237 years later - Has government dependency hurt Whites in America?

You seem to think that a people with no involvement with this government in terms of any real power for close to 200 years can somehow catch up in several decades.

This isn't about the goddamn almighty government. This is cultural.

What I think is that beginning today, in 2013 -- not a hundred years ago or two hundred years ago, but TODAY, RIGHT NOW -- that blacks don't need the "help" of people who want to make excuses for them, lower standards for them, and forgive/ignore/avoid the facts on crime and fatherless black families.

What I think is that the "help" they've been getting for the last couple of generations -- the "soft bigotry of reduced expectations" -- has been an abundantly clear net negative for them, and they would be far better off without it.

What I think, unlike those who are trying to "help" them, is that blacks are perfectly capable of making their own success (and there are plenty of examples), and that constantly isolating them from every other ethnic group in this country is causing them great damage.

They're being victimized by the very people who claim to be "helping" them, the people who think that the federal bureaucracy can somehow repair deep cultural problems.

That's what I actually think.

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Idiot liberals always like to present anarchy as the only alternative to complete government control. It shows how utterly stupid they are (or how stupid they think everyone else is).

You are quite welcome to put your theories to the test..and actually you often do.

And it winds up costing the United States big time when States cut fire fighters and cops.

Rick Perry had to go to the trough, hat in hand, when wild fires made a mess of Texas after he cut fire fighters.

Good stuff.

Why is it that liberals always confuse cops, teachers and fire fighters with the bloated federal bureaucracy? Are they actually stupid enough to believe that bullshit, or do they think everyone else is?

Communities are able to police themselves,. cooperate in putting out fires and teach their children without some asshole liberal telling them how to do it. Bureaucrats are far more deleterious to society than the most ardent welfare mooch.

Block grants are used in part to pay for cops, teachers and fire fighters.

Or didn't you know that?
You seem to think that a people with no involvement with this government in terms of any real power for close to 200 years can somehow catch up in several decades.

This isn't about the goddamn almighty government. This is cultural.

What I think is that beginning today, in 2013 -- not a hundred years ago or two hundred years ago, but TODAY, RIGHT NOW -- that blacks don't need the "help" of people who want to make excuses for them, lower standards for them, and forgive/ignore/avoid the facts on crime and fatherless black families.

What I think is that the "help" they've been getting for the last couple of generations -- the "soft bigotry of reduced expectations" -- has been an abundantly clear net negative for them, and they would be far better off without it.

What I think, unlike those who are trying to "help" them, is that blacks are perfectly capable of making their own success (and there are plenty of examples), and that constantly isolating them from every other ethnic group in this country is causing them great damage.

They're being victimized by the very people who claim to be "helping" them, the people who think that the federal bureaucracy can somehow repair deep cultural problems.

That's what I actually think.


Again, I've pointed out that many ethic groups raised themselves out of the ghettos by creating crime organizations and using other short cuts.

It isn't quite as easy to do that now..but it's possible.

Is that what you are advocating for?

You seem to think that a people with no involvement with this government in terms of any real power for close to 200 years can somehow catch up in several decades.

This isn't about the goddamn almighty government. This is cultural.

What I think is that beginning today, in 2013 -- not a hundred years ago or two hundred years ago, but TODAY, RIGHT NOW -- that blacks don't need the "help" of people who want to make excuses for them, lower standards for them, and forgive/ignore/avoid the facts on crime and fatherless black families.

What I think is that the "help" they've been getting for the last couple of generations -- the "soft bigotry of reduced expectations" -- has been an abundantly clear net negative for them, and they would be far better off without it.

What I think, unlike those who are trying to "help" them, is that blacks are perfectly capable of making their own success (and there are plenty of examples), and that constantly isolating them from every other ethnic group in this country is causing them great damage.

They're being victimized by the very people who claim to be "helping" them, the people who think that the federal bureaucracy can somehow repair deep cultural problems.

That's what I actually think.


Again, I've pointed out that many ethic groups raised themselves out of the ghettos by creating crime organizations and using other short cuts.

It isn't quite as easy to do that now..but it's possible.

Is that what you are advocating for?


Here we go again. With all the specific points I've made -- all of which you have chosen to avoid -- I didn't come close to saying that, anywhere, yet as a diversionary tactic you toss crime (?) out there. That's okay, I'm used to it. I expect it.

I think blacks are as capable as anyone, and can be perfectly successful on their own. You're inferring -- twice now -- they have to turn to crime to do it. Crime? WTF? Why and how does that even enter your thought process? You -- not me, you -- have twice now made the connection between blacks and crime in a thread that has NOTHING to do with crime.


You prove my point, I have much more faith in blacks than you.

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Shallow.., why are you an idiot ? when are you going to stop kicking little helpless puppies, when are you going to stop sucking up to that mulatto muslime ?

have you requested a brain implant yet ? when are you going to stop putting worthless nonproductive blacks ahead of working industrious WHITES ???????????

HUH ??????
This isn't about the goddamn almighty government. This is cultural.

What I think is that beginning today, in 2013 -- not a hundred years ago or two hundred years ago, but TODAY, RIGHT NOW -- that blacks don't need the "help" of people who want to make excuses for them, lower standards for them, and forgive/ignore/avoid the facts on crime and fatherless black families.

What I think is that the "help" they've been getting for the last couple of generations -- the "soft bigotry of reduced expectations" -- has been an abundantly clear net negative for them, and they would be far better off without it.

What I think, unlike those who are trying to "help" them, is that blacks are perfectly capable of making their own success (and there are plenty of examples), and that constantly isolating them from every other ethnic group in this country is causing them great damage.

They're being victimized by the very people who claim to be "helping" them, the people who think that the federal bureaucracy can somehow repair deep cultural problems.

That's what I actually think.


Again, I've pointed out that many ethic groups raised themselves out of the ghettos by creating crime organizations and using other short cuts.

It isn't quite as easy to do that now..but it's possible.

Is that what you are advocating for?


Here we go again. With all the specific points I've made, I didn't come close to saying that, anywhere, yet as a diversionary tactic you toss crime (?) out there. That's okay, I'm used to it. I expect it.

I think blacks are as capable as anyone, and can be perfectly successful on their own. You're inferring -- twice now -- they have to turn to crime to do it. Crime? WTF? Why and how does that even enter your thought process? You -- not me, you -- have twice now made the connection between blacks and crime in a thread that has NOTHING to do with crime.


You prove my point, I have much more faith in blacks than you.


Part of the problem is that you really don't realize or know what institutional racism is..

It means that the major institutions in a society completely shut you out.

You have no access to the means that make you successful in society.

Which is why, so many ethnic groups turned to crime in this country. They were shut out, and they did an end run around the institutions that shut them out, until they were the ones controlling them.

That's not quite as easy for people who are black.

Which is why programs like Affirmative Action were put into place.

It's not desirable to have institutional racism nor is it desirable to have crime.

There's nothing "diversionary" about what I am posting, Mac.
Shallow.., why are you an idiot ? when are you going to stop kicking little helpless puppies, when are you going to stop sucking up to that mulatto muslime ?

have you requested a brain implant yet ? when are you going to stop putting worthless nonproductive blacks ahead of working industrious WHITES ???????????

HUH ??????

Maybe if you folks would stop looking at people as "black" and "white" and start thinking of them as "American", you can get a little traction here and there..

Just sayin.. :cool:
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Again, I've pointed out that many ethic groups raised themselves out of the ghettos by creating crime organizations and using other short cuts.

It isn't quite as easy to do that now..but it's possible.

Is that what you are advocating for?


Here we go again. With all the specific points I've made, I didn't come close to saying that, anywhere, yet as a diversionary tactic you toss crime (?) out there. That's okay, I'm used to it. I expect it.

I think blacks are as capable as anyone, and can be perfectly successful on their own. You're inferring -- twice now -- they have to turn to crime to do it. Crime? WTF? Why and how does that even enter your thought process? You -- not me, you -- have twice now made the connection between blacks and crime in a thread that has NOTHING to do with crime.


You prove my point, I have much more faith in blacks than you.


Part of the problem is that you really don't realize or know what institutional racism is..

It means that the major institutions in a society completely shut you out.

You have no access to the means that make you successful in society.

Which is why, so many ethnic groups turned to crime in this country. They were shut out, and they did an end run around the institutions that shut them out, until they were the ones controlling them.

That's not quite as easy for people who are black.

Which is why programs like Affirmative Action were put into place.

It's not desirable to have institutional racism nor is it desirable to have crime.

There's nothing "diversionary" about what I am posting, Mac.
Quit your whining. Asians come to this country with nothing, and a few years later they're driving a Mercedes. Why, because the government feels sorry for them and gives them welfare? No, because instead of looking for somebody to blame for their failures, they get busy and take advantage of the opportunities this country has for anyone willing to work hard to succeed. All you can do is whine about how Whitey doesn't like you. :eusa_boohoo:
where would the early train companies have been without 181 million acres of land grants given to them by the govt?
How many white settlers would own land had it not been for the free land given to homesteaders?
We certainly have a number of bedwetting far right reactionaries here on the Board who think they are owed something because they are white: Lonestar, Pete, JimBowie, Jtpr312, Uncensored, Vox, bigrebnc, marty began, Ernie S., and others.

Like anyone will believe a dishonest liberal fuck like you.
Government dependency hurts everyone. We should all be seeking self sufficiency and self government.
Here we go again. With all the specific points I've made, I didn't come close to saying that, anywhere, yet as a diversionary tactic you toss crime (?) out there. That's okay, I'm used to it. I expect it.

I think blacks are as capable as anyone, and can be perfectly successful on their own. You're inferring -- twice now -- they have to turn to crime to do it. Crime? WTF? Why and how does that even enter your thought process? You -- not me, you -- have twice now made the connection between blacks and crime in a thread that has NOTHING to do with crime.


You prove my point, I have much more faith in blacks than you.


Part of the problem is that you really don't realize or know what institutional racism is..

It means that the major institutions in a society completely shut you out.

You have no access to the means that make you successful in society.

Which is why, so many ethnic groups turned to crime in this country. They were shut out, and they did an end run around the institutions that shut them out, until they were the ones controlling them.

That's not quite as easy for people who are black.

Which is why programs like Affirmative Action were put into place.

It's not desirable to have institutional racism nor is it desirable to have crime.

There's nothing "diversionary" about what I am posting, Mac.
Quit your whining. Asians come to this country with nothing, and a few years later they're driving a Mercedes. Why, because the government feels sorry for them and gives them welfare? No, because instead of looking for somebody to blame for their failures, they get busy and take advantage of the opportunities this country has for anyone willing to work hard to succeed. All you can do is whine about how Whitey doesn't like you. :eusa_boohoo:

My whining?

And you have no idea what you are talking about.

where would the early train companies have been without 181 million acres of land grants given to them by the govt?
How many white settlers would own land had it not been for the free land given to homesteaders?

Or the army to clear it and protect it.
Again, I've pointed out that many ethic groups raised themselves out of the ghettos by creating crime organizations and using other short cuts.

You did? Wow, that was stupid even for you, Swallow.
Part of the problem is that you really don't realize or know what institutional racism is..

It means that the major institutions in a society completely shut you out.

And what examples apply right now, today?
And thus far the answer seems to be White folks like government dependency for themselves, not so much for others..

Part of the problem is that you really don't realize or know what institutional racism is..

It means that the major institutions in a society completely shut you out.

And what examples apply right now, today?

I've been asking all kinds of clear, direct questions on this topic and I can't get any of these people to give me a clear and direct answer on any of them. I finally gave up.


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