24 States Refuse To Turn Over Voting Data Unstable President

No one is blocking any investigationtion, no need to lie about it. Trump claimed 3-5 million illegal votes and has yet to bother to prove even 1. He too is a lying piece of manure
No one is blocking any investigationtion, no need to lie about it. Trump claimed 3-5 million illegal votes and has yet to bother to prove even 1. He too is a lying piece of manure
prove me wrong Odium or just shut your ignorant mouth
Stop obstruction justice you little snowflake faggot and we can show PLENTY of proof. Where there is smoke there is fire.
How do you ohstruct justice when the entire government is controlled by republicans
Obstruction of Justice, in this case, is almost impossible. It is not a judicial endeavor or investigation. It is a data retrieval gimmick disguised as a fact-finding commission.
Its an investigation cupcake. NC might be reversing that decision soon. Our SUPERMAJORITY GOP is fixing to impeach the negroid bitch SOS here :)

Another racist statement. You really have a problem with non-white people. Let the GOP do it and they won't have a majority for long.
There is no reason for this information to go to Washington.

Maybe we should have the same type of list of registered gun owners in each state. After all, what do legal gun owners have to hide?

Suddenly republicans are against states rights, and want to federalize the election process.
You need to post 3-5 million more to come close to Trumps claim.

Funny how Kobach wants states to release enough information for hackers to steal the identity of every voter.

kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who is vice chairman of the commission, gave states on Wednesday about two weeks to hand over roughly a dozen data points of voters who participated in the 2016 election, including birthdates, the last four digits of Social Security numbers, voting history, military status, and information about felony convictions.

My Identity Was Stolen. Here’s How They Did It — NOVA Next | PBS

My bank informed me that a thief with knowledge of my social security number, address, birthdate, and mother’s maiden name had succeeded in changing the contact information associated with my credit card.

Given an individual’s birthdate and the state they were born in, the researchers could, in some cases, predict the first five digits of an individual’s social security number with more than 90% accuracy.

Only way to do that is audit the election, that's what the commission is trying to do. What are you folks hiding?

BTW all that information is available though public records.


Quit lying. Some of the information is not available. Birth dates, license numbers, and social security numbers are not available. They have not said what they will do with the information. Why don't you just up you Nazi goon. You don't have to be hiding anything to oppose this.
No one needs to know how people voted but we do need to find out whether the citizens actually cast the votes or whether dishonest poll workers or other criminals used the ballots to vote for Hillary. There were reports of poll workers sitting in a back room filling out piles of ballots. Boxes of ballots were delivered to the house of a Dem. Not hard to see where that trunk load of votes came from to win the MN election for that piece of shit, Al Franken.

We have illegals voting and they have no business doing that. They also should not be counted by the Census Bureau because that gives extra electoral votes to states. If you're here illegally, no, you are not entitled to shit. Your representation is back in your own country.

Prove it. This does not give the government the right to go through our personal information.

Twenty-four states have defied Trump’s request for sensitive voter information data, as they are refusing to turn over personal information to the unstable president.

Ari Berman of The Nation has the updated listed:

Ari Berman


24 states won't provide voter data to Kobach: AZ, CA, CT, IN, KY, MA, MN, MS, NC, NM, ND, NV, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SD, TN, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI

6:05 PM - 30 Jun 2017
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The Secretary of State in Mississippi told Trump to go jump in the Gulf of Mexico. The home state of the man leading Trump’s voter suppression charge, Kansas Sec. of State Kris Kobach turned down his request for voter data.

The panel which was born out of Trump’s false belief that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote because of people voting illegally has turned into another black eye and a complete fiasco for this White House.

The smart thing to do would be for the White House to quietly announce over the holiday weekend that they are putting the commission on hold for the time being, and then never speak of it again. Since this is the Trump administration, they will probably attack the states that refuse to turn over the voter data, and claim that since Trump is president, he can do whatever he wants.

It’s ironic that just days before America’s Independence Day holiday, the states are celebrating their independence by defying a request from a president who is becoming more like King George III with each passing day of his presidency.

24 States Have Defied Trump And Are Refusing His Request For Voter Information

And if they don't turn it over, the orange assclown is going to do what?
Finally both Republicans and Democrats agree. Trump has gone too far with his nonsense.
No one has proven any Trump/Russia collusion either but that didn't stop the investigation, did it, asshole? What's wrong, you got something to hide?
How do you know that the collusion has not already been proven?
My point is that there is no proof of collusion but still an investigation. Why not apply the same standard to voter fraud? Maybe because Democrats benefit by voter fraud?
If someone makes a definitive claim of voter fraud, they must have proof
Did anyone have proof of Russia collusion?

Yes there is. The Russians clearly interfered in our elections to the benefit of Trump. Several Trump campaign associates have relationships with Russia. Roger Stone said he had a backchannel to WikiLeaks and knew about WikiLeaks release of hacked emails from John Podesta.
No there isn't. If there was, there would be indictments. There are none. There is no proof, no smoking gun, just a masturbation fantasy of your ilk.
You need to post 3-5 million more to come close to Trumps claim.

Funny how Kobach wants states to release enough information for hackers to steal the identity of every voter.

kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who is vice chairman of the commission, gave states on Wednesday about two weeks to hand over roughly a dozen data points of voters who participated in the 2016 election, including birthdates, the last four digits of Social Security numbers, voting history, military status, and information about felony convictions.

My Identity Was Stolen. Here’s How They Did It — NOVA Next | PBS

My bank informed me that a thief with knowledge of my social security number, address, birthdate, and mother’s maiden name had succeeded in changing the contact information associated with my credit card.

Given an individual’s birthdate and the state they were born in, the researchers could, in some cases, predict the first five digits of an individual’s social security number with more than 90% accuracy.

Only way to do that is audit the election, that's what the commission is trying to do. What are you folks hiding?

BTW all that information is available though public records.


Quit lying. Some of the information is not available. Birth dates, license numbers, and social security numbers are not available. They have not said what they will do with the information. Why don't you just up you Nazi goon. You don't have to be hiding anything to oppose this.

What, do you think the federal government doesn't already know all that information and much more. Also you can go to your county registrars office and get a complete list of every one registered to vote and what ballot they voted in the last primary or what party they declared on their registration. You can also find out if any of them voted and when. If your dear leader were asking for this you wouldn't say a freaking word. So run along snowflake and kiss my ass on your way out.


Twenty-four states have defied Trump’s request for sensitive voter information data, as they are refusing to turn over personal information to the unstable president.

Ari Berman of The Nation has the updated listed:

Ari Berman


24 states won't provide voter data to Kobach: AZ, CA, CT, IN, KY, MA, MN, MS, NC, NM, ND, NV, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SD, TN, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI

6:05 PM - 30 Jun 2017
Twitter Ads info and privacy

The Secretary of State in Mississippi told Trump to go jump in the Gulf of Mexico. The home state of the man leading Trump’s voter suppression charge, Kansas Sec. of State Kris Kobach turned down his request for voter data.

The panel which was born out of Trump’s false belief that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote because of people voting illegally has turned into another black eye and a complete fiasco for this White House.

The smart thing to do would be for the White House to quietly announce over the holiday weekend that they are putting the commission on hold for the time being, and then never speak of it again. Since this is the Trump administration, they will probably attack the states that refuse to turn over the voter data, and claim that since Trump is president, he can do whatever he wants.

It’s ironic that just days before America’s Independence Day holiday, the states are celebrating their independence by defying a request from a president who is becoming more like King George III with each passing day of his presidency.

24 States Have Defied Trump And Are Refusing His Request For Voter Information

And if they don't turn it over, the orange assclown is going to do what?

That's good. I only wish the rest of the states told trump to shove it.
No there isn't. If there was, there would be indictments. There are none. There is no proof, no smoking gun, just a masturbation fantasy of your ilk.

It looks like Flynn is at the center of the russia probe. He's linked to Kushner setting up a back channel. He's linked to smith who solicited russian hackers. He's linked to Trump and obstruction in his firing Comey.
What, do you think the federal government doesn't already know all that information and much more.


The comission isn't the federal government. If the government already has the information why doesn't he get it from the feds.
No there isn't. If there was, there would be indictments. There are none. There is no proof, no smoking gun, just a masturbation fantasy of your ilk.

It looks like Flynn is at the center of the russia probe. He's linked to Kushner setting up a back channel. He's linked to smith who solicited russian hackers. He's linked to Trump and obstruction in his firing Comey.
All shit house rumors.
Kobach is known as KKKris and we know that trump is kkk. This is all about stopping certain Americans from voting and, thanks to RWs who hate their own country, they are succeeding.

No we hate the country that you leftys want to make it into..thank god for Trump rolling back all the damage Obama caused.


Kobach is a garbage racist asshole was sued several times of irregularities and lost. Like vote suppressions-------- Then Trump paraded him-----Just think who in the right mind will do that? Why can he pick someone with credibility?

And this supposed to be the main guy that will lead the investigation of voter fraud. Who will do the check and balance the validity of his investigation? Who? him?
His own state rejected his request and so with Mike Pence Indiana said NO.

Not a single shred of evidence that 3 to 5 millions illegals voted last election.
24 states thgst should not get a single penny from the Federal Government. Bet they'll have a difderent response when the state's residents get their SS, Medicare and Medicaid paynents stopped.

Well, there's a way to make the federal govt completely impotent.
No there isn't. If there was, there would be indictments. There are none. There is no proof, no smoking gun, just a masturbation fantasy of your ilk.

It looks like Flynn is at the center of the russia probe. He's linked to Kushner setting up a back channel. He's linked to smith who solicited russian hackers. He's linked to Trump and obstruction in his firing Comey.
And how far has that speculation gotten you so far, snowflake?
There is no reason for this information to go to Washington.

Maybe we should have the same type of list of registered gun owners in each state. After all, what do legal gun owners have to hide?

Suddenly republicans are against states rights, and want to federalize the election process.
States rights was just a vehicle republicans used to capture the South over 40 years ago. They have had no problem ignoring states rights when it fits their goals, however it has become a key plank in republican platforms and for good reasons. By transferring huge problems such healthcare, welfare, and education to the states it accomplish several goals.
  • First, it allow republicans at the national level to adopt the "not my problem" rhetoric.
  • Knowing states can not run deficits and can not possibly raise enough funds to cover the cost of these programs, it will reduce government support, leaving the poor and low income workers to fend for themselves, a long time goal of many republicans.
  • Lastly, if frees up federal funds to abolish estate taxes, taxes on investment gains, lower tax rates for the most wealthy, and cut corporate taxes.
Republicans love states rights, at least most of time.
No one has proven any Trump/Russia collusion either but that didn't stop the investigation, did it, asshole? What's wrong, you got something to hide?
How do you know that the collusion has not already been proven?
My point is that there is no proof of collusion but still an investigation. Why not apply the same standard to voter fraud? Maybe because Democrats benefit by voter fraud?
If someone makes a definitive claim of voter fraud, they must have proof
Did anyone have proof of Russia collusion?

Yes there is. The Russians clearly interfered in our elections to the benefit of Trump. Several Trump campaign associates have relationships with Russia. Roger Stone said he had a backchannel to WikiLeaks and knew about WikiLeaks release of hacked emails from John Podesta.
I interfered in the elections to the benefit of Trump, but he didn't collude with me.
So the left has no interest in finding out about voter fraud now? Could it be because Trump was picking up votes when they did look into it. It was the battle cry for libs not long ago. Funny how that works, looks like the popular vote narrative is no longer important.
No one has ever proven that voter fraud exists. Most likely it never has and never will.
No one has proven any Trump/Russia collusion either but that didn't stop the investigation, did it, asshole? What's wrong, you got something to hide?
How do you know that the collusion has not already been proven?
My point is that there is no proof of collusion but still an investigation. Why not apply the same standard to voter fraud? Maybe because Democrats benefit by voter fraud?

How do you know that there were no real collusions?

Collusions and this Trump voter fraud are totally different animal.
1. Trump voter fraud ------- is only an ego boosting conspiracy theory.
2. The collusions is real ----Trump is just defending and deflecting.
What, do you think the federal government doesn't already know all that information and much more.


The comission isn't the federal government. If the government already has the information why doesn't he get it from the feds.

Because they want to compare what they have with the voter rolls, it's the only way to tell if someone is using a stolen identity of a person living or dead. It's basically an audit, but I wouldn't expect you to know what that is. Maybe an adult can explain it to ya.

No one has proven any Trump/Russia collusion either but that didn't stop the investigation, did it, asshole? What's wrong, you got something to hide?
How do you know that the collusion has not already been proven?
My point is that there is no proof of collusion but still an investigation. Why not apply the same standard to voter fraud? Maybe because Democrats benefit by voter fraud?

The left is upset because Trump is going to deport most of their voters.
And as far as voter data is concerned, those states will change their feeble minds.

Wanna bet?

Kris Kobach's Own State Just Defied His Bogus 'Election Integrity' Commission

Even the state of Kansas told Kris Kobach to go fuck himself.

Where I come from this is what we call getting the taste bitch slapped out of your mouth.

And there isn't anything they can do about it but take it.

Once again you admit no collusion between Russia and Trump


Why don't you read Skew post instead of inserting another dumb post?

So let me repeat it for you even ------ Kobach own state told him to go fuck himself. What that tells you?

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