237 years later - Has government dependency hurt Whites in America?

Whites are still enjoying their unearned privileges, and their living standards are made possible by the stolen labor of blacks. Yes, even this long after slavery was ended.

Bull shit. Whites built this land by our thinking and advancement of idea's....WTF are blacks doing to improve their communities??? NOTHING!

Blacks would still be in Africa otherwise. fact.

Blacks weren't allowed to improve their communities. Slavery, Jim Crow, KKK violence, voter suppresion, Segregation, "War on Drugs" etc.....

I always roll my eyes when I read about George Washington growing this or that, or making this or that, or building this or that, or brewing this or that...he didn't. He forced blacks to do it for him.
Whites ruled the world because we chose to lead and think. The industrial revolution is one of the greatest advancements in the history of man kind....Not only did it give us far better living standards but it ended slavery.

The ideas of thinking, thought and leadership is something blacks lacked.
Seems that 237 years ago European Whites set up a government in North America and have been completely dependent on it ever since. How have they fared?


We have 5th generation welfare recipients. Color isn't the issue, rather the mindset of those who would rather be taken care of instead of building their own lives.

Only difference with blacks is that the left has taken every opportunity to remind them that they are all victims and entitled to retribution. It's one thing when people so easily throw in the towel and quit trying. It's another thing when people are told they shouldn't try because the whites won't let them succeed. Meanwhile, millions of minorities have succeeded despite the warnings from the left that they are being held back.

Moral of the story:

Don't listen to the shit that liberals are spouting or you will not improve your lot in life. Too many wait for government to do things for them and the left would rather that their dependents didn't learn what many already know. People can do way more for themselves than government can. I pity those who have yet to learn that lesson.
According to government social workers the major impediment to white dependency is pride. Pride in being self reliant. Whites have it. Blacks do not. It might be a legacy of slavery when slaves did not take care of themselves and were wholly dependent on the slave owner. Dependency was never bred out. Even in Africa where natives absolutely hunted and gathered for themselvs it's been abandned in favor of dependency on whites. This happened in just a few generations.

If the government can make whites that dependent, not just a few but near the numbers of black people, the dictatorship is on the plate ready to eat.
According to government social workers the major impediment to white dependency is pride. Pride in being self reliant. Whites have it. Blacks do not. It might be a legacy of slavery when slaves did not take care of themselves and were wholly dependent on the slave owner. Dependency was never bred out. Even in Africa where natives absolutely hunted and gathered for themselvs it's been abandned in favor of dependency on whites. This happened in just a few generations.

If the government can make whites that dependent, not just a few but near the numbers of black people, the dictatorship is on the plate ready to eat.

Blacks are told from the day they're born that whites hate them, whites are out to get them, and that the only way they can have even a decent life is if they cede control of their lives to the government.

Look at the exceptions - the blacks who have two parents who keep standards and expectations up, work hard, stay disciplined and sacrifice end up doing fine, just as any other person of any other race would.

Then, of course, they're branded "Toms" and "sellouts". These people are STILL being fucked over, by those who claim to "care".

Whites are still enjoying their unearned privileges, and their living standards are made possible by the stolen labor of blacks. Yes, even this long after slavery was ended.

Bull shit. Whites built this land by our thinking and advancement of idea's....WTF are blacks doing to improve their communities??? NOTHING!

Blacks would still be in Africa otherwise. fact.
Thinking and ideas builds nothing. This country was build by people who worked.
According to government social workers the major impediment to white dependency is pride. Pride in being self reliant. Whites have it. Blacks do not. It might be a legacy of slavery when slaves did not take care of themselves and were wholly dependent on the slave owner. Dependency was never bred out. Even in Africa where natives absolutely hunted and gathered for themselvs it's been abandned in favor of dependency on whites. This happened in just a few generations.

If the government can make whites that dependent, not just a few but near the numbers of black people, the dictatorship is on the plate readgy to eat.

Blacks are told from the day they're born that whites hate them, whites are out to get them, and that the only way they can have even a decent life is if they cede control of their lives to the government.

Look at the exceptions - the blacks who have two parents who keep standards and expectations up, work hard, stay disciplined and sacrifice end up doing fine, just as any other person of any other race would.

Then, of course, they're branded "Toms" and "sellouts". These people are STILL being fucked over, by those who claim to "care".


What did you think happened to runaway slaves? The plantation slaves despised them. When a slave owner threatened a slave it wasn't with being whipped. That was a punishment for an act of wrongdoing. Real punishment was being freed. Turned out with no home, no food, nothing. When some enterprising soul had enough bravery to run off it was insulting to all the slaves who didn't want their security taken away. Nothing has changed. In Africa there are generations of human beings who have no idea how to feed themselves other than standing in line at a UN feeding station. In the US it's a welfare line.

In Africa the natives pass the time by raping, killing and drugs. They do the same thing here.
According to government social workers the major impediment to white dependency is pride. Pride in being self reliant. Whites have it. Blacks do not. It might be a legacy of slavery when slaves did not take care of themselves and were wholly dependent on the slave owner. Dependency was never bred out. Even in Africa where natives absolutely hunted and gathered for themselvs it's been abandned in favor of dependency on whites. This happened in just a few generations.

If the government can make whites that dependent, not just a few but near the numbers of black people, the dictatorship is on the plate ready to eat.
I think you confuse pride with self-esteem. Pride is one’s feelings of excessive self worth or self-esteem, not necessarily a good thing. Those at the bottom of the social scale be them blacks or whoever lack self-esteem. Building of self-esteem is critical to success. Without self-esteem little can be accomplished in life.

Blacks have been taught through word and deed by their masters, their parents, their schools, and their peers that they are inferior and incapable of achieving any great success. This is pretty much the way black children were raised for centuries. It wasn't till the mid 20th century that we began working to build self-esteem in black children, teaching them they not only could succeed in life but rise to great heights and who knows, someday even become become president of the United States.
Seems that 237 years ago European Whites set up a government in North America and have been completely dependent on it ever since. How have they fared?


Well they are soon going to be in the minority. Starting over guess they'll have to have another tea-party revolution.

And soon after that the United States will be like Mexico, Zimbabwe, Burkina Faso, Oman, North Korea, Nigeria, Colombia or any of those lovely and rich and free and Democratic countries whose population is like the soon-to-be new majority in America.

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Whites are still enjoying their unearned privileges, and their living standards are made possible by the stolen labor of blacks. Yes, even this long after slavery was ended.

The standard of living in countries like Sweden, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, etc. which are predominantly white, and where there were never any slaves, black or purple is very similar to the standard of living in the United States.

Are their "privileges" also unearned? If so, who earned them?
Whites are still enjoying their unearned privileges, and their living standards are made possible by the stolen labor of blacks. Yes, even this long after slavery was ended.

Bull shit. Whites built this land by our thinking and advancement of idea's....WTF are blacks doing to improve their communities??? NOTHING!

Blacks would still be in Africa otherwise. fact.
Thinking and ideas builds nothing. This country was build by people who worked.

That is like saying that the only people who deserve credit for an excellent car are the assembly line workers who " worked" and no credit should be given to those who thought, had ideas and designed that car.
whites are not dependent on the Government to the extent blacks are.

so no, it did not.

Sure you are. Even more so than blacks.

See all those black and Hispanic gang bangers and thugs? You know. The types in Chicago that you RW'ers love to point out every week?

Well, just exactly what do you think keeps those hardened thugs from storming your gated communities and robbing you, your business, your family and doing with most of you what they please? That's right. A government that stops it.


Sure you don't, buddy.
According to government social workers the major impediment to white dependency is pride. Pride in being self reliant. Whites have it. Blacks do not. It might be a legacy of slavery when slaves did not take care of themselves and were wholly dependent on the slave owner. Dependency was never bred out. Even in Africa where natives absolutely hunted and gathered for themselvs it's been abandned in favor of dependency on whites. This happened in just a few generations.

If the government can make whites that dependent, not just a few but near the numbers of black people, the dictatorship is on the plate ready to eat.

Blacks are told from the day they're born that whites hate them, whites are out to get them, and that the only way they can have even a decent life is if they cede control of their lives to the government.

Look at the exceptions - the blacks who have two parents who keep standards and expectations up, work hard, stay disciplined and sacrifice end up doing fine, just as any other person of any other race would.

Then, of course, they're branded "Toms" and "sellouts". These people are STILL being fucked over, by those who claim to "care".


Bullshit on number one, I would say that their experiences with some white people help shape their opinions (rightly or wrongly) about some white people.

Just because a person may be born out of wedlock, doesn't mean that they don't have two parents, it also doesn't mean that those two parents are not together but choose not to get married officially. There's a lot of variables with that "out of wedlock" statistic.

I'm pretty successful and my black relatives are pretty successful and we are not branded as "Toms" and "sellouts", I think people like you tend to focus on an ignorant minority of "the Blacks", and for only reasons that you know, try to make that minority look like it's "the Blacks". That's a pretty shitty way to go about insulting a group of people you may have a bias against.
Seems that 237 years ago European Whites set up a government in North America and have been completely dependent on it ever since. How have they fared?


You have a very creative definition of "dependent on government."
Seems that 237 years ago European Whites set up a government in North America and have been completely dependent on it ever since. How have they fared?


The modern welfare state can only be tracked back to the FDR administration, and LBJ's Great Society in the 60's, so your trolling fails on its most basic merits.

Try harder next time.

What trolling?

And Welfare goes further back than that.

One example are the mormons, when they decided that Mexico really sucked and came back in 1912.

Hat in hand.

How does the fact that Mexico sucked prove that whites are dependent on government?
whites are not dependent on the Government to the extent blacks are.

so no, it did not.

Sure you are. Even more so than blacks.

See all those black and Hispanic gang bangers and thugs? You know. The types in Chicago that you RW'ers love to point out every week?

Well, just exactly what do you think keeps those hardened thugs from storming your gated communities and robbing you, your business, your family and doing with most of you what they please? That's right. A government that stops it.

Private security is what keeps them out. It sure as hell ain't the cops. Mostly people just relocate to places where the gang bangers aren't.


Sure you don't, buddy.

The government doesn't protect me. Cops are almost useless for personal protection.
Seems that 237 years ago European Whites set up a government in North America and have been completely dependent on it ever since. How have they fared?



Nice counter op

but welfare started full bore under fdr

as you know, the Irish pulled themselves up. And since you're Irish, hold your head in shame for not thinking this through.
Whites are still enjoying their unearned privileges, and their living standards are made possible by the stolen labor of blacks. Yes, even this long after slavery was ended.

Bull shit. Whites built this land by our thinking and advancement of idea's....WTF are blacks doing to improve their communities??? NOTHING!

Blacks would still be in Africa otherwise. fact.
Thinking and ideas builds nothing. This country was build by people who worked.

Horseshit. There was no Model-T or assembly line until Henry Ford invented it. Without Henry Ford, the workers would have nothing.

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