23% of Republicans Think GOP Should Nominate Someone Other Than Trump

Only 2 possible things happening here. The Dems are punting in 2020. Or they are going to switch Biden for someone else.

Why would the Dem party go with someone like Biden? He has clearly declined past the point of being a viable candidate. They had many candidates and chose a guy pushing 80 with mental decline. There has to be something else going on.
How can trump get reelected when a quarter of his own party thinks he should be replaced on the ballot?

Your poll is horse shit. It is a telephone and online poll, which means it is scientifically flawed. Republicans don't answer telephone calls because most do not have land lines and online polls are subject to selection bias.
The poll is about as good as asking how many personalities rattle around in your head.
It should be way higher than 23%, especially with the injecting disinfectant and blasting UV light under the skin comments of late.

It should be far less considering the finger penetrating, hair sniffing, can't complete a sentence without forgetting a key element performance by Quid pro Joe!
How about Trump "allegedly" raping a 13-year old girl with his buddy Epstein???
It should be way higher than 23%, especially with the injecting disinfectant and blasting UV light under the skin comments of late.

It should be far less considering the finger penetrating, hair sniffing, can't complete a sentence without forgetting a key element performance by Quid pro Joe!
How about Trump "allegedly" raping a 13-year old girl with his buddy Epstein???

Your fantasy never happened and you have no evidence it ever did.

Listen up newbie! You better get your shit together of we will have your dumb ass for breakfast with a side of eggs, over easy. and toast.
From the article-
According to the poll, 23 percent of voters who are inclined to vote Republican do not want Trump to be the party's nominee. That represents a minority of those polled as 70 percent would like to see Trump receive the nomination.

More Democrats seem to be unhappy with Biden as the party's presumptive nominee with 28 percent of likely Democratic voters reporting they would prefer someone else as the party's top choice. Biden held the support of 54 percent of those polled who are pleased with Biden as the party's nominee.
Wait ... Americans don't possess a monolithic hive mind? They may actually have opinions of their own?

Who'd have thunk it?

How can trump get reelected when a quarter of his own party thinks he should be replaced on the ballot?

It's a little late for that. I agree they should have run a challenger.
They did run several challengers. They got severely walloped.

23% would rather someone else is far surprising. More would prefer someone else over Biden as well in the democrat party. However, what they have is Trump vs Biden. Almost none of those 23% are likely to vote for Biden.

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