237 years later - Has government dependency hurt Whites in America?

and I'm pretty sure he worked for it you stupid fvck

And I am sure you can provide me what sort of work justifies a 22 million dollar a year salary.

Thanks in advance.

You stupid fuck.

If your employers are willing to pay you $22 million, that's all the justification needed. It's a voluntary transaction, unlike your paycheck which was extracted from the taxpayers at gunpoint.



That's rich.

And my paycheck comes from a private firm. They don't make or have guns.

I said that I couldn't get straight answers, you said that I did get straight answers, but just didn't like them. I asked for examples, and you avoided answering by pointing to the title of a thread I did not start.

Plus you didn't include that part of the conversation in this response.

I knew you weren't being honest. Just the latest example of why partisan ideologues have ZERO credibility. I'll be sure to bookmark this one for future reference, you have proven my point vividly.

Perfect. Thanks.


You did get straight answers.

For 237 years, white folks (mostly the male ones), have had full access to government services and been fully vested as citizens. They've been treated equally under the law.

That's not the same for black folks. They've only enjoyed both those things for 50 years.

You have any idea what "head start" means?

Because 187 years is a heck of a head start.

Keep whining about the answers Mac. And partisan Ideologues...if it helps you sleep at night.

I don't know any 237 year old white males, do you?

Most white males are well under the age of 50, so how can you claim they had a head start you stupid fvck?

I'm 52 and I am reasonably sure I had a pretty good head start. As a "white" male, although the USMB white male club kicked me out for being half hispanic.

You stupid fuck.

And I am sure you can provide me what sort of work justifies a 22 million dollar a year salary.

Thanks in advance.

You stupid fuck.

If your employers are willing to pay you $22 million, that's all the justification needed. It's a voluntary transaction, unlike your paycheck which was extracted from the taxpayers at gunpoint.



That's rich.

And my paycheck comes from a private firm. They don't make or have guns.

Where does the $22 million come from if not from employers?

Most of the liberals I know are sucking on the government tit so I would be surprised if you weren't.
Yep, and ever since the government took over the printing of money it has become worth less and less every year. Government money is a means of looting your savings. I fail to see how being robbed by the government means you are "dependent" on it.

BTW, before 1914 private banks printed money. Your belief that the economy wouldn't function without government money is categorically false. The historical record proves that.

I dunno how to respond to this.

It's patently false.

The United States Mint About Us
The United States Mint About Us

Your links don't support your claim. Minting coins is not the same thing as printing bank notes. There's a reason they are called banknotes. That's because before the Federal Reserve was created banks printed and issued them.

It's no surprise that you are totally ignorant of the origins and nature of money. I've never encountered a lib who understood money.

BTW, the mint does not print Federal Reserve notes. The Federal Reserve does that. The mint only makes coins.

US currency is minted by the US government.

The Government also establishes the value of US currency.

Read all about it.

It's in the Constitution.
If your employers are willing to pay you $22 million, that's all the justification needed. It's a voluntary transaction, unlike your paycheck which was extracted from the taxpayers at gunpoint.



That's rich.

And my paycheck comes from a private firm. They don't make or have guns.

Where does the $22 million come from if not from employers?

Most of the liberals I know are sucking on the government tit so I would be surprised if you weren't.

Read all about, Bri!

Reese Schonfeld: The F-35, $400 Billion Boondoggle: A Christmas Present

I dunno how to respond to this.

It's patently false.

The United States Mint About Us
The United States Mint About Us

Your links don't support your claim. Minting coins is not the same thing as printing bank notes. There's a reason they are called banknotes. That's because before the Federal Reserve was created banks printed and issued them.

It's no surprise that you are totally ignorant of the origins and nature of money. I've never encountered a lib who understood money.

BTW, the mint does not print Federal Reserve notes. The Federal Reserve does that. The mint only makes coins.

US currency is minted by the US government.

The Government also establishes the value of US currency.

Read all about it.

It's in the Constitution.

Coins are minted by the mint - an activity officially sanctioned by the Constitution. The Federal Reserve prints Federal Reserve notes. Nowhere does the Constitution give the federal government the authority to print paper money. The government gets around this proscription by maintaining the fiction that the Federal Reserve is a private bank rather than an arm of the government, which is what it actually is.

The Federal Reserve was create in 1914. Apparently you believe there were Federal Reserve notes before the Federal Reserve even existed.


That's rich.

And my paycheck comes from a private firm. They don't make or have guns.

Where does the $22 million come from if not from employers?

Most of the liberals I know are sucking on the government tit so I would be surprised if you weren't.

Read all about, Bri!

Reese Schonfeld: The F-35, $400 Billion Boondoggle: A Christmas Present


All that proves is that government pays too much for what it purchases from the private sector.

Now explain where a $22 million salary comes from if not your employers.
You did get straight answers.

For 237 years, white folks (mostly the male ones), have had full access to government services and been fully vested as citizens. They've been treated equally under the law.

That's not the same for black folks. They've only enjoyed both those things for 50 years.

You have any idea what "head start" means?

Because 187 years is a heck of a head start.

Keep whining about the answers Mac. And partisan Ideologues...if it helps you sleep at night.

I don't know any 237 year old white males, do you?

Most white males are well under the age of 50, so how can you claim they had a head start you stupid fvck?

I'm 52 and I am reasonably sure I had a pretty good head start. As a "white" male, although the USMB white male club kicked me out for being half hispanic.

You stupid fuck.


Government had nothing to do with any "head start" you may have had.
whites are not dependent on the Government to the extent blacks are.

so no, it did not.

Actually..they are MORE dependent on government.

in absolute numbers, not in the rate of dependency.

absolute number do not matter since you have to equalize the samle groups in order to compare,

according to welfare rolls there are more white people, (REPUBLICANS) who are on welfare .... the problem you have is you didn't check your statements first before inserting foot into mouth... here you were wrong about how long and you are wrong about how many Blacks ....
Where does the $22 million come from if not from employers?

Most of the liberals I know are sucking on the government tit so I would be surprised if you weren't.

Read all about, Bri!

Reese Schonfeld: The F-35, $400 Billion Boondoggle: A Christmas Present


All that proves is that government pays too much for what it purchases from the private sector.

Now explain where a $22 million salary comes from if not your employers.

I did.

Unless you think they were "privately" minting it.

Your links don't support your claim. Minting coins is not the same thing as printing bank notes. There's a reason they are called banknotes. That's because before the Federal Reserve was created banks printed and issued them.

It's no surprise that you are totally ignorant of the origins and nature of money. I've never encountered a lib who understood money.

BTW, the mint does not print Federal Reserve notes. The Federal Reserve does that. The mint only makes coins.

US currency is minted by the US government.

The Government also establishes the value of US currency.

Read all about it.

It's in the Constitution.

Coins are minted by the mint - an activity officially sanctioned by the Constitution. The Federal Reserve prints Federal Reserve notes. Nowhere does the Constitution give the federal government the authority to print paper money. The government gets around this proscription by maintaining the fiction that the Federal Reserve is a private bank rather than an arm of the government, which is what it actually is.

The Federal Reserve was create in 1914. Apparently you believe there were Federal Reserve notes before the Federal Reserve even existed.

USMB really needs a dunce cap emoticon.
Your links don't support your claim. Minting coins is not the same thing as printing bank notes. There's a reason they are called banknotes. That's because before the Federal Reserve was created banks printed and issued them.

It's no surprise that you are totally ignorant of the origins and nature of money. I've never encountered a lib who understood money.

BTW, the mint does not print Federal Reserve notes. The Federal Reserve does that. The mint only makes coins.

US currency is minted by the US government.

The Government also establishes the value of US currency.

Read all about it.

It's in the Constitution.

Coins are minted by the mint - an activity officially sanctioned by the Constitution. The Federal Reserve prints Federal Reserve notes. Nowhere does the Constitution give the federal government the authority to print paper money. The government gets around this proscription by maintaining the fiction that the Federal Reserve is a private bank rather than an arm of the government, which is what it actually is.

The Federal Reserve was create in 1914. Apparently you believe there were Federal Reserve notes before the Federal Reserve even existed.

As I understand it, lefties believe that the government should have first claim to money, and that what they "allow" us to keep from our income essentially just comes from the goodness of their heart. We should just be thankful we are not taxed 100% on our earnings.

So the tactic here is to point out that, since the government prints the money, it's theirs first. That allows them to draw the connection to what they "allow" us to "keep". It makes sense, if you believe in an all-powerful centralized government.


All that proves is that government pays too much for what it purchases from the private sector.

Now explain where a $22 million salary comes from if not your employers.

I did.

Unless you think they were "privately" minting it.


So you think that because the government prints federal reserve notes that it's actually the owner of all the money you receive? Seriously?
US currency is minted by the US government.

The Government also establishes the value of US currency.

Read all about it.

It's in the Constitution.

Coins are minted by the mint - an activity officially sanctioned by the Constitution. The Federal Reserve prints Federal Reserve notes. Nowhere does the Constitution give the federal government the authority to print paper money. The government gets around this proscription by maintaining the fiction that the Federal Reserve is a private bank rather than an arm of the government, which is what it actually is.

The Federal Reserve was create in 1914. Apparently you believe there were Federal Reserve notes before the Federal Reserve even existed.

USMB really needs a dunce cap emoticon.

True. You should wear it proudly.
All that proves is that government pays too much for what it purchases from the private sector.

Now explain where a $22 million salary comes from if not your employers.

I did.

Unless you think they were "privately" minting it.


So you think that because the government prints federal reserve notes that it's actually the owner of all the money you receive? Seriously?

Gosh you folks are thick.

I'm sorry..where do construe that ridiculousness?

The government provides a means to conduct commerce.

Which, by the way, is a "dependency" of almost all American businesses, if not all.
Coins are minted by the mint - an activity officially sanctioned by the Constitution. The Federal Reserve prints Federal Reserve notes. Nowhere does the Constitution give the federal government the authority to print paper money. The government gets around this proscription by maintaining the fiction that the Federal Reserve is a private bank rather than an arm of the government, which is what it actually is.

The Federal Reserve was create in 1914. Apparently you believe there were Federal Reserve notes before the Federal Reserve even existed.

USMB really needs a dunce cap emoticon.

True. You should wear it proudly.

Except I'm not the one ignorant of most of the clauses in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution.

That would be you.

As I understand it, lefties believe that the government should have first claim to money, and that what they "allow" us to keep from our income essentially just comes from the goodness of their heart. We should just be thankful we are not taxed 100% on our earnings.

So the tactic here is to point out that, since the government prints the money, it's theirs first. That allows them to draw the connection to what they "allow" us to "keep". It makes sense, if you believe in an all-powerful centralized government.


Come to think of it, "you didn't build that" is another example of this mindset.

"You didn't build that" essentially means "you don't own that, you used government roads and bridges to build it, so the government is free to create and enforce any controls, costs and regulations it wants, and you just have to deal with it."

It's a comprehensive, government-centric mindset. It starts with Washington DC, and we all should be happy with what is left.

So, as far as minting money is concerned, it's all pretty much just a loan. Say "thank you".

This, after all the corruption and waste and bloat and sloth and lies that come from them, all with the people's money, all in the name of "helping" the people.

That's one helluva schtick, huh?

Come to think of it, "you didn't build that" is another example of this mindset.

"You didn't build that" essentially means "you don't own that, you used government roads and bridges to build it, so the government is free to create and enforce any controls, costs and regulations it wants, and you just have to deal with it."


Of course. "The power to tax is the power to destroy."

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