly, the girls on the view asked him whether it was a terror attack and he wouldnt say that.

He didn't lie, you pathetic douche. He passed on the best intelligence he had at the time. He left open the fact that right wing theocrats used a terrorist attack. He didn't give a rat fuck. He said the scumbags would be pwned. Die motherfuckers.

Why was the Republicans and Bush such fags about this?
Funny how that "best intelligence available" meme doesn't play when fuckchop hacks like you are talking about WMDs in Iraq. :lol:

A meme? You bedwetting little whore. The scumbag you want to ass suck is the fuck juice you want to hear. OUR PRESIDENT spoon fed your petrid skank ass. Our President made it pretty clear on giving us the best information at the time. Twat scabs like you seems to have a problem with the reality of the contemporaneous.
He blatantly lied. He was still blaming the video the following week at the UN and on the view. In fact, if i remember correctly, the girls on the view asked him whether it was a terror attack and he wouldnt say that.

He didn't lie, you pathetic douche. He passed on the best intelligence he had at the time. He left open the fact that right wing theocrats used a terrorist attack. He didn't give a rat fuck. He said the scumbags would be pwned. Die motherfuckers.

Why was the Republicans and Bush such fags about this?
Please retract that statement, Dick Tuck. This is America, not Saddam Hussein's kingdom in which he said the same thing and gassed 30 Kurdish villages back in the 80s. Our soldiers uncovered mass graves there.

We're not going to allow you income redistrubutors to turn America into a place where you can privilege yourself like Saddam Hussein did, and kill his politically inconvenient enemies.

We've had four solid years of Obama thinking of his political adversaries as enemies, and we were tired of it after his exceedingly negative campaign.

We're not taking that die crap any more.
the mods already took care of the retraction ;)
He didn't lie, you pathetic douche. He passed on the best intelligence he had at the time. He left open the fact that right wing theocrats used a terrorist attack. He didn't give a rat fuck. He said the scumbags would be pwned. Die motherfuckers.

Why was the Republicans and Bush such fags about this?
Funny how that "best intelligence available" meme doesn't play when fuckchop hacks like you are talking about WMDs in Iraq. :lol:

A meme? You bedwetting little whore. The scumbag you want to ass suck is the fuck juice you want to hear. OUR PRESIDENT spoon fed your petrid skank ass. Our President made it pretty clear on giving us the best information at the time. Twat scabs like you seems to have a problem with the reality of the contemporaneous.

you need a nap and a cookie.

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