2012 Presidential Debate - Townhall

Who Will Win Tonight's Debate

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Come on board conservatives..

When are you going to man up and admit Obama took this round?

Where do you get this from??

Rose Garden, wrong...

Drilling Permits, wrong...

Two of the most important issues and you say he won??

Hands down, the best line of the night belonged to Romney "Your going to get a repeat of the last four years"

Who in the hell wants to repeat the last four years???
No major gaffs or mistakes by either man both held their own and gave as good as they got I see at as draw though I'm sure the party faithful both think there man won.

I'd call Obama's blatant lies about Libya, and Energy a bit more than gaffes.
:lol: :lol: :lol: It's amazing how conservatives can never take responsibility for their party or candidates failings. It's always some other entity involved in a massive conspiracy against them.
I'm not voting for Vinnie Vitalis, nitwit.

And if you can't see that the "undecided voters" were a bunch of shills asking questions straight out of the DNC book of gripes, snivels and talking points, then you've got your head shoved so far up Obiedoodle's ass that there's no getting through to you anyways.

It's all a liberalzzzz conspiraceeeee!!!!! Run for the hills!!!!
Piss off, s0n.

Had that been Bill O'Reilly moderating that "debate" and the questions almost all covered a bunch of pet republican issues (i.e. voter ID, flag burning, school vouchers), I'd be saying the same thing.

Get your head out of Boiking's ass.
No major gaffs or mistakes by either man both held their own and gave as good as they got I see at as draw though I'm sure the party faithful both think there man won.

A draw is a win for Romney, although I think Romney had the edge because of Obama's failed record he had to work with. Obama didn't have that luxury he lost, Romney won
:clap2::clap2:Romney really kicked the shit out of Obama!

I think they both did really well compared to Obama's last performance.

The rose garden speech he lied.

He blatantly lied. He was still blaming the video the following week at the UN and on the view. In fact, if i remember correctly, the girls on the view asked him whether it was a terror attack and he wouldnt say that.

He didn't lie, you pathetic douche. He passed on the best intelligence he had at the time. He left open the fact that right wing theocrats used a terrorist attack. He didn't give a rat fuck. He said the scumbags would be pwned. XXXXXXX

Why was the Republicans and Bush such fags about this?
that fat liberal whore let obama talk 4 minutes longer than Gov. Romney.
<you must spread some reputation around before giving some to WillowTree again>

She gave him an extra 4 minutes to do a character assassination number on Governor Romney. The only trouble is, it was all skillful misrepresentation, but it was still four minutes of scorched earth.

President Obama would have gotten himself kicked out of the Clean Debate Zone at USMB for that.

He had a scowl on his face 90% of the time. He knows he's toast.
I think they both did really well compared to Obama's last performance.

The rose garden speech he lied.

He blatantly lied. He was still blaming the video the following week at the UN and on the view. In fact, if i remember correctly, the girls on the view asked him whether it was a terror attack and he wouldnt say that.

He didn't lie, you pathetic douche. He passed on the best intelligence he had at the time. He left open the fact that right wing theocrats used a terrorist attack. He didn't give a rat fuck. He said the scumbags would be pwned. XXXXXXXX
Why was the Republicans and Bush such fags about this?

LOL, he keeps lying and digging his grave deeper over Libya. If he keeps it up it may just cost him the election.
I think they both did really well compared to Obama's last performance.

The rose garden speech he lied.

He blatantly lied. He was still blaming the video the following week at the UN and on the view. In fact, if i remember correctly, the girls on the view asked him whether it was a terror attack and he wouldnt say that.

He didn't lie, you pathetic douche. He passed on the best intelligence he had at the time. He left open the fact that right wing theocrats used a terrorist attack. He didn't give a rat fuck. He said the scumbags would be pwned. XXXXXXXXX

Why was the Republicans and Bush such fags about this?

He lied. He claimed he denounced it as a terrorist attack the next day. He didn't. He was on the view the following week and at the UN blaming a spontaneous riot that occured because of a youtube video no one has seen. He was asked on the view about whether it was a terror attack and he refused to say one way or another because "we didn't have enough information yet"
I think they both did really well compared to Obama's last performance.

The rose garden speech he lied.

He blatantly lied. He was still blaming the video the following week at the UN and on the view. In fact, if i remember correctly, the girls on the view asked him whether it was a terror attack and he wouldnt say that.

He didn't lie, you pathetic douche. He passed on the best intelligence he had at the time. He left open the fact that right wing theocrats used a terrorist attack. He didn't give a rat fuck. He said the scumbags would be pwned. XXXXXXX

Why was the Republicans and Bush such fags about this?

the Rose Garden speech transcript is posted, Dickless Fuck. Obama NEVER called the attack an act of terror. He used the word terror one time, in general sense, near the end of his comments.

He blatantly lied. He was still blaming the video the following week at the UN and on the view. In fact, if i remember correctly, the girls on the view asked him whether it was a terror attack and he wouldnt say that.

He didn't lie, you pathetic douche. He passed on the best intelligence he had at the time. He left open the fact that right wing theocrats used a terrorist attack. He didn't give a rat fuck. He said the scumbags would be pwned. XXXXXXX

Why was the Republicans and Bush such fags about this?

He lied. He claimed he denounced it as a terrorist attack the next day. He didn't. He was on the view the following week and at the UN blaming a spontaneous riot that occured because of a youtube video no one has seen. He was asked on the view about whether it was a terror attack and he refused to say one way or another because "we didn't have enough information yet"

funny...they just showed the video from the rose garden the day after...

his words, exactly "no act of terror" will go unpunished and "we will get to the bottom of this".

sorry charlie...
He didn't lie, you pathetic douche. He passed on the best intelligence he had at the time. He left open the fact that right wing theocrats used a terrorist attack. He didn't give a rat fuck. He said the scumbags would be pwned. Die motherfuckers.

Why was the Republicans and Bush such fags about this?

He lied. He claimed he denounced it as a terrorist attack the next day. He didn't. He was on the view the following week and at the UN blaming a spontaneous riot that occured because of a youtube video no one has seen. He was asked on the view about whether it was a terror attack and he refused to say one way or another because "we didn't have enough information yet"

funny...they just showed the video from the rose garden the day after...

his words, exactly "no act of terror" will go unpunished and "we will get to the bottom of this".

sorry charlie...

Did he call the attack an act of terror?

He... lied.

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