237 years later - Has government dependency hurt Whites in America?

As I understand it, lefties believe that the government should have first claim to money, and that what they "allow" us to keep from our income essentially just comes from the goodness of their heart. We should just be thankful we are not taxed 100% on our earnings.

So the tactic here is to point out that, since the government prints the money, it's theirs first. That allows them to draw the connection to what they "allow" us to "keep". It makes sense, if you believe in an all-powerful centralized government.


Come to think of it, "you didn't build that" is another example of this mindset.

"You didn't build that" essentially means "you don't own that, you used government roads and bridges to build it, so the government is free to create and enforce any controls, costs and regulations it wants, and you just have to deal with it."

It's a comprehensive, government-centric mindset. It starts with Washington DC, and we all should be happy with what is left.

So, as far as minting money is concerned, it's all pretty much just a loan. Say "thank you".

This, after all the corruption and waste and bloat and sloth and lies that come from them, all with the people's money, all in the name of "helping" the people.

That's one helluva schtick, huh?


Actually you don't Mac.

I am sure you can find a fully functioning state on the global that has dispensed with it's government.

You vacation there, right?

Like yearly? You have a timeshare in this place?

Fill us in. Where is this "paradise" you speak of?
whites are not dependent on the Government to the extent blacks are.

so no, it did not.

Actually..they are MORE dependent on government.

in absolute numbers, not in the rate of dependency.

absolute number do not matter since you have to equalize the samle groups in order to compare,

You guys are funny...You don't care about how many people are on welfare just the rates of certain groups. Riiiiiiight.

You also don't care about the number of dead bodies...you only care about the RATES of certain groups. Suuuuuuuure

Huge numbers don't seem to matter only stats in particular groups. Why is that? Dead bodies don't matter? Govt dependency is ok unless one group uses it STATISTICALLY more?
Lets not forget that Affirmative Action is unfair....when other people do it


But just Peachy when white people want it. After all they were enslaved and....wait....Why did they need Affirmative Action? Who knows but once they used it they try to convince everyone else how bad it is
I did.

Unless you think they were "privately" minting it.


So you think that because the government prints federal reserve notes that it's actually the owner of all the money you receive? Seriously?

Gosh you folks are thick.

I'm sorry..where do construe that ridiculousness?

The government provides a means to conduct commerce.

Which, by the way, is a "dependency" of almost all American businesses, if not all.

Wrong again. The government compels us to use its bogus federal reserve notes. Previously businesses and individuals used banks notes printed by private banks.

According to your definition of "dependent," if the government put us in concentration camps and fed us gruel three times a day, you would claim we were "dependent" on the government for food and housing.

We could dispense with federal reserve notes tomorrow if the government allowed it. In fact, several people have attempted to do just that and went to prison as a result.

Government money is a means for ripping us off. It's not something anyone needs.
USMB really needs a dunce cap emoticon.

True. You should wear it proudly.

Except I'm not the one ignorant of most of the clauses in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution.

That would be you.


That section gives the government the authority to "coin money." In other words, it gives government the authority to mint coins. It does not give the government authority to print paper money.

The bottom line is that you're the numskull who doesn't know what the Constitution says. You even thought the mint printed federal reserve notes.

Give up while you're behind.
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As I understand it, lefties believe that the government should have first claim to money, and that what they "allow" us to keep from our income essentially just comes from the goodness of their heart. We should just be thankful we are not taxed 100% on our earnings.

So the tactic here is to point out that, since the government prints the money, it's theirs first. That allows them to draw the connection to what they "allow" us to "keep". It makes sense, if you believe in an all-powerful centralized government.


Come to think of it, "you didn't build that" is another example of this mindset.

"You didn't build that" essentially means "you don't own that, you used government roads and bridges to build it, so the government is free to create and enforce any controls, costs and regulations it wants, and you just have to deal with it."

It's a comprehensive, government-centric mindset. It starts with Washington DC, and we all should be happy with what is left.

So, as far as minting money is concerned, it's all pretty much just a loan. Say "thank you".

This, after all the corruption and waste and bloat and sloth and lies that come from them, all with the people's money, all in the name of "helping" the people.

That's one helluva schtick, huh?


Actually you don't Mac.

I am sure you can find a fully functioning state on the global that has dispensed with it's government.

You vacation there, right?

Like yearly? You have a timeshare in this place?

Fill us in. Where is this "paradise" you speak of?

What does that have to do with your OP? The fact that government is everywhere like an infection doesn't prove a thing aside from the fact that government has imposed itself everywhere. E coli is also everywhere. That doesn't make E. Coli desirable.
And I am sure you can provide me what sort of work justifies a 22 million dollar a year salary..

"Justifies"? Justifies to whom, Swallow? YOU?! Who the fuck are you?

Nimrods like sallow don't seem to get the point that your compensation is a matter between you and your employer or your customers. Third parties can butt out.
So you think that because the government prints federal reserve notes that it's actually the owner of all the money you receive? Seriously?

Gosh you folks are thick.

I'm sorry..where do construe that ridiculousness?

The government provides a means to conduct commerce.

Which, by the way, is a "dependency" of almost all American businesses, if not all.

Wrong again. The government compels us to use its bogus federal reserve notes. Previously businesses and individuals used banks notes printed by private banks.

According to your definition of "dependent," if the government put us in concentration camps and fed us gruel three times a day, you would claim we were "dependent" on the government for food and housing.

We could dispense with federal reserve notes tomorrow if the government allowed it. In fact, several people have attempted to do just that and went to prison as a result.

Government money is a means for ripping us off. It's not something anyone needs.

Your wrong on all counts.

And if you feel so strongly about this..move.
Come to think of it, "you didn't build that" is another example of this mindset.

"You didn't build that" essentially means "you don't own that, you used government roads and bridges to build it, so the government is free to create and enforce any controls, costs and regulations it wants, and you just have to deal with it."

It's a comprehensive, government-centric mindset. It starts with Washington DC, and we all should be happy with what is left.

So, as far as minting money is concerned, it's all pretty much just a loan. Say "thank you".

This, after all the corruption and waste and bloat and sloth and lies that come from them, all with the people's money, all in the name of "helping" the people.

That's one helluva schtick, huh?


Actually you don't Mac.

I am sure you can find a fully functioning state on the global that has dispensed with it's government.

You vacation there, right?

Like yearly? You have a timeshare in this place?

Fill us in. Where is this "paradise" you speak of?

What does that have to do with your OP? The fact that government is everywhere like an infection doesn't prove a thing aside from the fact that government has imposed itself everywhere. E coli is also everywhere. That doesn't make E. Coli desirable.

You're the one all over the place with this..

I am pointing out a fact.

Simple as that.
Gosh you folks are thick.

I'm sorry..where do construe that ridiculousness?

The government provides a means to conduct commerce.

Which, by the way, is a "dependency" of almost all American businesses, if not all.

Wrong again. The government compels us to use its bogus federal reserve notes. Previously businesses and individuals used banks notes printed by private banks.

According to your definition of "dependent," if the government put us in concentration camps and fed us gruel three times a day, you would claim we were "dependent" on the government for food and housing.

We could dispense with federal reserve notes tomorrow if the government allowed it. In fact, several people have attempted to do just that and went to prison as a result.

Government money is a means for ripping us off. It's not something anyone needs.

Your wrong on all counts.

And if you feel so strongly about this..move.

Of course, you offer not a single shred of evidence that I am wrong. You have had your ass handed to you every time you posted on this subject.

Quit while you're behind.

Tough shit if you don't like me living here. You can move when the US switches back to using honest money.
Actually you don't Mac.

I am sure you can find a fully functioning state on the global that has dispensed with it's government.

You vacation there, right?

Like yearly? You have a timeshare in this place?

Fill us in. Where is this "paradise" you speak of?

What does that have to do with your OP? The fact that government is everywhere like an infection doesn't prove a thing aside from the fact that government has imposed itself everywhere. E coli is also everywhere. That doesn't make E. Coli desirable.

You're the one all over the place with this..

I am pointing out a fact.

Simple as that.

You wouldn't know a fact if XXXXXXX

You've already proven that multiple times in this thread.
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As I understand it, lefties believe that the government should have first claim to money, and that what they "allow" us to keep from our income essentially just comes from the goodness of their heart. We should just be thankful we are not taxed 100% on our earnings.

So the tactic here is to point out that, since the government prints the money, it's theirs first. That allows them to draw the connection to what they "allow" us to "keep". It makes sense, if you believe in an all-powerful centralized government.


Come to think of it, "you didn't build that" is another example of this mindset.

"You didn't build that" essentially means "you don't own that, you used government roads and bridges to build it, so the government is free to create and enforce any controls, costs and regulations it wants, and you just have to deal with it."

It's a comprehensive, government-centric mindset. It starts with Washington DC, and we all should be happy with what is left.

So, as far as minting money is concerned, it's all pretty much just a loan. Say "thank you".

This, after all the corruption and waste and bloat and sloth and lies that come from them, all with the people's money, all in the name of "helping" the people.

That's one helluva schtick, huh?


Actually you don't Mac.

I am sure you can find a fully functioning state on the global that has dispensed with it's government.

You vacation there, right?

Like yearly? You have a timeshare in this place?

Fill us in. Where is this "paradise" you speak of?

Holy crap Sallow, you're the gift that keeps on giving. Absolutely perfect examples of the straw man arguments so often deployed by intellectually dishonest partisan ideologues.

"A fully functioning state... that has dispensed with its government"? WTF? Is this an attempt to infer that I think we should not have government? Would you like to point out where I said such a stupid thing?

And why the quotation marks around "paradise"? That infers that I used the word myself. Would you like to point out where I did that?

Sallow, while you and I agree on some issues, your constant dishonesty makes it difficult (not to mention an abject waste of time) trying to communicate with you. I'd much prefer you'd play these little dishonest games with someone else, such as a hardcore rightwing partisan ideologue. That way no honesty is required at any time.

Come to think of it, "you didn't build that" is another example of this mindset.

"You didn't build that" essentially means "you don't own that, you used government roads and bridges to build it, so the government is free to create and enforce any controls, costs and regulations it wants, and you just have to deal with it."

It's a comprehensive, government-centric mindset. It starts with Washington DC, and we all should be happy with what is left.

So, as far as minting money is concerned, it's all pretty much just a loan. Say "thank you".

This, after all the corruption and waste and bloat and sloth and lies that come from them, all with the people's money, all in the name of "helping" the people.

That's one helluva schtick, huh?


Actually you don't Mac.

I am sure you can find a fully functioning state on the global that has dispensed with it's government.

You vacation there, right?

Like yearly? You have a timeshare in this place?

Fill us in. Where is this "paradise" you speak of?

Holy crap Sallow, you're the gift that keeps on giving. Absolutely perfect examples of the straw man arguments so often deployed by intellectually dishonest partisan ideologues.

"A fully functioning state... that has dispensed with its government"? WTF? Is this an attempt to infer that I think we should not have government? Would you like to point out where I said such a stupid thing?

And why the quotation marks around "paradise"? That infers that I used the word myself. Would you like to point out where I did that?

Sallow, while you and I agree on some issues, your constant dishonesty makes it difficult (not to mention an abject waste of time) trying to communicate with you. I'd much prefer you'd play these little dishonest games with someone else, such as a hardcore rightwing partisan ideologue. That way no honesty is required at any time.


The contention of this thread is pretty sound..and given the rampant racism and constant whining about "dependency", appropriate.

Sometimes a thing becomes so common that you no longer notice it.

Like clean water. You turn on the tap..and bam..drinkable water.

One forgets the evolution that was required to get that that point, or really what it takes to maintain it. But it's something everyone in this country uses.

And, as such..it's a "dependency". We are "dependent" on the fact that when we turn the sipgot, clean, drinkable water will come out of it.

And we take that for granted.

Some folks go a little further and "forget" their dependencies but criticizes others for theirs.

Not sure why that's such a hard concept to understand.
True. You should wear it proudly.

Except I'm not the one ignorant of most of the clauses in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution.

That would be you.


That section gives the government the authority to "coin money." In other words, it gives government the authority to mint coins. It does not give the government authority to print paper money.

The bottom line is that you're the numskull who doesn't know what the Constitution says. You even thought the mint printed federal reserve notes.

Give up while you're behind.

Look up toward the horizon. See all those trees grouped together, too numerous to count? That's a forest!
Except I'm not the one ignorant of most of the clauses in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution.

That would be you.


That section gives the government the authority to "coin money." In other words, it gives government the authority to mint coins. It does not give the government authority to print paper money.

The bottom line is that you're the numskull who doesn't know what the Constitution says. You even thought the mint printed federal reserve notes.

Give up while you're behind.

Look up toward the horizon. See all those trees grouped together, too numerous to count? That's a forest!

This is one of those whacky bluesky arguments it's just impossible to contend with.
That section gives the government the authority to "coin money." In other words, it gives government the authority to mint coins. It does not give the government authority to print paper money.

The bottom line is that you're the numskull who doesn't know what the Constitution says. You even thought the mint printed federal reserve notes.

Give up while you're behind.

Look up toward the horizon. See all those trees grouped together, too numerous to count? That's a forest!

This is one of those whacky bluesky arguments it's just impossible to contend with.

We've just witnessed a little example of how (but not necessarily why) conservatives are so able to interpret the Bible literally.

My guess as to "Why" is that it precludes the necessity (and the requirement) to actually do some thinking on a particular subject. With thinking removed as a requirement, conservatives can just sit back and let someone else tell them what to believe. Thankfully, God created talk radio to cut down on the need to do any reading, as well.

Or perhaps it was the Devil, just PRETENDING to be God.
Lets get a review of this wonderful book that no one wants to touch with a 10 ft black pole lol


Regarding the comments of Mr. Greenberg and Mr. Frantzman: yes, blacks may have been heavily represented in the military, but no, they were NOT able to take advantage of the G.I. Bill to obtain Veteran's mortgage loans.

Wow talk about a head start....

Due to legal restrictions, restrictive convenants, and general violence and protests, blacks in the U.S. in the 1940's and 1950's were limited to obtaining housing in only all-black neighborhoods, or in neighborhoods that were rapidly turning all-black. There has been much research done showing that the FHA and VA both participated in redlining, and refused to provide home mortgages in neighborhoods which were all black, or on the verge of becoming all-black.

Wow...so that's why blacks are and were all in these same areas. Another win for the white guy!

Therefore, any black veteran who wished to purchase a home using his/her V.A. benefits would be severely restricted, by A) not being able to buy a home outside of a black neighborhood, where mortgage funds were readily available and B) being able to find a home in a black neighborhood, but not being able to receive mortgage money to purchase it.

Check out the book "From the Tenements to the Taylor Homes: In Search of an Urban Housing Policy in Twentieth-Century America" to see that what I am saying is correct.

Huh...Seems like a huge roadblock there. Those blacks just needed more...uh gumption?
Look up toward the horizon. See all those trees grouped together, too numerous to count? That's a forest!

This is one of those whacky bluesky arguments it's just impossible to contend with.

We've just witnessed a little example of how (but not necessarily why) conservatives are so able to interpret the Bible literally.

My guess as to "Why" is that it precludes the necessity (and the requirement) to actually do some thinking on a particular subject. With thinking removed as a requirement, conservatives can just sit back and let someone else tell them what to believe. Thankfully, God created talk radio to cut down on the need to do any reading, as well.

Or perhaps it was the Devil, just PRETENDING to be God.

I'm thinking Bri dropped out of the thread to go print up some bank notes..you know..to get smokes and cigs.

And let us know how the gubmint doesn't mint currency.

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