237 years later - Has government dependency hurt Whites in America?

Whatever Mac.

You are the one trying to point out in a country where for 3/4 of it's existence, black folks where considered property, then second class citizens but now? They have nothing to worry about. Whites are all good losing their once superior status. It's fine.


You gotta love this place.

I just have far more faith in blacks than you do.

Leave them alone, get the fuck out of their way, stop trying to "help" them, and you'll find they'll do just as well as whites or Asians or purples.

I realize you don't agree that they can do it. But I'm just trying to tell you, they don't need your "help".

And I'll let you worry about who is "superior".


Alrighty then..

Let's pull up the stakes, get the Fed out, the State out and the city out.

Let's start from scratch.

Everyone gets nothing.

Lets see how it works on then.

Pretty sure that's NOT what you are looking for..but seriously? That would be the only "fair" thing to do.

Because Whites have been "dependent" on government for 237 years. Blacks? Maybe 50.

So when you talk about "not helping"? How about we all start from zero.

Dependent on govt? That form comes from all colors and parties. If the founders saw our sorry dependence on govt, they'd keep sailing.
Wait...you don't cede control to the government?

Since when?

Much of your life is controlled by the government.

Way to avoid the point.

That tells me I'm pretty much on target.


What point is that?

That many White people detest Black people?

It's basically the truth.

Look at the reaction to the first black President.

It's fucking embarrassing.

And I thought the problem was his agenda and incompetence. Who knew?

I'm good with Bill Cosby or Morgan Freeman as President, how about you? I'd take Denzel over Obama. :):):) You need to get past the Race baiting.
We certainly have a number of bedwetting far right reactionaries here on the Board who think they are owed something because they are white: Lonestar, Pete, JimBowie, Jtpr312, Uncensored, Vox, bigrebnc, marty began, Ernie S., and others.

Hmm, a very predictable bedwetting reactionary far left answer there from Jake, no surprise... seriously, is anyone surprised jake is far left on another issue? Any far reactionary lefties wana claim jake is not one of them even?

Yep, didn't think so.

About the OP, wtf is this racist thread for other than to show off your bigotry? Maybe you should flame out on some people with some homo hating insualts. Maybe you and your hard core far lefties hypocritical bedwetting friends like Jake and RW/rtard and so on can toss you "thanks" and rep after you start down one of your gay hating rants.
Take up the Pepsi challenge than.

Go into some wild place..and start living on your own.

Let's see how your individualism works out.
Swallow's right, you wouldn't last long in East St. Louis for example.

Why is it you introduce you gay shit in every single thread.

Each and every one.

If you wanna suck dick so bad...ManMeatSucker...troll the GOP conventions.

They would easily jiz down your throat, faggot.

Just some helpful advice.

So you should stick to the threads you know about..

Sucking dick..and taking it up the ass.

Come on lefties, give one of your favorite posters here on these boards some reps and thanks for being a gay hating bigot, come on guys!!!
Whatever Mac.

You are the one trying to point out in a country where for 3/4 of it's existence, black folks where considered property, then second class citizens but now? They have nothing to worry about. Whites are all good losing their once superior status. It's fine.


You gotta love this place.

I just have far more faith in blacks than you do.

Leave them alone, get the fuck out of their way, stop trying to "help" them, and you'll find they'll do just as well as whites or Asians or purples.

I realize you don't agree that they can do it. But I'm just trying to tell you, they don't need your "help".

And I'll let you worry about who is "superior".


Alrighty then..

Let's pull up the stakes, get the Fed out, the State out and the city out.

Let's start from scratch.

Everyone gets nothing.

Lets see how it works on then.

Pretty sure that's NOT what you are looking for..but seriously? That would be the only "fair" thing to do.

Because Whites have been "dependent" on government for 237 years. Blacks? Maybe 50.

So when you talk about "not helping"? How about we all start from zero.

You have a point Shallow. I am talking about a government that does its part and allows for a semi free market. ;) Centralized control like North Korea, Cuba or a ton of other fully socialist nation isn't the way to go.

The governments has a roll in society.
-Paving the roads
-Making sure we can fight the wild fire
-Rewarding grants to science and education ;)


It's all a balance. I find it insane how there's extremes.:eek:
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Seems that 237 years ago European Whites set up a government in North America and have been completely dependent on it ever since. How have they fared?


Been watching this post and I'm pretty much convinced you have no f*cking idea what has happened over the last 237 years.
One hell of a lot better then 99% of the rest of the world. Why? We plan, think and move forward towards better.

The extremes on both side want to make a stupid move.
Seems that 237 years ago European Whites set up a government in North America and have been completely dependent on it ever since. How have they fared?



the folks back then took it upon themselves to break away from from the mother country...

with no guarantee that they would succeed...

and with a hangman's noose waiting for them if they didn't...
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I just have far more faith in blacks than you do.

Leave them alone, get the fuck out of their way, stop trying to "help" them, and you'll find they'll do just as well as whites or Asians or purples.

I realize you don't agree that they can do it. But I'm just trying to tell you, they don't need your "help".

And I'll let you worry about who is "superior".


Alrighty then..

Let's pull up the stakes, get the Fed out, the State out and the city out.

Let's start from scratch.

Everyone gets nothing.

Lets see how it works on then.

Pretty sure that's NOT what you are looking for..but seriously? That would be the only "fair" thing to do.

Because Whites have been "dependent" on government for 237 years. Blacks? Maybe 50.

So when you talk about "not helping"? How about we all start from zero.

Dependent on govt? That form comes from all colors and parties. If the founders saw our sorry dependence on govt, they'd keep sailing.

Really now?

Jefferson and Hamilton weren't founding fathers?
Seems that 237 years ago European Whites set up a government in North America and have been completely dependent on it ever since. How have they fared?


Been watching this post and I'm pretty much convinced you have no f*cking idea what has happened over the last 237 years.

I've had experience with the last 52.

I just have far more faith in blacks than you do.

Leave them alone, get the fuck out of their way, stop trying to "help" them, and you'll find they'll do just as well as whites or Asians or purples.

I realize you don't agree that they can do it. But I'm just trying to tell you, they don't need your "help".

And I'll let you worry about who is "superior".


Alrighty then..

Let's pull up the stakes, get the Fed out, the State out and the city out.

Let's start from scratch.

Everyone gets nothing.

Lets see how it works on then.

Pretty sure that's NOT what you are looking for..but seriously? That would be the only "fair" thing to do.

Because Whites have been "dependent" on government for 237 years. Blacks? Maybe 50.

So when you talk about "not helping"? How about we all start from zero.

You have a point Shallow. I am talking about a government that does its part and allows for a semi free market. ;) Centralized control like North Korea, Cuba or a ton of other fully socialist nation isn't the way to go.

The governments has a roll in society.
-Paving the roads
-Making sure we can fight the wild fire
-Rewarding grants to science and education ;)


It's all a balance. I find it insane how there's extremes.:eek:

You're talking about "dependence". And you're talking about a race that had full buy in to that dependence to 237 years.

When for most of this country's history one race was dragged in chains from the homeland and forced into generational slavery...and has only had "buy in" to this dependence for the last 50 years..

I'm not really sure what you are talking about when you talk about extremes.

And lets not get into the American Indians, who suffered Genocide at the hands of Whites.
Alrighty then..

Let's pull up the stakes, get the Fed out, the State out and the city out.

Let's start from scratch.

Everyone gets nothing.

Lets see how it works on then.

Pretty sure that's NOT what you are looking for..but seriously? That would be the only "fair" thing to do.

Because Whites have been "dependent" on government for 237 years. Blacks? Maybe 50.

So when you talk about "not helping"? How about we all start from zero.

You have a point Shallow. I am talking about a government that does its part and allows for a semi free market. ;) Centralized control like North Korea, Cuba or a ton of other fully socialist nation isn't the way to go.

The governments has a roll in society.
-Paving the roads
-Making sure we can fight the wild fire
-Rewarding grants to science and education ;)


It's all a balance. I find it insane how there's extremes.:eek:

You're talking about "dependence". And you're talking about a race that had full buy in to that dependence to 237 years.

When for most of this country's history one race was dragged in chains from the homeland and forced into generational slavery...and has only had "buy in" to this dependence for the last 50 years..

I'm not really sure what you are talking about when you talk about extremes.

And lets not get into the American Indians, who suffered Genocide at the hands of Whites.

If you're so heavily laden with the white-guilt thing, S, I suggest you seek professional counseling...

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Seems that 237 years ago European Whites set up a government in North America and have been completely dependent on it ever since. How have they fared?


Been watching this post and I'm pretty much convinced you have no f*cking idea what has happened over the last 237 years.

I've had experience with the last 52.

47 and it keeps getting further and further from what the founding fathers intended. Unlike you though I educated myself about the history of this country and know exactly where it went wrong.
Been watching this post and I'm pretty much convinced you have no f*cking idea what has happened over the last 237 years.

I've had experience with the last 52.

47 and it keeps getting further and further from what the founding fathers intended. Unlike you though I educated myself about the history of this country and know exactly where it went wrong.

So you want to jettison 37 states?

A bit radical..but what the heck.

I've had experience with the last 52.

47 and it keeps getting further and further from what the founding fathers intended. Unlike you though I educated myself about the history of this country and know exactly where it went wrong.

So you want to jettison 37 states?

A bit radical..but what the heck.


Thinking we could get rid of 5 or 6 unless they decide to straighten up.
47 and it keeps getting further and further from what the founding fathers intended. Unlike you though I educated myself about the history of this country and know exactly where it went wrong.

So you want to jettison 37 states?

A bit radical..but what the heck.


Thinking we could get rid of 5 or 6 unless they decide to straighten up.

5 or 6?

What happened to original intent?

And I am sure you are all for disbanding the army and air force..right?

Going back to Muskets..and cannons..

Funded entirely of course by the militia, as set up in the 2nd Amendment.
So you want to jettison 37 states?

A bit radical..but what the heck.


Thinking we could get rid of 5 or 6 unless they decide to straighten up.

5 or 6?

What happened to original intent?

And I am sure you are all for disbanding the army and air force..right?

Going back to Muskets..and cannons..

Funded entirely of course by the militia, as set up in the 2nd Amendment.

The original intent was for the citizens to be armed in case foreign interests with bad intent came ashore...

and also in case the Federal government became oppressive...

and it also intended that citizens have state-of-the-art weaponry in order to meet either of those challenges...

and if you don't believe that, then you're a clueless motherfucker who hasn't bothered to read and absorb the writings of the folks who founded this nation...
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Thinking we could get rid of 5 or 6 unless they decide to straighten up.

5 or 6?

What happened to original intent?

And I am sure you are all for disbanding the army and air force..right?

Going back to Muskets..and cannons..

Funded entirely of course by the militia, as set up in the 2nd Amendment.

The original intent was for the citizens to be armed in case foreign interests with bad intent came ashore...

and also in case the Federal government became oppressive...

and it also intended that citizens have state-of-the-art weaponry in order to meet either of those challenges...

and if you don't believe that, then you're a clueless motherfucker who hasn't bothered to read and absorb the writings of the folks who founded this nation...

Oh shut your piehole.

Do what you do best.

Find a bottle and sing for your next one..rummy.

Whatever Mac.

You are the one trying to point out in a country where for 3/4 of it's existence, black folks where considered property, then second class citizens but now? They have nothing to worry about. Whites are all good losing their once superior status. It's fine.


You gotta love this place.

I just have far more faith in blacks than you do.

Leave them alone, get the fuck out of their way, stop trying to "help" them, and you'll find they'll do just as well as whites or Asians or purples.

I realize you don't agree that they can do it. But I'm just trying to tell you, they don't need your "help".

And I'll let you worry about who is "superior".


Alrighty then..

Let's pull up the stakes, get the Fed out, the State out and the city out.

Let's start from scratch.

Everyone gets nothing.

Lets see how it works on then.

Pretty sure that's NOT what you are looking for..but seriously? That would be the only "fair" thing to do.

Because Whites have been "dependent" on government for 237 years. Blacks? Maybe 50.

So when you talk about "not helping"? How about we all start from zero.

You know that's not going to happen.

Why don't you just get out of their way?

That could happen today, if you wanted it to.

I just have far more faith in blacks than you do.

Leave them alone, get the fuck out of their way, stop trying to "help" them, and you'll find they'll do just as well as whites or Asians or purples.

I realize you don't agree that they can do it. But I'm just trying to tell you, they don't need your "help".

And I'll let you worry about who is "superior".


Alrighty then..

Let's pull up the stakes, get the Fed out, the State out and the city out.

Let's start from scratch.

Everyone gets nothing.

Lets see how it works on then.

Pretty sure that's NOT what you are looking for..but seriously? That would be the only "fair" thing to do.

Because Whites have been "dependent" on government for 237 years. Blacks? Maybe 50.

So when you talk about "not helping"? How about we all start from zero.

You know that's not going to happen.

Why don't you just get out of their way?

That could happen today, if you wanted it to.


Get out of what way?

Since that's not going to happen, something has to happen to create some measure of parity. The civil rights act was a good first step.

So was Affirmative Action. So were so many other initiatives meant to get black folks up to speed economically and socially.

The big mistake after the Civil War was reconstruction. White institutions were allowed to remain in place and it gave rise to institutional racism that is still prevalent in that region, and even in most Northern States.

The solution to economic and social disparity is really not pretending it doesn't exist.

Unless of course you think it's a good idea to wait centuries for a repressed people to recover.

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