24 States Refuse To Turn Over Voting Data Unstable President

No one is blocking any investigationtion, no need to lie about it. Trump claimed 3-5 million illegal votes and has yet to bother to prove even 1. He too is a lying piece of manure
No one is blocking any investigationtion, no need to lie about it. Trump claimed 3-5 million illegal votes and has yet to bother to prove even 1. He too is a lying piece of manure
prove me wrong Odium or just shut your ignorant mouth
Stop obstruction justice you little snowflake faggot and we can show PLENTY of proof. Where there is smoke there is fire.
How do you ohstruct justice when the entire government is controlled by republicans
Obstruction of Justice, in this case, is almost impossible. It is not a judicial endeavor or investigation. It is a data retrieval gimmick disguised as a fact-finding commission.
Its an investigation cupcake. NC might be reversing that decision soon. Our SUPERMAJORITY GOP is fixing to impeach the negroid bitch SOS here :)
Kobach is known as KKKris and we know that trump is kkk. This is all about stopping certain Americans from voting and, thanks to RWs who hate their own country, they are succeeding.

No we hate the country that you leftys want to make it into..thank god for Trump rolling back all the damage Obama caused.

Just what do the lefts want to make this country into, and how can that be accomplished?

In case you didn't know...

We don't want chix with dix in little girls bathrooms

We don't want sanctuary cities.

We don't want not a common sense approach to energy policies..

We don't want the president using the EPA to destroy business..

And in and on..we don't want the USA to become like Europe, with just a little voice.


Precisely how has the EPA destroyed business. Be specific

Kobach is known as KKKris and we know that trump is kkk. This is all about stopping certain Americans from voting and, thanks to RWs who hate their own country, they are succeeding.

No we hate the country that you leftys want to make it into..thank god for Trump rolling back all the damage Obama caused.

Just what do the lefts want to make this country into, and how can that be accomplished?

In case you didn't know...

We don't want chix with dix in little girls bathrooms

We don't want sanctuary cities.

We don't want not a common sense approach to energy policies..

We don't want the president using the EPA to destroy business..

And in and on..we don't want the USA to become like Europe, with just a little voice.


Precisely how has the EPA destroyed business. Be specific

4,000 of them, it's not my job to educate you..do it yourself

Nearly 4,000 EPA Regulations Issued Under President Obama

How have they hurt business?
Mississippi, the most conservative state in the Union, told them, literally, to jump in the Gulf of Mexico.

And look which side the USMB RW fringe crowd is on.
The more I hear about this, the scarier it gets.

Basically, they want a national registry, a complete end to the basic right of privacy. They love the Patriot Act but that will be nothing compared to what trump and kobach have in mind.

And, once again, we have the damn RWNJs to thank for this.
No one has proven any Trump/Russia collusion either but that didn't stop the investigation, did it, asshole? What's wrong, you got something to hide?
How do you know that the collusion has not already been proven?
My point is that there is no proof of collusion but still an investigation. Why not apply the same standard to voter fraud? Maybe because Democrats benefit by voter fraud?

The left is upset because Trump is going to deport most of their voters.
And as far as voter data is concerned, those states will change their feeble minds.

Wanna bet?

Kris Kobach's Own State Just Defied His Bogus 'Election Integrity' Commission

Even the state of Kansas told Kris Kobach to go fuck himself.

Where I come from this is what we call getting the taste bitch slapped out of your mouth.

And there isn't anything they can do about it but take it.

Once again you admit no collusion between Russia and Trump

How the phyuck would I or anyone else know, skank. But you will when the indictments are issued
This thread proves no collusion..

The proof of collusion will come from the special prosecutor, and nowhere else.

Once again a young girl is in jail for leaking the information... If there was collusion between Russia and Trump he already would of had the data

The special prosecutor will release his information once they have finished an investigation, and not before

Again look at the facts.

In this thread States don't want to turn over data, yet Russians stole that data..

If there was collusion why didn't Russia give that data already to Trump?

Why did Trump have to ask?

What it comes down to is that you know nothing, just wait for the special prosecutor to announce indictments.

I know this is the most cluster fuck in the nation's history and nothing will happen out of Muellers investigation because the repubs are hitting way back to hard.Comey meddeled in the voting ..

It's going to be a stale mate.

Mississippi, the most conservative state in the Union, told them, literally, to jump in the Gulf of Mexico.

And look which side the USMB RW fringe crowd is on.

If RWNJs get their way, we will have bar codes tattooed on our arm.

They simply have no clue about what they're working so hard to throw away. OR, as I've thought for a long time now, they voted for trump BECAUSE he has said he wants to gut the constitution.
The proof of collusion will come from the special prosecutor, and nowhere else.

Once again a young girl is in jail for leaking the information... If there was collusion between Russia and Trump he already would of had the data

The special prosecutor will release his information once they have finished an investigation, and not before

Again look at the facts.

In this thread States don't want to turn over data, yet Russians stole that data..

If there was collusion why didn't Russia give that data already to Trump?

Why did Trump have to ask?

What it comes down to is that you know nothing, just wait for the special prosecutor to announce indictments.

I know this is the most cluster fuck in the nation's history and nothing will happen out of Muellers investigation because the repubs are hitting way back to hard.Comey meddeled in the voting ..

It's going to be a stale mate.

Keep living in a world of pretend honey bunch, but this investigation isn't going to end well for your kind
This is not news nor is it political information. It's an op-ed editorial by someone named Ari Berman. Only the unstable angry and borderline psychotic left accepts it at face value.

Notice everyone that Westwall didn't refute the report at all. Even he has some integrity.
If Obama had done this there would have been 100 threads by the RWnuts condemning it.
The more I hear about this, the scarier it gets.

Basically, they want a national registry, a complete end to the basic right of privacy. They love the Patriot Act but that will be nothing compared to what trump and kobach have in mind.

And, once again, we have the damn RWNJs to thank for this.

No we have the DNC to thank for this almost 30 years ago over a public hair on a coke can...the RWNJ figured out your game..and you now cry wolf

This is not news nor is it political information. It's an op-ed editorial by someone named Ari Berman. Only the unstable angry and borderline psychotic left accepts it at face value.

You dispute that states are rejecting this? lol good one.
24 states thgst should not get a single penny from the Federal Government. Bet they'll have a difderent response when the state's residents get their SS, Medicare and Medicaid paynents stopped.

When did you decide that the got having your personal information down to voting patterns was ok?

You can forward your information and leave everyone else the fuck alone.
Just 1 example you moronic dipshit. Several were charged in Indiana with vote fraud and we would know where the 3-5 million voted at but the obstructionists are blocking any investigation.....gee I wonder WHY!
No one is blocking any investigationtion, no need to lie about it. Trump claimed 3-5 million illegal votes and has yet to bother to prove even 1. He too is a lying piece of manure[/QUOTE
Fag boy,refusing to turn over voter rolls IS obstructing the investigation. Now the entire country sees WHY you don't want the investigation done! This should play well in commercials for next years elections :)
trump has had almost 6 months to find even 1 of his millions of illegal votes and has not even bothered to do so.He, like you, are just lying garbage.
Found 2 in Virginia.
Proves you're a liar, because I'm not the first person to tell you this yet you still keep making this claim.
Every single Trump supporter is a liar.
Someone direct me to the site where opposing sides argue using logic and common sense. Arguing with this guy is pointless.
This is not news nor is it political information. It's an op-ed editorial by someone named Ari Berman. Only the unstable angry and borderline psychotic left accepts it at face value.

Notice everyone that Westwall didn't refute the report at all. Even he has some integrity.

What's to refute?

I am more interested in knowing the Russians hacked the data already, a little girl leaked it..so where is the collusion between Russia and Trump..

Why did Trump have to ask the States when if there was collusion he could of got the data from his "pal" Putin.

So the left has no interest in finding out about voter fraud now? Could it be because Trump was picking up votes when they did look into it. It was the battle cry for libs not long ago. Funny how that works, looks like the popular vote narrative is no longer important.
No one has ever proven that voter fraud exists. Most likely it never has and never will.
No one has proven any Trump/Russia collusion either but that didn't stop the investigation, did it, asshole? What's wrong, you got something to hide?
How do you know that the collusion has not already been proven?
My point is that there is no proof of collusion but still an investigation. Why not apply the same standard to voter fraud? Maybe because Democrats benefit by voter fraud?
If someone makes a definitive claim of voter fraud, they must have proof
That didn't stop them from spouting off the air waves of Trump's Russian collusion bullshit.
This is not news nor is it political information. It's an op-ed editorial by someone named Ari Berman. Only the unstable angry and borderline psychotic left accepts it at face value.

Notice everyone that Westwall didn't refute the report at all. Even he has some integrity.

What's to refute?

I am more interested in knowing the Russians hacked the data already, a little girl leaked it..so where is the collusion between Russia and Trump..

Why did Trump have to ask the States when if there was collusion he could of got the data from his "pal" Putin.

Its great having all the answers when in fact you don't know shit. I guarantee you that when the prosecutor finishes he will have a whole lot more to indict on than just collusion.
No one has ever proven that voter fraud exists. Most likely it never has and never will.
No one has proven any Trump/Russia collusion either but that didn't stop the investigation, did it, asshole? What's wrong, you got something to hide?
How do you know that the collusion has not already been proven?
My point is that there is no proof of collusion but still an investigation. Why not apply the same standard to voter fraud? Maybe because Democrats benefit by voter fraud?
If someone makes a definitive claim of voter fraud, they must have proof
That didn't stop them from spouting off the air waves of Trump's Russian collusion bullshit.
One has nothing to do with the other, sorry
No one has ever proven that voter fraud exists. Most likely it never has and never will.
No one has proven any Trump/Russia collusion either but that didn't stop the investigation, did it, asshole? What's wrong, you got something to hide?
How do you know that the collusion has not already been proven?
My point is that there is no proof of collusion but still an investigation. Why not apply the same standard to voter fraud? Maybe because Democrats benefit by voter fraud?
If someone makes a definitive claim of voter fraud, they must have proof
That didn't stop them from spouting off the air waves of Trump's Russian collusion bullshit.
Why is it bullshit when you don't know the first thing about what really happened
Once again a young girl is in jail for leaking the information... If there was collusion between Russia and Trump he already would of had the data

The special prosecutor will release his information once they have finished an investigation, and not before

Again look at the facts.

In this thread States don't want to turn over data, yet Russians stole that data..

If there was collusion why didn't Russia give that data already to Trump?

Why did Trump have to ask?

What it comes down to is that you know nothing, just wait for the special prosecutor to announce indictments.

I know this is the most cluster fuck in the nation's history and nothing will happen out of Muellers investigation because the repubs are hitting way back to hard.Comey meddeled in the voting ..

It's going to be a stale mate.

Keep living in a world of pretend honey bunch, but this investigation isn't going to end well for your kind

Who is my bunch? I already won got gorsuch on the supreme Court an a added bonus shocked liberals to their core.

Update on the 24---Twenty Four---24 states who have indicated their refusal to comply with a Federal Commission.

The liberal hopes for a New Civil War are becoming more substantial by the day, and a shocking dissent by three entire states today will have the President furious.

Beginning in the wee hours of the morning on November 9th, 2016, when it became obvious that Donald Trump had defeated the corrupt and incorrigible Hillary Clinton in the presidential election, the liberals began to plan enormous, anti-Trump lifestyles. Now known as the “resistance”, what was once a loose band of casually angry leftists have transformed entirely. Gone are the days of liberals mumbling under their breath when someone enters their Starbucks wearing a “Make America Great Again” ball cap. Now, what we are seeing from the left is something far more despicable and criminal.

When James T. Hodgkinson fired off those first rounds in the New Civil War that celebrities such as Kathy Griffin and Snoop Dogg had been promoting, the nation became keenly aware of the New Fascists, the “resistance”, and the radical leftists having concentrated their efforts in a bold new offensive. Now, that horribly inappropriate virus of dissent has spread into state and local governments.

Three States Openly Defy POTUS, Refuse To Turn Over Voter Fraud Data

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