2017 Feel Good Stories of the Year

Homeless Vet Johnny Bobbitt Jr performed a selfless act and was mightily rewarded - now paying it forward


In October, Kate McClure was driving down Interstate 95 in Philadelphia when she ran out of gas. Scared, she got out of the car to head to the nearest gas station and met Bobbitt. He told her to get back in the vehicle and lock the door. Minutes later, he emerged with a red gas can. With the last bit of his money, he saved her.

McClure, touched by Bobbitt's selflessness, decided to pay it forward, finding ways to help him in the following weeks and then launching a GoFundMe page to help collect donations for him.

After talking to him a few times after he helped her, McClure launched the GoFundMe for Bobbitt to pay him back for his generosity and kindness. Her goal was to reach $10,000 -- just enough to pay for his first and last month's rent, a reliable vehicle, and enough money to sustain him for six months. It would be enough to survive, at least for a while.

But in 27 days, McClure has raised more than $400,000, all of which is going to Bobbitt. In just a little bit of time, McClure, with the help of her boyfriend, Mark D'Amico, changed Bobbitt's life.

Bobbitt, a North Carolina native, lived in Missoula, Montana, according to his Facebook page. He studied nursing and was a former paramedic and firefighter. He also served in the Marine Corps, according to the page.

While Bobbitt's life may have changed in a single month, that's not the only thing on his mind.

His first goal is to donate to organizations around Philadelphia that helped him get through the rough patches. He also wants to find people who are stuck where he used to be.

Bobbitt's devotion to helping people has led him to finding homeless veterans who need the help he graciously received.​

Full story and photos:

Homeless veteran who received thousands in donations now paying it forward - CNN


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