2012 Presidential Debate - Townhall

Who Will Win Tonight's Debate

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The edge goes to Obama. With a biased moderator, obvious shills in the audience, and questions that favored Obama (even one about Bush?) it's hard not to win the debate. The sad part is that none of that mattered in the end, those attributes made no difference in the performance.

Obama did well and Romney did fair.

But then again, Obama was able to show to his base why he should be President - because 7.8% unemployment is a good thing to them.
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Sh*t! I just get home and now I gotta' read through 56 pages of comments? F*ck!

Thanks to Sarah G and thanks for the running commentary guise! :D
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Romney didnt lose. That's all that matters. Romney put in a good showing. Obama lied a lot. Ultimately the debate wont mean much. It wont overshadow the really bad job Obama has done over 4years.
Both made points. Obama lied on almost every question.

I think Romney edged it out. But it was close. But Obama did better than the last one.
Odd. He didn't have a problem being himself in the last debate.

He wasn't. Himself was the guy you saw talking to his money people and saying 47% of the country are deadbeats.

Himself was the guy who insulted the cookies given to him at a campaign event.

Libtards think they know everything. Sure they do. That's why the country is in the shitter.

I would rather be a libtard than a Re-tard like you! BOOO YAA!!

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