237 years later - Has government dependency hurt Whites in America?

This is one of those whacky bluesky arguments it's just impossible to contend with.

We've just witnessed a little example of how (but not necessarily why) conservatives are so able to interpret the Bible literally.

My guess as to "Why" is that it precludes the necessity (and the requirement) to actually do some thinking on a particular subject. With thinking removed as a requirement, conservatives can just sit back and let someone else tell them what to believe. Thankfully, God created talk radio to cut down on the need to do any reading, as well.

Or perhaps it was the Devil, just PRETENDING to be God.

I'm thinking Bri dropped out of the thread to go print up some bank notes..you know..to get smokes and cigs.

And let us know how the gubmint doesn't mint currency.

Here's what we should do.

We should get a bunch of people together to attend a tea party event somewhere. While there, we make a presentation that paper currency is unconstitutional at which point several plants in the audience will throw their greenbacks into the trash and spit on them.

Seizing the moment, other people will jump up and join in with a rallying cry of "RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION from the onslaught of godless liberals and their worthless paper money" blah, blah, blah.

At that point, other's can take the opportunity to lament the Federal Reserve while demanding a return to the gold standard. Then two people can walk around the armory with the trash can, stopping in front of each person to ask them if they want to return to the values of the founding fathers, or do they want to keep holding on to that unconstitutional script they've been fooled into believing was money by statists and liberal elitists.

As people throw their greenbacks away, well pass out the Lone Star Beer and the pork rinds and sign people up for midnight bowling.
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We've just witnessed a little example of how (but not necessarily why) conservatives are so able to interpret the Bible literally.

My guess as to "Why" is that it precludes the necessity (and the requirement) to actually do some thinking on a particular subject. With thinking removed as a requirement, conservatives can just sit back and let someone else tell them what to believe. Thankfully, God created talk radio to cut down on the need to do any reading, as well.

Or perhaps it was the Devil, just PRETENDING to be God.

I'm thinking Bri dropped out of the thread to go print up some bank notes..you know..to get smokes and cigs.

And let us know how the gubmint doesn't mint currency.

Here's what we should do.

We should get a bunch of people together to attend a tea party event somewhere. While there, we make a presentation that paper currency is unconstitutional at which point several plants in the audience will throw their greenbacks into the trash and spit on them.

Seizing the moment, other people will jump up and join in with a rallying cry of "RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION from the onslaught of godless liberals and their worthless paper money" blah, blah, blah.

At that point, other's can take the opportunity to lament the Federal Reserve while demanding a return to the gold standard. Then two people can walk around the armory with the trash can, stopping in front of each person to ask them if they want to return to the values of the founding fathers, or do they want to keep holding on to that unconstitutional script they've been fooled into believing was money by statists and liberal elitists.

As people throw their greenbacks away, well pass out the Lone Star Beer and the pork rinds and sign people up for midnight bowling.

I'm in.
Actually you don't Mac.

I am sure you can find a fully functioning state on the global that has dispensed with it's government.

You vacation there, right?

Like yearly? You have a timeshare in this place?

Fill us in. Where is this "paradise" you speak of?

Holy crap Sallow, you're the gift that keeps on giving. Absolutely perfect examples of the straw man arguments so often deployed by intellectually dishonest partisan ideologues.

"A fully functioning state... that has dispensed with its government"? WTF? Is this an attempt to infer that I think we should not have government? Would you like to point out where I said such a stupid thing?

And why the quotation marks around "paradise"? That infers that I used the word myself. Would you like to point out where I did that?

Sallow, while you and I agree on some issues, your constant dishonesty makes it difficult (not to mention an abject waste of time) trying to communicate with you. I'd much prefer you'd play these little dishonest games with someone else, such as a hardcore rightwing partisan ideologue. That way no honesty is required at any time.


The contention of this thread is pretty sound..and given the rampant racism and constant whining about "dependency", appropriate.

Sometimes a thing becomes so common that you no longer notice it.

Like clean water. You turn on the tap..and bam..drinkable water.

One forgets the evolution that was required to get that that point, or really what it takes to maintain it. But it's something everyone in this country uses.

And, as such..it's a "dependency". We are "dependent" on the fact that when we turn the sipgot, clean, drinkable water will come out of it.

And we take that for granted.

Some folks go a little further and "forget" their dependencies but criticizes others for theirs.

Not sure why that's such a hard concept to understand.

We're also "dependent" on the laws of nature working they way they work. The definition of "dependent" you are using has nothing to do with the kind of dependence being discussed in other threads. Abusing English by using their own idiosyncratic definition of words is a common libturd propaganda ploy.
Except I'm not the one ignorant of most of the clauses in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution.

That would be you.


That section gives the government the authority to "coin money." In other words, it gives government the authority to mint coins. It does not give the government authority to print paper money.

The bottom line is that you're the numskull who doesn't know what the Constitution says. You even thought the mint printed federal reserve notes.

Give up while you're behind.

Look up toward the horizon. See all those trees grouped together, too numerous to count? That's a forest!

You're obviously another numskull of the same variety as sallow. Do you believe Federal Reserve notes existed before the Federal Reserve existed as well?
That section gives the government the authority to "coin money." In other words, it gives government the authority to mint coins. It does not give the government authority to print paper money.

The bottom line is that you're the numskull who doesn't know what the Constitution says. You even thought the mint printed federal reserve notes.

Give up while you're behind.

Look up toward the horizon. See all those trees grouped together, too numerous to count? That's a forest!

This is one of those whacky bluesky arguments it's just impossible to contend with.

Only a libturd would claim simple facts are "whacky." Do you still insist that the mint prints Federal Reserve notes?

Take out a dollar. It says right across the top "FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE." Where do you imagine they print FEDERAL RESERVE NOTEs?
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Look up toward the horizon. See all those trees grouped together, too numerous to count? That's a forest!

This is one of those whacky bluesky arguments it's just impossible to contend with.

We've just witnessed a little example of how (but not necessarily why) conservatives are so able to interpret the Bible literally.

My guess as to "Why" is that it precludes the necessity (and the requirement) to actually do some thinking on a particular subject. With thinking removed as a requirement, conservatives can just sit back and let someone else tell them what to believe. Thankfully, God created talk radio to cut down on the need to do any reading, as well.

Or perhaps it was the Devil, just PRETENDING to be God.

So do you also believe the mint prints FEDERAL RESERVE NOTEs?
This is one of those whacky bluesky arguments it's just impossible to contend with.

We've just witnessed a little example of how (but not necessarily why) conservatives are so able to interpret the Bible literally.

My guess as to "Why" is that it precludes the necessity (and the requirement) to actually do some thinking on a particular subject. With thinking removed as a requirement, conservatives can just sit back and let someone else tell them what to believe. Thankfully, God created talk radio to cut down on the need to do any reading, as well.

Or perhaps it was the Devil, just PRETENDING to be God.

I'm thinking Bri dropped out of the thread to go print up some bank notes..you know..to get smokes and cigs.

And let us know how the gubmint doesn't mint currency.

The government mints coins, numskull. Currency is printed.
We've just witnessed a little example of how (but not necessarily why) conservatives are so able to interpret the Bible literally.

My guess as to "Why" is that it precludes the necessity (and the requirement) to actually do some thinking on a particular subject. With thinking removed as a requirement, conservatives can just sit back and let someone else tell them what to believe. Thankfully, God created talk radio to cut down on the need to do any reading, as well.

Or perhaps it was the Devil, just PRETENDING to be God.

I'm thinking Bri dropped out of the thread to go print up some bank notes..you know..to get smokes and cigs.

And let us know how the gubmint doesn't mint currency.

The government mints coins, numskull. Currency is printed.

Back from printing your money, I see. Did the bodega accept it?

Got your Cigs? Beer?

Ready to go?
This is one of those whacky bluesky arguments it's just impossible to contend with.

We've just witnessed a little example of how (but not necessarily why) conservatives are so able to interpret the Bible literally.

My guess as to "Why" is that it precludes the necessity (and the requirement) to actually do some thinking on a particular subject. With thinking removed as a requirement, conservatives can just sit back and let someone else tell them what to believe. Thankfully, God created talk radio to cut down on the need to do any reading, as well.

Or perhaps it was the Devil, just PRETENDING to be God.

So do you also believe the mint prints FEDERAL RESERVE NOTEs?

Seriously dude.

Get some help.

NewMoney.gov - The History of U.S. Currency

You don't know what you are talking about.
Whites ruled the world because we chose to lead and think. The industrial revolution is one of the greatest advancements in the history of man kind....Not only did it give us far better living standards but it ended slavery.

The ideas of thinking, thought and leadership is something blacks lacked.

Did you mean to leave that turd of a thought in the middle of the thread? Also known as, are you fucking kidding me??!
Seems that 237 years ago European Whites set up a government in North America and have been completely dependent on it ever since. How have they fared?

Generally speaking, Whites have depended upon the government to maintain an ENVIRONMENT offering the opportunity through which to better their lives.

Blacks have depended on the government to PROVIDE SERVICES to help them SURVIVE in that environment.

There is a significant difference.

Where would business be without its dependency on Government?

No, it's the other way around. Big business purchased the government long ago. The more powerful you make the government, the more you're owned by corporate America.

Wake up.

It's a symbiotic relationship.

But it's not a question of who came first.

Government always comes first. Then commerce.

The dependency starts there.

I always found it interesting how Thomas Edison established the Edison Electric Light Company to own and license his patents in the electric light field backed by financiers, including J.P. Morgan and the Vanderbilt family. This led to the invention of the lightbulb, followed by the founding of The Edison Electric Illuminating Company of New York on December 17, 1880. This led to the development of the large central power plant with its generators (called dynamos); voltage regulating devices; copper wires connecting the plant to other buildings; the wiring, switches, and fixtures in the interiors of those buildings - all without government funding and intervention.

This same success WITHOUT GOVERNMENT can also be found through the life of Henry Ford, an engineer with the Edison Illuminating Company. A Chief Engineer in 1893, he soon acquired enough of his OWN wealth towards his personal experiments on gasoline engines. Backed by the capital of Detroit lumber baron William H. Murphy, Ford resigned from the Edison Company and founded the Detroit Automobile Company on August 5, 1899.

Ford & Malcomson was reincorporated as the Ford Motor Company on June 16, 1903, with $28,000 capital. The original investors included Ford and Malcomson, the Dodge brothers, Malcomson's uncle John S. Gray, Malcolmson's secretary James Couzens, and two of Malcomson's lawyers, John W. Anderson and Horace Rackham

Later in our nations history inventors continued to emerge without government help. Igor Sikorsky, the inventor of the Helicopter. In 1923, Sikorsky formed the Sikorsky Manufacturing Company in Roosevelt, New York. He was helped by several former Russian military officers. Among Sikorsky's chief supporters was composer Sergei Rachmaninoff, who introduced himself by writing a check for US$5,000 (approximately $61,000 in 2007 dollars). When his first prototype failed Sikorsky persuaded his reluctant backers to invest another $2,500. The Sikorsky Manufacturing Company moved to Stratford, Connecticut in 1929. It became a part of United Aircraft and Transport (now United Technologies Corporation) in July of that year. The company manufactured flying boats, such as the S-42 "Clipper", used by Pan Am for transatlantic flights.

These are but a few examples right off the top, without the need to dig deeper into other great inventors and inventions.

Government dependency? I think not. Many of the dreams these innovators shared were acquired by other financial means of backing ... interested investors willing to see the eager ideas of a few become the reality of tomorrow. It's amazing what has been accomplished in this country, ALL without the need of Government.
Seeing the roaring success of black African countries in all areas of human endeavor, such as economics, arts and science, it is plain and obvious to see that the white race is a poor second best.
Seems that 237 years ago European Whites set up a government in North America and have been completely dependent on it ever since. How have they fared?

Generally speaking, Whites have depended upon the government to maintain an ENVIRONMENT offering the opportunity through which to better their lives.

Blacks have depended on the government to PROVIDE SERVICES to help them SURVIVE in that environment.

There is a significant difference.

Thoroughly ridiculous and not true.
No, it's the other way around. Big business purchased the government long ago. The more powerful you make the government, the more you're owned by corporate America.

Wake up.

It's a symbiotic relationship.

But it's not a question of who came first.

Government always comes first. Then commerce.

The dependency starts there.

I always found it interesting how Thomas Edison established the Edison Electric Light Company to own and license his patents in the electric light field backed by financiers, including J.P. Morgan and the Vanderbilt family. This led to the invention of the lightbulb, followed by the founding of The Edison Electric Illuminating Company of New York on December 17, 1880. This led to the development of the large central power plant with its generators (called dynamos); voltage regulating devices; copper wires connecting the plant to other buildings; the wiring, switches, and fixtures in the interiors of those buildings - all without government funding and intervention.

This same success WITHOUT GOVERNMENT can also be found through the life of Henry Ford, an engineer with the Edison Illuminating Company. A Chief Engineer in 1893, he soon acquired enough of his OWN wealth towards his personal experiments on gasoline engines. Backed by the capital of Detroit lumber baron William H. Murphy, Ford resigned from the Edison Company and founded the Detroit Automobile Company on August 5, 1899.

Ford & Malcomson was reincorporated as the Ford Motor Company on June 16, 1903, with $28,000 capital. The original investors included Ford and Malcomson, the Dodge brothers, Malcomson's uncle John S. Gray, Malcolmson's secretary James Couzens, and two of Malcomson's lawyers, John W. Anderson and Horace Rackham

Later in our nations history inventors continued to emerge without government help. Igor Sikorsky, the inventor of the Helicopter. In 1923, Sikorsky formed the Sikorsky Manufacturing Company in Roosevelt, New York. He was helped by several former Russian military officers. Among Sikorsky's chief supporters was composer Sergei Rachmaninoff, who introduced himself by writing a check for US$5,000 (approximately $61,000 in 2007 dollars). When his first prototype failed Sikorsky persuaded his reluctant backers to invest another $2,500. The Sikorsky Manufacturing Company moved to Stratford, Connecticut in 1929. It became a part of United Aircraft and Transport (now United Technologies Corporation) in July of that year. The company manufactured flying boats, such as the S-42 "Clipper", used by Pan Am for transatlantic flights.

These are but a few examples right off the top, without the need to dig deeper into other great inventors and inventions.

Government dependency? I think not. Many of the dreams these innovators shared were acquired by other financial means of backing ... interested investors willing to see the eager ideas of a few become the reality of tomorrow. It's amazing what has been accomplished in this country, ALL without the need of Government.

Your post fails in the first sentence.
I'm thinking Bri dropped out of the thread to go print up some bank notes..you know..to get smokes and cigs.

And let us know how the gubmint doesn't mint currency.

The government mints coins, numskull. Currency is printed.

Back from printing your money, I see. Did the bodega accept it?

Got your Cigs? Beer?

Ready to go?

Do you think you're fooling anyone into believing you know what you're talking about?
We've just witnessed a little example of how (but not necessarily why) conservatives are so able to interpret the Bible literally.

My guess as to "Why" is that it precludes the necessity (and the requirement) to actually do some thinking on a particular subject. With thinking removed as a requirement, conservatives can just sit back and let someone else tell them what to believe. Thankfully, God created talk radio to cut down on the need to do any reading, as well.

Or perhaps it was the Devil, just PRETENDING to be God.

So do you also believe the mint prints FEDERAL RESERVE NOTEs?

Seriously dude.

Get some help.

NewMoney.gov - The History of U.S. Currency

You don't know what you are talking about.

Please quote the part where it says the U.S. Mint prints Federal Reserve notes.
So do you also believe the mint prints FEDERAL RESERVE NOTEs?

Seriously dude.

Get some help.

NewMoney.gov - The History of U.S. Currency

You don't know what you are talking about.

Please quote the part where it says the U.S. Mint prints Federal Reserve notes.

You're seriously looking foolish.

Money comes from the government. The government sets the value of American Money.

That's the way it is. That's the way it's been for a very long time.
Seems that 237 years ago European Whites set up a government in North America and have been completely dependent on it ever since. How have they fared?

Generally speaking, Whites have depended upon the government to maintain an ENVIRONMENT offering the opportunity through which to better their lives.

Blacks have depended on the government to PROVIDE SERVICES to help them SURVIVE in that environment.

There is a significant difference.

Although this is true. It does not go far enough. There was no government to depend on. So white people could not have depended on the government. White people created the government to provide certain services so that the individuals would not have to provide those services themselves.

Before there was a government fire department there was a volunteer fire department. Before there was a government police department, there was a sheriff to form a posse of townsmen. Before there was a government railroad there were cooperative businessmen who invested and actually built the railroad that the government now claims as theirs. Before there was a government school, there were individuals who paid through goods or services for the maintenance of the school house and teacher. When the people got successful enough they could pay someone else to perform these services and an organization to see to the administration of these services, we got government.

In America, blacks depended on their masters to provide their services for them. The master fed them. The master clothed them. The master gave them a house. The master gave them medical care. Everything came from the master. This dependence was just transferred from master to government to provide services which helps them survive.

The real difference between white people and black people is that white people have an ability to organize and create things like government while black people sort of mill around looking for someone to take care of them.
Seems that 237 years ago European Whites set up a government in North America and have been completely dependent on it ever since. How have they fared?

Generally speaking, Whites have depended upon the government to maintain an ENVIRONMENT offering the opportunity through which to better their lives.

Blacks have depended on the government to PROVIDE SERVICES to help them SURVIVE in that environment.

There is a significant difference.

Although this is true. It does not go far enough. There was no government to depend on. So white people could not have depended on the government. White people created the government to provide certain services so that the individuals would not have to provide those services themselves.

Before there was a government fire department there was a volunteer fire department. Before there was a government police department, there was a sheriff to form a posse of townsmen. Before there was a government railroad there were cooperative businessmen who invested and actually built the railroad that the government now claims as theirs. Before there was a government school, there were individuals who paid through goods or services for the maintenance of the school house and teacher. When the people got successful enough they could pay someone else to perform these services and an organization to see to the administration of these services, we got government.

In America, blacks depended on their masters to provide their services for them. The master fed them. The master clothed them. The master gave them a house. The master gave them medical care. Everything came from the master. This dependence was just transferred from master to government to provide services which helps them survive.

The real difference between white people and black people is that white people have an ability to organize and create things like government while black people sort of mill around looking for someone to take care of them.

Just amazing.

And totally ignorant of history.

African-American Inventors - Features - Biography.com

This is along with the only purely American contributions to art, Rock and Roll and Jazz.

Both are uniquely and purely American. They were also started by Black Artists.

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