2016 Hillary Donor donated $300K to Trump After Today's Persecution.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
2016 Hillary donor, Shaun Maguire stated he is prepared to lose friends and business over this. After the fascists and their miscarriage of justice persecuted Trump, Maguire announced he just donated $300k to Trump. If anyone wants to find a nazi, all they have to do is look to the left.

2016 Hillary donor, Shaun Maguire stated he is prepared to lose friends and business over this. After the fascists and their miscarriage of justice persecuted Trump, Maguire announced he just donated $300k to Trump. If anyone wants to find a nazi, all they have to do is look to the left.

He should have sent it to Trump's legal team. Donny is sure to stiff them. Of course, The Times says Trump's lawyer blew it.
2016 Hillary donor, Shaun Maguire stated he is prepared to lose friends and business over this. After the fascists and their miscarriage of justice persecuted Trump, Maguire announced he just donated $300k to Trump. If anyone wants to find a nazi, all they have to do is look to the left.

A fresh out of school girl suddenly got put on the board of directors of Walmart making a shitload of money. Why?

Was she some sort of supermarket expert?

Or was her husband her Governor?

Back then the Governor's salary was a mere $35,000 per annum.

How did the Clintons make such a massive fortune?
2016 Hillary donor, Shaun Maguire stated he is prepared to lose friends and business over this. After the fascists and their miscarriage of justice persecuted Trump, Maguire announced he just donated $300k to Trump. If anyone wants to find a nazi, all they have to do is look to the left.

Your avatar is on the left side of the screen. Uncharacteristically accurate post on your part.

The blob being on the take is a given.
Read why...


Link vvv

Comment: I told you this was going to blow up in your faces like you were Wile E Coyote.

You've sown the wind, reap the Whirlwind.
This has been posted three times now.

The envy of the world is the U.S Constitution and Bill of Rights. In the 1980s the FBI under Reagan wouldn't arrest Russian spies and even double agents in their midst without the most firm of evidence. It had to be done by the book. In fact, they had to watch as some Russian spies flew back to Moscow rather than arrest them even though they knew they were spies. Since they didn't have irrefutable and undeniable evidence, they stuck to the law and didn't arrest them.

These are the principles that made America so powerful via Goodwill alone. You represented noble convictions, throw backs to the Renaissance Era in Modern Times.

Throwing this away for the benefit of whom and what exactly?
This has been posted three times now.

The envy of the world is the U.S Constitution and Bill of Rights. In the 1980s the FBI under Reagan wouldn't arrest Russian spies and even double agents in their midst without the most firm of evidence. It had to be done by the book. In fact, they had to watch as some Russian spies flew back to Moscow rather than arrest them even though they knew they were spies. Since they didn't have irrefutable and undeniable evidence, they stuck to the law and didn't arrest them.

These are the principles that made America so powerful via Goodwill alone. You represented noble convictions, throw backs to the Renaissance Era in Modern Times.

Throwing this away for the benefit of whom and what exactly?
Sorry for the duplicate post...

Did you read the article?

You should read it.

Everyone should.
I understand their point.

For me this comes down to the U.S Constitution and Bill of Rights.
You mean the bill that says that all men are created equal?

It seems to me that this is a celebration of that principle.

Even people who have risen to the highest office are subject to the rule of law.

He was indicted, tried, and convicted by a jury of his peers, and will undoubtedly have the opportunity to appeal. So what exactly was not according to the bill of rights or the constitution?
It's 12:44 am here. I'm hitting the hay.

I've reported this thread as a duplicate, so it should be merged anytime now.
Try this one...

Should take you to X... Then click on the post to go to the article.

Okay, that one worked.

So many fallacies in his post. So many fallacies.

,I'll address one. The sucker played a video of Trump saying Germany is owned by Trump.

Yeah, how stupid did that claim turn out to be? :lol:

And yet the sucker doesn't see it.

After us, Germany is the biggest supplier of arms and aid to Ukraine.

So much for being owned by Russia. The simp doesn't even see it. Willfully blind.

I notice the sucker did not mention Trump has recently invited Putin to invade NATO.

Up until that day, Trumptards use to claim Biden invited Putin to invade Ukraine.

We don't hear that any more now that Trump actually has invited Putin to invade NATO.

If Trump is elected, Putin will be in Kyiv by the end of 2025. And he will then be turning his greedy eye toward the Baltic states.

The dipshit is also backing a traitor who attempted to overthrow our democracy.

Anyone who supports Trump is a fellow traveler of a traitor.

The. End.
2016 Hillary donor, Shaun Maguire stated he is prepared to lose friends and business over this. After the fascists and their miscarriage of justice persecuted Trump, Maguire announced he just donated $300k to Trump. If anyone wants to find a nazi, all they have to do is look to the left.

The link is a long read, but it's apparent they guy put a lot of thought into it. And most of his conclusions are spot on.

This SHAM is 100% un-American and everyone knows it. Democrats should be severely punished for this travesty. Democrats should suffer the biggest loss in the past 100 years this November. Americans need to send these corrupt Dem rat bastards a message!
If Trump hadn't falsified his business records, he would not be in the position he is in now..... Don't do crooked things Donald.... You would not be where you are now..... how hard is that for you Donald????
If Trump hadn't falsified his business records, he would not be in the position he is in now..... Don't do crooked things Donald.... You would not be where you are now..... how hard is that for you Donald????
Even if that were true, it's a misdemeanor that gets you a fine. The fined Hillary for the exact same thing. What she did was far worse of course.

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