237 years later - Has government dependency hurt Whites in America?

How do the liberals explain the institutional racism in the North, which is even worse than it is in the South. The major failures of black cities are all in the north.
How do the liberals explain the institutional racism in the North, which is even worse than it is in the South. The major failures of black cities are all in the north.

It's not more prevalent in the North, but it does exist.

And cities "failing" are generally the fault of the institutions at large.
The cities that are failing are failing for a major reason. Institutional BLACKISM has given these people the idea that they are OWED. Therefore they need do nothing for themselves. It will be provided because they are owed. It is destroying these cities and these people. The end of the 1992 Los Angeles riots were lines of black people waiting for welfare checks because the post office refused delivery. The major sight that came out of Katrina was thousands of black people waiting for someone to show up and take care of them. Even the black mayor couldn't figure it out and left a fleet of buses to drown when they could have been used.

Black people have been infantilized since the 60s. It is now reaching critical mass.
Alrighty then..

Let's pull up the stakes, get the Fed out, the State out and the city out.

Let's start from scratch.

Everyone gets nothing.

Lets see how it works on then.

Pretty sure that's NOT what you are looking for..but seriously? That would be the only "fair" thing to do.

Because Whites have been "dependent" on government for 237 years. Blacks? Maybe 50.

So when you talk about "not helping"? How about we all start from zero.

You know that's not going to happen.

Why don't you just get out of their way?

That could happen today, if you wanted it to.


Get out of what way?

Since that's not going to happen, something has to happen to create some measure of parity. The civil rights act was a good first step.

So was Affirmative Action. So were so many other initiatives meant to get black folks up to speed economically and socially.

The big mistake after the Civil War was reconstruction. White institutions were allowed to remain in place and it gave rise to institutional racism that is still prevalent in that region, and even in most Northern States.

The solution to economic and social disparity is really not pretending it doesn't exist.

Unless of course you think it's a good idea to wait centuries for a repressed people to recover.

You keep talking about the past and throwing out straw men arguments.

If you don't think that blacks can take care of themselves, that they can get beyond the past and improve their own lives with their own effort and ability -- and that is clearly what you appear to think -- there's not much I can do about it. And, sadly, you're probably right, I have to admit I know you're not going to let it happen.

You could stop treating them differently because of their skin color, but you won't.

You could stop isolating them from the rest of society, but you won't.

It just ain't gonna happen.

I guess we've reached a point of agreement, huh?

Alrighty then..

Let's pull up the stakes, get the Fed out, the State out and the city out.

Let's start from scratch.

Everyone gets nothing.

Lets see how it works on then.

Pretty sure that's NOT what you are looking for..but seriously? That would be the only "fair" thing to do.

Because Whites have been "dependent" on government for 237 years. Blacks? Maybe 50.

So when you talk about "not helping"? How about we all start from zero.

Sounds perfectly good for me.

LET'S DO IT :cool:
You know that's not going to happen.

Why don't you just get out of their way?

That could happen today, if you wanted it to.


Get out of what way?

Since that's not going to happen, something has to happen to create some measure of parity. The civil rights act was a good first step.

So was Affirmative Action. So were so many other initiatives meant to get black folks up to speed economically and socially.

The big mistake after the Civil War was reconstruction. White institutions were allowed to remain in place and it gave rise to institutional racism that is still prevalent in that region, and even in most Northern States.

The solution to economic and social disparity is really not pretending it doesn't exist.

Unless of course you think it's a good idea to wait centuries for a repressed people to recover.

You keep talking about the past and throwing out straw men arguments.

If you don't think that blacks can take care of themselves, that they can get beyond the past and improve their own lives with their own effort and ability -- and that is clearly what you appear to think -- there's not much I can do about it. And, sadly, you're probably right, I have to admit I know you're not going to let it happen.

You could stop treating them differently because of their skin color, but you won't.

You could stop isolating them from the rest of society, but you won't.

It just ain't gonna happen.

I guess we've reached a point of agreement, huh?


They are not "strawman" arguments in the slightest. And it's not a matter of ability or taking care of one self. It's a matter of economic parity. You seem to think that a people with no involvement with this government in terms of any real power for close to 200 years can somehow catch up in several decades.

Waves of immigrants were able to do that by forming crime organizations and gaming the system. And they had a lot less to contend with, because Germans, Italians, Irish and other Europeans, don't have a skin color issue in this country.

Personally? I'd rather see a legal and socially acceptable solution to the disparity.
Alrighty then..

Let's pull up the stakes, get the Fed out, the State out and the city out.

Let's start from scratch.

Everyone gets nothing.

Lets see how it works on then.

Pretty sure that's NOT what you are looking for..but seriously? That would be the only "fair" thing to do.

Because Whites have been "dependent" on government for 237 years. Blacks? Maybe 50.

So when you talk about "not helping"? How about we all start from zero.

Sounds perfectly good for me.

LET'S DO IT :cool:

Take the pespi challenge ace.

Nothing stopping ya.

Live the dream.

The cities that are failing are failing for a major reason. Institutional BLACKISM has given these people the idea that they are OWED. Therefore they need do nothing for themselves. It will be provided because they are owed. It is destroying these cities and these people. The end of the 1992 Los Angeles riots were lines of black people waiting for welfare checks because the post office refused delivery. The major sight that came out of Katrina was thousands of black people waiting for someone to show up and take care of them. Even the black mayor couldn't figure it out and left a fleet of buses to drown when they could have been used.

Black people have been infantilized since the 60s. It is now reaching critical mass.

What rubbish.

The "Entitlement" set comes basically from the White part of the spectrum.

That came from reconstruction.

There was no real price (save the civil war) that this country paid for slavery.

Thus White institutions were still in place and that gave rise to the institutional racism that still exists today.

Even laws meant to combat it, haven't worked completely.

And a huge law, the voting rights act, was gutted by the Supreme court.

Almost immediately southern states began voting suppression shenanigans.
The rise of the welfare state in the 1960s contributed greatly to the demise of the black family as a stable institution. The out-of-wedlock birth rate among African Americans today is 73%, three times higher than it was prior to the War on Poverty. Children raised in fatherless homes are far more likely to grow up poor and to eventually engage in criminal behavior, than their peers who are raised in two-parent homes. In 2010, blacks (approximately 13% of the U.S. population) accounted for 48.7% of all arrests for homicide, 31.8% of arrests for forcible rape, 33.5% of arrests for aggravated assault, and 55% of arrests for robbery. Also as of 2010, the black poverty rate was 27.4% (about 3 times higher than the white rate), meaning that 11.5 million blacks in the U.S. were living in poverty.

How the Welfare State Has Devastated African Americans - Discover the Networks
Alrighty then..

Let's pull up the stakes, get the Fed out, the State out and the city out.

Let's start from scratch.

Everyone gets nothing.

Lets see how it works on then.

Pretty sure that's NOT what you are looking for..but seriously? That would be the only "fair" thing to do.

Because Whites have been "dependent" on government for 237 years. Blacks? Maybe 50.

So when you talk about "not helping"? How about we all start from zero.

Sounds perfectly good for me.

LET'S DO IT :cool:

Take the pespi challenge ace.

Nothing stopping ya.

Live the dream.


oh, so that is as always directed at others, not at YOU, a CHOSEN ONE?

surprise, surprise - libtard hypocrisy as always :lol:

p.s I already AM living the dream. Started from a scratch.
The cities that are failing are failing for a major reason. Institutional BLACKISM has given these people the idea that they are OWED. Therefore they need do nothing for themselves. It will be provided because they are owed. It is destroying these cities and these people. The end of the 1992 Los Angeles riots were lines of black people waiting for welfare checks because the post office refused delivery. The major sight that came out of Katrina was thousands of black people waiting for someone to show up and take care of them. Even the black mayor couldn't figure it out and left a fleet of buses to drown when they could have been used.

Black people have been infantilized since the 60s. It is now reaching critical mass.

the problem is - the left WANTS to keep them on the plantation and the slaves are too brainwashed to realize what the left has done to them.
The cities that are failing are failing for a major reason. Institutional BLACKISM has given these people the idea that they are OWED. Therefore they need do nothing for themselves. It will be provided because they are owed. It is destroying these cities and these people. The end of the 1992 Los Angeles riots were lines of black people waiting for welfare checks because the post office refused delivery. The major sight that came out of Katrina was thousands of black people waiting for someone to show up and take care of them. Even the black mayor couldn't figure it out and left a fleet of buses to drown when they could have been used.

Black people have been infantilized since the 60s. It is now reaching critical mass.

What rubbish.

The "Entitlement" set comes basically from the White part of the spectrum.

That came from reconstruction.

There was no real price (save the civil war) that this country paid for slavery.

Thus White institutions were still in place and that gave rise to the institutional racism that still exists today.

Even laws meant to combat it, haven't worked completely.

And a huge law, the voting rights act, was gutted by the Supreme court.

Almost immediately southern states began voting suppression shenanigans.

who was suppressed?

This is what Libtards so, they make a wild claim, don't even define the terms within that claim (for instance, what do you mean by dependent, do you mean you want to return to British Monarchy?); then they all congratulate each other for displaying such great intellectual feats of [???]
Whites are still enjoying their unearned privileges, and their living standards are made possible by the stolen labor of blacks. Yes, even this long after slavery was ended.

I have news. Blacks weren't all that industrious then.

Why should they be? It's not like they were getting paid.

Reverse racism isn't going to get it.
Alrighty then..

Let's pull up the stakes, get the Fed out, the State out and the city out.

Let's start from scratch.

Everyone gets nothing.

Lets see how it works on then.

Pretty sure that's NOT what you are looking for..but seriously? That would be the only "fair" thing to do.

Because Whites have been "dependent" on government for 237 years. Blacks? Maybe 50.

So when you talk about "not helping"? How about we all start from zero.

You know that's not going to happen.

Why don't you just get out of their way?

That could happen today, if you wanted it to.


Get out of what way?

Since that's not going to happen, something has to happen to create some measure of parity. The civil rights act was a good first step.

So was Affirmative Action. So were so many other initiatives meant to get black folks up to speed economically and socially.

The big mistake after the Civil War was reconstruction. White institutions were allowed to remain in place and it gave rise to institutional racism that is still prevalent in that region, and even in most Northern States.

The solution to economic and social disparity is really not pretending it doesn't exist.

Unless of course you think it's a good idea to wait centuries for a repressed people to recover.

There is no parity. There are only people.

No one is going to give anyone anything based on accidents of birth.

Get over it.
It isn't a question of one extreme or the other...Yes, Anarchy is really dumb.
Idiot liberals always like to present anarchy as the only alternative to complete government control. It shows how utterly stupid they are (or how stupid they think everyone else is).

You are quite welcome to put your theories to the test..and actually you often do.

And it winds up costing the United States big time when States cut fire fighters and cops.

Rick Perry had to go to the trough, hat in hand, when wild fires made a mess of Texas after he cut fire fighters.

Good stuff.

Why is it that liberals always confuse cops, teachers and fire fighters with the bloated federal bureaucracy? Are they actually stupid enough to believe that bullshit, or do they think everyone else is?

Communities are able to police themselves,. cooperate in putting out fires and teach their children without some asshole liberal telling them how to do it. Bureaucrats are far more deleterious to society than the most ardent welfare mooch.
Bull shit. Whites built this land by our thinking and advancement of idea's....WTF are blacks doing to improve their communities??? NOTHING!

Blacks would still be in Africa otherwise. fact.
Thinking and ideas builds nothing. This country was build by people who worked.

Horseshit. There was no Model-T or assembly line until Henry Ford invented it. Without Henry Ford, the workers would have nothing.

That's not what he's talking about, you idiot. Think machinists, cabinet makers, gardeners, farmers -- people who are self-sufficient.

You know, people who think and plan for themselves. The only excuse for having a job is to save enough to start your own enterprise.
5 or 6?

What happened to original intent?

And I am sure you are all for disbanding the army and air force..right?

Going back to Muskets..and cannons..

Funded entirely of course by the militia, as set up in the 2nd Amendment.

The original intent was for the citizens to be armed in case foreign interests with bad intent came ashore...

and also in case the Federal government became oppressive...

and it also intended that citizens have state-of-the-art weaponry in order to meet either of those challenges...

and if you don't believe that, then you're a clueless motherfucker who hasn't bothered to read and absorb the writings of the folks who founded this nation...

Oh shut your piehole.

Do what you do best.

Find a bottle and sing for your next one..rummy.


typically shallow Swallow response... :cool:
Get out of what way?

Since that's not going to happen, something has to happen to create some measure of parity. The civil rights act was a good first step.

So was Affirmative Action. So were so many other initiatives meant to get black folks up to speed economically and socially.

The big mistake after the Civil War was reconstruction. White institutions were allowed to remain in place and it gave rise to institutional racism that is still prevalent in that region, and even in most Northern States.

The solution to economic and social disparity is really not pretending it doesn't exist.

Unless of course you think it's a good idea to wait centuries for a repressed people to recover.

You keep talking about the past and throwing out straw men arguments.

If you don't think that blacks can take care of themselves, that they can get beyond the past and improve their own lives with their own effort and ability -- and that is clearly what you appear to think -- there's not much I can do about it. And, sadly, you're probably right, I have to admit I know you're not going to let it happen.

You could stop treating them differently because of their skin color, but you won't.

You could stop isolating them from the rest of society, but you won't.

It just ain't gonna happen.

I guess we've reached a point of agreement, huh?


They are not "strawman" arguments in the slightest. And it's not a matter of ability or taking care of one self. It's a matter of economic parity. You seem to think that a people with no involvement with this government in terms of any real power for close to 200 years can somehow catch up in several decades.

Waves of immigrants were able to do that by forming crime organizations and gaming the system. And they had a lot less to contend with, because Germans, Italians, Irish and other Europeans, don't have a skin color issue in this country.

Personally? I'd rather see a legal and socially acceptable solution to the disparity.

So what exactly would you propose...?

If somehow you happened to find yourself in a position of absolute power, what provisions would you put in place to "make things right"...?

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