237 years later - Has government dependency hurt Whites in America?

whites are not dependent on the Government to the extent blacks are.

so no, it did not.

Sure you are. Even more so than blacks.

See all those black and Hispanic gang bangers and thugs? You know. The types in Chicago that you RW'ers love to point out every week?

Well, just exactly what do you think keeps those hardened thugs from storming your gated communities and robbing you, your business, your family and doing with most of you what they please? That's right. A government that stops it.


Sure you don't, buddy.

What normally stops the thugs are private armed guards and a knowledge that most people in those gated communities are armed. Gated communites have strong neighborhood watch programs and some of that watch are armed themselves. You've heard of that crime WWBWIGC? Walking while black in a gated communnity? It's real.
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Whites are still enjoying their unearned privileges, and their living standards are made possible by the stolen labor of blacks. Yes, even this long after slavery was ended.

The standard of living was better in the Northern States where they didn't have slavery than in the South where they did. Your premise is bullshit.
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Whites are still enjoying their unearned privileges, and their living standards are made possible by the stolen labor of blacks. Yes, even this long after slavery was ended.

The standard of living was better in the Northern States where they didn't have slavery than in the South where they did. Your premise is bullshit.

Wait what?

How do you come to this ridiculous conclusion?
According to government social workers the major impediment to white dependency is pride. Pride in being self reliant. Whites have it. Blacks do not. It might be a legacy of slavery when slaves did not take care of themselves and were wholly dependent on the slave owner. Dependency was never bred out. Even in Africa where natives absolutely hunted and gathered for themselvs it's been abandned in favor of dependency on whites. This happened in just a few generations.

If the government can make whites that dependent, not just a few but near the numbers of black people, the dictatorship is on the plate ready to eat.

Blacks are told from the day they're born that whites hate them, whites are out to get them, and that the only way they can have even a decent life is if they cede control of their lives to the government.

Look at the exceptions - the blacks who have two parents who keep standards and expectations up, work hard, stay disciplined and sacrifice end up doing fine, just as any other person of any other race would.

Then, of course, they're branded "Toms" and "sellouts". These people are STILL being fucked over, by those who claim to "care".


Wait...you don't cede control to the government?

Since when?

Much of your life is controlled by the government.
According to government social workers the major impediment to white dependency is pride. Pride in being self reliant. Whites have it. Blacks do not. It might be a legacy of slavery when slaves did not take care of themselves and were wholly dependent on the slave owner. Dependency was never bred out. Even in Africa where natives absolutely hunted and gathered for themselvs it's been abandned in favor of dependency on whites. This happened in just a few generations.

If the government can make whites that dependent, not just a few but near the numbers of black people, the dictatorship is on the plate ready to eat.

Blacks are told from the day they're born that whites hate them, whites are out to get them, and that the only way they can have even a decent life is if they cede control of their lives to the government.

Look at the exceptions - the blacks who have two parents who keep standards and expectations up, work hard, stay disciplined and sacrifice end up doing fine, just as any other person of any other race would.

Then, of course, they're branded "Toms" and "sellouts". These people are STILL being fucked over, by those who claim to "care".


Wait...you don't cede control to the government?

Since when?

Much of your life is controlled by the government.

Way to avoid the point.

That tells me I'm pretty much on target.

Yes because Anarchy is so much more fun!

It isn't a question of one extreme or the other...Yes, Anarchy is really dumb.
Idiot liberals always like to present anarchy as the only alternative to complete government control. It shows how utterly stupid they are (or how stupid they think everyone else is).

You are quite welcome to put your theories to the test..and actually you often do.

And it winds up costing the United States big time when States cut fire fighters and cops.

Rick Perry had to go to the trough, hat in hand, when wild fires made a mess of Texas after he cut fire fighters.

Good stuff.
Blacks are told from the day they're born that whites hate them, whites are out to get them, and that the only way they can have even a decent life is if they cede control of their lives to the government.

Look at the exceptions - the blacks who have two parents who keep standards and expectations up, work hard, stay disciplined and sacrifice end up doing fine, just as any other person of any other race would.

Then, of course, they're branded "Toms" and "sellouts". These people are STILL being fucked over, by those who claim to "care".


Wait...you don't cede control to the government?

Since when?

Much of your life is controlled by the government.

Way to avoid the point.

That tells me I'm pretty much on target.


What point is that?

That many White people detest Black people?

It's basically the truth.

Look at the reaction to the first black President.

It's fucking embarrassing.
End welfare. End government hand outs. If they didn't pay into the system, they don't get anything out. See who squeals first. Who was in the streets after Katrina?

Not only can black people NOT provide for themselves, they are insulted by the proposition that they do so.
End welfare. End government hand outs. If they didn't pay into the system, they don't get anything out. See who squeals first. Who was in the streets after Katrina?

Not only can black people NOT provide for themselves, they are insulted by the proposition that they do so.

Take up the Pepsi challenge than.

Go into some wild place..and start living on your own.

Let's see how your individualism works out.
Whites are still enjoying their unearned privileges, and their living standards are made possible by the stolen labor of blacks. Yes, even this long after slavery was ended.

Bull shit. Whites built this land by our thinking and advancement of idea's....WTF are blacks doing to improve their communities??? NOTHING!

Blacks would still be in Africa otherwise. fact.
Thinking and ideas builds nothing. This country was build by people who worked.


You can't think a bridge into existence.

You can't idea a crop into harvest.
Wait...you don't cede control to the government?

Since when?

Much of your life is controlled by the government.

Way to avoid the point.

That tells me I'm pretty much on target.


What point is that?

That many White people detest Black people?

It's basically the truth.

Look at the reaction to the first black President.

It's fucking embarrassing.

Yet another vivid example of why it's impossible to have an honest, mature conversation with a partisan ideologue.

I'll hand it to you guys, the way you can so naturally warp what other people say has to take some serious effort.

And the ship continues to sink while the deck hands point the finger at each other.

Way to avoid the point.

That tells me I'm pretty much on target.


What point is that?

That many White people detest Black people?

It's basically the truth.

Look at the reaction to the first black President.

It's fucking embarrassing.

Yet another vivid example of why it's impossible to have an honest, mature conversation with a partisan ideologue.

I'll hand it to you guys, the way you can so naturally warp what other people say has to take some serious effort.

And the ship continues to sink while the deck hands point the finger at each other.


When you come to the table honestly...we can have a conversation.
What point is that?

That many White people detest Black people?

It's basically the truth.

Look at the reaction to the first black President.

It's fucking embarrassing.

Yet another vivid example of why it's impossible to have an honest, mature conversation with a partisan ideologue.

I'll hand it to you guys, the way you can so naturally warp what other people say has to take some serious effort.

And the ship continues to sink while the deck hands point the finger at each other.


When you come to the table honestly...we can have a conversation.

A left wing partisan ideologue as the final arbiter of honesty.

Ya gotta love this place.

Yet another vivid example of why it's impossible to have an honest, mature conversation with a partisan ideologue.

I'll hand it to you guys, the way you can so naturally warp what other people say has to take some serious effort.

And the ship continues to sink while the deck hands point the finger at each other.


When you come to the table honestly...we can have a conversation.

A left wing partisan ideologue as the final arbiter of honesty.

Ya gotta love this place.


Whatever Mac.

You are the one trying to point out in a country where for 3/4 of it's existence, black folks where considered property, then second class citizens but now? They have nothing to worry about. Whites are all good losing their once superior status. It's fine.


You gotta love this place.
When you come to the table honestly...we can have a conversation.

A left wing partisan ideologue as the final arbiter of honesty.

Ya gotta love this place.


Whatever Mac.

You are the one trying to point out in a country where for 3/4 of it's existence, black folks where considered property, then second class citizens but now? They have nothing to worry about. Whites are all good losing their once superior status. It's fine.


You gotta love this place.

I just have far more faith in blacks than you do.

Leave them alone, get the fuck out of their way, stop trying to "help" them, and you'll find they'll do just as well as whites or Asians or purples.

I realize you don't agree that they can do it. But I'm just trying to tell you, they don't need your "help".

And I'll let you worry about who is "superior".

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A left wing partisan ideologue as the final arbiter of honesty.

Ya gotta love this place.


Whatever Mac.

You are the one trying to point out in a country where for 3/4 of it's existence, black folks where considered property, then second class citizens but now? They have nothing to worry about. Whites are all good losing their once superior status. It's fine.


You gotta love this place.

I just have far more faith in blacks than you do.

Leave them alone, get the fuck out of their way, stop trying to "help" them, and you'll find they'll do just as well as whites or Asians or purples.

I realize you don't agree that they can do it. But I'm just trying to tell you, they don't need your "help".

And I'll let you worry about who is "superior".


Alrighty then..

Let's pull up the stakes, get the Fed out, the State out and the city out.

Let's start from scratch.

Everyone gets nothing.

Lets see how it works on then.

Pretty sure that's NOT what you are looking for..but seriously? That would be the only "fair" thing to do.

Because Whites have been "dependent" on government for 237 years. Blacks? Maybe 50.

So when you talk about "not helping"? How about we all start from zero.
I really, really, really doubt that Americans showed much dependency on the federal government until FDR was elected. After the 60's, segregationist democrats learned to channel federal dollars to keep upity Black people on the government plantation. LBJ's ironically named "great society" did nothing to improve the lot of minorities but instead tore Black families apart by substituting poverty pimps for the father figure and everybody knows it. Today about 70% of Black men who father children abandon them to be raised by the government.
I really, really, really doubt that Americans showed much dependency on the federal government until FDR was elected. After the 60's, segregationist democrats learned to channel federal dollars to keep upity Black people on the government plantation. LBJ's ironically named "great society" did nothing to improve the lot of minorities but instead tore Black families apart by substituting poverty pimps for the father figure and everybody knows it. Today about 70% of Black men who father children abandon them to be raised by the government.

So when the Federal government decided to reconstitute a standing army and send them out to protect homesteaders, clear cut forests, build outposts to protect the town folk from Indian attacks, that wasn't government dependency?

When Jefferson commissioned war ships to protect trade routes for American Merchant ships, that wasn't government dependency?

When various President sent out troops to quell strikes at coal mines and various factories, that wasn't government dependency?

You folks are really something else..

End welfare. End government hand outs. If they didn't pay into the system, they don't get anything out. See who squeals first. Who was in the streets after Katrina?

Not only can black people NOT provide for themselves, they are insulted by the proposition that they do so.

Take up the Pepsi challenge than.

Go into some wild place..and start living on your own.

Let's see how your individualism works out.
Swallow's right, you wouldn't last long in East St. Louis for example.

Why is it you introduce you gay shit in every single thread.

Each and every one.

If you wanna suck dick so bad...ManMeatSucker...troll the GOP conventions.

They would easily jiz down your throat, faggot.

Just some helpful advice.

So you should stick to the threads you know about..

Sucking dick..and taking it up the ass.
Whites will be able to be enjoy the full privileges of affirmative action in the not too distant future.

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