Yeah, I'm sure that little 40 lb boy hurt the dog. You people are retarded.
He probably did hurt that dog. Of course big dopey Sarah stands there taking photos of it...
Kids and dogs interact like that all the time. If the dog had a problem with it, he would have done something. No, this is nothing more than you Leftwat hacks who hate Palin already looking for more reasons to hate her and desperately scraping for anything. Like I said, you people are retarded.
Well actually, the little boy is retarded but she seems more retarded than him. That poor dog could not have been enjoying that but was taught to just lie there and take that shit.
It's clear you don't have kids and dogs. I have both and have seen my kids step on her, ride her like a horse, and wrestle with her. If she has a problem, she just grunts and walks away. Luckily I can see things for what they are instead of looking through hate colored glasses like you Leftists do.
I do have kids and they are around dogs all the time. I would never let them abuse a dog like that. Otoh, I would never allow a dog to bite my child and I believe the Palins have trained their dog in this way too. So the dog didn't object. Sad.
The dog didn't object because it wasn't being hurt, unlike the dog Obama ate. You people should really pick your battles because this one really makes you look stupid.

did someone put her on a national ticket?

Does she have a contract with MSNBC saying this kind of stupid stuff every week?

She thought she was the national ticket. She could say anything she wanted because the Teaparty approved of all of it. They LOVED anyone who would take the heat for their stupid policies.

That's like 100% opposite of what happened. In reality she felt constrained in what she said by McCain's advisors. She wrote about it later. Try keeping up.

Only after she said enough stupid things that it was painfully obvious to the McCain team that the Titanic was more seaworthy than Palin.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

And then it became apparent that more people liked Palin than liked McCain.
You really get your gay ass handed to you every time, dontcha?

Palin is a big part of the reason why McCain lost to President Obama by 7.26% in 2008.

Poll after poll after poll showed that once here true stupidity was revealed, far more than 2/3 of most polling respondents did not want to have her as VP, fearing what damage she could do were McCain to croak in office.

Enjoy your weird fantasies, sheygetz.
My favorite dogs are black labs, precisely because they are incredibly good with kids. They will let a kid do all kinds of things to them, and they can take it. And if a kid goes too far, a black lab will just get up and move. They will not harm a kid.

Wonderful, wonderful dogs.

The last black lab I had was an Einstein. If he had started talking, it would not have surprised me in the slightest.

The black lab, german shepherd mix I have now is the dumbest dog I have ever had. But he is an outstanding police dog. Basically, he's a dumb cop. :)
did someone put her on a national ticket?

Does she have a contract with MSNBC saying this kind of stupid stuff every week?
She thought she was the national ticket. She could say anything she wanted because the Teaparty approved of all of it. They LOVED anyone who would take the heat for their stupid policies.
That's like 100% opposite of what happened. In reality she felt constrained in what she said by McCain's advisors. She wrote about it later. Try keeping up.
Only after she said enough stupid things that it was painfully obvious to the McCain team that the Titanic was more seaworthy than Palin.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
And then it became apparent that more people liked Palin than liked McCain.
You really get your gay ass handed to you every time, dontcha?

Palin is a big part of the reason why McCain lost to President Obama by 7.26% in 2008.

Poll after poll after poll showed that once here true stupidity was revealed, far more than 2/3 of most polling respondents did not want to have her as VP, fearing what damage she could do were McCain to croak in office.

Enjoy your weird fantasies, sheygetz.
McCain lost because of McCain. You suck at political analysis.
She thought she was the national ticket. She could say anything she wanted because the Teaparty approved of all of it. They LOVED anyone who would take the heat for their stupid policies.
That's like 100% opposite of what happened. In reality she felt constrained in what she said by McCain's advisors. She wrote about it later. Try keeping up.
Only after she said enough stupid things that it was painfully obvious to the McCain team that the Titanic was more seaworthy than Palin.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
And then it became apparent that more people liked Palin than liked McCain.
You really get your gay ass handed to you every time, dontcha?

Palin is a big part of the reason why McCain lost to President Obama by 7.26% in 2008.

Poll after poll after poll showed that once here true stupidity was revealed, far more than 2/3 of most polling respondents did not want to have her as VP, fearing what damage she could do were McCain to croak in office.

Enjoy your weird fantasies, sheygetz.
McCain lost because of McCain. You suck at political analysis.
McCain lost because of Bush.

The Democrats could have put up an actual donkey for President, and the donkey would have won.
Wow, I yanked your chain real good.
The real question is why you hate Palin so much, especially since she obviously has a better grasp on foreign affairs than Obama. Is it because she takes dick and you're jealous?
She lets her kid stand on their dog, for one.
Yeah, I'm sure that little 40 lb boy hurt the dog. You people are retarded.
He probably did hurt that dog. Of course big dopey Sarah stands there taking photos of it...
Kids and dogs interact like that all the time. If the dog had a problem with it, he would have done something. No, this is nothing more than you Leftwat hacks who hate Palin already looking for more reasons to hate her and desperately scraping for anything. Like I said, you people are retarded.
Well actually, the little boy is retarded but she seems more retarded than him. That poor dog could not have been enjoying that but was taught to just lie there and take that shit.

You know, were the President to post photos of his children, the Righties here would be screaming that he is jusing them for political gain. And yet, Sarah Palin, with the posting, is doing EXACTLY that with Trig. I am gonna give all those "righteous Righties" out there a chance to think about that. She attached a photo of that young boy with a principle she wants to espouse - for an obvious political goal. When that famous Palin brawl happened and most of her offspring were drunk as skunks, how DARE anyone mention their names?!?!?!? But here she is, calmly using young Trig as a prop.

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McCain lost because of McCain. You suck at political analysis.

McCain lost because Bush fucked up... everything.

But picking Bible Spice as a running mate didn't help him much.
I always considered Palin to be McCain realizing he didn't have a snowball's chance in hell and so he decided to be an officer and a gentleman and toss the country a boner and give us all a sparkly bimbo MILF to ogle as the country went under.
My favorite dogs are black labs, precisely because they are incredibly good with kids. They will let a kid do all kinds of things to them, and they can take it. And if a kid goes too far, a black lab will just get up and move. They will not harm a kid.

Wonderful, wonderful dogs.

The last black lab I had was an Einstein. If he had started talking, it would not have surprised me in the slightest.

The black lab, german shepherd mix I have now is the dumbest dog I have ever had. But he is an outstanding police dog. Basically, he's a dumb cop. :)
See, now YOU I actually believe. That's the experience most people with kids and dogs have. Mine is a husky mix and great with the kids. I make sure my kids understand her signs when she doesn't like something they're doing. Palin haters seizing on this picture as proof she's an awful person just reeks of desperation.
My favorite dogs are black labs, precisely because they are incredibly good with kids. They will let a kid do all kinds of things to them, and they can take it. And if a kid goes too far, a black lab will just get up and move. They will not harm a kid.

Wonderful, wonderful dogs.

The last black lab I had was an Einstein. If he had started talking, it would not have surprised me in the slightest.

The black lab, german shepherd mix I have now is the dumbest dog I have ever had. But he is an outstanding police dog. Basically, he's a dumb cop. :)
See, now YOU I actually believe. That's the experience most people with kids and dogs have. Mine is a husky mix and great with the kids. I make sure my kids understand her signs when she doesn't like something they're doing. Palin haters seizing on this picture as proof she's an awful person just reeks of desperation.
When one of my sons was a toddler, he put his entire arm down our black lab's throat. The dog just let him do it.

When I turned and saw my son's arm down that dog's throat, I had a moment of panic. But the dog didn't even flinch. They just know. I still don't know how that dog didn't gag. My son then pulled his arm out and it was covered in goo. :D

That was one helluva dog. It is the only dog I cried like a baby over when he died.
So if you were still a Republican and votged for McCain how is it that Bush is "my boy"? Didnt you vote for him too.

Yes, i did.
Joe, if you need to ask questions like that, you really shouldnt be part of any discussion on it. Ya know?

Ya know. Your boy Bush lied his ass off and 4500 good men and women died for nothing.

Obama used peaceful means to deal with this crisis and it's working.

Ya Know.
Bush didnt lie. You seem to have nothing but bumper sticker slogans and misinformation.

Both Bush and Cheney lied right out their asses about Iraq.

They lied constantly about the threat of WMDs in Iraq (there were none).
They lied constantly about a connection between Saddam and El Quaida (there was none).

History proves that they lied. Their team went out 24/7 on the airwaves for months on end and prophecied that Saddam could subject his enemies cities to a nuclear or biological cloud "within 48 hours". It's on record, and they said it ALL OVER THE PLACE. And it was all lies.

History proves that Bush 43 started a totally unneccessary war that he never asked the American people to pay for, for the first time in history.

There are some things about Pres. Bush that I like, but he was dead-wrong on Iraq. And you are a total fool to still be defending the indefensible.
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She thought she was the national ticket. She could say anything she wanted because the Teaparty approved of all of it. They LOVED anyone who would take the heat for their stupid policies.
That's like 100% opposite of what happened. In reality she felt constrained in what she said by McCain's advisors. She wrote about it later. Try keeping up.
Only after she said enough stupid things that it was painfully obvious to the McCain team that the Titanic was more seaworthy than Palin.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
And then it became apparent that more people liked Palin than liked McCain.
You really get your gay ass handed to you every time, dontcha?

Palin is a big part of the reason why McCain lost to President Obama by 7.26% in 2008.

Poll after poll after poll showed that once here true stupidity was revealed, far more than 2/3 of most polling respondents did not want to have her as VP, fearing what damage she could do were McCain to croak in office.

Enjoy your weird fantasies, sheygetz.
McCain lost because of McCain. You suck at political analysis.

Actually, no. You are way out of your league, here, and have no idea how much data flowed that showed that Palin sunk and already damaged ship.
She thought she was the national ticket. She could say anything she wanted because the Teaparty approved of all of it. They LOVED anyone who would take the heat for their stupid policies.
That's like 100% opposite of what happened. In reality she felt constrained in what she said by McCain's advisors. She wrote about it later. Try keeping up.
Only after she said enough stupid things that it was painfully obvious to the McCain team that the Titanic was more seaworthy than Palin.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
And then it became apparent that more people liked Palin than liked McCain.
You really get your gay ass handed to you every time, dontcha?

Palin is a big part of the reason why McCain lost to President Obama by 7.26% in 2008.

Poll after poll after poll showed that once here true stupidity was revealed, far more than 2/3 of most polling respondents did not want to have her as VP, fearing what damage she could do were McCain to croak in office.

Enjoy your weird fantasies, sheygetz.
McCain lost because of McCain. You suck at political analysis.
McCain was going great, gaining on Obama every week as more and more people heard Obama.
Then the economic crisis hit. Economics is McCain's worst area and he sounded like an Obama also-ran with nothing new to offer. When I heard Palin talking about "greedy Wall St Bankers" at the convention I knew it was all over for them.
That's like 100% opposite of what happened. In reality she felt constrained in what she said by McCain's advisors. She wrote about it later. Try keeping up.
Only after she said enough stupid things that it was painfully obvious to the McCain team that the Titanic was more seaworthy than Palin.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
And then it became apparent that more people liked Palin than liked McCain.
You really get your gay ass handed to you every time, dontcha?

Palin is a big part of the reason why McCain lost to President Obama by 7.26% in 2008.

Poll after poll after poll showed that once here true stupidity was revealed, far more than 2/3 of most polling respondents did not want to have her as VP, fearing what damage she could do were McCain to croak in office.

Enjoy your weird fantasies, sheygetz.
McCain lost because of McCain. You suck at political analysis.

Actually, no. You are way out of your league, here, and have no idea how much data flowed that showed that Palin sunk and already damaged ship.
As usual assertions without proof.
You really are a stupid shit.
Only after she said enough stupid things that it was painfully obvious to the McCain team that the Titanic was more seaworthy than Palin.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
And then it became apparent that more people liked Palin than liked McCain.
You really get your gay ass handed to you every time, dontcha?

Palin is a big part of the reason why McCain lost to President Obama by 7.26% in 2008.

Poll after poll after poll showed that once here true stupidity was revealed, far more than 2/3 of most polling respondents did not want to have her as VP, fearing what damage she could do were McCain to croak in office.

Enjoy your weird fantasies, sheygetz.
McCain lost because of McCain. You suck at political analysis.

Actually, no. You are way out of your league, here, and have no idea how much data flowed that showed that Palin sunk and already damaged ship.
As usual assertions without proof.
You really are a stupid shit.
You don't really want to be embarrassed that much, really, you don't.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
That's like 100% opposite of what happened. In reality she felt constrained in what she said by McCain's advisors. She wrote about it later. Try keeping up.
Only after she said enough stupid things that it was painfully obvious to the McCain team that the Titanic was more seaworthy than Palin.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
And then it became apparent that more people liked Palin than liked McCain.
You really get your gay ass handed to you every time, dontcha?

Palin is a big part of the reason why McCain lost to President Obama by 7.26% in 2008.

Poll after poll after poll showed that once here true stupidity was revealed, far more than 2/3 of most polling respondents did not want to have her as VP, fearing what damage she could do were McCain to croak in office.

Enjoy your weird fantasies, sheygetz.
McCain lost because of McCain. You suck at political analysis.

Actually, no. You are way out of your league, here, and have no idea how much data flowed that showed that Palin sunk and already damaged ship.
You are right, McCain was campaigning in grocery stores when Palin came along and gave him a slight bump. Crowds were nowhere near Obama's but she did okay until she started doing interviews. People began to think about McCain's age and her being first in line of succession and attitudes toward her changed in a big hurry.
Only after she said enough stupid things that it was painfully obvious to the McCain team that the Titanic was more seaworthy than Palin.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
And then it became apparent that more people liked Palin than liked McCain.
You really get your gay ass handed to you every time, dontcha?

Palin is a big part of the reason why McCain lost to President Obama by 7.26% in 2008.

Poll after poll after poll showed that once here true stupidity was revealed, far more than 2/3 of most polling respondents did not want to have her as VP, fearing what damage she could do were McCain to croak in office.

Enjoy your weird fantasies, sheygetz.
McCain lost because of McCain. You suck at political analysis.

Actually, no. You are way out of your league, here, and have no idea how much data flowed that showed that Palin sunk and already damaged ship.
You are right, McCain was campaigning in grocery stores when Palin came along and gave him a slight bump. Crowds were nowhere near Obama's but she did okay until she started doing interviews. People began to think about McCain's age and her being first in line of succession and attitudes toward her changed in a big hurry.
Yes, and polling from 2008 points to two major turning points after Labor Day 2008, the de facto Fall campaign kickoff: polling after the market melted down, and polling after Palins 2 disastrous interviews.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
And then it became apparent that more people liked Palin than liked McCain.
You really get your gay ass handed to you every time, dontcha?

Palin is a big part of the reason why McCain lost to President Obama by 7.26% in 2008.

Poll after poll after poll showed that once here true stupidity was revealed, far more than 2/3 of most polling respondents did not want to have her as VP, fearing what damage she could do were McCain to croak in office.

Enjoy your weird fantasies, sheygetz.
McCain lost because of McCain. You suck at political analysis.

Actually, no. You are way out of your league, here, and have no idea how much data flowed that showed that Palin sunk and already damaged ship.
You are right, McCain was campaigning in grocery stores when Palin came along and gave him a slight bump. Crowds were nowhere near Obama's but she did okay until she started doing interviews. People began to think about McCain's age and her being first in line of succession and attitudes toward her changed in a big hurry.
Yes, and polling from 2008 points to two major turning points after Labor Day 2008, the de facto Fall campaign kickoff: polling after the market melted down, and polling after Palins 2 disastrous interviews.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
I believe that.
My favorite dogs are black labs, precisely because they are incredibly good with kids. They will let a kid do all kinds of things to them, and they can take it. And if a kid goes too far, a black lab will just get up and move. They will not harm a kid.

Wonderful, wonderful dogs.

The last black lab I had was an Einstein. If he had started talking, it would not have surprised me in the slightest.

The black lab, german shepherd mix I have now is the dumbest dog I have ever had. But he is an outstanding police dog. Basically, he's a dumb cop. :)
See, now YOU I actually believe. That's the experience most people with kids and dogs have. Mine is a husky mix and great with the kids. I make sure my kids understand her signs when she doesn't like something they're doing. Palin haters seizing on this picture as proof she's an awful person just reeks of desperation.
Its not desperation - it partisanship. Partisans see EVERYTHING that the other side dies as evil and terrible. She could have been petting the dog and giving it a treat and it would still be horrible. It really isn't a matter of reason - its all about justification.

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