2012 Presidential Debate - Townhall

Who Will Win Tonight's Debate

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Did you hear shithead Romney, who said that government doesn't create jobs? What a fucking idiot. Where does this ass hat think teachers comes from?

Profanity from Liberals ^ equates to a Romney win.

True, suddenly I feel more optimistic.

Thanks dick.

Oh wow, now obama's lying about stuff that Romney said. I'm sure Candy will prevent Romney from rebutting.
Obama just hit Mitt on the 47% comment. Mitt opened himself up to it during his last answer.
Obama should not have started, fair share, that's not going to help, he's had to many examples of the opposite.........he's describing a bad economy, hello, he's the president.

But Romney missed an opportunity to describe his vision.
Mr President, you have ignored the middle class, the so called 47% and you have sucked up to the super rich for donations.....You despise the free enterprise system....
I wanna know WHY if obama announced the day after that it was a terrorist attack why the fuck he let the State deparment announce it wasn't a full five days later? wtf is going on???
From Obama's Rose garden speech.

"No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for."

He did NOT call what happened in Benghazi a terrorist attack.

So you had better intelligence at the time? Fuck, we knew Bin Laden was a terrorist, and Dubya said it wasn't something he worked about. Are you serious? Or shall I start to mock you again?

why don't you go hump the dog or something. That would make more sense.
Did you hear shithead Romney, who said that government doesn't create jobs? What a fucking idiot. Where does this ass hat think teachers comes from?

LOLOL And didn't I just hear Obama say that government doesn't create jobs? Why yes, I think I did. :tongue:
Canada rules!


Oh Canada, we stand on cars and freeze.....
Oh Canada, our home and TV land...
Oh Canada my roaming naked band...

Listen Cheesehead, it was only a few years ago when I was walking in downtown Milwaukee, and it was -30 with the windchill. In April.

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