Despite everyone being tired of the Bush's and Clintons, the parties nominate Jeb and Hillary.

Jeb wins because he's less unpleasant.
Jeb will not win anything. Bering the Bush name is enough to sink anyone in that family.
You're delusional. He is already racking up the money and the commitments. The Chamber of Commerce types - the ones with the money - love Jeb. He's one of them.
Finance reform is not going to change a damn thing.
Bullshit. It's the reason why the also-rans were able to prolong the GOP primaries, damaging Mittens all the way to the nomination.

Without all the unlimited money, the Santorum, Gingrich, Perry, etc. campaigns would have ended much sooner, and Mitt would have been stronger going against Obama.
Coming into this thread late....

It'll be Clinton/O'Mally VS Bush/(Christie, Ryan, or Rubio)

There are no southern Democrats to put on the ticket with Hillary, so it doesn't matter where Hillary's VP candidate comes from. Elizabeth Warren is too far left, and it's not quite time for two women on a presidential ticket.

Untill a Republican candidate starts polling within 5 points of Hillary, she will be the next President...especially if the Republicans go on about gay marriage/contraception/abortion in the mean time.

The GOP will also need to create legislation that Obama will sign, ot they'll be blamed for nothing happening in Washington, still!, in 2016
OK, try this insteadL
Hillary will not run as her negatives inside the Democrat Party are too great.
Dems will push Warren as Obama perfected. A Warren-Holder ticket will hit all the Dem strongpoints.
It will be utterly overwhelmed by a Walker-Cruz ticket, pitting the accomplished well spoken against the inexperienced radicals.

The GOP will work cleverly with dissident Dems, unhappy with their party's electoral performance, and come up with legislation that will easily get 2/3rds votes to override the veto, making Obama look like a blustering fool.
Wow.....I gotta hand it to you.....that seems like the most least likely scenario I've ever heard, and I'm impressed, because my worst fears are not as bad as that.

Were you joking?
It was every but as likely as yours.
At this point in 2008 if someone had said a one term junior senator from Illinois would be the next president he'd be laughed off the forum.
Lots can happen. Campaigns can blow up in 48 hours. Stars can emerge based on one dynamite performance.
Personally I think Obama will tip his hat to Deval Patrick and he will win the nomination. Dems have a winning formula. Why change?
I'm only thinking about the Cruz part of your ticket. I had forgotten about Walker actually being a viable candidate. Maybe a Walker/Rubio ticket...that might work. Ted Cruz though?...have you seen his national approval numbers with swing voters and Democrats?...they are the worst
And here is a possibility.

The worst thing the GOP can do is nominate Cruz and I wouldn't be surprised one bit if they managed to do it. Romney did get the last election though so perhaps the GOP will not go off the deep end.

Whoever runs on the republican side, I think the dems are going to take the next one with Hillary. its unfortunate - I cant think of anyone I would want to take the presidency less - but I think that is how things will eventually play out.
Nominating Cruz means that the GOP loses by 20 points and Hillary sails over 460 EV. By all means, GOP, nominate Cruz. I'm cool with that.

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Despite everyone being tired of the Bush's and Clintons, the parties nominate Jeb and Hillary.

Jeb wins because he's less unpleasant.
I'm not tired of the Clintons He was a very good president. She will be too.
Remind me what Clinton did that was so good, other than getting impeached.
No. Remind yourself.

We're not here to re-teach history to the retards.
Wow, I yanked your chain real good.
The real question is why you hate Palin so much, especially since she obviously has a better grasp on foreign affairs than Obama. Is it because she takes dick and you're jealous?

Yes, Palin has such a great grasp on foreign affairs that she doesn't know which Korea is our ally.

did someone put her on a national ticket?

Does she have a contract with MSNBC saying this kind of stupid stuff every week?

She thought she was the national ticket. She could say anything she wanted because the Teaparty approved of all of it. They LOVED anyone who would take the heat for their stupid policies.

That's like 100% opposite of what happened. In reality she felt constrained in what she said by McCain's advisors. She wrote about it later. Try keeping up.

Only after she said enough stupid things that it was painfully obvious to the McCain team that the Titanic was more seaworthy than Palin.

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You just don't know what's up, neither do your congress critters, they continue working for those who give them money. What I said was entirely correct. We need campaign finance laws so that these seats will be available to all who want to run. Not just your extreme whackadoos who are backed financially by the Teaparty.

So you want more and more government, which you say is controlled by money. Liar, you don't believe congress is controlled by money, if you did, you'd want less government, not more.
She wants more Democrats elected and more rich people thrown in jail.

Ah, so she doesn't think congress is controlled by money, she just thinks Republicans are... I knew that, I just wanted her to say it. Democrats of course don't do anything for the money that flows in to their coffers you know. LOL, yeah.
GOP money flows from those nasty Koch Brothers and those racist sexist Chik-Fil-A people.
Democrat money comes pure as the driven snow.

Yes, Soros just cares about people. As do the unions that fill Democrat coffers. They aren't in it for any personal gain.
So how do you feel about the news that Soros is teaming up with one of the Koch brothers?
Despite everyone being tired of the Bush's and Clintons, the parties nominate Jeb and Hillary.

Jeb wins because he's less unpleasant.
I'm not tired of the Clintons He was a very good president. She will be too.
Remind me what Clinton did that was so good, other than getting impeached.
No. Remind yourself.

We're not here to re-teach history to the retards.
So you have nothing.
What is it, like 5 posts and youv'e got literally nothing to say? Headed for Iggy for sure.
Yes, Palin has such a great grasp on foreign affairs that she doesn't know which Korea is our ally.

did someone put her on a national ticket?

Does she have a contract with MSNBC saying this kind of stupid stuff every week?

She thought she was the national ticket. She could say anything she wanted because the Teaparty approved of all of it. They LOVED anyone who would take the heat for their stupid policies.

That's like 100% opposite of what happened. In reality she felt constrained in what she said by McCain's advisors. She wrote about it later. Try keeping up.

Only after she said enough stupid things that it was painfully obvious to the McCain team that the Titanic was more seaworthy than Palin.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

And then it became apparent that more people liked Palin than liked McCain.
You really get your gay ass handed to you every time, dontcha?
ZOMG! ANd Romney strapped his dog to the roof! It's the GOP WAR ON ANIMALS!!! Run for your lives!
It is a ZOMG! You really need to understand just how horrific this is. People actually decide who they are going to vote for based on this type of rhetoric. Not positions, expertise, accomplishment or quality. Idiotic incidents just like this and party. That is all that really matters now with today's electorate.
Actually, they all can. Hillary "what difference does it make" Clinton has more baggage than Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain combined. There isn't a single potential contender I would worry about.

So no, we don't need Crisco Christie.

And you suck at political analysis.
I don't suck at it, I love political analysis and I'm good at it. Have you seen the exploratory polling? Nobody can touch Hillary except maybe, Chris Christie. Republicans have nobody. Your candidates are all idiots or they bore everyone to tears.

You'll see Big Bill in the White House again, mark my words...
No, he's right. Your political analysis seems to consist of "everyone else thinks just like I do."

And your political analysis? Look,I know you're Romney's blow toy so your picking him in 2012 was no surprise. But you can't even keep your stories straight Shirley:

November 2009:
Palin is doing her best work right now going around making speeches and pontificating on this and that. I think she will make an excellent replacement for Ann Coulter.
As a politician she is finished. I have been a Reagan Republican since 1980 and there is no effing way I would vote for her. I like her ideas and ideals but she has proven herself incapable of holding office.

Okay she's finished...right?
Not so fast:

April 2010 (5 months later):
I am not sure he can wait until 2012 when President Palin takes office.

Palin has continued to be an embarrassment to any and all who once supported her....You finally tried to bury her (again) here:

August 2014
The truth is the GOP in general does not want to pursue impeachment, which will be a dead end at this point. Sarah Palin is not the GOP. She's not even an important part in it.

I imagine you'll jump back on the bandwagon of Palin for President in 2016 sometime. Meanwhile, you shouldn't worry about winning a debate with anyone--you can't. First try winning a debate with yourself.
Wow, I yanked your chain real good.
The real question is why you hate Palin so much, especially since she obviously has a better grasp on foreign affairs than Obama. Is it because she takes dick and you're jealous?
She lets her kid stand on their dog, for one.
Yeah, I'm sure that little 40 lb boy hurt the dog. You people are retarded.
I don't suck at it, I love political analysis and I'm good at it. Have you seen the exploratory polling? Nobody can touch Hillary except maybe, Chris Christie. Republicans have nobody. Your candidates are all idiots or they bore everyone to tears.

You'll see Big Bill in the White House again, mark my words...
No, he's right. Your political analysis seems to consist of "everyone else thinks just like I do."

And your political analysis? Look,I know you're Romney's blow toy so your picking him in 2012 was no surprise. But you can't even keep your stories straight Shirley:

November 2009:
Palin is doing her best work right now going around making speeches and pontificating on this and that. I think she will make an excellent replacement for Ann Coulter.
As a politician she is finished. I have been a Reagan Republican since 1980 and there is no effing way I would vote for her. I like her ideas and ideals but she has proven herself incapable of holding office.

Okay she's finished...right?
Not so fast:

April 2010 (5 months later):
I am not sure he can wait until 2012 when President Palin takes office.

Palin has continued to be an embarrassment to any and all who once supported her....You finally tried to bury her (again) here:

August 2014
The truth is the GOP in general does not want to pursue impeachment, which will be a dead end at this point. Sarah Palin is not the GOP. She's not even an important part in it.

I imagine you'll jump back on the bandwagon of Palin for President in 2016 sometime. Meanwhile, you shouldn't worry about winning a debate with anyone--you can't. First try winning a debate with yourself.
Wow, I yanked your chain real good.
The real question is why you hate Palin so much, especially since she obviously has a better grasp on foreign affairs than Obama. Is it because she takes dick and you're jealous?
She lets her kid stand on their dog, for one.
Yeah, I'm sure that little 40 lb boy hurt the dog. You people are retarded.
He probably did hurt that dog. Of course big dopey Sarah stands there taking photos of it...
Is Palin an elected representative? Is she running for something right now?
Face it, Joe. Palin was right about Russia and other areas of foreign policy and Obama was wrong. Is that so hard to admit?

Because she wasn't right, and really didn't understand the situation.

Putin is a pain in the ass. He's not an existential threat to the US.
Is Palin an elected representative? Is she running for something right now?
Face it, Joe. Palin was right about Russia and other areas of foreign policy and Obama was wrong. Is that so hard to admit?

Because she wasn't right, and really didn't understand the situation.

Putin is a pain in the ass. He's not an existential threat to the US.
Actually youa re not right. You alternate between "This isnt serious at all" and "What the fuck do I care about any of it." Those are your only two arguments.
Despite everyone being tired of the Bush's and Clintons, the parties nominate Jeb and Hillary.

Jeb wins because he's less unpleasant.

Um, actually, Bush vs. Clinton, people will remember the Clintons brought us peace and prosperity, and the Bushes brought us Wars and Recessions.
First WTC bombing
USS Cole
African embassy bombings.
Remind us how Clinton brought peace.
That's like 100% opposite of what happened. In reality she felt constrained in what she said by McCain's advisors. She wrote about it later. Try keeping up.

YOu mean McCain's advisers tried to keep her from saying REALLY stupid shit.

Here's the thing about Palin. Her resume looked great. Reform minded female governor, strong conservative credentials. And then she showed up for work one day and everyone found out she was a huge mistake. She didn't understand big national and international issues, and it showed. She looked silly even in softball interviews.

The most disastrous vice presidential pick since Eagleton and his electric shock treatments.

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