2020 Year of the American Woman!


Aug 13, 2019
2020 will mark the 100th anniversary of American womens' right to vote. I believe in destiny and as I step back and look at the progress women have made in the last 100 years and where we are now, I can't help but be both grateful and concerned. American women have always been working behind the scenes to create change and support social progress. They were rarely ever given credit for doing so and most were glad to let their husbands and fathers bask in the glory of their accomplishments. In the 20th century, there was a shift. It was time for American women to step out of the shadows and into the light. So much has changed since between then and now. We need to keep moving forward. We need to keep working everyday to empower our daughters, nieces, and Granddaughters. They must believe they can achieve their dreams if they work hard, keep their eyes on the prize, and refuse to take "no" or "you can't" as answers.

2020 is going to be pivotal in so many ways. It's our opportunity to show the world we are better, stronger, and smarter than the current occupant of the White House. It's our opportunity to tell the men of the world who are clinging to the "good old boy" attitudes about women that we will no longer tolerate being harassed, sexually exploited, or have our reproductive rights dictated by anyone but ourselves.

The man occupying the White House believes he is above the law. He believes women are nothing more than sexual objects for his enjoyment and amusement. He openly mocks women who "aren't his type," denies he is sexist, and proves with each passing day that he is clearly threatened by capable, smart, and brave women willing to stand up to his "caveman" mentality. The easiest way to show him and the world that he is completely wrong is to do whatever is necessary to keep him from being re-elected. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for the attitudes of the 1940s and 50s. Those days are long, long gone. They will never return nor should they. Isn't it time to stand together and say enough is enough?

I know I will never be as physically strong as most men. I wasn't born with a penis (thank God) and understand that we still live in a world "run by men, for men, and about men." I also know that intelligence or lack of it has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with education and empowerment. When I die I want to be able to rest knowing I did everything I could to better the future and expand the possibilities for the women who come after me.

Fear is not an option. Apathy can no longer be the emotional response to injustice and sexism. If you are being harassed at work, you must take a stand and shout for all to hear that enough is enough. If you know a woman being abused or exploited, you must try to help her help herself. Positive change is hard, it's scary, and often requires many failed attempts before being successful. The idea that "boys will be boys" must be seen for what it is, a feeble attempt to justify the unjustifiable, to excuse the inexcusable, and to maintain a culture that seeks to keep women from achieving their full potential by shaming, blaming and abusing them. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
2020 will mark the 100th anniversary of American womens' right to vote. I believe in destiny and as I step back and look at the progress women have made in the last 100 years and where we are now, I can't help but be both grateful and concerned. American women have always been working behind the scenes to create change and support social progress. They were rarely ever given credit for doing so and most were glad to let their husbands and fathers bask in the glory of their accomplishments. In the 20th century, there was a shift. It was time for American women to step out of the shadows and into the light. So much has changed since between then and now. We need to keep moving forward. We need to keep working everyday to empower our daughters, nieces, and Granddaughters. They must believe they can achieve their dreams if they work hard, keep their eyes on the prize, and refuse to take "no" or "you can't" as answers.

2020 is going to be pivotal in so many ways. It's our opportunity to show the world we are better, stronger, and smarter than the current occupant of the White House. It's our opportunity to tell the men of the world who are clinging to the "good old boy" attitudes about women that we will no longer tolerate being harassed, sexually exploited, or have our reproductive rights dictated by anyone but ourselves.

The man occupying the White House believes he is above the law. He believes women are nothing more than sexual objects for his enjoyment and amusement. He openly mocks women who "aren't his type," denies he is sexist, and proves with each passing day that he is clearly threatened by capable, smart, and brave women willing to stand up to his "caveman" mentality. The easiest way to show him and the world that he is completely wrong is to do whatever is necessary to keep him from being re-elected. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for the attitudes of the 1940s and 50s. Those days are long, long gone. They will never return nor should they. Isn't it time to stand together and say enough is enough?

I know I will never be as physically strong as most men. I wasn't born with a penis (thank God) and understand that we still live in a world "run by men, for men, and about men." I also know that intelligence or lack of it has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with education and empowerment. When I die I want to be able to rest knowing I did everything I could to better the future and expand the possibilities for the women who come after me.

Fear is not an option. Apathy can no longer be the emotional response to injustice and sexism. If you are being harassed at work, you must take a stand and shout for all to hear that enough is enough. If you know a woman being abused or exploited, you must try to help her help herself. Positive change is hard, it's scary, and often requires many failed attempts before being successful. The idea that "boys will be boys" must be seen for what it is, a feeble attempt to justify the unjustifiable, to excuse the inexcusable, and to maintain a culture that seeks to keep women from achieving their full potential by shaming, blaming and abusing them. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Unless you are 100% American Indian/Native American, you or your relatives were immigrants to this Country sometime within the last 300 years. A legal immigrant knocks on your door and asks before entering. An illegal immigrant sneaks through your yard, enters your house without permission, stays until you get home and decide to kick them out.
TDS is strong on this thread. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
Aristotle may have been a genius for his time but his opinions about women and democracy reflect the society in which he was born, lived, and died; not the reality of the 21st century.
"we still live in a world "run by men, for men, and about men."

Uh huh. That is what the world is about - a power struggle.

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