237 years later - Has government dependency hurt Whites in America?


Where in the post does it say all employees of Lockheed Martin are white?

I would say most of them are white.

The CEO sure as heck is..

Lockheed Martin · Board of Directors

Robert J. Stevens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

22 million..

Not bad.


Hate to break this to you, but someone providing a service and selling a product to the US government doesn't mean they are dependant on the government.

To you someone how goes to a job and produces something is the equivelant of collecting a welfare check for doing NOTHING.

FAIL. :cuckoo:

Sure it does.

They didn't start that business in a vacuum.

They are dependent on the government's justice system, roads, fire, police, education, research, military and a whole lot more.

Basically what they are doing is taking much of the services that government provides for them, using them, then CHARGING government for the product.

That's a pretty neat trick.

And it's got plenty of folks fooled.

Like you.

Everyone is already paying for the roads, justice system, fire, police, education.

So just because someone lives in a taxpaying society, everything they do and make belongs to the government. Everything is owed to the government no matter what.
Their entire paycheck belongs to the government, and whatever the government chooses not to tax is a 'gift', or government assistance.

Congratulations, you've graduated from being a progressive to a full blown communist.
Since I have no idea what you do, where you live or your family history..I can't comment on that.

What I can comment on is that white males in this country have been enjoying government dependency for the last 237 years.

They've been recognized full on citizens and fully vested in the institutions of the US government. They've had equal protection under the law and access to the US economy from top to bottom.

"Access to the economy?". So having a job and working means you are dependent on the government? Since when does the government own the economy?

It takes a special kind of stupid and a special kind of servility to accept your understanding of reality.

Since the beginning.

Section 8.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;

To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures;

To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States;

To establish post offices and post roads;

To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries;

And you should think carefully about using the word "stupid".

You're sadly delusional, Sallow. Business doesn't need any of those things from government. Aside from a common defense, businesses can provide all of those things for themselves. Government provides these "services" as a means of looting the productive members of society. It establishes a monopoly on the service and then charges 10 times more than it would cost if provided by private businesses. In the case of printing money, the government runs a vast counterfeiting operation. Every dollar it prints is a form of theft.

Apparently you believe being looted by the government is a form of "dependence."
Great! I must have missed them!

Examples, please? Just give post numbers, I'll find 'em.


Hey Sallow, waiting on examples, thanks.



The title of the thread is an example.

Run with it.


I said that I couldn't get straight answers, you said that I did get straight answers, but just didn't like them. I asked for examples, and you avoided answering by pointing to the title of a thread I did not start.

Plus you didn't include that part of the conversation in this response.

I knew you weren't being honest. Just the latest example of why partisan ideologues have ZERO credibility. I'll be sure to bookmark this one for future reference, you have proven my point vividly.

Perfect. Thanks.


Where in the post does it say all employees of Lockheed Martin are white?

I would say most of them are white.

The CEO sure as heck is..

Lockheed Martin · Board of Directors

Robert J. Stevens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

22 million..

Not bad.


Hate to break this to you, but someone providing a service and selling a product to the US government doesn't mean they are dependant on the government.

To you someone how goes to a job and produces something is the equivelant of collecting a welfare check for doing NOTHING.

FAIL. :cuckoo:

According to Sallow, if the government provides a single service, like delivering the mail, then it "owns the economy," and everything you earn is government property. It's a gift from the government. Therefor we are all dependent on the government.

The above is how the utterly servile fucked up minds of libturds function.


Well, now...

Open your wallet and take a look at the Money in there.

Pretty sure it's been minted in the US.
Maybe whiny progressives need a course in remedial reading. The Framers listed the duty of the government in around ten words. "Provide for the common defense". Promote the general welfare". Are lefties confused about the definition of the word "promote"?
Hate to break this to you, but someone providing a service and selling a product to the US government doesn't mean they are dependant on the government.

To you someone how goes to a job and produces something is the equivelant of collecting a welfare check for doing NOTHING.

FAIL. :cuckoo:

According to Sallow, if the government provides a single service, like delivering the mail, then it "owns the economy," and everything you earn is government property. It's a gift from the government. Therefor we are all dependent on the government.

The above is how the utterly servile fucked up minds of libturds function.


Well, now...

Open your wallet and take a look at the Money in there.

Pretty sure it's been minted in the US.

and I'm pretty sure he worked for it you stupid fvck
Hey Sallow, waiting on examples, thanks.



The title of the thread is an example.

Run with it.


I said that I couldn't get straight answers, you said that I did get straight answers, but just didn't like them. I asked for examples, and you avoided answering by pointing to the title of a thread I did not start.

Plus you didn't include that part of the conversation in this response.

I knew you weren't being honest. Just the latest example of why partisan ideologues have ZERO credibility. I'll be sure to bookmark this one for future reference, you have proven my point vividly.

Perfect. Thanks.


You did get straight answers.

For 237 years, white folks (mostly the male ones), have had full access to government services and been fully vested as citizens. They've been treated equally under the law.

That's not the same for black folks. They've only enjoyed both those things for 50 years.

You have any idea what "head start" means?

Because 187 years is a heck of a head start.

Keep whining about the answers Mac. And partisan Ideologues...if it helps you sleep at night.
Hate to break this to you, but someone providing a service and selling a product to the US government doesn't mean they are dependant on the government.

To you someone how goes to a job and produces something is the equivelant of collecting a welfare check for doing NOTHING.

FAIL. :cuckoo:

According to Sallow, if the government provides a single service, like delivering the mail, then it "owns the economy," and everything you earn is government property. It's a gift from the government. Therefor we are all dependent on the government.

The above is how the utterly servile fucked up minds of libturds function.


Well, now...

Open your wallet and take a look at the Money in there.

Pretty sure it's been minted in the US.

Yep, and ever since the government took over the printing of money it has become worth less and less every year. Government money is a means of looting your savings. I fail to see how being robbed by the government means you are "dependent" on it.

BTW, before 1914 private banks printed money. Your belief that the economy wouldn't function without government money is categorically false. The historical record proves that.

The title of the thread is an example.

Run with it.


I said that I couldn't get straight answers, you said that I did get straight answers, but just didn't like them. I asked for examples, and you avoided answering by pointing to the title of a thread I did not start.

Plus you didn't include that part of the conversation in this response.

I knew you weren't being honest. Just the latest example of why partisan ideologues have ZERO credibility. I'll be sure to bookmark this one for future reference, you have proven my point vividly.

Perfect. Thanks.


You did get straight answers.

For 237 years, white folks (mostly the male ones), have had full access to government services and been fully vested as citizens. They've been treated equally under the law.

That's not the same for black folks. They've only enjoyed both those things for 50 years.

You have any idea what "head start" means?

Because 187 years is a heck of a head start.

Keep whining about the answers Mac. And partisan Ideologues...if it helps you sleep at night.

I don't know any 237 year old white males, do you?

Most white males are well under the age of 50, so how can you claim they had a head start you stupid fvck?

The title of the thread is an example.

Run with it.


I said that I couldn't get straight answers, you said that I did get straight answers, but just didn't like them. I asked for examples, and you avoided answering by pointing to the title of a thread I did not start.

Plus you didn't include that part of the conversation in this response.

I knew you weren't being honest. Just the latest example of why partisan ideologues have ZERO credibility. I'll be sure to bookmark this one for future reference, you have proven my point vividly.

Perfect. Thanks.


You did get straight answers.

For 237 years, white folks (mostly the male ones), have had full access to government services and been fully vested as citizens. They've been treated equally under the law.

That's not the same for black folks. They've only enjoyed both those things for 50 years.

You have any idea what "head start" means?

Because 187 years is a heck of a head start.

Keep whining about the answers Mac. And partisan Ideologues...if it helps you sleep at night.

It doesn't equate to being "dependent" on the government. Learn the definition of words.

The title of the thread is an example.

Run with it.


I said that I couldn't get straight answers, you said that I did get straight answers, but just didn't like them. I asked for examples, and you avoided answering by pointing to the title of a thread I did not start.

Plus you didn't include that part of the conversation in this response.

I knew you weren't being honest. Just the latest example of why partisan ideologues have ZERO credibility. I'll be sure to bookmark this one for future reference, you have proven my point vividly.

Perfect. Thanks.


You did get straight answers.

For 237 years, white folks (mostly the male ones), have had full access to government services and been fully vested as citizens. They've been treated equally under the law.

That's not the same for black folks. They've only enjoyed both those things for 50 years.

You have any idea what "head start" means?

Because 187 years is a heck of a head start.

Keep whining about the answers Mac. And partisan Ideologues...if it helps you sleep at night.

It's easy when you folks prove me right, in writing.

According to Sallow, if the government provides a single service, like delivering the mail, then it "owns the economy," and everything you earn is government property. It's a gift from the government. Therefor we are all dependent on the government.

The above is how the utterly servile fucked up minds of libturds function.


Well, now...

Open your wallet and take a look at the Money in there.

Pretty sure it's been minted in the US.

and I'm pretty sure he worked for it you stupid fvck

And I am sure you can provide me what sort of work justifies a 22 million dollar a year salary.

Thanks in advance.

You stupid fuck.

I said that I couldn't get straight answers, you said that I did get straight answers, but just didn't like them. I asked for examples, and you avoided answering by pointing to the title of a thread I did not start.

Plus you didn't include that part of the conversation in this response.

I knew you weren't being honest. Just the latest example of why partisan ideologues have ZERO credibility. I'll be sure to bookmark this one for future reference, you have proven my point vividly.

Perfect. Thanks.


You did get straight answers.

For 237 years, white folks (mostly the male ones), have had full access to government services and been fully vested as citizens. They've been treated equally under the law.

That's not the same for black folks. They've only enjoyed both those things for 50 years.

You have any idea what "head start" means?

Because 187 years is a heck of a head start.

Keep whining about the answers Mac. And partisan Ideologues...if it helps you sleep at night.

It's easy when you folks prove me right, in writing.


You're a legend in your own mind, Mac.

You did get straight answers.

For 237 years, white folks (mostly the male ones), have had full access to government services and been fully vested as citizens. They've been treated equally under the law.

That's not the same for black folks. They've only enjoyed both those things for 50 years.

You have any idea what "head start" means?

Because 187 years is a heck of a head start.

Keep whining about the answers Mac. And partisan Ideologues...if it helps you sleep at night.

It's easy when you folks prove me right, in writing.


You're a legend in your own mind, Mac.


Just observant. And honest, which gives me an easy advantage over liars. Nothing unusual or special about that. Most of us aren't partisan ideologues.

According to Sallow, if the government provides a single service, like delivering the mail, then it "owns the economy," and everything you earn is government property. It's a gift from the government. Therefor we are all dependent on the government.

The above is how the utterly servile fucked up minds of libturds function.


Well, now...

Open your wallet and take a look at the Money in there.

Pretty sure it's been minted in the US.

Yep, and ever since the government took over the printing of money it has become worth less and less every year. Government money is a means of looting your savings. I fail to see how being robbed by the government means you are "dependent" on it.

BTW, before 1914 private banks printed money. Your belief that the economy wouldn't function without government money is categorically false. The historical record proves that.

I dunno how to respond to this.

It's patently false.

The United States Mint About Us
The United States Mint About Us
It's easy when you folks prove me right, in writing.


You're a legend in your own mind, Mac.


Just observant. And honest, which gives me an easy advantage over liars. Nothing unusual or special about that. Most of us aren't partisan ideologues.


Observant of what Mac?

History? Obviously not.

You are getting good at name calling and declaring victory.

Pretty soon you'll wind up like the rest of the rabble.

Can you hear them now, Mac? "One of us. Room for one more.." :eusa_shhh:

Well, now...

Open your wallet and take a look at the Money in there.

Pretty sure it's been minted in the US.

and I'm pretty sure he worked for it you stupid fvck

And I am sure you can provide me what sort of work justifies a 22 million dollar a year salary.

Thanks in advance.

You stupid fuck.

If your employers are willing to pay you $22 million, that's all the justification needed. It's a voluntary transaction, unlike your paycheck which was extracted from the taxpayers at gunpoint.

Well, now...

Open your wallet and take a look at the Money in there.

Pretty sure it's been minted in the US.

Yep, and ever since the government took over the printing of money it has become worth less and less every year. Government money is a means of looting your savings. I fail to see how being robbed by the government means you are "dependent" on it.

BTW, before 1914 private banks printed money. Your belief that the economy wouldn't function without government money is categorically false. The historical record proves that.

I dunno how to respond to this.

It's patently false.

The United States Mint About Us
The United States Mint About Us

Your links don't support your claim. Minting coins is not the same thing as printing bank notes. There's a reason they are called banknotes. That's because before the Federal Reserve was created banks printed and issued them.

It's no surprise that you are totally ignorant of the origins and nature of money. I've never encountered a lib who understood money.

BTW, the mint does not print Federal Reserve notes. The Federal Reserve does that. The mint only makes coins.
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