237 years later - Has government dependency hurt Whites in America?

Generally speaking, Whites have depended upon the government to maintain an ENVIRONMENT offering the opportunity through which to better their lives.

Blacks have depended on the government to PROVIDE SERVICES to help them SURVIVE in that environment.

There is a significant difference.

Although this is true. It does not go far enough. There was no government to depend on. So white people could not have depended on the government. White people created the government to provide certain services so that the individuals would not have to provide those services themselves.

Before there was a government fire department there was a volunteer fire department. Before there was a government police department, there was a sheriff to form a posse of townsmen. Before there was a government railroad there were cooperative businessmen who invested and actually built the railroad that the government now claims as theirs. Before there was a government school, there were individuals who paid through goods or services for the maintenance of the school house and teacher. When the people got successful enough they could pay someone else to perform these services and an organization to see to the administration of these services, we got government.

In America, blacks depended on their masters to provide their services for them. The master fed them. The master clothed them. The master gave them a house. The master gave them medical care. Everything came from the master. This dependence was just transferred from master to government to provide services which helps them survive.

The real difference between white people and black people is that white people have an ability to organize and create things like government while black people sort of mill around looking for someone to take care of them.

Just amazing.

And totally ignorant of history.

African-American Inventors - Features - Biography.com

This is along with the only purely American contributions to art, Rock and Roll and Jazz.

Both are uniquely and purely American. They were also started by Black Artists.

Being musically talented can hardly be equated with founding what has become the most powerful nation on earth. But that's OK, as I suppose you'll be telling us next how blacks built the Pyramids and created the world's first microchip.
It has nothing to do with who invented what. The ability to create has nothing to do with the ability to organize. Many of the greatest inventors in history may not have been able to organize their pantry.

Look at the natural disasters that have occurred. Katrina, the Northridge earthquake, wildfires. White people immediately organize. Black people demand services. After Katrina, black people were demanding to know where the methadone bus was. Within hours after the hurricane passed, the whites of Mississippi had already organized rescue teams and were out looking for survivors. In Northridge totally destroyed white neighborhoods organized and shared what they had while black neighborhoods that suffered less damage were demanding to know why FEMA hadn't shown up yet.

This is probably genetic. The ability to survive in cold climates depends on a high level of organizational skills and ability to plan ahead. In warm climates little organization is needed and there is no need to plan ahead because food is available year around.
It has nothing to do with who invented what. The ability to create has nothing to do with the ability to organize. Many of the greatest inventors in history may not have been able to organize their pantry.

Look at the natural disasters that have occurred. Katrina, the Northridge earthquake, wildfires. White people immediately organize. Black people demand services. After Katrina, black people were demanding to know where the methadone bus was. Within hours after the hurricane passed, the whites of Mississippi had already organized rescue teams and were out looking for survivors. In Northridge totally destroyed white neighborhoods organized and shared what they had while black neighborhoods that suffered less damage were demanding to know why FEMA hadn't shown up yet.

This is probably genetic. The ability to survive in cold climates depends on a high level of organizational skills and ability to plan ahead. In warm climates little organization is needed and there is no need to plan ahead because food is available year around.

katznbitch is an ignorant, racist POS.
It's a symbiotic relationship.

But it's not a question of who came first.

Government always comes first. Then commerce.

The dependency starts there.

I always found it interesting how Thomas Edison established the Edison Electric Light Company to own and license his patents in the electric light field backed by financiers, including J.P. Morgan and the Vanderbilt family. This led to the invention of the lightbulb, followed by the founding of The Edison Electric Illuminating Company of New York on December 17, 1880. This led to the development of the large central power plant with its generators (called dynamos); voltage regulating devices; copper wires connecting the plant to other buildings; the wiring, switches, and fixtures in the interiors of those buildings - all without government funding and intervention.

This same success WITHOUT GOVERNMENT can also be found through the life of Henry Ford, an engineer with the Edison Illuminating Company. A Chief Engineer in 1893, he soon acquired enough of his OWN wealth towards his personal experiments on gasoline engines. Backed by the capital of Detroit lumber baron William H. Murphy, Ford resigned from the Edison Company and founded the Detroit Automobile Company on August 5, 1899.

Ford & Malcomson was reincorporated as the Ford Motor Company on June 16, 1903, with $28,000 capital. The original investors included Ford and Malcomson, the Dodge brothers, Malcomson's uncle John S. Gray, Malcolmson's secretary James Couzens, and two of Malcomson's lawyers, John W. Anderson and Horace Rackham

Later in our nations history inventors continued to emerge without government help. Igor Sikorsky, the inventor of the Helicopter. In 1923, Sikorsky formed the Sikorsky Manufacturing Company in Roosevelt, New York. He was helped by several former Russian military officers. Among Sikorsky's chief supporters was composer Sergei Rachmaninoff, who introduced himself by writing a check for US$5,000 (approximately $61,000 in 2007 dollars). When his first prototype failed Sikorsky persuaded his reluctant backers to invest another $2,500. The Sikorsky Manufacturing Company moved to Stratford, Connecticut in 1929. It became a part of United Aircraft and Transport (now United Technologies Corporation) in July of that year. The company manufactured flying boats, such as the S-42 "Clipper", used by Pan Am for transatlantic flights.

These are but a few examples right off the top, without the need to dig deeper into other great inventors and inventions.

Government dependency? I think not. Many of the dreams these innovators shared were acquired by other financial means of backing ... interested investors willing to see the eager ideas of a few become the reality of tomorrow. It's amazing what has been accomplished in this country, ALL without the need of Government.

Your post fails in the first sentence.

No actually I didn't. These inventors BUILT their own wealth and success, they didn't have to leech off the government ( and those MORE responsible taxpayers ) like a heroine addict to supply them with their needs.
I always found it interesting how Thomas Edison established the Edison Electric Light Company to own and license his patents in the electric light field backed by financiers, including J.P. Morgan and the Vanderbilt family. This led to the invention of the lightbulb, followed by the founding of The Edison Electric Illuminating Company of New York on December 17, 1880. This led to the development of the large central power plant with its generators (called dynamos); voltage regulating devices; copper wires connecting the plant to other buildings; the wiring, switches, and fixtures in the interiors of those buildings - all without government funding and intervention.

This same success WITHOUT GOVERNMENT can also be found through the life of Henry Ford, an engineer with the Edison Illuminating Company. A Chief Engineer in 1893, he soon acquired enough of his OWN wealth towards his personal experiments on gasoline engines. Backed by the capital of Detroit lumber baron William H. Murphy, Ford resigned from the Edison Company and founded the Detroit Automobile Company on August 5, 1899.

Ford & Malcomson was reincorporated as the Ford Motor Company on June 16, 1903, with $28,000 capital. The original investors included Ford and Malcomson, the Dodge brothers, Malcomson's uncle John S. Gray, Malcolmson's secretary James Couzens, and two of Malcomson's lawyers, John W. Anderson and Horace Rackham

Later in our nations history inventors continued to emerge without government help. Igor Sikorsky, the inventor of the Helicopter. In 1923, Sikorsky formed the Sikorsky Manufacturing Company in Roosevelt, New York. He was helped by several former Russian military officers. Among Sikorsky's chief supporters was composer Sergei Rachmaninoff, who introduced himself by writing a check for US$5,000 (approximately $61,000 in 2007 dollars). When his first prototype failed Sikorsky persuaded his reluctant backers to invest another $2,500. The Sikorsky Manufacturing Company moved to Stratford, Connecticut in 1929. It became a part of United Aircraft and Transport (now United Technologies Corporation) in July of that year. The company manufactured flying boats, such as the S-42 "Clipper", used by Pan Am for transatlantic flights.

These are but a few examples right off the top, without the need to dig deeper into other great inventors and inventions.

Government dependency? I think not. Many of the dreams these innovators shared were acquired by other financial means of backing ... interested investors willing to see the eager ideas of a few become the reality of tomorrow. It's amazing what has been accomplished in this country, ALL without the need of Government.

Your post fails in the first sentence.

No actually I didn't. These inventors BUILT their own wealth and success, they didn't have to leech off the government ( and those MORE responsible taxpayers ) like a heroine addict to supply them with their needs.

Your correspondent believes that since the government issues patents, that Edison and Ford were "dependent" on the government to make their wealth possible. The trick here is in switching out one definition of "dependent" for another. Cars depend on gasoline and the laws of physics to move. That's an entirely different definition than the one that says a tick is "dependent" on a blood supply from its host to grow and lay eggs. The former definition simply describes a cause effect relationship. There's no moral component involved. The later is, of course, the definition of a parasite.
If the government was God, in its omniscience it existed forever guiding mankind. That's what forms the basis of liberal worship of government. In reality, government is a cooperative creation of people and humanity pre existed government for thousands of years. Government is the child of western civilization. It didn't start in an African village. Modern government with its reliance on democracy started in Greece. Government isn't God, it's an invention and an invention of white people.
If the government was God, in its omniscience it existed forever guiding mankind. That's what forms the basis of liberal worship of government. In reality, government is a cooperative creation of people and humanity pre existed government for thousands of years. Government is the child of western civilization. It didn't start in an African village. Modern government with its reliance on democracy started in Greece. Government isn't God, it's an invention and an invention of white people.

Seeing as how the family unit is the most basic form of government and its already been proven that Africans were around thousands of years before any other race developed its pretty safe to say Africans invented government.
If the government was God, in its omniscience it existed forever guiding mankind. That's what forms the basis of liberal worship of government. In reality, government is a cooperative creation of people and humanity pre existed government for thousands of years. Government is the child of western civilization. It didn't start in an African village. Modern government with its reliance on democracy started in Greece. Government isn't God, it's an invention and an invention of white people.

Seeing as how the family unit is the most basic form of government and its already been proven that Africans were around thousands of years before any other race developed its pretty safe to say Africans invented government.

That actually made me laugh. It really casts a new light on black families today that get together and say "Let's elect a new daddy".
If the government was God, in its omniscience it existed forever guiding mankind. That's what forms the basis of liberal worship of government. In reality, government is a cooperative creation of people and humanity pre existed government for thousands of years. Government is the child of western civilization. It didn't start in an African village. Modern government with its reliance on democracy started in Greece. Government isn't God, it's an invention and an invention of white people.

Seeing as how the family unit is the most basic form of government and its already been proven that Africans were around thousands of years before any other race developed its pretty safe to say Africans invented government.

That actually made me laugh. It really casts a new light on black families today that get together and say "Let's elect a new daddy".

I know. Your post made me laugh too! Greeks invented government!! :lol:
Seeing as how the family unit is the most basic form of government and its already been proven that Africans were around thousands of years before any other race developed its pretty safe to say Africans invented government.

That actually made me laugh. It really casts a new light on black families today that get together and say "Let's elect a new daddy".

I know. Your post made me laugh too! Greeks invented government!! :lol:
Government was never "invented", although various types eventually evolved. Sub-Saharan Africa never got past the "Big Kahuna" concept which is its very simplest form.
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That actually made me laugh. It really casts a new light on black families today that get together and say "Let's elect a new daddy".

I know. Your post made me laugh too! Greeks invented government!! :lol:
Government was never "invented", although various types eventually evolved. Sub-Saharan Africa never got past the "Big Kahuna" concept which is its very simplest form.

Its not your fault. I know thats what they taught you in the 1rst grade so you wouldn't feel inferior.
I know. Your post made me laugh too! Greeks invented government!! :lol:
Government was never "invented", although various types eventually evolved. Sub-Saharan Africa never got past the "Big Kahuna" concept which is its very simplest form.

Its not your fault. I know thats what they taught you in the 1rst grade so you wouldn't feel inferior.
A request as pointless as this dialog I suppose, but could you show me how and where government was invented? And if you could. please link me to the great black African minds which developed a concept more advanced than the Big Kahuna. I would be very interested. I would even apologize for thinking that you are a simplistic and simple black hack.
Lets get a review of this wonderful book that no one wants to touch with a 10 ft black pole lol


Regarding the comments of Mr. Greenberg and Mr. Frantzman: yes, blacks may have been heavily represented in the military, but no, they were NOT able to take advantage of the G.I. Bill to obtain Veteran's mortgage loans.

Wow talk about a head start....

Due to legal restrictions, restrictive convenants, and general violence and protests, blacks in the U.S. in the 1940's and 1950's were limited to obtaining housing in only all-black neighborhoods, or in neighborhoods that were rapidly turning all-black. There has been much research done showing that the FHA and VA both participated in redlining, and refused to provide home mortgages in neighborhoods which were all black, or on the verge of becoming all-black.

Wow...so that's why blacks are and were all in these same areas. Another win for the white guy!

Therefore, any black veteran who wished to purchase a home using his/her V.A. benefits would be severely restricted, by A) not being able to buy a home outside of a black neighborhood, where mortgage funds were readily available and B) being able to find a home in a black neighborhood, but not being able to receive mortgage money to purchase it.

Check out the book "From the Tenements to the Taylor Homes: In Search of an Urban Housing Policy in Twentieth-Century America" to see that what I am saying is correct.

Huh...Seems like a huge roadblock there. Those blacks just needed more...uh gumption?

if whites are so mean to you, why do you want to live with them?

seems you need them to raise you up
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Government was never "invented", although various types eventually evolved. Sub-Saharan Africa never got past the "Big Kahuna" concept which is its very simplest form.

Its not your fault. I know thats what they taught you in the 1rst grade so you wouldn't feel inferior.
A request as pointless as this dialog I suppose, but could you show me how and where government was invented? And if you could. please link me to the great black African minds which developed a concept more advanced than the Big Kahuna. I would be very interested. I would even apologize for thinking that you are a simplistic and simple black hack.

It is pretty pointless. Theres no doubt that Africans invented government. You can pick any prehistoric tribe or take your pick of any of the great African civilizations that existed thousands of years before Greeks could even form the concept that they were Greek.
You did get straight answers.

For 237 years, white folks (mostly the male ones), have had full access to government services and been fully vested as citizens. They've been treated equally under the law.

That's not the same for black folks. They've only enjoyed both those things for 50 years.

You have any idea what "head start" means?

Because 187 years is a heck of a head start.

Keep whining about the answers Mac. And partisan Ideologues...if it helps you sleep at night.

I don't know any 237 year old white males, do you?

Most white males are well under the age of 50, so how can you claim they had a head start you stupid fvck?

I'm 52 and I am reasonably sure I had a pretty good head start. As a "white" male, although the USMB white male club kicked me out for being half hispanic.

You stupid fuck.


link to the white male club

stupid fuck
Its not your fault. I know thats what they taught you in the 1rst grade so you wouldn't feel inferior.
A request as pointless as this dialog I suppose, but could you show me how and where government was invented? And if you could. please link me to the great black African minds which developed a concept more advanced than the Big Kahuna. I would be very interested. I would even apologize for thinking that you are a simplistic and simple black hack.

It is pretty pointless. Theres no doubt that Africans invented government. You can pick any prehistoric tribe or take your pick of any of the great African civilizations that existed thousands of years before Greeks could even form the concept that they were Greek.
Pointless indeed!

When you start talking about great African civilization, and you mean black African, it is crystal clear.

You are a simplistic and simple black hack.
Lets get a review of this wonderful book that no one wants to touch with a 10 ft black pole lol


Regarding the comments of Mr. Greenberg and Mr. Frantzman: yes, blacks may have been heavily represented in the military, but no, they were NOT able to take advantage of the G.I. Bill to obtain Veteran's mortgage loans.

Wow talk about a head start....

Wow...so that's why blacks are and were all in these same areas. Another win for the white guy!

Therefore, any black veteran who wished to purchase a home using his/her V.A. benefits would be severely restricted, by A) not being able to buy a home outside of a black neighborhood, where mortgage funds were readily available and B) being able to find a home in a black neighborhood, but not being able to receive mortgage money to purchase it.

Check out the book "From the Tenements to the Taylor Homes: In Search of an Urban Housing Policy in Twentieth-Century America" to see that what I am saying is correct.

Huh...Seems like a huge roadblock there. Those blacks just needed more...uh gumption?

if whites are so mean to you, why do you want to live with them?

seems you need them to raise you up

We dont want to live with you. You just happen to be in the country as well. You guys are the ones trying to copy everything Black culture produces. We built this country and thats why we want to stay here. Why give it to you after all the hard work we put in?
Your correspondent believes that since the government issues patents, that Edison and Ford were "dependent" on the government to make their wealth possible. The trick here is in switching out one definition of "dependent" for another. Cars depend on gasoline and the laws of physics to move. That's an entirely different definition than the one that says a tick is "dependent" on a blood supply from its host to grow and lay eggs. The former definition simply describes a cause effect relationship. There's no moral component involved. The later is, of course, the definition of a parasite.

If you really want to examine this concept of dependency, with respect to our government, government is instituted by the people. According to our Founders, our form of government is depended upon the good graces of the American people. When such a system becomes destructive in its purpose as a servant of the people, then the Declaration of Independence gives its citizens the right to abolish it to establish a new form of government. This was the thought surrounding the succession that led to the civil war, the important representation needed for individual states rights over the growing power of the Federal government.
A request as pointless as this dialog I suppose, but could you show me how and where government was invented? And if you could. please link me to the great black African minds which developed a concept more advanced than the Big Kahuna. I would be very interested. I would even apologize for thinking that you are a simplistic and simple black hack.

It is pretty pointless. Theres no doubt that Africans invented government. You can pick any prehistoric tribe or take your pick of any of the great African civilizations that existed thousands of years before Greeks could even form the concept that they were Greek.
Pointless indeed!

When you start talking about great African civilization, and you mean black African, it is crystal clear.

You are a simplistic and simple black hack.

??? Thats exactly what I am talking about. There is no such thing as a great white African civilization. I already told you that was a lie they fed you in grade school so you wouldnt feel inferior.
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Lets get a review of this wonderful book that no one wants to touch with a 10 ft black pole lol


Wow talk about a head start....

Wow...so that's why blacks are and were all in these same areas. Another win for the white guy!

Huh...Seems like a huge roadblock there. Those blacks just needed more...uh gumption?

if whites are so mean to you, why do you want to live with them?

seems you need them to raise you up

We dont want to live with you. You just happen to be in the country as well. You guys are the ones trying to copy everything Black culture produces. We built this country and thats why we want to stay here. Why give it to you after all the hard work we put in?

who is always wanting whitey to do something for them?

go away

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