24/7 Liberal Hate & Sedition

Our politics are a reflection of our culture: Ugly, and getting uglier by the day.

This should be an interesting summer, I'm anticipating a lot of riots and death, seems inevitable.
Trump making America great?

Eh, 34% of the population absolutely hates him no matter what, you can lead a donkey to water but they're still a donkey.

34%? I doubt hate is the proper word, hate is a very intense emotion, one reserved for racists, misogynists and all around bigots who hate people they've never met based on their color, race or creed.

I suggest a vast majority of We the People are disappointed in The Congress and maybe more in The President. They don't hate the people or the institutions, they fear the outcome and the future as envisioned by the current Republican Party.

American voters have always centered on moderation, not the extreme behavior exhibited by McConnell's Non Feasance, Ryan's Misfeasance and Trump's Malfeasance.

It's funny when people don't see their own biases and hypocrisies but it seems to be human nature and required for membership in their chosen tribe these days.

Who Me?
Is this really what Americans deserves..?
Typical childish Trumpette.

Trump brought on the hate spewing.

You little babies run with " I know you are but what am I"

Trump lies & you love it.

Trump" Oh no I don't know anything about any payments to Daniels. Noooooooooooo. Not me"

Today: 'Yep I knew about the payments."

Why the fuck don;t you care?????? Why? Really. will one of you ignorant Trumpettes tell us why you don't care about the lies, the deception, the padding of his own wallet, his trillion dollar deficit.

Why? Do you really hate America that much?

Wow, that was quite a lot of baggage you got off your chest but I just don't have the time or inclination to pacify a full blown left wing parasite news devotee. See you around and wipe that spittle off you chin...:lol:
This from a "Fake News" devotee. Yes, everything is a lie but what Donnie says. That ain't spittle on your chin.
It's funny when people don't see their own biases and hypocrisies but it seems to be human nature and required for membership in their chosen tribe these days.
It's one of the primary symptoms of the affliction of ideology.

The afflicted only "see" the sins of the other "side" with any clarity.

It's an intellectual myopia for which there is no known cure.
Our politics are a reflection of our culture: Ugly, and getting uglier by the day.

This should be an interesting summer, I'm anticipating a lot of riots and death, seems inevitable.
Trump making America great?

Eh, 34% of the population absolutely hates him no matter what, you can lead a donkey to water but they're still a donkey.

He makes fun of the handicapped,
He calls women pigs,
He says a judge can’t do his job because he’s Hispanic
He calls for hecklers to be assaulted
He constantly lies about matters both great and small

And he is the standard bearer of the US

100% of the population should hate him. But for whatever reason, you guys have no problem with the behavior. It is the right wing that has suspended American values to support this small fraction of a human being.

Democrats sheesh, maybe the box you like to keep conservatives in no longer fits or never did. You're outrage is humorous, considering that I read your posts from time to time.

The standards for president dropped like a rock long before Trump showed up and everyone knew he had a past, politicians don't tell the whole truth (obviously they can't) and y'all need to cut back on those dusty indiscretions, you're just beating a dead horse and the response is a yawn.

And we all can see you’ve been brainwashed. Thoroughly. You should expect more from the President and yourself.
I doubt there will be riots. I think people have protested over silly shit to the point that it's meaningless.

There will be lots of deaths over the summer because........ice cream.
Make sure POTUS gets his two scoops, please.

Um............you know the correlation between homicides and ice cream sales?

I think I posted about that in another thread, actually.
Is this really what Americans deserves..?
Typical childish Trumpette.

Trump brought on the hate spewing.

You little babies run with " I know you are but what am I"

Trump lies & you love it.

Trump" Oh no I don't know anything about any payments to Daniels. Noooooooooooo. Not me"

Today: 'Yep I knew about the payments."

Why the fuck don;t you care?????? Why? Really. will one of you ignorant Trumpettes tell us why you don't care about the lies, the deception, the padding of his own wallet, his trillion dollar deficit.

Why? Do you really hate America that much?

Wow, that was quite a lot of baggage you got off your chest but I just don't have the time or inclination to pacify a full blown left wing parasite news devotee. See you around and wipe that spittle off you chin...:lol:
This from a "Fake News" devotee. Yes, everything is a lie but what Donnie says. That ain't spittle on your chin.

Trump lies, embellishes, he's an imperfect human being and America still made him President .. the intense frenzy to destroy him and his presidency never lets up to the detriment of all Americans.

btw. what have Democrats in Congress accomplished during this Trump era. What is it that you're so very proud of and inspired by, just wondering?
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I doubt there will be riots. I think people have protested over silly shit to the point that it's meaningless.

There will be lots of deaths over the summer because........ice cream.
Make sure POTUS gets his two scoops, please.

Um............you know the correlation between homicides and ice cream sales?

I think I posted about that in another thread, actually.

It's text book. There is a super secret group of internet peeps that know the super secret example. You must be one of them.

I can't decide if I should now try to do the super secret handshake or shut up while I'm ahead.
This should be an interesting summer, I'm anticipating a lot of riots and death, seems inevitable.
Trump making America great?

Eh, 34% of the population absolutely hates him no matter what, you can lead a donkey to water but they're still a donkey.

He makes fun of the handicapped,
He calls women pigs,
He says a judge can’t do his job because he’s Hispanic
He calls for hecklers to be assaulted
He constantly lies about matters both great and small

And he is the standard bearer of the US

100% of the population should hate him. But for whatever reason, you guys have no problem with the behavior. It is the right wing that has suspended American values to support this small fraction of a human being.

Democrats sheesh, maybe the box you like to keep conservatives in no longer fits or never did. You're outrage is humorous, considering that I read your posts from time to time.

The standards for president dropped like a rock long before Trump showed up and everyone knew he had a past, politicians don't tell the whole truth (obviously they can't) and y'all need to cut back on those dusty indiscretions, you're just beating a dead horse and the response is a yawn.

And we all can see you’ve been brainwashed. Thoroughly. You should expect more from the President and yourself.

What kind of "more" would satisfy you, exactly? Feel free to elaborate to your heart's content. I'm listening.
I doubt there will be riots. I think people have protested over silly shit to the point that it's meaningless.

There will be lots of deaths over the summer because........ice cream.
Make sure POTUS gets his two scoops, please.

Um............you know the correlation between homicides and ice cream sales?

I think I posted about that in another thread, actually.

It's text book. There is a super secret group of internet peeps that know the super secret example. You must be one of them.

I can't decide if I should now try to do the super secret handshake or shut up while I'm ahead.

Shhhh! You KNOW we're not supposed to mention you-know-what in front of the uninitiated!
Trump making America great?

Eh, 34% of the population absolutely hates him no matter what, you can lead a donkey to water but they're still a donkey.

He makes fun of the handicapped,
He calls women pigs,
He says a judge can’t do his job because he’s Hispanic
He calls for hecklers to be assaulted
He constantly lies about matters both great and small

And he is the standard bearer of the US

100% of the population should hate him. But for whatever reason, you guys have no problem with the behavior. It is the right wing that has suspended American values to support this small fraction of a human being.

Democrats sheesh, maybe the box you like to keep conservatives in no longer fits or never did. You're outrage is humorous, considering that I read your posts from time to time.

The standards for president dropped like a rock long before Trump showed up and everyone knew he had a past, politicians don't tell the whole truth (obviously they can't) and y'all need to cut back on those dusty indiscretions, you're just beating a dead horse and the response is a yawn.

And we all can see you’ve been brainwashed. Thoroughly. You should expect more from the President and yourself.

What kind of "more" would satisfy you, exactly? Feel free to elaborate to your heart's content. I'm listening.

There is a difference between listening and understanding as you prove daily.

Before Trump we didn’t have presidents who:

He makes fun of the handicapped,
He calls women pigs,
He says a judge can’t do his job because he’s Hispanic
He calls for hecklers to be assaulted
He constantly lies about matters both great and small

We do now.
Eh, 34% of the population absolutely hates him no matter what, you can lead a donkey to water but they're still a donkey.

He makes fun of the handicapped,
He calls women pigs,
He says a judge can’t do his job because he’s Hispanic
He calls for hecklers to be assaulted
He constantly lies about matters both great and small

And he is the standard bearer of the US

100% of the population should hate him. But for whatever reason, you guys have no problem with the behavior. It is the right wing that has suspended American values to support this small fraction of a human being.

Democrats sheesh, maybe the box you like to keep conservatives in no longer fits or never did. You're outrage is humorous, considering that I read your posts from time to time.

The standards for president dropped like a rock long before Trump showed up and everyone knew he had a past, politicians don't tell the whole truth (obviously they can't) and y'all need to cut back on those dusty indiscretions, you're just beating a dead horse and the response is a yawn.

And we all can see you’ve been brainwashed. Thoroughly. You should expect more from the President and yourself.

What kind of "more" would satisfy you, exactly? Feel free to elaborate to your heart's content. I'm listening.

There is a difference between listening and understanding as you prove daily.

Before Trump we didn’t have presidents who:

He makes fun of the handicapped,
He calls women pigs,
He says a judge can’t do his job because he’s Hispanic
He calls for hecklers to be assaulted
He constantly lies about matters both great and small

We do now.
Remember he told cops to rough up people they have cuffed? I can’t believe we elected this classless fuck. If he were a democrat it would be hard to defend. Even if I liked his policies that’s putting party before country. Colluding with russia? Sending thugs to threaten strippers. Constant lying.

I don’t know why you can lie because you aren’t under oath.

All the good republicans who have quit

All the bad appointments and picks who’ve been found guilty

Jared losing his security clearance?

What the fuck is going on?
He makes fun of the handicapped,
He calls women pigs,
He says a judge can’t do his job because he’s Hispanic
He calls for hecklers to be assaulted
He constantly lies about matters both great and small

And he is the standard bearer of the US

100% of the population should hate him. But for whatever reason, you guys have no problem with the behavior. It is the right wing that has suspended American values to support this small fraction of a human being.

Democrats sheesh, maybe the box you like to keep conservatives in no longer fits or never did. You're outrage is humorous, considering that I read your posts from time to time.

The standards for president dropped like a rock long before Trump showed up and everyone knew he had a past, politicians don't tell the whole truth (obviously they can't) and y'all need to cut back on those dusty indiscretions, you're just beating a dead horse and the response is a yawn.

And we all can see you’ve been brainwashed. Thoroughly. You should expect more from the President and yourself.

What kind of "more" would satisfy you, exactly? Feel free to elaborate to your heart's content. I'm listening.

There is a difference between listening and understanding as you prove daily.

Before Trump we didn’t have presidents who:

He makes fun of the handicapped,
He calls women pigs,
He says a judge can’t do his job because he’s Hispanic
He calls for hecklers to be assaulted
He constantly lies about matters both great and small

We do now.
Remember he told cops to rough up people they have cuffed? I can’t believe we elected this classless fuck. If he were a democrat it would be hard to defend. Even if I liked his policies that’s putting party before country. Colluding with russia? Sending thugs to threaten strippers. Constant lying.

I don’t know why you can lie because you aren’t under oath.

All the good republicans who have quit

All the bad appointments and picks who’ve been found guilty

Jared losing his security clearance?

What the fuck is going on?

Silly Boo Boo is an idiot, that's what's going on.
Eh, 34% of the population absolutely hates him no matter what, you can lead a donkey to water but they're still a donkey.

He makes fun of the handicapped,
He calls women pigs,
He says a judge can’t do his job because he’s Hispanic
He calls for hecklers to be assaulted
He constantly lies about matters both great and small

And he is the standard bearer of the US

100% of the population should hate him. But for whatever reason, you guys have no problem with the behavior. It is the right wing that has suspended American values to support this small fraction of a human being.

Democrats sheesh, maybe the box you like to keep conservatives in no longer fits or never did. You're outrage is humorous, considering that I read your posts from time to time.

The standards for president dropped like a rock long before Trump showed up and everyone knew he had a past, politicians don't tell the whole truth (obviously they can't) and y'all need to cut back on those dusty indiscretions, you're just beating a dead horse and the response is a yawn.

And we all can see you’ve been brainwashed. Thoroughly. You should expect more from the President and yourself.

What kind of "more" would satisfy you, exactly? Feel free to elaborate to your heart's content. I'm listening.

There is a difference between listening and understanding as you prove daily.

Before Trump we didn’t have presidents who:

He makes fun of the handicapped,
He calls women pigs,
He says a judge can’t do his job because he’s Hispanic
He calls for hecklers to be assaulted
He constantly lies about matters both great and small

We do now.

Your response was in essence "Look! Squirrel!"

Next! If you can't answer/respond to a simple question, what the fuck good are ya?
Democrats sheesh, maybe the box you like to keep conservatives in no longer fits or never did. You're outrage is humorous, considering that I read your posts from time to time.

The standards for president dropped like a rock long before Trump showed up and everyone knew he had a past, politicians don't tell the whole truth (obviously they can't) and y'all need to cut back on those dusty indiscretions, you're just beating a dead horse and the response is a yawn.

And we all can see you’ve been brainwashed. Thoroughly. You should expect more from the President and yourself.

What kind of "more" would satisfy you, exactly? Feel free to elaborate to your heart's content. I'm listening.

There is a difference between listening and understanding as you prove daily.

Before Trump we didn’t have presidents who:

He makes fun of the handicapped,
He calls women pigs,
He says a judge can’t do his job because he’s Hispanic
He calls for hecklers to be assaulted
He constantly lies about matters both great and small

We do now.
Remember he told cops to rough up people they have cuffed? I can’t believe we elected this classless fuck. If he were a democrat it would be hard to defend. Even if I liked his policies that’s putting party before country. Colluding with russia? Sending thugs to threaten strippers. Constant lying.

I don’t know why you can lie because you aren’t under oath.

All the good republicans who have quit

All the bad appointments and picks who’ve been found guilty

Jared losing his security clearance?

What the fuck is going on?

Silly Boo Boo is an idiot, that's what's going on.
He has filled the swamp with alligators and rattlesnakes.

You like the conservative agenda? I don’t. Most people have buyers remorse with trump and republicans
And we all can see you’ve been brainwashed. Thoroughly. You should expect more from the President and yourself.

What kind of "more" would satisfy you, exactly? Feel free to elaborate to your heart's content. I'm listening.

There is a difference between listening and understanding as you prove daily.

Before Trump we didn’t have presidents who:

He makes fun of the handicapped,
He calls women pigs,
He says a judge can’t do his job because he’s Hispanic
He calls for hecklers to be assaulted
He constantly lies about matters both great and small

We do now.
Remember he told cops to rough up people they have cuffed? I can’t believe we elected this classless fuck. If he were a democrat it would be hard to defend. Even if I liked his policies that’s putting party before country. Colluding with russia? Sending thugs to threaten strippers. Constant lying.

I don’t know why you can lie because you aren’t under oath.

All the good republicans who have quit

All the bad appointments and picks who’ve been found guilty

Jared losing his security clearance?

What the fuck is going on?

Silly Boo Boo is an idiot, that's what's going on.
He has filled the swamp with alligators and rattlesnakes.

You like the conservative agenda? I don’t. Most people have buyers remorse with trump and republicans

You've never lived in the real world since I've been posting here, why change?
And we all can see you’ve been brainwashed. Thoroughly. You should expect more from the President and yourself.

What kind of "more" would satisfy you, exactly? Feel free to elaborate to your heart's content. I'm listening.

There is a difference between listening and understanding as you prove daily.

Before Trump we didn’t have presidents who:

He makes fun of the handicapped,
He calls women pigs,
He says a judge can’t do his job because he’s Hispanic
He calls for hecklers to be assaulted
He constantly lies about matters both great and small

We do now.
Remember he told cops to rough up people they have cuffed? I can’t believe we elected this classless fuck. If he were a democrat it would be hard to defend. Even if I liked his policies that’s putting party before country. Colluding with russia? Sending thugs to threaten strippers. Constant lying.

I don’t know why you can lie because you aren’t under oath.

All the good republicans who have quit

All the bad appointments and picks who’ve been found guilty

Jared losing his security clearance?

What the fuck is going on?

Silly Boo Boo is an idiot, that's what's going on.
He has filled the swamp with alligators and rattlesnakes.

You like the conservative agenda? I don’t. Most people have buyers remorse with trump and republicans

I have that I can buy .22 ammo and no one is trying to take my guns right now.

Oh yeah, and people have realized what a farce the news and two-party system is.

You a shilly idiot anyways. Have anything intelligible to contribute?

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