24/7 Liberal Hate & Sedition

Is this really what Americans deserves..?
I don't know. Ask Obama who was said to not be born in the US even after he provided his birth certificate, most notably by the person who you are now lamenting isn't getting a fair shake. Ask Obama who couldn't even get congress to meet with his SCOTUS nominee. Hell ask Ted Cruz, who's father was said to be involved in the Kennedy assassination, again by the person I mentioned before. Here's a tip, you want less hate and sedition? Don't be someone who starts the process.

I'm glad you had the opportunity to unload your bag of crap, no need to thank me ...just take it for granted...:lol:
Ah so when it's done by someone on the conservative side it isn't seditious or hateful? Glad you cleared that up for me.

It's a matter of scale, time and malice, tubby.

Personally, I never called for Obama's impeachment soon after he won the election. I accepted that we were stuck with him for years and respected the process.

..and sure, he wasn't always treated fairly in the swamp.
You realize you just called me tubby? If you want civility, don't you think calling someone by a derogatory term isn't a bit hypocritical? Before you use the other term, snowflake, please know I'm not insulted but I think it important to point out you are doing the exact thing you are railing against in your OP. Something that was my point all along. As to the point you are trying to make now. Everybody thinks that their situation is unique. I dare say that Obama thought it equally egregious how he was treated by the right. You made it a point in your title to specify liberal hate. I can only note that I'm not speaking to you like your position is worthless. Something you and the other guy do.
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Our politics are a reflection of our culture: Ugly, and getting uglier by the day.

This should be an interesting summer, I'm anticipating a lot of riots and death, seems inevitable.
Trump making America great?

Eh, 34% of the population absolutely hates him no matter what, you can lead a donkey to water but they're still a donkey.

He makes fun of the handicapped,
He calls women pigs,
He says a judge can’t do his job because he’s Hispanic
He calls for hecklers to be assaulted
He constantly lies about matters both great and small

And he is the standard bearer of the US

100% of the population should hate him. But for whatever reason, you guys have no problem with the behavior. It is the right wing that has suspended American values to support this small fraction of a human being.
Our politics are simply a reflection of our culture: Ugly, and getting uglier by the day.
I don't see this ugly in everyday life. Only in the political spectrum.
What concerns me is that I'm seeing much more of this in everyday life. From Facebook posts to talking with clients and friends. Maybe it's just been my experience. I hope that's the case.
Our politics are simply a reflection of our culture: Ugly, and getting uglier by the day.
I don't see this ugly in everyday life. Only in the political spectrum.
What concerns me is that I'm seeing much more of this in everyday life. From Facebook posts to talking with clients and friends. Maybe it's just been my experience. I hope that's the case.
I don't Facebook so I can't speak to that and I don't talk to customers about politics lol
Is this really what Americans deserves..?
Typical childish Trumpette.

Trump brought on the hate spewing.

You little babies run with " I know you are but what am I"

Trump lies & you love it.

Trump" Oh no I don't know anything about any payments to Daniels. Noooooooooooo. Not me"

Today: 'Yep I knew about the payments."

Why the fuck don;t you care?????? Why? Really. will one of you ignorant Trumpettes tell us why you don't care about the lies, the deception, the padding of his own wallet, his trillion dollar deficit.

Why? Do you really hate America that much?
Our politics are simply a reflection of our culture: Ugly, and getting uglier by the day.
But that would dissappear overnight if all of those Democrats kept their promises and moved to Europe or Canada.
Jesus fuck you can't be this fucking stupid. No vegans are out to make meat illegal. Who knew.

And there arr NO conservatives on the exchanges,.'

You do know how fucking poor the Red States are, right?

This from the party that believes life begins at conception therefore abortion should be iullegal. Do you even think?
Is this really what Americans deserves..?
You started it

Yea, by having the gall to win an election.

No, I mean the way you went after Clinton. Then how you disrespected Obama.

You snowflakes don't like us making fun of Trump force fingering women? Then he should have never admitted to doing it. You don't like us calling Sarah Huckabee a liar? Tell her to stop lying.

You won't be very nice when we're back in charge I promise that. If you do, then we'll be nice the next time you guys take over again.
Is this really what Americans deserves..?
You started it

Yea, by having the gall to win an election.

No, I mean the way you went after Clinton. Then how you disrespected Obama.

You snowflakes don't like us making fun of Trump force fingering women? Then he should have never admitted to doing it. You don't like us calling Sarah Huckabee a liar? Tell her to stop lying.

You won't be very nice when we're back in charge I promise that. If you do, then we'll be nice the next time you guys take over again.
The way you libtards are acting you wont be back in charge till Hell Freezes over....
Our politics are a reflection of our culture: Ugly, and getting uglier by the day.

This should be an interesting summer, I'm anticipating a lot of riots and death, seems inevitable.
Trump making America great?

Eh, 34% of the population absolutely hates him no matter what, you can lead a donkey to water but they're still a donkey.

34%? I doubt hate is the proper word, hate is a very intense emotion, one reserved for racists, misogynists and all around bigots who hate people they've never met based on their color, race or creed.

I suggest a vast majority of We the People are disappointed in The Congress and maybe more in The President. They don't hate the people or the institutions, they fear the outcome and the future as envisioned by the current Republican Party.

American voters have always centered on moderation, not the extreme behavior exhibited by McConnell's Non Feasance, Ryan's Misfeasance and Trump's Malfeasance.

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