2012 Presidential Debate - Townhall

Who Will Win Tonight's Debate

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The edge goes to Obama. With a biased moderator, obvious shills in the audience, and questions that favored Obama (even one about Bush?) it's hard not to win the debate. The sad part is that none of that mattered in the end, those attributes made no difference in the performance.

Obama did well and Romney did fair.

But then again, Obama was able to show to his base why he should be President - because 7.8% unemployment is a good thing to them.

Glad the Bush question came up ... Repubs want to run from those fucked up 8 years that got us in the position we are in right now.

So Obama has done nothing in 4 years? Why would anyone re-elect him then?
Come on board conservatives..

When are you going to man up and admit Obama took this round?
When are you going to man up and admit that this "debate" was a huge parking lot job?

I was the first in the thread on the first debate to say Obama had blown it.

Come on conservatives....is blaming the moderator the best you can do?
I voted that Romney, Obama and Crowley all won... because i could. Take that!
Come on board conservatives..

When are you going to man up and admit Obama took this round?
When are you going to man up and admit that this "debate" was a huge parking lot job?

:lol: :lol: :lol: It's amazing how conservatives can never take responsibility for their party or candidates failings. It's always some other entity involved in a massive conspiracy against them.
I'm not voting for Vinnie Vitalis, nitwit.

And if you can't see that the "undecided voters" were a bunch of shills asking questions straight out of the DNC book of gripes, snivels and talking points, then you've got your head shoved so far up Obiedoodle's ass that there's no getting through to you anyways.
Come on board conservatives..

When are you going to man up and admit Obama took this round?
When are you going to man up and admit that this "debate" was a huge parking lot job?

I was the first in the thread on the first debate to say Obama had blown it.

Come on conservatives....is blaming the moderator the best you can do?

Romney edged him out. I think the presidents obvious personnel dislike of Romney showed thru his mask. I'm uncertain how that will play out with most folks but I think it will cost Obama some points.
Come on board conservatives..

When are you going to man up and admit Obama took this round?
When are you going to man up and admit that this "debate" was a huge parking lot job?

I was the first in the thread on the first debate to say Obama had blown it.

Come on conservatives....is blaming the moderator the best you can do?

The edge goes to Obama. With a biased moderator, obvious shills in the audience, and questions that favored Obama (even one about Bush?) it's hard not to win the debate. The sad part is that none of that mattered in the end.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :eusa_clap:

Make sure you see my edit. The biased moderator, biased questions, and shills in the audience are not the reason Obama won. Obama simply did better than Romney this time.
When are you going to man up and admit that this "debate" was a huge parking lot job?

:lol: :lol: :lol: It's amazing how conservatives can never take responsibility for their party or candidates failings. It's always some other entity involved in a massive conspiracy against them.
I'm not voting for Vinnie Vitalis, nitwit.

And if you can't see that the "undecided voters" were a bunch of shills asking questions straight out of the DNC book of gripes, snivels and talking points, then you've got your head shoved so far up Obiedoodle's ass that there's no getting through to you anyways.

It's all a liberalzzzz conspiraceeeee!!!!! Run for the hills!!!!
When are you going to man up and admit that this "debate" was a huge parking lot job?

I was the first in the thread on the first debate to say Obama had blown it.

Come on conservatives....is blaming the moderator the best you can do?

Romney edged him out. I think the presidents obvious personnel dislike of Romney showed thru his mask. I'm uncertain how that will play out with most folks but I think it will cost Obama some points.

not even a close one. Obama won easily as did Romney first time round. Monday will be the decider...

I really hope they get a decent moderator this time....

I thought the moderator who did the VP debate has been the best so far...
Obama showed what a hateful person he is which will likely cost him a couple of points.

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