24 States Refuse To Turn Over Voting Data Unstable President

So the left has no interest in finding out about voter fraud now? Could it be because Trump was picking up votes when they did look into it. It was the battle cry for libs not long ago. Funny how that works, looks like the popular vote narrative is no longer important.
No one has ever proven that voter fraud exists. Most likely it never has and never will.
Don't watch the news much eh? Someone was JUST convicted of voter fraud you moron in Virginia.
I person, you pathetic idiot? Where are the 3-5 illegal votes in the last election? You know the ones Trump insisted were there, but never showed proof of a single one.
Just 1 example you moronic dipshit. Several were charged in Indiana with vote fraud and we would know where the 3-5 million voted at but the obstructionists are blocking any investigation.....gee I wonder WHY!
No one is blocking any investigationtion, no need to lie about it. Trump claimed 3-5 million illegal votes and has yet to bother to prove even 1. He too is a lying piece of manure

Onalaska felon fined for illegal voting in 2016 elections

Secretary of State Kris Kobach announces first conviction of noncitizen voting in Kansas

I could post more, but you're not worth the effort.

No one has ever proven that voter fraud exists. Most likely it never has and never will.
Don't watch the news much eh? Someone was JUST convicted of voter fraud you moron in Virginia.
I person, you pathetic idiot? Where are the 3-5 illegal votes in the last election? You know the ones Trump insisted were there, but never showed proof of a single one.
Just 1 example you moronic dipshit. Several were charged in Indiana with vote fraud and we would know where the 3-5 million voted at but the obstructionists are blocking any investigation.....gee I wonder WHY!
No one is blocking any investigationtion, no need to lie about it. Trump claimed 3-5 million illegal votes and has yet to bother to prove even 1. He too is a lying piece of manure

Onalaska felon fined for illegal voting in 2016 elections

Secretary of State Kris Kobach announces first conviction of noncitizen voting in Kansas

I could post more, but you're not worth the effort.

One illegal vote in wisconsin out of how many million cast??? Now how would a voter ID law have stopped this man
Don't watch the news much eh? Someone was JUST convicted of voter fraud you moron in Virginia.
I person, you pathetic idiot? Where are the 3-5 illegal votes in the last election? You know the ones Trump insisted were there, but never showed proof of a single one.
Just 1 example you moronic dipshit. Several were charged in Indiana with vote fraud and we would know where the 3-5 million voted at but the obstructionists are blocking any investigation.....gee I wonder WHY!
No one is blocking any investigationtion, no need to lie about it. Trump claimed 3-5 million illegal votes and has yet to bother to prove even 1. He too is a lying piece of manure

Onalaska felon fined for illegal voting in 2016 elections

Secretary of State Kris Kobach announces first conviction of noncitizen voting in Kansas

I could post more, but you're not worth the effort.

One illegal vote in wisconsin out of how many million cast??? Now how would a voter ID law have stopped this man
Moving the goal post. You said name one, and he did.
You need to post 3-5 million more to come close to Trumps claim.

Funny how Kobach wants states to release enough information for hackers to steal the identity of every voter.

kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who is vice chairman of the commission, gave states on Wednesday about two weeks to hand over roughly a dozen data points of voters who participated in the 2016 election, including birthdates, the last four digits of Social Security numbers, voting history, military status, and information about felony convictions.

My Identity Was Stolen. Here’s How They Did It — NOVA Next | PBS

My bank informed me that a thief with knowledge of my social security number, address, birthdate, and mother’s maiden name had succeeded in changing the contact information associated with my credit card.

Given an individual’s birthdate and the state they were born in, the researchers could, in some cases, predict the first five digits of an individual’s social security number with more than 90% accuracy.

I person, you pathetic idiot? Where are the 3-5 illegal votes in the last election? You know the ones Trump insisted were there, but never showed proof of a single one.
Just 1 example you moronic dipshit. Several were charged in Indiana with vote fraud and we would know where the 3-5 million voted at but the obstructionists are blocking any investigation.....gee I wonder WHY!
No one is blocking any investigationtion, no need to lie about it. Trump claimed 3-5 million illegal votes and has yet to bother to prove even 1. He too is a lying piece of manure

Onalaska felon fined for illegal voting in 2016 elections

Secretary of State Kris Kobach announces first conviction of noncitizen voting in Kansas

I could post more, but you're not worth the effort.

One illegal vote in wisconsin out of how many million cast??? Now how would a voter ID law have stopped this man
Moving the goal post. You said name one, and he did.
That in itself must be all that is needed for voter ID laws, i vote in a state of millions.
Don't watch the news much eh? Someone was JUST convicted of voter fraud you moron in Virginia.
I person, you pathetic idiot? Where are the 3-5 illegal votes in the last election? You know the ones Trump insisted were there, but never showed proof of a single one.
Just 1 example you moronic dipshit. Several were charged in Indiana with vote fraud and we would know where the 3-5 million voted at but the obstructionists are blocking any investigation.....gee I wonder WHY!
No one is blocking any investigationtion, no need to lie about it. Trump claimed 3-5 million illegal votes and has yet to bother to prove even 1. He too is a lying piece of manure

Onalaska felon fined for illegal voting in 2016 elections

Secretary of State Kris Kobach announces first conviction of noncitizen voting in Kansas

I could post more, but you're not worth the effort.

One illegal vote in wisconsin out of how many million cast??? Now how would a voter ID law have stopped this man

Unqualified felons also cast illegal votes, you said that one hasn't been proven, I just provided two. So STFU.

I person, you pathetic idiot? Where are the 3-5 illegal votes in the last election? You know the ones Trump insisted were there, but never showed proof of a single one.
Just 1 example you moronic dipshit. Several were charged in Indiana with vote fraud and we would know where the 3-5 million voted at but the obstructionists are blocking any investigation.....gee I wonder WHY!
No one is blocking any investigationtion, no need to lie about it. Trump claimed 3-5 million illegal votes and has yet to bother to prove even 1. He too is a lying piece of manure

Onalaska felon fined for illegal voting in 2016 elections

Secretary of State Kris Kobach announces first conviction of noncitizen voting in Kansas

I could post more, but you're not worth the effort.

One illegal vote in wisconsin out of how many million cast??? Now how would a voter ID law have stopped this man

Unqualified felons also cast illegal votes, you said there one hasn't been proven, I just provided two. So STFU.

Two out of how many million? Now how would a voter ID law have stopped them, idiot
You need to post 3-5 million more to come close to Trumps claim.

Funny how Kobach wants states to release enough information for hackers to steal the identity of every voter.

kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who is vice chairman of the commission, gave states on Wednesday about two weeks to hand over roughly a dozen data points of voters who participated in the 2016 election, including birthdates, the last four digits of Social Security numbers, voting history, military status, and information about felony convictions.

My Identity Was Stolen. Here’s How They Did It — NOVA Next | PBS

My bank informed me that a thief with knowledge of my social security number, address, birthdate, and mother’s maiden name had succeeded in changing the contact information associated with my credit card.

Given an individual’s birthdate and the state they were born in, the researchers could, in some cases, predict the first five digits of an individual’s social security number with more than 90% accuracy.

Only way to do that is audit the election, that's what the commission is trying to do. What are you folks hiding?

BTW all that information is available though public records.

No one needs to know how people voted but we do need to find out whether the citizens actually cast the votes or whether dishonest poll workers or other criminals used the ballots to vote for Hillary. There were reports of poll workers sitting in a back room filling out piles of ballots. Boxes of ballots were delivered to the house of a Dem. Not hard to see where that trunk load of votes came from to win the MN election for that piece of shit, Al Franken.

We have illegals voting and they have no business doing that. They also should not be counted by the Census Bureau because that gives extra electoral votes to states. If you're here illegally, no, you are not entitled to shit. Your representation is back in your own country.
You need to post 3-5 million more to come close to Trumps claim.

Funny how Kobach wants states to release enough information for hackers to steal the identity of every voter.

kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who is vice chairman of the commission, gave states on Wednesday about two weeks to hand over roughly a dozen data points of voters who participated in the 2016 election, including birthdates, the last four digits of Social Security numbers, voting history, military status, and information about felony convictions.

My Identity Was Stolen. Here’s How They Did It — NOVA Next | PBS

My bank informed me that a thief with knowledge of my social security number, address, birthdate, and mother’s maiden name had succeeded in changing the contact information associated with my credit card.

Given an individual’s birthdate and the state they were born in, the researchers could, in some cases, predict the first five digits of an individual’s social security number with more than 90% accuracy.

Only way to do that is audit the election, that's what the commission is trying to do. What are you folks hiding?

They can gather all the public info that they want, anything else is none of their phyucking business.
No one needs to know how people voted but we do need to find out whether the citizens actually cast the votes or whether dishonest poll workers or other criminals used the ballots to vote for Hillary. There were reports of poll workers sitting in a back room filling out piles of ballots. Boxes of ballots were delivered to the house of a Dem. Not hard to see where that trunk load of votes came from to win the MN election for that piece of shit, Al Franken.

We have illegals voting and they have no business doing that. They also should not be counted by the Census Bureau because that gives extra electoral votes to states. If you're here illegally, no, you are not entitled to shit. Your representation is back in your own country.
Where have illegals voted, be specific.
Unqualified felons also cast illegal votes, you said that one hasn't been proven, I just provided two. So STFU.


What you've proven is that there haven't been enough cumulative illegal votes that even if you put them all together, fom the entire country, for the last 5 years, and put them all into miami-dade county in 2000, that wouldn't have been enough to impact the vote count.
Unqualified felons also cast illegal votes, you said that one hasn't been proven, I just provided two. So STFU.


What you've proven is that there haven't been enough cumulative illegal votes that even if you put them all together, fom the entire country, for the last 5 years, and put them all into miami-dade county in 2000, that wouldn't have been enough to impact the vote count.
I thought Trump toldd us there were 5 million illegal votes. Could he have lied, AGAIN?
I thought Trump toldd us there were 5 million illegal votes. Could he have lied, AGAIN?

Trump also said repeal and replace would happen in the same week, same day, or even the same hour.

That he wouldn't cut social security, medicare or medicaid. That we would have wonderful healthcare, everybody would be covered, and at a fraction of the cost..
I person, you pathetic idiot? Where are the 3-5 illegal votes in the last election? You know the ones Trump insisted were there, but never showed proof of a single one.
Just 1 example you moronic dipshit. Several were charged in Indiana with vote fraud and we would know where the 3-5 million voted at but the obstructionists are blocking any investigation.....gee I wonder WHY!
No one is blocking any investigationtion, no need to lie about it. Trump claimed 3-5 million illegal votes and has yet to bother to prove even 1. He too is a lying piece of manure

Onalaska felon fined for illegal voting in 2016 elections

Secretary of State Kris Kobach announces first conviction of noncitizen voting in Kansas

I could post more, but you're not worth the effort.

One illegal vote in wisconsin out of how many million cast??? Now how would a voter ID law have stopped this man
Moving the goal post. You said name one, and he did.

Apparently not enough to catch the attention of DHS.

Homeland Security hasn't 'lifted a finger' to determine whether any voting machines were breached

I see your one, and raise you 200,000


Now those are real numbers. As compared to what the Republican chairman of the bipartisan US Elections Assistance Commission says about Trumps imaginary 3-5 million illegal voters.

No one needs to know how people voted but we do need to find out whether the citizens actually cast the votes or whether dishonest poll workers or other criminals used the ballots to vote for Hillary. There were reports of poll workers sitting in a back room filling out piles of ballots. Boxes of ballots were delivered to the house of a Dem. Not hard to see where that trunk load of votes came from to win the MN election for that piece of shit, Al Franken.

We have illegals voting and they have no business doing that. They also should not be counted by the Census Bureau because that gives extra electoral votes to states. If you're here illegally, no, you are not entitled to shit. Your representation is back in your own country.

The 14th Amendment clearly states that non citizens should not be counted for representation. Since when does the federal government follow they Constitution.

You need to post 3-5 million more to come close to Trumps claim.

Funny how Kobach wants states to release enough information for hackers to steal the identity of every voter.

kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who is vice chairman of the commission, gave states on Wednesday about two weeks to hand over roughly a dozen data points of voters who participated in the 2016 election, including birthdates, the last four digits of Social Security numbers, voting history, military status, and information about felony convictions.

My Identity Was Stolen. Here’s How They Did It — NOVA Next | PBS

My bank informed me that a thief with knowledge of my social security number, address, birthdate, and mother’s maiden name had succeeded in changing the contact information associated with my credit card.

Given an individual’s birthdate and the state they were born in, the researchers could, in some cases, predict the first five digits of an individual’s social security number with more than 90% accuracy.

Only way to do that is audit the election, that's what the commission is trying to do. What are you folks hiding?

They can gather all the public info that they want, anything else is none of their phyucking business.

You do know voter data are public records, right?

Unqualified felons also cast illegal votes, you said that one hasn't been proven, I just provided two. So STFU.


What you've proven is that there haven't been enough cumulative illegal votes that even if you put them all together, fom the entire country, for the last 5 years, and put them all into miami-dade county in 2000, that wouldn't have been enough to impact the vote count.

Well stupid, I provided two examples to an idiot that claimed not even one exists.


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