288,000 jobs in June

Too little, too late. The next quarter's numbers will confirm we are in a recession.

5 straight months of strong job reports, a Market near 17K, Most major corporations reporting record profits, but one bad quarter (Due mainly to a severe winter) and we are in a recession.

Please..don't ever get into the financial industry. :cuckoo:

Rabbi has been predicting a recession for five years
Stagflation was caused by 1970's Oil Embargo & Congress failure to raise the debt limit causing the US Treasury to miss debt payments spiking interest rates to 16.3%.

Today we are increasing domestic oil & other energy production. Deficits are falling, gold is falling, velocity of money is falling, grain price is falling, crop yield is rising, employment is rising. Stagflation is off the table at least until the end of Obama's term.

No it's not. The Fed is going to have to know just when to drain liquidity, how much, and how rapidly. No one can claim to know if it's going to work. No one. And anyone in the finance industry will agree with me.


There is zero justification at this point for the Fed's interest rate policy. Actually there is one justification: if they raise rates now the Democrats will likely lose even worse in November.
Yes its come to that.

They're in between a rock and a hard place. Wait, let me revise, they've put themselves in between a rock and a hard place.

Look at the asset inflation in the face of an economy that has essentially been dead in the water for 5 years. They have to watch that, they have to time the liquidity drain just right, they're gonna be thrust into politics like crazy, buried in bullshit and demands from the politicians.

Holy shit. I wouldn't want to be Yellen.

Employment is rising at increasing velocity. Last 5 months average 250k jobs added per month, last year the average was 193K jobs added per month.

Links to your made up statistics. We've all watched those numbers revised DOWNWARD.
this does sort of show the increasing irrelevance of the unemployment rate as compared to the underemployment rate and the job market participation rate both of which remain weak. the fact is that a lot of people have just given up looking and therefore dont affect the unemployment rate any more or are working part time jobs or jobs for which they are very over qualified.

remember we are one more quarter of negative GDP growth from recession land so things are not going well.


This might be enough to be a kick in the ass. 50/50.

Let's keep it going.


Actually that is barely treading water.

Summer has started, so college students are looking for work. 288k is a drop in the bucket compared to what is needed. It doesn't make up for the 3% contraction we just went through last quarter.

It's all psychology now. 150k to 175k is treading water. If we can get close to 300k next time, that might get us going.

If, might, etc.....


We're hoping for at least +3.0% second quarter, +2.8% absolute minimum. Anything less than that would be a disappointment.

Where is that going to come from? Household spending is down. Business investment is down. Gov' spending is flat/down. So how will you get over 3% growth?

A little bit will/would be a rebound from the first quarter, but -- as uneven as the data is -- there has also been some good numbers. There's a general feeling in the industry (who knows if this is right) that the economy can only be held down for so long by an administration. I can see that, an economy is as much psychological as structural.

Anyway, that's the guess, we'll see.


The creation of jobs seems to me could be misleading. With the boomers dropping out of the work force it would only seem logical that there would be lots of hiring. Doesn't mean the economy is growing or will grow as witnessed by the 1st quarter.

You imply that somehow the administration is holding down growth, could you elaborate on what they need do to release their grip?

As I read the information, retail sales are weak, exports have not increased so what in your opinion will spur economic growth?
Employment is rising at increasing velocity. Last 5 months average 250k jobs added per month, last year the average was 193K jobs added per month.

Links to your made up statistics. We've all watched those numbers revised DOWNWARD.

Actually, the numbers have been revised UPWARD

"Also encouraging: Job gains for April and May were revised up by a total 29,000. April's increase was revised to 304,000 from 282,000 and May's to 224,000 from 217,000."
Too little, too late. The next quarter's numbers will confirm we are in a recession.

5 straight months of strong job reports, a Market near 17K, Most major corporations reporting record profits, but one bad quarter (Due mainly to a severe winter) and we are in a recession.

Please..don't ever get into the financial industry. :cuckoo:

After Five Years Of Obamanomics, A Record 100 Million Americans Not Working - Forbes

You and your nest of loons are so full of shit.. and for some reason, even with the polling data showing your boy King is absolutely despised, you dummies still continue to perpetuate so many lies.. It's absolutely dumbfounding.. LIBERALISM IS INSANITY.. it's true.. the studies are true.

Well you guys are using a brand new metric never before used in the history of economics.

You've started adding retirees, handicapped and a bunch of other people unable to work into the pool of people without jobs.

That's amazing.

Here's some facts.

Obama?s Numbers (Quarterly Update)

We regained all the jobs lost during the Bush financial cataclysm.

NOW? The Obama administration is both beating the Bush administration in terms of job creation and is building an economy that will see lasting growth.

That's something you conservatives NEVER achieve.

Conservatives cause instability, wealth inequality, massive poverty, boom and busts.

Keep crying..though. :(

These numbers, whether they end up good or bad, are not the big picture. There's going to be growth. The question is whether growth will be able to mitigate inflation. If it does, we'll be able to stay on top of inflation. If it does not, we'll end up with stagflation.

If you know what's gonna happen, start a hedge fund, you'll make billions.

The rest of us don't know.

Stagflation was caused by 1970's Oil Embargo & Congress failure to raise the debt limit causing the US Treasury to miss debt payments spiking interest rates to 16.3%.

Today we are increasing domestic oil & other energy production. Deficits are falling, gold is falling, velocity of money is falling, grain price is falling, crop yield is rising, employment is rising. Stagflation is off the table at least until the end of Obama's term.

No it's not. The Fed is going to have to know just when to drain liquidity, how much, and how rapidly. No one can claim to know if it's going to work. No one. And anyone in the finance industry will agree with me.

The velocity of money will fall for 4 more years to burn off the bubble. That continues to pull down demand for loans, interest rates & inflation. Then there is still the 75 million retiring Baby Boomers dragging these same rates down. There is no inflation on the horizon. Plus the 10 million slack in the job market also keeps a lid on inflation. The doom & gloomers have been proven wrong.
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Stagflation was caused by 1970's Oil Embargo & Congress failure to raise the debt limit causing the US Treasury to miss debt payments spiking interest rates to 16.3%.

Today we are increasing domestic oil & other energy production. Deficits are falling, gold is falling, velocity of money is falling, grain price is falling, crop yield is rising, employment is rising. Stagflation is off the table at least until the end of Obama's term.

No it's not. The Fed is going to have to know just when to drain liquidity, how much, and how rapidly. No one can claim to know if it's going to work. No one. And anyone in the finance industry will agree with me.

The velocity of money will fall for 4 more years to burn off the bubble. That continues to pull down demand for loans, interest rates & inflation. Then there is still the 75 million retiring Baby Boomers dragging these same rates down. There is no inflation on the horizon. The doom & gloomers have been proven wrong.


The Real Inflation Fear - US Food Prices Are Up 19% In 2014 | Zero Hedge

July Fourth fires up highest gas prices since '08

You imply that somehow the administration is holding down growth, could you elaborate on what they need do to release their grip?

Well, completely change their opinions, public comments, stances and actions regarding business. So, since that's not gonna happen, this will have to be organic, by business being willing to take more chances than it usually would. Then, ironically, when business does that and things improve, the administration will get any credit. Gotta love it.

As I read the information, retail sales are weak, exports have not increased so what in your opinion will spur economic growth?

Business and the markets know that the market run-up has not been based on traditional business activity, believe me. It's been based on the Fed's manic liquidity, the cash reserves of corporations who are scared shitless by the administration to spend it, and the relentless search for yield. All of that is the reality.

So in the face of this, business still has to survive, and to survive it has to move, like a fish in water. So, as thankless as this will be, it will have to fall on the sword and take bigger risks than it wants to. That will be the trigger, and it may already be happening.

I don't know if that makes sense, but I can tell you that's what markets are thinking in general.

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No it's not. The Fed is going to have to know just when to drain liquidity, how much, and how rapidly. No one can claim to know if it's going to work. No one. And anyone in the finance industry will agree with me.

The velocity of money will fall for 4 more years to burn off the bubble. That continues to pull down demand for loans, interest rates & inflation. Then there is still the 75 million retiring Baby Boomers dragging these same rates down. There is no inflation on the horizon. The doom & gloomers have been proven wrong.

The Real Inflation Fear - US Food Prices Are Up 19% In 2014 | Zero Hedge

July Fourth fires up highest gas prices since '08


News Stories & Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one & they stink. The facts have proven you irrelevant to economic discussions.
The velocity of money will fall for 4 more years to burn off the bubble. That continues to pull down demand for loans, interest rates & inflation. Then there is still the 75 million retiring Baby Boomers dragging these same rates down. There is no inflation on the horizon. The doom & gloomers have been proven wrong.

The Real Inflation Fear - US Food Prices Are Up 19% In 2014 | Zero Hedge

July Fourth fires up highest gas prices since '08


News Stories & Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one & they stink. The facts have proven you irrelevant to economic discussions.

WTF??? How old are you? Are you out on summer vacay?? You sound like a certified retard.. Honest to God, what the fuck kind of sentence structure is that? LOL

I posted links with real data STUPIDASS..
The velocity of money will fall for 4 more years to burn off the bubble. That continues to pull down demand for loans, interest rates & inflation. Then there is still the 75 million retiring Baby Boomers dragging these same rates down. There is no inflation on the horizon. The doom & gloomers have been proven wrong.

The Real Inflation Fear - US Food Prices Are Up 19% In 2014 | Zero Hedge

July Fourth fires up highest gas prices since '08


News Stories & Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one & they stink. The facts have proven you irrelevant to economic discussions.

Have you actually bought anything in the last year? I can not believe you have gone shopping once and can say there is not inflation. MAYBE the inflation number is not increasing because they measure inflation discounting those things that people actually need to live, like food and energy.


This might be enough to be a kick in the ass. 50/50.

Let's keep it going.


Actually that is barely treading water.

Summer has started, so college students are looking for work. 288k is a drop in the bucket compared to what is needed. It doesn't make up for the 3% contraction we just went through last quarter.

It's all psychology now. 150k to 175k is treading water. If we can get close to 300k next time, that might get us going.

If, might, etc.....


I think Obama has more effect on the economy than people give him credit.

If everyone feels he's sleeping at the wheel, doing his renegade act, breaking the law, nobody will trust anything. The numbers could all be bogus, just like the numbers coming from the VA and every other federal department. We can't trust these people. The numbers look decent but are they even genuine?

Who knows. Can we trust these shtforbrains to tell us the truth?

Absolutely not.....
No it's not. The Fed is going to have to know just when to drain liquidity, how much, and how rapidly. No one can claim to know if it's going to work. No one. And anyone in the finance industry will agree with me.

The velocity of money will fall for 4 more years to burn off the bubble. That continues to pull down demand for loans, interest rates & inflation. Then there is still the 75 million retiring Baby Boomers dragging these same rates down. There is no inflation on the horizon. The doom & gloomers have been proven wrong.


The Real Inflation Fear - US Food Prices Are Up 19% In 2014 | Zero Hedge

July Fourth fires up highest gas prices since '08


"O" really is the Messiah!
Food prices are up because of the droughts, not only in America but world wide. "O" caused the droughts. Of course gas is up because of what's going on in the ME and that's because of Obama too, he after all, started getting radical Islam going when he intervened in the ME decades ago.
The Messiah is amazing!
I think Obama has more effect on the economy than people give him credit.

Sure. What they clearly don't understand is how important psychology is to business. It's not just numbers and graphs, it's an overall environment that includes public statements, regulations and other actions. And Democrats who pretend that the current environment is not hostile either are not paying attention, just don't understand how business really works, or just don't care.


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