she is old, angry, ugly and tired. a very poor candidate. But I do hope the dems run her. There are thousands of clips of her lying or saying something stupid, the RNC will have a field day.
Yes, people like you will be able to tell us all about a trip to Bosnia she made umpteen years ago, but will go slack when asked details about any of her policies if elected.

You live for the useless muck.

At about this stage in the 2008 cycle the pundits were certain Hillary would be matched up against either Giuliani or McCain but both Republicans would beat her by a comfortable margin.
Lots can happen between now and then and most voters dont start paying attention until at leaast the primaries.

This isn't 2008. At this point in the 2012 cycle, most polls had Obama facing Romney and beating him easily.
And that's pretty much what happened.

Now could Jeb implode? Probably. But he's the only one right now who has the infrastructure to get the nomination easily.

The country is fed up with family dynasties and liars. 2016 will NOT be bush/clinton. HRC has some major medical issues that will keep her from running and Jeb will not get the GOP nomination.
At about this stage in the 2008 cycle he pundits were certain Hillary would be matched up against either Giuliani or McCain but both Republicans would beat her by a comfortable margin.
Lots can happen between now and then and most voters dont start paying attention until at leaast the primaries.

This isn't 2008. At this point in the 2012 cycle, most polls had Obama facing Romney and beating him easily.
And that's pretty much what happened.

Now could Jeb implode? Probably. But he's the only one right now who has the infrastructure to get the nomination easily.

The country is fed up with family dynasties and liars. 2016 will NOT be bush/clinton. HRC has some major medical issues that will keep her from running and Jeb will not get the GOP nomination.

good article by Kunstler on possibel outcome if Jeb and Hillary run.

The Trigger KUNSTLER
At about this stage in the 2008 cycle he pundits were certain Hillary would be matched up against either Giuliani or McCain but both Republicans would beat her by a comfortable margin.
Lots can happen between now and then and most voters dont start paying attention until at leaast the primaries.

This isn't 2008. At this point in the 2012 cycle, most polls had Obama facing Romney and beating him easily.
And that's pretty much what happened.

Now could Jeb implode? Probably. But he's the only one right now who has the infrastructure to get the nomination easily.

The country is fed up with family dynasties and liars. 2016 will NOT be bush/clinton. HRC has some major medical issues that will keep her from running and Jeb will not get the GOP nomination.

good article by Kunstler on possibel outcome if Jeb and Hillary run.

The Trigger KUNSTLER

good article. the establishment in both parties needs to be destroyed. It would be best if the parties themselves would do it, but it will probably take a third party to fix the mess.
I don't know anything about Jeb Bush but his name alone disqualifies him. Christie or Giuliani would debate Hillary into a puddle of post-menopausal male hormones.

If she doesn't have a stroke this week.
At about this stage in the 2008 cycle the pundits were certain Hillary would be matched up against either Giuliani or McCain but both Republicans would beat her by a comfortable margin.
Lots can happen between now and then and most voters dont start paying attention until at leaast the primaries.

This isn't 2008. At this point in the 2012 cycle, most polls had Obama facing Romney and beating him easily.
And that's pretty much what happened.

Now could Jeb implode? Probably. But he's the only one right now who has the infrastructure to get the nomination easily.
Joe, the nice thing about your posts is that you talk out of your ass without knowing a single fact. Thus it's easy to show how wrong you are:
Poll GOP candidates top Obama in hypothetical 2012 race -
The country is fed up with family dynasties and liars. 2016 will NOT be bush/clinton. HRC has some major medical issues that will keep her from running and Jeb will not get the GOP nomination.

That's a lot of wishful thinking, guy.

Hillary is clearly running. If she wasn't, she'd have stepped aside by now. She's taking the steps, and will proably announce in March.

As for Jeb, I think he's an awful choice, and no one wants to live through another set of Bush Recessions and Wars, but compared to the other guys in the clown car, he's the only one who looks like a president.
At about this stage in the 2008 cycle the pundits were certain Hillary would be matched up against either Giuliani or McCain but both Republicans would beat her by a comfortable margin.
Lots can happen between now and then and most voters dont start paying attention until at leaast the primaries.

This isn't 2008. At this point in the 2012 cycle, most polls had Obama facing Romney and beating him easily.
And that's pretty much what happened.

Now could Jeb implode? Probably. But he's the only one right now who has the infrastructure to get the nomination easily.
Joe, the nice thing about your posts is that you talk out of your ass without knowing a single fact. Thus it's easy to show how wrong you are:
Poll GOP candidates top Obama in hypothetical 2012 race -

It's kind of hard to take an article seriously that discussed Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin as 2012 contenders.

They didn't even try to run.
At about this stage in the 2008 cycle the pundits were certain Hillary would be matched up against either Giuliani or McCain but both Republicans would beat her by a comfortable margin.
Lots can happen between now and then and most voters dont start paying attention until at leaast the primaries.

This isn't 2008. At this point in the 2012 cycle, most polls had Obama facing Romney and beating him easily.
And that's pretty much what happened.

Now could Jeb implode? Probably. But he's the only one right now who has the infrastructure to get the nomination easily.
Joe, the nice thing about your posts is that you talk out of your ass without knowing a single fact. Thus it's easy to show how wrong you are:
Poll GOP candidates top Obama in hypothetical 2012 race -

It's kind of hard to take an article seriously that discussed Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin as 2012 contenders.

They didn't even try to run.
It's hard for you to take seriously because it means your post is bullshit.
Your attempts at rationalization are hysterical.
Coming into this thread late....

It'll be Clinton/O'Mally VS Bush/(Christie, Ryan, or Rubio)

There are no southern Democrats to put on the ticket with Hillary, so it doesn't matter where Hillary's VP candidate comes from. Elizabeth Warren is too far left, and it's not quite time for two women on a presidential ticket.

Untill a Republican candidate starts polling within 5 points of Hillary, she will be the next President...especially if the Republicans go on about gay marriage/contraception/abortion in the mean time.

The GOP will also need to create legislation that Obama will sign, ot they'll be blamed for nothing happening in Washington, still!, in 2016
Coming into this thread late....

It'll be Clinton/O'Mally VS Bush/(Christie, Ryan, or Rubio)

There are no southern Democrats to put on the ticket with Hillary, so it doesn't matter where Hillary's VP candidate comes from. Elizabeth Warren is too far left, and it's not quite time for two women on a presidential ticket.

Untill a Republican candidate starts polling within 5 points of Hillary, she will be the next President...especially if the Republicans go on about gay marriage/contraception/abortion in the mean time.

The GOP will also need to create legislation that Obama will sign, ot they'll be blamed for nothing happening in Washington, still!, in 2016

I think you are wrong on all counts. But time will tell. The GOP led congress will pass bills, if obama vetoes then the failure is on him and the dems. The american people are not as stupid as the dems think they are---november 2014 proved that.
Coming into this thread late....

It'll be Clinton/O'Mally VS Bush/(Christie, Ryan, or Rubio)

There are no southern Democrats to put on the ticket with Hillary, so it doesn't matter where Hillary's VP candidate comes from. Elizabeth Warren is too far left, and it's not quite time for two women on a presidential ticket.

Untill a Republican candidate starts polling within 5 points of Hillary, she will be the next President...especially if the Republicans go on about gay marriage/contraception/abortion in the mean time.

The GOP will also need to create legislation that Obama will sign, ot they'll be blamed for nothing happening in Washington, still!, in 2016
OK, try this insteadL
Hillary will not run as her negatives inside the Democrat Party are too great.
Dems will push Warren as Obama perfected. A Warren-Holder ticket will hit all the Dem strongpoints.
It will be utterly overwhelmed by a Walker-Cruz ticket, pitting the accomplished well spoken against the inexperienced radicals.

The GOP will work cleverly with dissident Dems, unhappy with their party's electoral performance, and come up with legislation that will easily get 2/3rds votes to override the veto, making Obama look like a blustering fool.
Coming into this thread late....

It'll be Clinton/O'Mally VS Bush/(Christie, Ryan, or Rubio)

There are no southern Democrats to put on the ticket with Hillary, so it doesn't matter where Hillary's VP candidate comes from. Elizabeth Warren is too far left, and it's not quite time for two women on a presidential ticket.

Untill a Republican candidate starts polling within 5 points of Hillary, she will be the next President...especially if the Republicans go on about gay marriage/contraception/abortion in the mean time.

The GOP will also need to create legislation that Obama will sign, ot they'll be blamed for nothing happening in Washington, still!, in 2016

I think you are wrong on all counts. But time will tell. The GOP led congress will pass bills, if obama vetoes then the failure is on him and the dems. The american people are not as stupid as the dems think they are---november 2014 proved that.
Maybe I'm overthinking this....but..........

The GOP cannot send bills to Obama, that will be good for the economy and America...because he might sign them. At that point, anything good that happens between now and November 2016, can be claimed by the Democrats as well.

What the GOP needs to do, to make Obama look like an obstructionist, is to write legislation that he WON'T sign. So the GOP will have to sell it as good for the country, but load it up with deal breakers. Like if every piece of legislation includes some kind of change to Obamacare, that'll do the trick for the GOP.

The notion that the GOP will create positive legislation, and Obama will just veto whatever it is, will not happen. He's waiting for opportunities to be like Clinton in hsi second term.
Coming into this thread late....

It'll be Clinton/O'Mally VS Bush/(Christie, Ryan, or Rubio)

There are no southern Democrats to put on the ticket with Hillary, so it doesn't matter where Hillary's VP candidate comes from. Elizabeth Warren is too far left, and it's not quite time for two women on a presidential ticket.

Untill a Republican candidate starts polling within 5 points of Hillary, she will be the next President...especially if the Republicans go on about gay marriage/contraception/abortion in the mean time.

The GOP will also need to create legislation that Obama will sign, ot they'll be blamed for nothing happening in Washington, still!, in 2016
OK, try this insteadL
Hillary will not run as her negatives inside the Democrat Party are too great.
Dems will push Warren as Obama perfected. A Warren-Holder ticket will hit all the Dem strongpoints.
It will be utterly overwhelmed by a Walker-Cruz ticket, pitting the accomplished well spoken against the inexperienced radicals.

The GOP will work cleverly with dissident Dems, unhappy with their party's electoral performance, and come up with legislation that will easily get 2/3rds votes to override the veto, making Obama look like a blustering fool.
Wow.....I gotta hand it to you.....that seems like the most least likely scenario I've ever heard, and I'm impressed, because my worst fears are not as bad as that.

Were you joking?
Coming into this thread late....

It'll be Clinton/O'Mally VS Bush/(Christie, Ryan, or Rubio)

There are no southern Democrats to put on the ticket with Hillary, so it doesn't matter where Hillary's VP candidate comes from. Elizabeth Warren is too far left, and it's not quite time for two women on a presidential ticket.

Untill a Republican candidate starts polling within 5 points of Hillary, she will be the next President...especially if the Republicans go on about gay marriage/contraception/abortion in the mean time.

The GOP will also need to create legislation that Obama will sign, ot they'll be blamed for nothing happening in Washington, still!, in 2016
OK, try this insteadL
Hillary will not run as her negatives inside the Democrat Party are too great.
Dems will push Warren as Obama perfected. A Warren-Holder ticket will hit all the Dem strongpoints.
It will be utterly overwhelmed by a Walker-Cruz ticket, pitting the accomplished well spoken against the inexperienced radicals.

The GOP will work cleverly with dissident Dems, unhappy with their party's electoral performance, and come up with legislation that will easily get 2/3rds votes to override the veto, making Obama look like a blustering fool.
Wow.....I gotta hand it to you.....that seems like the most least likely scenario I've ever heard, and I'm impressed, because my worst fears are not as bad as that.

Were you joking?
It was every but as likely as yours.
At this point in 2008 if someone had said a one term junior senator from Illinois would be the next president he'd be laughed off the forum.
Lots can happen. Campaigns can blow up in 48 hours. Stars can emerge based on one dynamite performance.
Personally I think Obama will tip his hat to Deval Patrick and he will win the nomination. Dems have a winning formula. Why change?
Republicans will nominate Jeb, democrats will nominate Hillary.

Hillary will win all the states Obama won, plus Missouri, Arizona, Arkansas and Louisiana.

You don't think Jeb would win Florida?

No, I don't think he'd win Florida. Just like i don't think Christy would win NJ against Hillary.

Just because you beat a no-name opponents in off year elections, does not mean you'd beat a serious candidate in a general election.

Especially not AFTER your brother fucked up everyone's life. Dubya's economic crash hit Florida pretty hard.
It's hard for you to take seriously because it means your post is bullshit.
Your attempts at rationalization are hysterical.

It's hard for me to take seriously because it provided no links to polls.

Here's a list of ALL the polls taken between Romney and Obama all the way back to 2010.

Obama leads in the vast majority of them and did all along.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election Romney vs. Obama
You're an idiot, like that's news.
The article cited the poll.
Quoting polls back to 2010 between Romney and Obama assumes that Romney would have been the candidate. I already showed there were other polls showing other Republicans winning the nomination.
Face it, Joe. You're just not very bright.

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