2018 midterms' predictions...since campaigning has already begun

It’s far too early to make any determination. Right now, the Democrats have the edge, however, if this tax bill amps up the economy that could change

Of course you're correct about being a bit too early for most predictions....BUT, regarding the tax scam and the economy, please be aware that in 2017, AT&T, Wells Fargo, G.E., Microsoft, Carrier, etc, have ALL announced substantial layoffs (almost simultaneously with so-called "bonuses")
Trump won last year (well, he won the electoral college) because of the "cocktail" of some voters' stupidity, susceptibility to a charlatan's demagoguery, racism and, of course, sexism.
The irony of this post cannot be understated.

The dumbest, most racist and most sexist people are all Democrats.
Most of us have noticed the Koch brothers millions of dollars ads "praising" Trump (and by extension, the GOP in congress) for the tax cuts (aka, tax scams.)

Obviously, the 2018 campaign has already begun and, as expected, those entities that have thoroughly bribed congress to give them tons of borrowed money in this tax cuts-scam, are dutifully pouring some of that money back as donations to the GOP incumbents.

However, some of the latest polls (which now, officially, right wingers no longer believe in) are stating that voters favor a democrat-led congress to hold this administration to some form of checks-n-balances (one poll has democrats ahead 50 to 39.)

So, what will happen if indeed next November there is a substantial shift toward democrats, especially in the House???

The answer may be seen in how Moore and his supporters are STILL challenging the results in Alabama......There will be nation-wide claims of voting fraud.......illegals voting....manipulation of ballot results.....rampant cheating.....dead people showing up at voting booths, etc.

Right wingers' flaunting of major victories since 2010, will not be able to accept that common voters may be rejecting what conservative republicans have done over the past seven years.....and the only "explanation" that they will fall back on will be that democrats will have committed..... "voting fraud."
If we have 3% growth and people see a few dollars more each month, the gop will do fine. If not, they'll likely lose the House.
Here's the thing in the House.

The average swing in the House special elections has been 16 points to the Democrats. In 2016, there were 38 House districts where the Republican won by 15 points of less. The Republican advantage in the House is 24.
There are enough gop House seats in NY CA and NJ to swing the thing, and their taxes went up.

An interesting tidbit from Trump's interview with the NYT, addresses (somewhat) the above.

Trump told reporters that had those representatives from those "blue states" that are about to get hit by the SALT deductions' eliminations, come to him (and genuflected) the mighty Trump might have removed those provisions from the tax bill (scam).....

Two things are interesting about the above contention ....

One, is that Trump STILL thinks of himself as the host of a reality TV show...and

Two, he would be willing to screw his own GOP representatives if only democrats would bend over for him

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Most of us have noticed the Koch brothers millions of dollars ads "praising" Trump (and by extension, the GOP in congress) for the tax cuts (aka, tax scams.)

Obviously, the 2018 campaign has already begun and, as expected, those entities that have thoroughly bribed congress to give them tons of borrowed money in this tax cuts-scam, are dutifully pouring some of that money back as donations to the GOP incumbents.

However, some of the latest polls (which now, officially, right wingers no longer believe in) are stating that voters favor a democrat-led congress to hold this administration to some form of checks-n-balances (one poll has democrats ahead 50 to 39.)

So, what will happen if indeed next November there is a substantial shift toward democrats, especially in the House???

The answer may be seen in how Moore and his supporters are STILL challenging the results in Alabama......There will be nation-wide claims of voting fraud.......illegals voting....manipulation of ballot results.....rampant cheating.....dead people showing up at voting booths, etc.

Right wingers' flaunting of major victories since 2010, will not be able to accept that common voters may be rejecting what conservative republicans have done over the past seven years.....and the only "explanation" that they will fall back on will be that democrats will have committed..... "voting fraud."
Of course you have no issue with rich Liberals spending money on elections ?
Most of us have noticed the Koch brothers millions of dollars ads "praising" Trump (and by extension, the GOP in congress) for the tax cuts (aka, tax scams.)

Obviously, the 2018 campaign has already begun and, as expected, those entities that have thoroughly bribed congress to give them tons of borrowed money in this tax cuts-scam, are dutifully pouring some of that money back as donations to the GOP incumbents.

However, some of the latest polls (which now, officially, right wingers no longer believe in) are stating that voters favor a democrat-led congress to hold this administration to some form of checks-n-balances (one poll has democrats ahead 50 to 39.)

So, what will happen if indeed next November there is a substantial shift toward democrats, especially in the House???

The answer may be seen in how Moore and his supporters are STILL challenging the results in Alabama......There will be nation-wide claims of voting fraud.......illegals voting....manipulation of ballot results.....rampant cheating.....dead people showing up at voting booths, etc.

Right wingers' flaunting of major victories since 2010, will not be able to accept that common voters may be rejecting what conservative republicans have done over the past seven years.....and the only "explanation" that they will fall back on will be that democrats will have committed..... "voting fraud."

People don't vote for democrats or Republicans, they vote for people.

The GOP will retain both houses, with a slim margin in the Senate. But if we get rid of democrat pretending to be Republican Jeff Flake, it will help the American agenda. The Maoists failed to stop tax reform and no amount of lies by the corrupt leftist press will change the fact that Americans will see more money in their paychecks.

The fact is that Americans vote their pocketbook.

That is not necessarily true. By economic measures, Gore should have beaten Bush in 2000. Yet Bush won despite that. Trump's approval ratingds on the economy are pretty much dead even so the economy is not a issue.
There are 2 things we have seen in this year's elections that hold some clues. First is that polls have understated Democrat support. The RCP average in the Virginia Governor's race was D +3.9 and the Democrat won by 9. That understated Democrat support by 4. You also have the Republican massacre in the House of Delegates. The RCP average in Alabama was Moore +2.2. The Democrat won by 1.9. Again you have a understatement of Democrat support of 4 points. Second is that Republicans have lost support in suburban areas. We saw that in Virginia and Alabama.

I see the Democrats taking over the House. The problem for Republicans will be in suburban House races in swing states and red states. In the Senate, there are 5 Senate seats that could switch at this time. 3 are Republican seats in Arizona, Nevada, and Tennessee and the 2 Democrat seats are Missouri and Indiana. That could change. I think the Democrats will pick up the 3 Republican seats in danger while Republicans take Missouri. Indiana is up for grabs.
Trump's approval ratingds on the economy are pretty much dead even so the economy is not a issue.

Given that the economy is doing well, Trump's approval ratings should be DOUBLE of what he has now.....

Why are Trump's ratings so damn low???

Simple answer: TRUMP....
Here's the thing in the House.

The average swing in the House special elections has been 16 points to the Democrats. In 2016, there were 38 House districts where the Republican won by 15 points of less. The Republican advantage in the House is 24.
Special elections do not accurately portray the outcome of the next election cycle. This is particularly true if you are including Moor's election as that had nothing to do with anything other than the allegations of sexual misconduct with minors. Had that not been the case, Moore would have won with large margins.
The experts tell us that the Democrats will do very well in elections for the House of Reps in 2018.

I believe that they will indeed.

The Democrats are highly motivated.

Millions of people of color, of liberal college students, women and some non-citizens will turn out to take back the House.

The first priority will be to impeach the President.

Whether or not he is convicted in the Senate is beside the point.

The Resistance will be thrilled that they have succeeded in humiliating the President of the United States of America.

I think the House is too gerrymandered to flip. Perhaps the Senate. And no, Trump will not be impeached.
This I agree with. I think the senate is going to flip - the dems have someone to run against and the republicans do not. That almost always turns out better for the minority party.

Add to that the fact that Trump makes such an easy target, I see the dems doing pretty well in the senate overall. The house has become a mess though.

The real question is how the dems do in local elections - 2020 is coming up and taking the local legislators will determine the outcome of the house over the next 10 years FAR more than the election for the house itself. In recent history, the dems have done horrible with every election that matters, we will see if they learned their lesson or not here.

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